Mommy’s Prolapse (incest m/s, anal, fisting, gaping, cervix play)

This is a very twisted story I wrote as a request for someone awhile back. I tried posting this story in another sub almost a year ago but I just discovered (as I was getting ready to get back to work on another storyline I am working) that it got deleted. This community seems pretty free-wheeling, so I thought this might be interested. This is my first post in this sub.

I have an idea for at least one additional story involving these two, and maybe that distant sister. I could even see two more stories maybe. If there is interest I may work it up, though I have another storyline I need to wrap up first before I do anymore with this one.

Enjoy. I hope this gets you where you need to go…

Mommy’s Prolapse

Moving back in with my mom had never been part of my plan, but sometimes life throws curveballs. The pandemic happened, I got laid off, my girlfriend dumped me and went back east to stay with her family during quarantine. I tried to find a job and make it without any help, but finally realized I was broke. My mom was the one who suggested I move back home, because she had been finding the pandemic to be lonely, too.

In the first few weeks after my girlfriend left, before my money ran out, my mother and I had taken to texting or calling almost every night. I wasn’t a child anymore, I was 23, and my mom was 42. My dad was out of the picture, and my younger sister was working on an internship at a German energy company in Berlin. So my mom and I actually were able to talk grown-up to grown-up. It was nice. She became my friend and confidant.

In hind sight, I realize that I should have expected what was waiting for me when I got home. She dropped some hints. But I was still to blinded by the loss of my girlfriend to read my mom’s signals from long distance – things like selfies taken when she was lying in bed, or sitting outside in a swimsuit sunning herself. She was my mom, it all went right over my head. So when I started getting the signals up-close, it was a bit of a system shock.

My mom lives in Arizona where it’s hot. When she came to the airport to pick me up, she was wearing a sports bra and some khaki shorts that weren’t quite booty shorts but were damn close. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with her wearing that. It just caught me by surprise. But I shrugged it off and she and I settled in for the hour-long ride home.

The car-ride was pretty much just catch-up time, and we chatted during the drive. I mostly looked out the front window as I rode along, but I have to admit that I did take a few glances at my mom’s – um – assets – a couple times during the ride. She has a classic mom-bod, so the relatively thin white fabric of the sports bra wasn’t doing a good job of holding it in. Her nipples were clearly visible under the light fabric, and the cool air flowing from the car’s A/C made them stand up nice and straight. And when I glanced down at her thighs I would have sworn I could see the edge of her labia peaking out of the legs of her super-short shorts.

I wouldn’t say I was aroused by her, but I was definitely distracted.

Back home, as we sat eating carry-out dinner, I caught her looking at me with a smile on her face.

“What?” I said.

“It’s just amazing,” my mom said.

“Amazing? What’s amazing?” I asked.

“You being here. Us being here. You being all grown up. You’ve gotten to be so handsome.”

That was awkward. I just shrugged. Of course she thought I was handsome. She was my mom.

“Thanks mom,” I said, fiddling with the food on my plate. I suddenly felt a queasy feeling in my stomach and my appetite was disappearing. I could see her sports bra out of the corner of my eye and her hard, dark nipples underneath were a distraction. The room was actually a tad warm, so her hard tits didn’t seem to be justified by the temperature. I wondered why they were hard. I felt a blush creep up my neck and tried to fight it down.

“We’re grown ups now,” my mom said. “You don’t need to call me mom anymore. You can call my by my real name.”

“Um…okay,” I said, looking down.

“Say my name,” my mom insisted. She reached out and put a hand on my arm. Her hands were soft, very soft. My arm tingled where her hand touched it.

“Okay…Paula,” I said, still looking down at the food.

“That’s better,” she said. “We’re both grown ups here, so we can go by first names now.”

“Um…okay,” I said again. I didn’t know where this was going, but I felt like I wanted to change the subject. Unfortunately I couldn’t think of another topic to change it to.

