Netflix and bdsm

My friend Vania invited me over to watch a musical because she found out I’d never seen Dear Evan Hansen. She told me it was messed up but great in a twisted way. I told her I would if she promised to make jalapeño poppers and so a deal was struck.

I show up, carrying a case of beer and some popcorn. She opens the door, first thing I notice, “you dyed your hair! It looks so good!”

She had dyed her bangs orange and the rest of her hair a bright red. She runs her hand through her hair while smiling at me. She raises her eyebrows and lifts her shirt, exposing her toned stomach. “I also got a new tattoo!”

She shows me a lollipop with a bow on the stick and something frozen in the candy. I take a closer look, “Is that a scarab beetle?”

“Yeah!” She says excitedly and does a little hop. She gives me a quick hug and snatches the bag of popcorn. “Yum! Come on in!”

She turns around and leads the way to her living room. “I’m thinking of getting another lollipop on the other side but this time have a tooth floating in it.”

“A tooth fairy is just the baby version of a bone snatcher.” I blurt absent-mindedly, I was distracted by Vania’s outfit.

She was wearing a “winchester bro’s” t shirt, a simple black skirt that came to mid thigh and these green plaid platforms with little chains. I was admiring her tattooed calves when she came to an abrupt stop. She turned slowly and looked up at me with her head tilted, a look of indignity on her face. “How dare you make me hear that sentence with my own ears.”

“You made me think it! Now you too must suffer!” I manage to say before bursting into laughter.

She tries to keep an indignant face but soon cracks and joins me. She slaps me across my arm, “you’re lucky you’re handsome cause you are duuuuuuumb!”

Now it was my turn to look indignant, but I knew it was what she wanted so instead I grinned mischievously, “so, you think I’m handsome?”

“Don’t look at me like that! Let’s sit down, I just finished the poppers and it’s waiting for us on the coffee table. ”

Guys, these jalapeño poppers are stupid delicious. Bacon wrapped, spicy pockets of melted cheese. She never shares the recipe and she won’t let me near the kitchen when she’s cooking them so I don’t know the secret behind how delicious they are.

As I gorge myself she starts up the show. Joins me on the couch and scoots close. I sit back after having my fill and she tears open the bag of popcorn. She places it on the far side of my lap and lays her head down. I grab some popcorn and I hear her making grunting noises. I look down to see her waiting with her mouth open, I feed her some popcorn and she turns back to watch the movie.

She starts rubbing my leg and I pat her head. She nuzzles her head into my crotch, “Vania, stop it.”

“I’m not doing anything! Watch the show there’s going to be a quiz afterwards. ”

I shake my head as she returns to stroking my shins, she suddenly pinches a few of my leg hairs, “something is poking the side of my head.”


“You stop, if you don’t get hard nothing will happen. ”

Her mention of me getting hard made it difficult to concentrate on the movie and her ripping hair out of my leg more so. “Vania!” I shout and she turns to look up at me laughing. I clamp a hand around her throat and look down at her menacingly. She closed her eyes and groaned. I let go and she opened her eyes, those gray eyes were dilated and then narrowed as she looked up at me. In that moment I knew I had fallen for her trap.

She quickly flips over, undoes my shorts, pulls out my cock and puts me in her mouth. I go to pull her away and I feel her teeth chomp down on my shaft. I freeze in place as a hear her growl. She eases off slowly, ” I told you to pay attention to the movie. ”



I try in vain to watch the movie as she licks and sucks my dick. I tilt my head back and relax, enjoying the sensation of her lips around my shaft.

“What is the dead kid’s name?”


“The kid that killed himself, what is his name?”


She playfully bites down again.

“CONNOR! Oh god please let his name be Connor.”

She laughs and sits up. She reaches down and pulls a set of straps from under the couch and anchors my legs at the thigh to the couch I’m now stuck in a slouched position.

She climbs back on the couch and straddles me. She slowly takes off her shirt, revealing her perky tits. She looks at me sternly, “pay attention! You’re missing important plot points!”

Then she scrambles off me and walks around the back of the couch. I turn to watch her tits bouncing but Vania reaches out a grabs my chin, turns my face towards the TV and runs her fingers through my hair. It makes me sigh and I close my eyes. She grabs a handful of my hair, “you can’t watch through your eyelids, open up. ”

I return to watching as a musical number breaks out. I hear her rustling around and I hear metal clicking against the tile floor. I’m curious about what is going on but I don’t want to miss out on being able to answer her next question.

I feel her hands on the top of my shoulders, she gives them a squeeze and reaches down and pulls my arms up to the top of the couch. She reaches over and I feel her put something cold on my wrist. I turn when I hear a series of clicks, I lift the arm and realize she has put a handcuff on me. Before I could react she dashed to the other side and cuffed my other wrist. ” Well…” I thought to myself, now it’s an actual trap.

