Lydia swallowed, the ever-present lump in her throat persistent as always. She hadn’t expected the offices for the Hucow Recruitment Center to be so… cozy. Perhaps she’d expected something more sterile, something like the little white box she received in the mail from them monthly. In that precious little box, a plain white bottle labeled “Lactanium, 50mg” was packed neatly in some white styrofoam, along with a little insert containing usage instructions as well as some technical medical information that Lydia never bothered to read. All she really cared about were the pills in that little bottle- that was all that mattered.
Given the medical, straight forward nature of the monthly package, Lydia had just assumed the company headquarters would be the same. She was caught off guard by the plush red carpets, the old wooden furniture, the cozy vintage chair her ass was currently sinking into. The aesthetic evoked the image of an idyllic farm house, echoed in the hand-painted pastoral landscapes hanging on the wall.
If you thought about, it made sense- after all, they were trying to convince you to essentially sign your life away. Nobody would want to live in a cold, sterile hospital all their life. The interior had been designed to ease the anxiety of any potential signers- people like Lydia.
In Lydia’s case, however, the stark contrast from her expectations only made her more uneasy- not that anxiety wasn’t a feeling she was well acquainted with. In fact, if she hadn’t already made up her mind and steeled her resolve, she would running right out that cute wooden door.
Lydia closed her eyes, steadied her breath, tried to remind herself why she was here. Of course, volunteering yourself to live full time as a Hucow meant guaranteed food, shelter, and a comfortable life. The main downsides were that she couldn’t see her family- which, well, wasn’t a problem for Lydia. The other thing that would make most reconsider was that you could not leave the farm. Lydia’s anxiety prevented her from traveling anywhere anyway, and the farm grounds had all the amenities she could ever ask for. Above all, however, there was only one thing Lydia cared about- the mandatory daily milkings.
The Hucow Initiative, as the program was called, had started shortly after a severe global formula shortage. Many women, including Lydia’s sister, struggled to feed their babies to the point of crisis. In response, the government formulated a pill to massively increase milk production in women called Lactanium, and with it began the Hucow Initiative.
Under this program, volunteers could go to a local testing site and submit a small blood sample for testing. If their body was found to be compatible with the pill, they were sent a bottle of it monthly, along with any equipment necessary for pumping and storing milk.
After Lydia’s sister was found to be incompatible with the pill, Lydia decided to step up and volunteer herself. She’d never had a child for herself before, but she adored her niece and wanted to help her sister, along with anyone else she could. Little did Lydia know that this would be the start of an addiction.
The physical change happened startlingly fast. Although she did not produce milk for the first couple weeks, Lydia’s already generous bust increased several inches in the first ten days alone. Thankfully, the program supplied special bras for volunteers, otherwise Lydia would have gone broke at the specialty stores, especially after her bust exceeded an H cup.
However the best part, by far, was the milking process itself. At first, before Lydia started producing milk, the pump just felt like a rather pleasant, if slightly strange massage she gave herself a few times daily. When she actually began producing milk, the experience transformed into something new entirely.
She’d been at work, when it happened. An alarm chirped on Lydia’s watch, indicating it was time for a milking session. Lydia excused herself from the ongoing meeting, met with a huff and an eye roll from her annoyed boss. She ignored him as she gathered up her bag to go to head to the restroom. She knew her boss would get in huge trouble if he ever actually said or did anything- women in the Hucow Initiative were given special protection, and companies could face huge repercussions for firing or punishing employees who participated in it. Lydia was just grateful she had an excuse to skip a boring meeting or two, if anything.
The pumping session started normally- the machine whirred and hissed as each cup pumped away at both nipples, being met with nothing for their efforts. Lydia was tapping her foot and checking her watch, praying nobody would need to use the restroom when it happened.
“Ah-” Lydia choked back a yelp of surprise as she felt her nipples suddenly peak, the skin so hyper-sensitive that she nearly dropped the bottle she held in one hand. She looked down, watching before her as her pink nipples grew a shade deeper, the skin pebbling as her sensitivity grew. Suddenly, the only thing Lydia could focus on was the persistent pulling on her nipples, a sensation that seemed to travel straight down and pool between her legs.