“Thanks,” my mom said. She leaned over and planted a quick peck on the edge of my cheek – almost onto my neck. As she did so, she pressed her heavy, pendulous breasts against my body. I could feel her hard nipples through the thin sports bra. It caught me by surprise and I stifled a gasp.

My mom didn’t seem to think it anything out of the ordinary.

“I’m going up to take a quick shower,” she said. “We can watch a movie afterwards.”

I nodded glumly, still trying to sort out my own thoughts from the conversation we had just had. My mom started up the stairs, then paused and turned back.

“While I’m in the shower, could you look at my computer? I’ve been having a problem with my browser. Videos won’t start.”

My mom often called me with her computer problems, this was nothing new. I nodded.

“Sure thing mom,” I said.


“I mean Paula.”

My mom headed up the stairs, and I found myself watching her as she went. Her mom bod had narrow waist but wide hips and a broad ass that quivered as she swayed it up the stairs. Her shorts had ridden up her cheeks and were pressed against her labia. I could see the outline of her slit. I could have sworn she was walking slowly and adding extra motion just for my benefit. At the top of the stairs she paused, then swiveled her head around. I looked away quickly but I am pretty sure she caught me staring at her ass.


I brought myself up short. Not cool to be lusting after mom. But that conversation we had just had was a little odd. What the hell had just happened?

To make matters worse, when I got up, I realized that my cock was rock-hard in my shorts.

This wasn’t cool either.

I grabbed my mom’s laptop and opened it up. I knew her password and a second later I had her Windows desktop in front of me. Firefox was already opened but minimized so I clicked on it to maximize it. Then my jaw hit the floor.

The browser was open to a porn site, which was in the middle of playing a video. The still frame of the paused video showed two women, one had her ass facing the camera, while the other was spreading the first woman’s cheeks and asshole apart.

But what really caught my eye was what was coming out of the second woman’s asshole. It looked like a huge pink bulb with a rose at the end. It wasn’t a toy, it was flesh.

What the fuck.

I noted the title of the video “Prolapse Sweethearts”. I had heard the word “prolapse” before, but had never seen it in videos or in real life. This was…weird. And even weirder that it was on my mom’s computer.

I clicked the video and ran it for about ten seconds, just to confirm that the video was working in the browser, then I minimized it again, closed the laptop and went into the living room. The combination of my mom’s behavior and seeing that video had me in an emotional tizzy and I was beginning to question my decision to move back home. My cock was threatening to get hard again – no, check that, my cock was most definitely hard again.

I flipped on Wheel of Fortune and sat their, miserable, waiting for my mom to come back down.

She seemed to take forever in the bathroom, doing what I didn’t know. Eventually. the shower came on upstairs.

Wheel finished and Jeopardy began. Finally, about halfway through the double jeopardy round, I heard my mom start down the stairs.

“Did you fix my laptop browser?” she asked.

I turned to her to tell her there was nothing wrong with her computer, and stopped cold. After her shower she had pulled on a lightweight almost translucent robe but didn’t appear to be wearing anything else underneath. Her big mommy tits were clearly outlined against the fabric, and her wide, long nipples appeared to be partially erect. The material was flimsy enough that I could see the brown of her aureoles and the dark of a narrow landing strip of pubic hair above the pussy perched between her wide, thick hips.

I gulped.

“Jesus mom,” I said. “Put on some clothes.”

“It’s Paula,” my mom said. “If you insist on calling me mom, call me mommy, it’s a lot sexier. And don’t be a prude. I know you saw that girlfriend of yours wearing a lot less. It’s warm, I wanted to be cool.”

“True, but she wasn’t my…my mommy.” I said, my cheeks burning red.

“So did you fix my laptop?” my mother asked, changing the subject.

“There was nothing wrong with your laptop,” I said. “Your browser seemed to be fine.”

“The videos don’t play,” she said. “I left one queued up, did you play it?”