She cracks open a beer and takes a sip, she sits down next to me and raises the bottle to my lips. She tilts the contents down my throat as I chug. As the bottle empties she pulls it away just a bit soon. It spills on my chin and dribbles down my neck to the collar of my shirt.

“Oops!” She giggles and proceeds to kiss and lick the beer off of me.

She again straddles me as she continues licking and kissing my neck. She sits back, grabs my cock and lifts her skirt. I see her little tuft of hair and realize she wasn’t wearing underwear, she had this planned from the very beginning, “bonus round! What was Connor’s little sister’s name?”

“Zoe! She’s in the jazz band. ”

She slowly lowers herself onto me and I can feel the warmth of her pussy lips kiss the tip of my dick. She turns to look back at the TV, “you better not cum until the end of the movie.”

“How much more is there?”

“Doesn’t matter. ” She punctuated her sentence by dropping her hips down and I felt her wet pussy envelope my cock.

“Fuck, what happens if I do?”

I feel her clench her pussy, she pulls my chin so that I face her and I look into her steely blue eyes, “do it. Find out.”

The way she said it sent a chill down my spine, I felt my balls tense and my toes curl. I wanted to find out, the way she was moving her hips and biting my neck were driving me crazy. I was being driven mad by the inability to put my hands on her, I wanted to grab her waist, grope her and choke her.

Despite the loss of control, I was loving how she was using me to make herself feel good.

She repositions, she places her feet on the couch and goes into a deep squat. She grips my shoulders and moans. I swear I can feel myself pressing against her cervix from this position. She slowly raises her hips and lowers herself again, she moans loudly and bites my shoulder. She continues to bite me as she rocks her hips back and forth.

She bites down even harder, so hard that I’m afraid she broke skin but she begins trembling and she makes these whimpering moans. Her whole body feels like its vibrating as she continues to ride me. Focus, I need to focus, watch the show, please let this be the final song. Focus, don’t listen to her, focus, oh god her pussy is spasming, she’s cumming! Focus!

A random thought.

Before I even have it fully formed its already escaping my mouth, “so this is like the high-school musical version of World’s Greatest Dad?”

She stops moving, “what?”

I can’t believe what I just said, I clear my throat, “this reminds me of that movie where his kid accidentally kills himself so his dad writes his suicide note and becomes famous for it through his dead son.”

She leans over and grabs her phone. She starts googling! What’s worse is that the end credits start to roll on the tv.


I try to shift my hips but there is little movement I can do with my thighs tied down, I try twitching my cock while it’s still inside her.

She sighs and bites her lower lip but doesn’t take her eyes off her phone. I try shifting and grind my hips again but she just drops her knees down and pins me in place. She looks me in the eyes as she makes her pussy squeeze.

Her attention is drawn to the tv that went silent, she arches back looking at the TV upside down and giving me a wonderful view. The piercing on her left nipple and bellybutton casting a shadow on her toned tattooed stomach.

She leans forward, tosses her hair out of her face and locks eyes. “No, I haven’t seen that movie. But more importantly, you made it to the end.”

She makes her pussy squeeze again as she leans in for a kiss. She hovers a couple inches away from my lips and smiles.

“What?” I ask, smiling back.

“This is fun.” She says this while doing a little wiggle.

She kisses me deeply, her arms wrap around my head and pull me into her. She rolls her hips slightly and keeps kissing me. She picks up the pace and moans into my mouth, our tongues touching and caressing.

I tell her that I’m close and she pulls my hair, tilting my head back, “cum, just cum. Cum for me. ”

I explode, painting the walls of her pussy with my cum.

“Oh, I can feel it. Oh my.” She moans and keeps going.

She yanks my head towards her and buries my face in her chest. I involuntarily moan as she keeps fucking me, my muscles straining against the restraints and shaking. This sends her over the edge, she screams my name and her hips shake violently.

We both sit there a moment, desperately trying to catch our breath and our genitals twitching. She sits back up, gives me another quick kiss and eases herself up off my dick. My cum spilling on my lap as the tip of my cock escapes her pussy lips.

She stands up on unsteady legs and undoes the straps on my legs. She stumbles slightly as she walks around the back of the couch to undo my cuffs, “whew, my legs are still shaking. ”

She frees me and heads to the kitchen, she returns with some paper towels and hands it to me. “Here, clean up. We made a mess.”

“Oh I thought maybe you were going to…” I gesture to the puddle of cum on my lap.

“Oh no!” She laughs, “I am not risking getting you all fired up again. I learned my lesson last time.”

I grin and nod, remembering what happened when she had me tied to her bed. “Fair enough. “


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