Brother and Sister move into a House Chapter 5

Hello! This is a fictional story. The character ages are Sarah 22, Josh 28.

pt 1: [](
Pt 2: [](
Pt 3: [](
Pt 4: [](


Josh stopped by the local grocery store on his way home from work the next day. He looked over the flower selection and pick out what he thought were some beautiful lilacs. Next, he went to the greeting card section and pondered which card to get. He looked at several depressing “I’m Sorry” cards that didn’t feel right. After a few more minutes he found one a card with a different theme and took that one.

He arrived home but Sarah wasn’t there. He placed the card and the flowers on the counter and paced awkwardly. He wasn’t sure what to do in the mean time. He sat down and looked at his phone for a few minutes but it became clear she wasn’t coming home soon.

He eventually went into his room and started dinking around on the computer.

It was later that evening when he heard her come in. He walked into the kitchen and saw her with the card in her hand and a bemused expression on her face.

“Is this your way of saying you’re sorry?” She asked

“Oh, yeah. I guess… I know last night was a little rough.” He said

She turned the card so it faced him. The words “BEST SISTER EVER” were written on the front.

“First, of all I’m the best sister ever just for the cum swallowing. Let alone the rough ass sex.” She said with a small smile

“Are we still doing that?” He said “The cum swallowing?”

“I think that deal was null and void when you dumped a load into my asshole.” She said and snorted

“Ah, I guess. Sorry. I know I got carried away.” He said “If there’s something you want I’ll do it.”

She looked at him for a few minutes and then looked away.

“Do you really want to do something?” She said

“Yeah, sure, do you want something?” He asked

“Can we just… cuddle and watch Netflix tonight? There’s a new show and it’d be nice to have someone near by. No sex, just us two on the bed.”

He smiled and said “Yeah, we can do that.”

She was calling the shots and she ordered him to change out of his work jeans and into some nice cozy shorts. She put on her pajamas and they laid on her bed. She nuzzled against him and rested inside his strong arms while they watched a new horror show that was on Netflix.

They mostly watched in silence but she would occasionally comment on the TV show saying something like “That’s right, you bastard!” or “Uh oh, not smart!”. Josh was glad she wasn’t mad at him and he was happy to indulge her and he watched with her, not really paying too much attention.

The credits started to roll on the third episode and sarah hit the pause button.

“Sometimes you can kinda will things into existance, I think.” She said

“What do you mean?” He said

“Like they used to say about that book The Secret? I think I kinda wanted you to push the limit, to really take what you wanted by force… I’ve kinda fantasized about that but I wouldn’t have wanted it to be with someone I didn’t know that well.” She said

“Oh, I guess.” He said. He wasn’t sure what to say.

“Like, you’re still an asshole for doing it don’t get me wrong but I’m glad you did it with me. And you also still owe me.” She said

“Ok.” He said

She hit the play button and the next episode played. Josh ran through the implications of her statement in his head.

Later, when the episode ended she let out a big stretch and paused the playback.

“Ok, I think I’m gonna head to sleep. Hey, another thing before you head out.” She said

“What?” Josh said

“Lick my butthole.” She said and giggled

“What?” He said incredulously

“Hey, you owe me. You pretty much raped my asshole so you have to do it.” she said and she was laughing really hard

“Oh jeez. Ok, drop your trousers.” He said

“They’re sweat pants Josh!” She said and she rolled over so her ass was hanging off the bed. She dropped her sweat pants and panties do below her butt cheeks.

“Ok, get in! Spread my cheeks and lick!” She could barely say she was laughing so hard

He sighed and got on one knee and brought his face to her ass. It looked good. He was horny and she looked enticing but he told himself that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

He spread her butt cheeks with his hands so her hole was more exposed. He gingerly stuck out his tongue until he touched her tight hole. He swirld the tip his tongue around against her tight rosebud.

“Oh my god! It feels so weird!” She said “Ok, keep going with more tongue!”

He tried to apply his cunniligious skills to her asshole and it felt weird. Her butt stank a little but he didn’t mind. He really felt he owed her and so he was in for whatever stuff she had in mind. He was secretly glad she was getting a kick out of this.

She was laughing too hard to make a coherrant sentence but eventually sputtered “Ok! Stop!” She pulled up pants. “Go drink some mouth wash, ass breath!” She said

He didn’t say anyting but smiled and walked to the bathroom. Sarah covered her mouth as she laughed at hime.

“I hope I was able make you feel a little better!” He shouted at her as he walked away

“Thank you for kissing it better, older brother! It feels so much better!” She called out to him

“Does it really?” He asked geniuinely

“No! It’ still super fucking sore!” She called out to him

After he brushed his teeth he walked back into her room.

“So, if you secretly enjoyed what we did last night do you want to do something like that again?” He asked

“I didn’t enjoy it. It was fucking terrifying and painful. But I kinda wanted to know what it was like to get taken and I enjoy the memory of it, I guess… We could do that again but… don’t just do it randomly.” She said “Talk to me so we can set up ground rules and a safe word or something. Probably no anal next time.”

He nodded. “Ok. It was super fucked up but it was also hot.” He said

“Yeah and also super fucking painful for me. It felt like you drove a F150 into the center of my asshole.” She said

He laughed.

“Yeah! Not as funny when you’re the one getting anally pounded!” She said, laughing.

“I’ll bet! I don’t envy you!” He said

She smiled at him.

He looked away and said “Do you want to try sex again tonight? But, like, slower?”

“I’m way too fucking sore.” She said “Besides, let’s make it a special thing? I also kinda liked it when it was… wrong and stuff.”

“Ok. So you want me to do more stuff like the envelope stuff?” He said

“Yes but maybe something different? But get creative. And maybe we’ll role play a rape scene some time.” She said and shrugged. “A rape scene where you’re only interested in my mouth and pussy and my butthole disgusts you.”

“Unless I want to lick it, right?” He said

“Yeah, you can lick my ass during the roleplay” She said and laughed


End part 5! Sign up for more updates! Please give an upvote or a comment if you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy or whatever.

Look at my profile for a bunch of other fucked up stories you can jack off to


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