I gulped. “The video looked a little…um…weird. I clicked it and ran it just a second or two to make sure it worked, then closed down the laptop.”


“You know, prolapses and all that are a fetish. It’s kind of weird.”

“Did that girlfriend of yours ever let you fuck hers?” my mom asked.

“Jesus, mom…I mean Paula…I mean Mommy…no, she didn’t. She didn’t even prolapse her asshole.”

“What about her vagina.”

“No…come on, can we talk about something else please?”

“Then how do you know it’s weird?”

As we talked, the opening in the front of my mom’s robe had slid down so it was down to about bellybutton level. The gap revealed the gracious curves of my mother’s tits and, as it gapped even wider, the edges of her brown aureoles.

I had to admit it, I was turned on. I was turned on by my mother. And I was also angry that she was doing this to me. It was weird. I needed a pause.

“Time out,” I said. “Forget the movie. I’m just going to go up, take a shower, and go to bed. I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

She started to say something, but I ignored her and went up to my room, grabbed a pair of cotton shorts then headed to the bathroom.

My cock was rock hard, but the idea of masturbating over my mother made me feel uncomfortable. I turned on the cold shower tap and climbed inside, letting the water chill me from the heat – both the kind from the desert and the kind induced by my suddenly-lecherous mother. My erection finally started to lose some tone and soften up. Thank God.

What the hell? Why was my mother doing these things? Had the pandemic isolation finally gotten to her? It was frustrating.

But a thought intruded that scared me. That thought was this: if a woman who looked like her came on to me like this – and she wasn’t my mom – I would be down there with my cock inside her rather than up here in a cold shower.

If she wasn’t my mother, this whole prolapse thing would be a lot more…interesting.

Did her being my mom make that much of a difference? What if she could push out her flesh like that woman in the video. What if I could ram my cock into my mother’s domed hole? What if I could hold her pink flesh and stroke my meat in and out, gaping her wide. That would be so fucking hot. I could just imagine fucking my Mommy’s asshole.

My Mommy’s deep, gaping, pink, prolapsed asshole…

Jesus, what was I thinking?

Those thoughts undid all the work the cold shower had accomplished. My cock rose back up to full attention.


I climbed out of the shower and toweled off, pulling on my shorts. I made my way to my bedroom and pulled the door open, but before I could duck inside I heard my mother calling me from downstairs.

“What?” I called back.

“Can you come down, just for a minute before you go to bed?”

I didn’t want to go down there.

“Can’t it wait until morning?” I said.

“I’d rather not. It will only take a sec.”

I cursed under my breath and peered down the stairs. My mother was standing at the bottom. The robe was only very loosely tied and hanging off her left shoulder. Her left breast was completely free, revealing her big brown nipple, and her landing strip and thick labia were completely visible.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. My cock was about to explode from my shorts. At that moment, everything came together in my mind – our conversations over the past few weeks, the pictures she had texted me, and now this.

I had been blind.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my mother, standing at the foot of the stairs half-naked and looking oh-so-fuckable.

Fuck it. Despite that she was my mom – or maybe because she was my mom – I wanted my cock inside her ASAP. If she wanted me to fuck her prolapse, then I would. Honestly, I was so angry-horny that I wanted to ram my meat into every hole she had. Maybe it was wrong, but that made it incredibly right. So if she wanted to come on strong, so could I.

I pulled off my shorts and let my cock stand up free. I wasn’t exactly small, I rocked a solid nine inches. My mother gasped, then smiled as I gave my meat a couple of hard strokes, then started walking naked down the stairs toward her, my immense rock-hard shaft swinging side to side.

“What is this all about?” I said, meeting her eyes squarely when I got to the bottom of the stairs. I stood so that her breasts were only an inch or two from my chest and the tip of my cock was almost brushing the narrow strip of fur above her heavy labia. For a moment, I think she was taken aback, but she recovered quickly and started talking.

