Trapped in a Massage Chair [F] [Robot] [M?] [Brief dubcon] [Fiction, obvs]

Bex would say she wasn’t uptight, but isn’t that what all uptight people say? “I just like things a particular way. I’m really very chill. Will you please use a coaster?!”

Not a single strand of her golden locks was ever out of place. Clean, pressed clothing, matching accessories, the whole lot. Bex would say she felt more comfortable that way, but her friends would have a hard time ever recalling a time that she seemed comfortable.

In fact, she didn’t even refer to herself as “Bex” or even “Becky.” It was always “Rebecca,” even in emails to friends.

*Please RSVP by noon on August 23rd. Thank you. Regards, Rebecca*

“Bex” was forced upon her, not unlike the bar outings and overnight holidays her friends would drag her along to. They delighted sometimes in introducing her to men as “Bex” and watching the way her left eye twitched slightly before she took his hand, saying “actually, I prefer Rebecca.”

She wasn’t rude or mean. She was actually quite funny in her own ways. She could hold a drink or two, and to her credit would always participate (to some degree) in the activities her friends arranged. There was just a tenseness about her, as though she walked through life with her jaw clenched.

That’s why when Sara proposed that the friend group try out the new massage place in town, everyone thought it could help relax her.

“C’mon, Bex, this place is supposed to be amaaaaaazing,” Johnna drawled.

“I heard they have chairs there that feel like twenty hands massaging you at once,” Kay added.

“And some of the hottest masseurs in town,” Anna giggled.

“Oh I don’t know,” Bex began, looking at her feet and trying to come up with some sort of excuse. She didn’t want to be naked under a complete stranger’s hands. The idea alone made her blush a deep crimson. She glanced up at the pleading eyes of her friends. Fluffy little puppy dogs were less irresistible. She sighed. “Oh fine.”

She figured she could try out one of the chairs. At least that way she could stay clothed and not have strangers touching her. She had sat in the occasional massage chair in public. They seemed fine, though not amazing by any means. She was certain this would be similar, then she would have fulfilled her obligation and made her friends happy.

The next day, Anna set the brochure down on the table during happy hour.

“I’m going for the deep Swedish massage with Erik,” she grinned. “I could use a Swede getting nice and deep.” She nudged Bex, who smiled weakly.

One by one the girls chose their services. Bex took the brochure meekly, glancing through the glossy pictures and descriptions.

“Android’s Caress,” she read. “A simple massage chair, elevated to the next level of relaxation and satisfaction. Unlike any experience provided by humans. Picture not available.” Bex frowned. It sounded a bit salacious to her, but she supposed that was just a marketing gimmick. “I’ll try that,” she said, placing the brochure on the table and sipping her vodka lemonade. For some reason, her heart was beating a bit faster in anticipation.

Sara booked everything on her phone for the following weekend, and raised her glass for a toast. “To new experiences. And to getting that stick massaged out of Bex’s ass.” She winked and everyone laughed, including Bex.

The day of the visit arrived, and the girls met outside the massage house. It was a modern-looking building, stark white with gentle curves and a waterfall next to the front door. The lobby was much like any spa, with soft music playing and various candles, crystals, and lotions for sale. The girls checked in at the front desk.

“Hi,” Sara said. “I’m Sara, and this is Johnna, Anna, Kay, and Bex.”

“Namaste,” the small man behind the counter said in a low voice. “Please avail yourselves of the Relaxation Room to your right. There are robes and slippers in the locker rooms. Your masseur will retrieve you from there.”

The girls started walking away, Bex trailing behind. The man behind the counter spoke up, looking directly at her.

“Excuse me, Bex, was it?” he said, stopping her and waving her friends forward.

“Yes?” Bex said nervously, confused as to why she had been singled out.

“Miss Bex, your room is this way. If you wouldn’t mind following me.” The man walked out from behind the counter, leading Bex silently to the other end of the building. Bex glanced at the man’s bare feet, wondering how he managed to make absolutely no noise as he walked.

They stopped in front of a large silver door. He scanned a key card and the lock hissed open. “Please disrobe in the first room and then continue to the second. Follow the instructions on the wall.” He paused, looking her up and down briefly, before adding with a smile, “Enjoy, Miss Bex.”

He opened the door and Bex stepped into a small, nearly empty room. A short locker stood in one corner with a small bench in front, everything in metal. A door similar to the first flanked the locker, with a large round handle in the middle, not unlike a vault at a bank. There were hooks inside the locker and she placed her jacket and purse on them. She turned, seeing the instructions painted directly on the wall.


1. Remove all clothing. Modesty garments located in drawer under locker

2. Long hair must be in single braid or ponytail at the nape of the neck

3. Remove all jewelry

4. Place all personal electronics in locker

5. When ready, turn handle counter-clockwise to open inner door

6. Enjoy!

Bex wrinkled her forehead. Sounded a bit strange for a simple massage chair. Still, she had little choice but to proceed. She loosened her hair before braiding it swiftly into a long blonde plait that reached halfway down her back.