Before she could even process what was happening, Lydia felt her body climbing, climbing, climbing until she plummeted from the edge in the most intense orgasm of her life. She lay slumped in the bathroom stall, bottle hanging limply from one hand and chest heaving raggedly, trying to process what just happened.
Lydia’s panties were soaked- she’d squirted. She never squirted. Moreover, a steady stream of creamy milk now flooded from her breasts, the area around the cup speckled with the liquid as if it had spurted out in time with her gushing orgasm. As she watched the thick liquid, transfixed as it traveled down the tube and trickled into the bottle, Lydia could feel the heat between her legs growing once more.
All told, she came five times during that session, each orgasm more glorious than the last. Each time, just when she thought her body had taken all the pleasure it possibly could, she somehow found more, and more, until she could feel her mind threatening to break. Perhaps that wouldn’t be so bad, she thought, if it meant she could live in this state of euphoria forever…
Just as Lydia was beginning to contemplate staying there forever, in the bathroom stall, soaked in her own juices and drenched in sweat, she looked down to notice the bottle was near overflowing.
Lydia made up some half-hearted excuse to go home early that day, rather than spend the rest of the day at the office covered in the stench of her own pleasure with her mind in a daze. She could hardly wait to get home for the next milking session- now that she was producing milk, it seemed her body was eager to give it away. The next session was just as euphoric and titillating as the last- and the next one, and the next one.
The next few weeks were wonderful. Lydia had plenty of milk left over to donate even after giving some to her grateful sister, and the daily milking sessions provided much-needed release every day. It didn’t matter to Lydia that she had to bring changes of clothes to work, or that her male coworkers had begun to ogle her and her ever-expanding bust line like a piece of meat, or that her female coworkers regarded her with disdain.
At home, her sex drive grew beyond measure. Lydia practically pounced on her boyfriend each time he walked through the door, and the fucking would last for hours- and boy, was the fucking good. The only thing that could interrupt the raw, animalistic sex was the next milking session.
Of course, Lydia’s boyfriend was thrilled with the arrangement- his girlfriend grew a huge rack and wanted to fuck constantly, what more could a man ask for! He even partook in Lydia’s milk directly from the source on occasion, though she would stop him before he could dry her up- no matter how amazing it felt when his tongue swirled her nipple, his lips insistently tugging and sucking in a way that had her head lulling back and moans uncontrollably spilling from her lips.
It hadn’t been enough for him, though- not enough to stop the bastard from cheating on her. With her sister, no less.
After finding the cheating pair tangled in the white sheets Lydia and her boyfriend had picked out together, Lydia had stormed out and vowed never to speak to either ever again. She stayed at a motel, blocked any and all calls, avoided places she knew they went. As far as she was concerned, they were both dead to her.
A few days after the fact, Lydia saw a flier for the new “full-time” hucow program. This initiative offered free room and board for existing “part-time” hucows, with only a few stipulations- you sign your life away, accept extra hormones to increase milk production, and come live on the farm forever. With this program, the Hucow Initiative planned to feed not just babies, but hungry people all over the world.
Even if it seemed rash, signing up seemed like a no-brainer to Lydia. After all, milking was the only thing that brought her pleasure anymore, and she had no friends or family that would miss her- none that she cared about, at least. Why not sign up and spend her days as human cattle to solve world hunger?
And so, when Lydia heard sharp heels clacking down the wooden hallway outside, she greeted the busty blonde recruitment lady with a smile to rival the one plastered on the blonde’s face. Even as her hand shook, she signed the paperwork without question- her name, “Lydia Cunningham,” beneath a paragraph declaring her as government property, nothing more than livestock from now on.
As soon as Lydia’s pen had left the paper, a sense of calm washed over her, any trace of unease from before leaving her mind. Perhaps she had just found what she was meant to be all along- a true hucow.
Yeah, that’s hot