“It’s just that, I’ve been thinking about your growing up, and how your father and I seemed to always be fighting, and then he took off when you were in your early teens. I struggled for awhile after that, so you never really had a safe, stable home until you were almost ready to go off to college. You’re single now, and I’m single, and we’re both attractive adults, I just thought I might be able to make things up to you. I know your childhood wasn’t the greatest, and I feel bad. So I’m willing to do anything I can to make it up to you.”

“Anything?” I asked.

“Anything at all,” she said. “I’m yours.”

“Wow,” I said. “That’s a whole lot to process.”

“Are you, you know, open to the idea? Do you find me attractive? Despite my weird fetish? Will you let me try to make you happy?”

“You are incredibly desirable,” I said. “In fact you are downright hot. And maybe it’s not weird. Maybe I only think this prolapse thing is weird because I never been with a woman who was into it. If you weren’t my…my Mommy I probably would have been less put off.”

“Exactly,” my mom said. “And I wasn’t into it either until that surgery a couple years ago. It altered some of my plumbing, and one day I discovered I could do…this. Will you let me try to make you happy?” my mother repeated.

I slowly nodded, then reached down and gave my cock a couple more light strokes.

“I’ve been staring at your mom tits ever since you met me at the airport,” I said. “Let’s start with those…Mommy…”

The tension in the room had reached a boiling point and now that the thought was out there we could not get it back into Pandora’s box. She leaned forward and we kissed, our tongues intertwining. She cupped my cock and balls as I pulled her robe apart and grabbed her gargantuan mommy tits. They were soft, abundant and delicious as I pulled them up to my mouth and sucked on her huge erect nipples. She moaned and closed her eyes as I worked my tongue around her pebbled aureoles and teased the hard points of my mother’s hard, pointed nipples. She begged me to suck her tits, and she squeezed her mounds hard, pushing them into my face as I devoured my Mommy’s breasts.

After a moment, she disengaged my mouth from her tits and knelt down in front of me, running her tongue up and down the long shaft of my cock and deep-throating my meat expertly. She gagged gently as she pulled the entire length of my cock down her throat, then pulled back, letting long streamers of throat slime run down my shaft.

“Fuck Mommy’s mouth,” she whispered, pulling my hand up to her hair and pushing her throat back down my cock.

Who was I to argue with my nasty little Mommy?

I took her hair in my hand and pushed my monster cock into my Mommy’s mouth, pressing all the way in until my balls hit her chin. I could feel the tip of my meat deep into her throat. I slid back out, then pushed in again, then again, feeling thick throat slime billow from my mother’s mouth around my meat, running down her chin, sticking to my balls, pooling on her gargantuan tits.

Mommy took it like a pro, just opening her throat and letting my immense meat slide in and out, occasionally gagging a little. Her little throat contractions sent shivers up my spine.

Finally, I pulled back and a thick rivulet of throat slime slid off my cock and down Mommy’s tits. She slid my meat between her monstrous tits, slowly tit fucking it while I watched.

“Have you ever felt a prolapse?” she asked, continuing to slide her big, soft mommy tits up and down my cock.

“Until I saw that video, I had never even seen one, let alone felt one,” I said. “What do I do?”

“Which prolapse do you want first?” she purred. “Mommy’s cunt or mommy’s asshole?”

“I’m a beginner,” I said. “Let’s start with Mommy’s cunt.”

“I love it when you call me Mommy…”

“I love to call you Mommy and I can’t wait to fuck Mommy’s prolapse. I want to fuck every hole you have. I want to be inside you more than you can imagine.”

“That’s Mommy’s little boy…”

Mommy laid back on the couch and spread her legs. As she did so, her labia naturally parted, gaping and showing some of the pink flesh beyond. Grool dribbled from the opening and a lobe of heavy flesh hovered just inside her vagina.

“So first you fuck it, then you fist it, then it prolapses,” she said. “Easy.”