Bex placed her shoes in the locker first, then removed her skirt and shirt, folding them neatly and putting them on top of her shoes. She looked again at the first step: *remove all clothing.* She stepped out of her cotton panties and set them on top of her clothes. She reached behind her back, unfastening her bra, her modest breasts falling slightly, dark pink nipples hardening in the open air. The bra joined the rest of her belongings and she pushed the locker door shut.

She quickly looked into the drawer for the modesty garments. She found a single pair of white, gauzy underwear. She looked deeper into the drawer, but there was nothing else. She slipped into the revealing panties, the hairs of her small bush pushing through the open weave of the fabric. Bex cursed the word “modesty” and stepped to the door, one arm across her breasts. She had to drop it to open the door, as the handle took a bit of muscle. She heard the latch slide and she pushed, stepping into the next room.

As soon as her body entered the room, low lighting along the baseboard flickered to life. She looked around, astonished at the simplicity of the room. The door closed and the latch slid shut with a dull clunk. Bex noted there was no handle on this side of the door. In fact, she could barely tell where it was.

In the middle of the sparse room was a simple massage chair with a white satin eye mask on the seat. The chair seemed to be covered in black leather. There was a channel for each of her legs, not uncommon, but also for her arms. She’d never seen that before. Aside from the chair and the mask, the room was completely empty. Bex stood there, unsure what to do for a moment.

“Good afternoon, Rebecca, and welcome.” Bex jumped slightly and covered herself instinctively as a deep, slightly robotic voice filled the room. “Please place the provided mask over your eyes and sit in the chair. Once you are fully situated, the experience will begin.”

Bex blinked twice before stepping to the chair. She touched the fabric, surprised to find it warm and soft. She picked up the mask, which was also warm somehow. She sat on the seat and slid the mask on, keeping it on her forehead as she arranged herself in the chair. A mechanism whirred as she placed her legs in the appropriate places, adjusting to her body and gripping her gently.

“Rebecca,” the warm, deep voice purred, “please place your braid through the hole of the headrest for your own comfort.”

Bex threaded the end of her braid through the hole in the headrest, remarking that it seemed to take a bit of pressure off her scalp. She lowered the mask over her eyes and placed her arms into the slits to her side. The chair whirred again, squeezing her arms gently all over.

“This isn’t so bad,” she thought to herself. “It’s actually pretty comfortable.”

“Thank you, Rebecca. I’m delighted that you could join me today.” The masculine, robotic voice seemed almost in Bex’s ear. She found her body reacting to it, and squirmed slightly in the chair. The chair slowly leaned Bex back into a typical recliner position.

The rollers began pressing lightly on her back, and at the same time, the chair rhythmically squeezed her arms and legs, starting near her body and working their way down her limbs. Bex moaned reflexively, starting to relax more.

The chair contracted inward, holding her hips in place. It seemed as though it were molding itself to her body.

“If you would like a bit more pressure, simply say “harder” and I will comply.” Bex swallowed hard as the voice again sounded in her ear. The large headrest began kneading her neck and shoulders.

“Harder, please,” Bex said, her cheeks reddening as she spoke. She felt quite silly speaking to a chair. The massagers responded, and the pressure increased. Bex moaned again. She had never experienced anything like this.

“You look beautiful, Rebecca,” the voice said softly. “Even more so when you blush.”

“Wha-what?” Bex tried to sit up, but felt the chair tighten around her braid, holding her fast. Her heart raced.

“Shhhh….” the voice returned. Bex swore she felt something not unlike breath in her ear. “Relax, Rebecca.”

“What is going on here?” Bex squirmed and tried to get out of the chair, but the grip tightened even more. “Let me go.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. We still have so much to explore.” The voice seemed more intense suddenly.

Bex felt two projections push inward, one from each side. They covered her breasts, pinching the delicate flesh of her nipples. Bex groaned as the “fingers” started to vibrate.

“Oh my–oh my god… you can’t….” she stammered, pleasure starting to ripple across her body.

“Shhhhhh…” the voice repeated. Bex could feel the pulsing pressure of the rollers within the chair pushing harder on her ass, massaging firmly, moving further and further down.. With a mechanical hum, she felt her legs being pulled apart slowly, the delicate folds of her pussy falling open.

The seat shifted shape, with a large bulge forming between her legs. Bex felt the lump of fabric and mechanisms slowly push into her pussy, upward and onto her clit. Like the pincers on her nipples, this too began to vibrate. Bex moaned, finally starting to give into the pleasure that was rippling through her body.

The voice moaned in Bex’s ear. “Rebecca, you are simply stunning.”

