Amelia & David – Part 2 (Couples, Intro BDSM)

After that great night Alex and I shared with Amelia, we knew she went home to David good and satisfied, but would she ever be the same again?

About a week later, Amelia called me to have a conversation.

“I have an idea to run by you,” Amelia said.

“Tell me more.”

“Ok, what if we repeat last weekend but include David?”

“I love the idea,” I said, “but I doubt you could convince David to go for it.”

“Well, if I can get him on board, maybe no swap or soft swap, would you guys be interested?”

“Yes, of course, there isn’t much Alex and I wouldn’t explore and experience.”

“Ok, great.”

After a few days, Amelia called back and said David was interested but with the standard apprehensions of not wanting anything to do with Alex’s dick. We could abide by that limit.

Saturday night started with a delicious dinner date and Amelia was giddy the entire time. Alex and I previously discussed playing a game after dinner similar to ‘follow the leader.’ We know Amelia is struggling with the vanilla aspect of David, so maybe this will help break some of the ice and apprehension he has.

After arriving home, Alex laid out the ground rules for our little game.

“We are going to play an interesting couples game, follow the leader with a twist. I am the leader and there will be twists.” Alex watched all three of us. Amelia was grinning ear to ear and I licked my lips ready for what would come next.

Alex continued, “First, you two will need to establish a simple, easy to recall safe word. It can be as easy as a color, fruit or vegetable. If and when this safe word is used, all activity must stop immediately. Delilah and I already have ours. Please decide on yours”

“David, can we use the color purple, it’s my favorite and you know that,” Amelia asked.

“Sure, and we can both use that, right?” David asked.

“Yes, you can both use the same word, it makes it easy. If anything is painful, uncomfortable, too much or even if you need a break, invoke your safe word and activity will stop.”

Alex continued, “in the event you are unable to speak, three taps of any kind is the same as using the safe word and all activity will stop, understood?”

All three of our heads nodded in agreement.

“Ok now for the game. I will be the leader and will be doing things to Delilah or instructing her to do things to me, or either of you. Amelia and David you must copy the commands, no objections, no modifications, unless you choose to invoke your safe word. This may involve girl on girl action, swapping the ladies, and two girls on one man. There will be no guy on guy action as that is a hard limit for both of us,” Alex winked at David.

“Does everyone understand the expectations? Are there any questions before we begin?”

Amelia and I were eager to get started.

Alex asked a question of David, “any issue with full male nudity?”

“No, I think I am ok with that as long as there is no contact between us.”

“Understood. Let’s begin.”

“First, we undress our woman. Bare, stark, naked before us”

Alex moved to me smoothly and began to strip me.

“Do I have to copy exactly how you do it?” David asked.

“No, make Amelia feel special, like she is all yours. Treat her exactly how you think she would like to be treated, gentle, rough, slow, fast, however.”

David did stumble through taking off Amelia’s clothes. Seemingly nervous and maybe worried we were watching. And we were but not like he thinks. His technique means nothing to us but Amelia’s reactions and the group’s anticipation was intoxicating. Really, only Alex knows where this night is going and his ability to improvise is amazing.

“Next, Delilah please kneel before me.”

I did as I was told. This was a test for David to make his own command for Amelia.

David took a deep breath and asked Amelia to kneel before him. She did as she was instructed. I know this boosted David’s confidence.

“Open,” Alex commanded. I did as I was told. He unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out with a stroke. He tapped it on my lips a couple times before pushing in and forcing a choke from my throat. I stayed open and wide for him as his fisted my hair and fucked my mouth. Drool seeping from my lips and tears stinging my eyes. I so badly wanted to see David take Amelia like this.

Alex abruptly pulled my head back and turned me to David and Amelia. She opened her mouth for him without him instructing her and Alex let that slide instead of correcting him, you could see how needy Amelia was to please him. He copied Alex and fisted her hair in his hand as he pushed her onto his hard cock. Once David realized Amelia’s desire to please, he started to get more comfortable. Alex let it go on for a few minutes as we watched intently.

Alex was ready to move on.

“Now that we are warming up, the next task is just for the ladies. Go to the bed and get comfortable. Next, touch and pleasure yourself to orgasm. Show David and I how you like to get yourselves off.”