I had never seen my mother’s pussy before. And right now, looking down at her naturally gaping snatch, my cock was harder than I think it had ever been. Not even my girlfriend had gotten me this aroused. I wanted my cock inside Mommy more than I had ever wanted it inside any woman before.

And I wanted her prolapses more than I had ever wanted any woman’s ass or cunt. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I whatever it was, if it was my Mommy’s body I wanted inside of it.

A rivulet of pre-come trickled from the tip of my cock. I reached down and coated my purple, pulsating meat with the thick fluid assaying from my mother’s gaping cunt. I let my mother give my throbbing cock several strokes before I slid it into her wide open snatch.

I started out being gentle, but my mother egged me on.

“You don’t think my cunnie got that way by me being gentle, do you?” she asked. “Ram that fucking thing home. Fuck mommy’s cunt.”

Any inhibition I had felt about fucking my mother pretty much evaporated at that point. I drove my mammoth cock all the way into her cavernous snatch. My balls bumped against her asshole and her tits shook with the impact. I pulled back and did it again. And again.

“Are you my nasty little Mommy?” I said as I pounded her.

“Fuck yeah,” my mom moaned. “I’m your nasty little Mommy, now and forever. Fuck mommy’s cunt. Fuck it harder. I want to feel the end of your cock pounding Mommy’s cervix.”

Her intonations, her nasty language, her moans, her jiggling tits, and her deep, soft, warm cunt drove me to distraction. I cranked up the pace, pistoning my cock in and out of my mother’s stretched pussy. I reached down and squeezed her mommy tits hard, then leaned down and sucked the long, hard nipples in my mouth. My mother moaned again, squeezing her own tits and pressing them into my face. I rammed my cock back into her. As she had hoped, I felt my cockhead bottom out against the ring of her cervix. She moaned. I slammed my cock against her cervix again and again, driving her to a frenzy of moans and almost-screams.

I felt my balls tighten. I didn’t want to come yet, did I? I started to pull out, but my mother grabbed me.

“Come inside Mommy’s cunt. I want your semen in my body, in my cunt, on my cervix.”

Her dirty talk drove me mad, and I drove my thick meat into her gaping Mommy-cunt again. She squeezed her cunt and that was all it took. Gushes of my thick seed dumped into my Mommy’s gaping hole as my balls pumped their love into her body. Pulse after pulse of my pearly come filled my mother’s body.

I thought I would start losing interest now that I had come, but my cock stayed hard as shot after shot of come poured into my Mommy’s snatch.

“Fuck yeah,” she said, between moans. “Now pull out and fist me. And don’t be gentle.”

As I slipped my meat from her cavernous cunt I tilted it forward, stretching her even wider. As the head of my still-pumping cock rode down the back side of her vag, her asshole beneath gaped open and a tiny bit of pink popped out for a second before the well-used sphincter slammed shut.

I knelt down between her knees and slipped three fingers inside her her thick, gushing, slit.

“I said fist me, not finger me,” my mother said. “I want both fists inside my cunt.”

I pulled open my mother’s labia, revealing the gaping cunt beyond. She was so hot she was practically pouring her juices mixed with my own jizz. I looked up at her mountainous tits and could see her nipples were hard as nails. She pulled one of her soft, gigantic tits up to her lips and sucked it.

I had never fisted a girl before, so I was going on instinct. I slipped a couple fingers from each hand into my mother’s cunt and pulled her thick lips apart. More grool and my semen poured out. The pink, wet, gaping hole beyond begged to be fisted, and I slid my right hand inside between the heavy cushions of pink flesh that led to her cervix. My mother moaned.

“Both hands,” she murmured. I slid my other hand into her slit. She moaned again. I could feel the ribbed muscles of her vagina walls quivering against my forearm.