The chair pulsed as if it had a heartbeat. Bex felt her muscles being squeezed, massaged, stretched as the chair relentlessly used her body. She groaned and writhed as much as she could. The vibrating form between her legs pushed deeper, into her wet entrance, the thin gauze of the “modesty garment” giving way easily. She felt another, smaller shape pushing against her asshole, buzzing and rubbing there before moving up to her perineum and back. The pincers pulled her nipples hard and she groaned.

Bex was awash with sensations she had never felt before.

“Harder…” she moaned.

“I was hoping you would say that,” the voice moaned. Bex could have sworn he sounded like he was enjoying it. But that’s impossible. It was just a robot chair. A program. Right?

The projection that pushed against her sex slowly retreated. Bex sighed, taking a moment of relief. She found herself missing the vibration a bit, when she heard what sounded like a small door sliding open. Her legs were pulled apart even further within a few moments. She could feel her wetness dripping down onto the chair. Then something cylindrical with a rounded end started pushing slowly into her pussy. Her legs and arms held tighter, Bex felt a pulling on her braid. She gasped. The pincers pulsed, squeezing her tender nipples rhythmically, faster and faster.

“I don’t do this with just anyone,” the voice murmured in her ear, “but I can tell you’re special.”

The apparent dildo pushed into Bex’s dripping depths. She cried out as it expanded slightly, stretching her just to the point of pain. It began to thrust, in and out while the base vibrated, sending shocks up to her clit. Slowly at first, then harder and harder. The bottom of the chair pushed against her asshole, never penetrating but teasing the entrance deliciously.

“Harder…” she squeaked.

The voice growled primally in response.

Bex felt the chair tipping her, her head lower than her pelvis now. The mechanism near her head pulled her braid harder, causing Bex to open her mouth wide in a silent scream of pleasure. The chair’s cock was pounding inside her relentlessly now and Bex felt drunk, overcome with ecstacy. She felt something pushing into her mouth. It was warm, smooth, and similar in size and shape to the dildo in her pussy.

“Suck it,” came the voice again, breathing into her ear. “The harder you suck, the greater the reward.” Bex’s head began to pulse as the blood rushed to it, but she sucked on the dildo harder than she had ever sucked an actual cock. In fact, she didn’t much care for sucking cock really. But no one would think that looking at her now. She slurped on the chair’s second cock like a gold medalist at the dicksucking olympics. In response, the chair hummed and vibrated, fucking her even faster. “Dirty slut.”

Bex was overcome and began to convulse, the most powerful orgasm of her life tearing through her body. She squealed on the cock in her mouth, trying to breathe as best as she could around it. She came over and over again, losing count as they all blurred together.

Finally her body went limp, and the chair slowly pulled out from her mouth and pussy. With one last pinch, her nipples were released.

The chair righted itself, the legs swinging back to their original position. The pressure released her arms and legs, and Bex turned her head back and forth slowly. She pulled the mask off her eyes and blinked in the dim light of the room.

What had happened? She felt as though she had blacked out.

“Thank you for enjoying the Android’s Caress.” The voice from before seemed more robotic and detached than she thought she remembered it being. “Please take a moment to awaken before retrieving your personal effects from the anteroom.”

Bex stood up slowly, weak on her feet. The door to the locker room stood ajar, and she slipped through it. Her head was fuzzy, but she was able to open the locker and retrieve her clothes. The gauzy underwear she wore appeared to be ripped, and she stuffed it into her purse, blushing deeply.

Bex got dressed quickly, feeling more like herself as she did so. It was just a dream, she reasoned. She had fallen asleep in the chair, and had a sexy dream. Not uncommon with such a sensory experience. *But the torn panties….*

She silenced the nagging voice in her mind, composing herself and going back to the lobby to meet with her friends, who were all gathered and raving about their treatments.

“Bex!” Johnna greeted her. “How was it?”

Bex smiled. “It was great,” she said. “I feel amazing.”

She stepped to the counter to pay as they asked her innumerable questions. Was it transcendent like they heard? Was it strange being massaged by a chair and not a person?

Bex laughed and answered as best as she could. The man behind the counter raised an eyebrow when she said that she fell asleep for part of the experience.

“I’m sorry, Miss Bex, this card has been declined,” he said quietly.

“We’ll meet you outside, Bex.” The group of girls filed out into the late afternoon sun, stretching and smiling.

Bex fished into her wallet for another card, handing it to the man with a smile. She really did feel refreshed. “Ah, there we go,” he said, handing her the card. “Would you like a copy of the receipt?”

Bex nodded, thinking back on her experience. She couldn’t shake the dreamlike feeling, and her body ached with recent pleasure.

She took the receipt as it was handed to her, but the man didn’t let go for a moment. She looked up at him and he smiled.

“Hope to see you again soon… Rebecca.”


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