I love an audience. I am not shy or ashamed. I really don’t think Amelia is either. I start slowly, in my usual way. I massage my tits, rubbing my thumbs over my nipples until they are hard and sensitive. Then I slowly pull my right hand down and instinctively go for my clit. I rub circles over my clit until I can feel my wetness ready to spill from my lips. I stroke my lips, dragging my middle finger into my folds, still pinching and rubbing one nipple and then the next. I let a moan escape me. I dip my middle finger into my core, pushing inside me and then very deliberately, I pull my finger away slowly, locking eyes first with Alex, then David and back to Alex, as I drag my finger up my belly, between my tits and pull it into my mouth, tasting myself as both men watch.

I continue my little show, but turn to watch Amelia. I am curious how she touches herself. Her style is different, she has both hands between her legs, one rubbing her clit as the other fingers herself. She is clearly enjoying herself, head thrown back, breath picking up and hitching. My desire to touch her and help her along is strong. I can’t help myself. I pull my hand away from my tit and grab hers. Her eyes open and she moans, hips bucking up. I glance towards the men and watch Alex shaking his head in disapproval. She is so close though. I move closer and start to suck one of her nipples while kneading and pinching the other. She is finger fucking herself with abandon now as more moans escape her mouth. She starts moaning ‘harder’ and I don’t know if she is talking to me or herself but I bite her nipple and her orgasm rips through her.

“Beautiful show…” Alex says flatly. “But no one gave you permission to touch each other.”

Now I registered why he was shaking his head in disapproval.

“Delilah you did not have permission or instruction to touch Amelia. And Amelia, your orgasm was helped by Delilah’s actions. You will both need to be punished for not following the instructions given. Do you understand?”

Two “yes, Sirs” sounded in unison.

“David, I will demonstrate first with Delilah and then you may choose how you will punish Amelia.”

“Delilah, for demonstration purposes, we will do a simple punishment. I will spank you 6 times and you will count each one, repeating, I will always ask for permission. You are not to orgasm during your punishment or beg to get off. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He had already taken his seat in the bedside chair. I approached him and placed myself over his knees. He spread my legs wider apart as he rubbed my ass. The first smack wailed down.

“1, I will always ask for permission, Sir.”

He caressed my ass before striking me again.

“2, I will always ask for permission, Sir.”

He slipped his fingers down to my pussy, spreading my lips and dipping in and out of my core. “Always so wet for me when I spank you, Delilah.” He abruptly pulled his fingers out and landed a quick blow on my ass.

“3, I will always ask for permission, Sir.”

His pattern continued while David and Amelia watched. I was so close to coming. I was a string pulled so tight, ready to snap. By the final spank, I was panting, sweating and in tears but I wanted to make Alex proud in this demonstration and I did not come and I did not beg.

David and Amelia were next.

“I think I will just try the same punishment with Amelia. Amelia, come here.”

Amelia did as she was told and laid across David’s lap. The first slap was more like a tap and Amelia laughed. Not her best move, the next slap was a loud crack.

Amelia screamed!

David was shocked and startled and blurted out, “Do you want me to stop?”

“Harder!” Amelia shouted.

David smacked Amelia two more times before caressing her ass and thighs as we watched him slide his fingers into her core. Much to our surprise watching he pulled his finger back and sucked them into his mouth. We were finally seeing another side of David as he tasted Amelia’s arousal from him simply spanking her ass. He finished her smacks and we all turned to Alex for our next instructions.

“I think we have had enough instruction and games for one night. I know Delilah is desperate and beside herself with need from earlier and watching you two did not help her any. I think we can finish by making love to our respective partners in our shared king sized bed.”

I think relief spread over David and Amelia’s faces.

Alex turned to me, “would you like to ride me before I have my way with you?”

I shook my head, as Alex laid on the bed and I climbed on to him, piercing myself on his hard cock. I drove down on him, grinding my clit the way I like. He quickly bit a nipple while he wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed.

“Everytime I do this, you flood my dick.” Alex growled.

He plays with the squeezing pressure on my neck as I ride him to orgasm. The breath play drives me wild and exhausts me. He quickly flips me over, face down, ass up, as he fucks me from behind. I look over at Amelia and David who is also fucking her doggie style. She is clearly enjoying herself and we share a quick glance before Alex drives my head into the bed, holding me down as he blows his load deep inside me.

Soon we are a pile of exhausted bodies in bed. Sharing something new and exciting with each other.

David speaks up asking, “is this something we can do together more often?“

Alex and I just shared a smile looking forward to the next adventure.