My mother slid a hand down her stomach and used two fingers to pull back the hood on her clitoris. The little man in the boat stood tall and thick. It had to be two inches long at least. I leaned down and licked the underside of my mother’s clit, then pulled the entire little member into my mouth and sucked. She moaned again and grabbed my hair, pulling my face harder against the end of her cunt. I sucked and gently nibbled her clit as she moaned again and a fresh load of grool and my jizz flushed from my mother’s gaping snatch around my arms.

“Fist me deeper,” my mother said.

The fact that this was my Mommy made the situation even hotter. I pushed my arms deeper into her cunt, feeling her birth canal stretch around me, opening up effortlessly to allow my forearms inside. Eventually, when I was about halfway to my elbow, I felt my fingers bump up against the muscular, fleshy ring that made up her cervix.

I ran my fingers around her cervix and teased the opening a bit with my pinky. My mother’s back arched as she came – not for the first time – and her cunt filled up with more of her juices and what was left of my jizz.

Suddenly I felt her cervix pressing against my hands and muscles squeezing against my arms from above and below. Somehow I knew it was time. I began sliding my hands out of my Mommy’s cunt and could feel her cervix keeping pace with me as I slid inch-by-inch out of her her gaping slit.

My hands popped free. I used four fingers from each hand to pull my mother’s labia wide, and she reached down and slid another two in from the top. A thick lobe of flesh erupted from her cunt below her prolapsing cervix.

My mother’s pink, pulsating cervix slid several inches out beyond her cunt lips. Grool dripped off the fleshy ring and across the pink ribbed lobe beneath it. I had pulled her pussy painfully wide, but it didn’t seem to bother her. My mother moaned again.

“Lick mommy’s cervix,” she said.

I pressed my tongue against her dripping cervix, tasting her pussy juice and my own come as I licked.

Almost immediately I felt her body tighten with a fresh orgasm. Her cervix slipped partially back into her vagina, then she pushed it back out again. I closed my mouth around the pink mound surrounding her cervix and tongued the hole. Another orgasm washed through my mother as her vaginal prolapse tried to slide back into her cunt, but instead I locked my lips around and held onto it, sucking at the flesh to keep in I place. I could only hold on for a second before the slick, prolapsed pussy flesh slipped from my lips, but it was enough to elicit an “Oh God!” from my Mommy.

I thought Mommy would be ready for a break, but I was wrong. She rolled over on all fours, knelt on the couch and pulled a bottle of lube out, dropping a thick glob onto her asshole. Then she reached three fingers from each hand into her asshole and stretched it apart.

Inside, I could see pink crumpled folds of my mother’s ass flesh.

“Fuck mommy’s asshole,” she said. “Fuck it hard.”

A light dribble of jizz was still sliding from the end of my still-hard cock as I pressed the head against my mother’s pink, puckered asshole and began sliding in.

“Push your cock into mommy’s asshole all the way.”

She squeezed her sphincter as I pushed inside, making me feel every inch of my mother’s gaping asshole. About halfway in, I paused and slid back out an inch, causing her ass flesh to grab my meat and slide out with it. Then I continued pressing deeper and deeper until my balls bumped into my mother’s cunt.

“Hard and fast,” she said. “Pound mommy’s asshole.”

I was so aroused by this point I would have done anything she said. I pulled back and began reaming my mother’s ass, the impact of my stomach on her thick hips made the flesh quiver with each stroke. I reached up, grabbing a handful of her hair and yanked her head back. She just moaned and egged me on to go even harder, shaking her thick hips and squeezing her asshole even tighter. My cock ripped in and out of my mother’s asshole hard enough I was afraid I was going to hurt her, but she kept pushing me to go harder and faster.

I reached around and squeezed her tits, then slid my hand down and felt her cunt. The pressure from my cock inside her asshole had prolapsed her cunt back out and her fleshy lobes and cervix hovered at the entrance to her pussy.

My mother leaned back and put a hand on my chest.

“Pull out,” she said. “It’s time for you to see mommy’s asshole prolapse.”

