The Farm Life (Part 5) [NB][Hucow][Mutual Masturbation][Voyeur]

Alex awoke sometime later in their room. They felt around and turned on the light. Their little room didn’t have much but it was comfortable, and the rub under their feet was soft and kept the room warm.

They looked down at their c-cup breasts that were feeling heavy again. “I guess I should take myself to be milked?” Alex wondered aloud to themselves. They checked out their enlarged clit, not engorged at this moment, it looked so different now, like a tiny dick. They still had their cuffs and collar on, and smiled as they touched them. This actually might not be too bad of a job, whatever had happened with Carter yesterday was hot.

They exited the room and walked to the milking area of the barn. A farm hand greeted them at the entrance. “Looking for a milking?” He asked, he had cute little freckles and bridge orange hair with tanned skin. He didn’t seem fazed at all by Alex’s nudity.

“Yes I am.” Alex responded.

Soon with the farm hands help they were bent over the bars, nipples being painfully sucked on. Alex chose to have nothing else happen, they wanted to enjoy the pain of being a sow on the farm for a little while.

“Ah Alex! There you are!” Greg’s voice said as he found them in a stall. “Getting a round of milking in I see! I knew you’d fit right in here!” Greg was the farmer of the hucow ranch here.

“Uggggh. Uhhhhnnn.” Alex groaned as their nipples got sucked on, streams of milk shooting down the hoses.

“Yes I see, I see, they’re a powerful machine that’s for sure.” Greg said as if Alex had said something inteligible. “Saw on your tracker that you were up and about, wanted to show you the field today!” Greg said. Alex looked up at the mention of a tracker. Greg pointed at his neck, indicating the collar Alex wore. Alex’s head slumped back down making more noises as the machine relentlessly sucked on their nipples. “You’re almost done anyways.” He signaled to the farm hand and he made short work of disconnecting Alex from the machine. Alex’s nipples looked longer and pointy and chewed up from the machine.

“This way!” Greg said cherrily. Leading Alex out the back of the barn. They walked together to a large park, open, and filled with many benches and places to sit or lay down in the sun. There was a small cafe, and a small gym, and there were already sows out in the sun basking, or eating, or working out. Some had obviously large bellies from being pregnant. “This is largely a free roaming job, you can go and do whatever you want outside of appointments you’ll be expected to keep, but don’t worry a farm hand or myself will come and get you for those.” Greg turned and faced Alex. “A word of warning, don’t cross any fence lines or you may find yourself in the bull pen or pasture, we give our bulls a lot of medical enhancements to keep them going and the few sows that have accidentally made it over there end up needing some days off to recoup from the experience. Any questions you have for me?”

Alex looked up at Greg, “Are the farm hands allowed to touch or use us at all?” they asked.

“Only with their hands.” Greg said, “They’re not allowed to use their dicks or pussies on any of my sows or bulls.”

Alex nodded.

“Last thing, we have a few breeding requests coming in and we’ll have to start you on that soon. But here’s your new collar and cuffs.” Greg pulled out some supple leather collar and cuffs from his pocket. They were white and black and spotted like a cow’s hide. He unlocked the current loaner ones Alex had on, and put the news ones in place with a solid click. “Your new nameplate will be on your door by tonight. Welcome to hucow ranch. We appreciate what you’re doing for us so let anyone know if you need anything.” Greg smiled and patted Alex on the shoulder and walked back to the barn.

Alex walked over to the cafe, and grabbed a little food to eat while they walked around the field. They walked to the edge of the field where the fence was. There was a guy on the other side, nude just as they were, he was tanned, toned, and his hair was medium length and chestnut coloured. He wasn’t looking their way at first, but as if he sensed their presence he turned and faced Alex. His collar and cuffs were obvious, and his dick began to harden as he looked at them.

Alex would have blushed if not for all the other things they had just been through in the last 24 hours. The man walked up to the fence and tried to gesture for Alex to come closer, but they didn’t, they were suspicious of someone who was clearly a bull on this farm. From this close they could see the lines of his muscles in the sun, the fence covering his erection. Alex just sat and watched the man try and convince them closer to the fence.

The man not giving up stood back from the fence and reached down between his legs, holding his cock in his hand. It must’ve been 8-9 inches long, Alex could just make out some odd ribbing on his cock which must’ve been some of the modification he had undergone just like Alex had. Slowly the man started to rub himself, looking directly at Alex, locking eyes with them, Alex unable to look away from the man’s gaze.

The man’s lips parted as he looked at Alex and slowly started to pick up speed looking at Alex’s nudity. Alex laid back and spread their legs, letting the man look at their pussy as he jerked himself off. They watched how the man almost went feral as they started to massage one breast with one hand and play with their clit with the other that was starting to grow from arousal.

The bull started panting, Alex almost thought they could see the veins in his neck pop slightly as he strained, bringing down his other hand to grab his cock and thrusting into them hard. Alex’s cervix twitched at the idea of being pounded by that hard cock, given how he was having a hard time keeping his hands around it with every thrust, they could only imagine how sore they would be after having that inside them. Alex kept playing with themselves, goading the bull on.

Finally after letting out a guttural moan, the bull thrust into his hands and huge loads of cum started to shoot out from his cock. Alex was positive this was another modification this bull had undergone, there was so much and it shot so far. The bull seemed to be a bit out of sorts after cumming and was leaning against the fence to catch his breath.

“What’s your name?” He said finally across the distance.

“Alex, what’s yours?”

“I’m Chris. You’re fucking hot Alex, I hope I get to breed you sometime.” He turned and walked away.

Alex stood up and started walking back to the barn, but as they turned a farmhand was walking up to them. “Hey Alex, it’s time to start you on a breeding regime, wanna come to the barn and you can pick out what you want?”



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