Lube trickled off the end of my cock when it finally popped free of my mother’s pink, gaping asshole above her extended cervix.

She leaned back and used three fingers from each hand to stretch her asshole wide.

I had seen the image from the video that showed a decent sized prolapse, so I had an idea of what it would look like. But what suddenly popped from my own mother’s asshole was amazing. It had to have been almost a foot long and several inches in diameter. It was pink and muscly and dripping lube. And at the end was an aperture.

“Oh my God” I said, staring in amazement at the mass of pink flesh hanging out of my mother’s prolapsed asshole. It was beautiful. It was hot. It was amazing.

I ran my tongue over the pinkish-red mound of flesh and muscle, feeling the soft-but-firm tissue. In a way it felt kind of like a third boob, except it was pink, covered with lube, and had a hole at the end. I opened my lips wide and pulled the first four or five inches into my mouth, tasting my mother’s unbelievably clean, pink ass flesh.

My mother was moaning softly as a I pulled her prolapse out of my mouth and I slid a couple of fingers inside the tip, stretching her prolapse wider. The tissue yielded readily to my hands and my mother moaned.

“Fuck it,” my Mommy said. “Fuck mommy’s asshole prolapse.”

I squirted some lube on my cock, then as gently as I could, I seized the thick, muscly tissue in my hands, and guided my cock to the tight hole at the end. I had fucked my girlfriend’s asshole a couple of times, but that was nothing like this.

I gently began sliding my cock into the pink mountain in my hands, but my mother interrupted me.

“Fuck Mommy hard, don’t be gentle. Grab that thing and pound it.” As if to accentuate that fact, Mommy reached down and squeezed her prolapse, pressing it hard against my cock and eliciting a moan of pleasure from me. Though I had already come, my cock had been begging me for fresh release the moment it touched her prolapsed asshole. I felt like I was ready to burst.

“Now get fucking busy,” she said.

I didn’t need any more motivation. I seized my mother’s pink prolapse and started pistoning in and out of it as hard as a I could while still holding on to it. Mommy came again.

I don’t know how long I lasted, but it couldn’t be very long. I really didn’t care. My mom had been popping orgasms one after the other, and I had only come once. I was ready. I pounded Mommy’s pink pulsating anal prolapse with everything I had, sliding my cock in and out of her ass flesh, my balls slapping against her cervix that still hung at the entrance to her gaping cunt. It was a feeling unlike anything I had ever felt before.

My balls tightened and I groaned as a huge load of semen rocketed from the end of my gargantuan meat into my mother’s now-immense gaping asshole prolapse. I think she moaned again. I don’t know. Things got hazy for a moment as such a huge release of sexual energy poured from my cock into my mother’s inside-out anus. Endless loads of jizz sluiced out of my cock and into my mother’s bottomless asshole. It was incredible. Sweat poured off my my body and my mother’s as well. I leaned down and hugged her from behind as I came into her prolapsed asshole, squeezing her tits from behind. Our slick bodies slid against each other. She tilted her head back and we kissed as more and more of my seed emptied into her waiting asshole and her gaping prolapse slowly slid back inside her gaped sphincter, drawing still more come from my cock.

“So…was that good?” my mother asked. I lay back on the couch, soaked in sweat, and my mother slipped to her knees in front of me, slowly stroking my still-gushing cock, as if she was begging it to get hard again. She slid her mouth down the cock that had just seconds previous been deep in her asshole and gave it a gentle suck. My cock convulsed and shot yet another squirt into her mouth.

“That was…incredible…” I said.

“Anytime you want more,” she added, smiling. “ Just say the word. Mommy’s titties, cunt and asshole are always yours anytime you want…”

I smiled and leaned forward. I reached past her shoulders and slid three fingers into her anus, pulling up hard.

“Now…” I whispered, stretching mommy’s waiting, begging, gaping, prolapsing asshole.

