The Farm Life (Part 2) [NB][Hucow][Medical][Body Mod]

Alex followed Greg back into the barn, out into the sun of the day. Still completely naked they felt a little shame still being outside fully nude except for their collar and cuffs. They quickly ignored the shame though and followed Greg back to the house, down some stairs, the air cooled as they were clearly underground now.

They approached a door with a small golden nameplate on it that read ‘Dr. Teff’. Greg gestured to a seat in the room outside the door. “If you’ll wait here, I have to go and attend our bulls now. Dr. Teff will be with you shortly.” He turned and left.

Alex stared dumbly after where Greg left. Bulls? Slowly Alex sat down on the indicated chair. Their skin was still alive from the scrubbing they had just undergone under Greg’s professional hands. Alex had cum but it hadn’t felt like enough, and Greg’s presence had become a fast comfort for Alex in this unknown workplace.

Dr. Teff’s door opened. A tall blonde man in a black T-shirt and jeans walked out in a lab coat. “Alex?” He asked. Alex nodded. “Nice to meet you.” Dr. Teff said. “Please come inside.” He walked back into his office.

Alex stepped inside and there was a gynecologist chair in the center of a white room. The lights were bright and crisp and made the chair seem like some sort of center piece. Dr. Teff was sitting in a black swivel chair on wheels.

“Please sit down, legs in the stirrups please.” Dr. Teff said as he looked over a clip board.

Alex got into the chair and put their legs in the stirrups. Dr. Teff rolled over and clicked Alex’s cuffs into hooks on the stirrups, then rolled behind Alex. “Please put your arms up above you.” He said. Alex did so and felt the cuffs on their wrists attach to an extension above them that had been added to the table. “Excellent.”

Dr. Teff rolled around into Alex’s view again. “Alright Alex, we have a bit of your information here from the forms you filled out of your medical history. Today we’re doing a few things, a general checkup, then we’re going to do some body modification to make your time working here a little more comfortable, clean you up and then you can go and explore the fields a little bit after that. Any questions?”

Alex nodded. “I keep hearing about the fields, what is that?”

“The fields is where we allow the hucows to go and relax when they aren’t being milked or bred. It’s a park where the sows like yourself, capable of carrying child, can relax in the sun, get a workout at a gym, just generally relax between milking sessions or breeding sessions. The bulls have the pasture to relax in.”

“The bulls?”

“Yes, we employ hucows of all kinds here, we separate them based on their ability to carry child or inseminate. Anyone who can carry child we refer to as a sow, and those who can inseminate are referred to as bulls.”

“Why would you need bulls?” Alex asked.

“There’s a range of reasons. Firstly we use them to help inseminate clients who are struggling to get pregnant with healthy sperm. But also we use them to help create children for those who struggle to conceive for a variety of reasons, meaning sometimes we put a bull and a sow together to facilitate our client’s needs. Any other questions?”

Alex shook their head.

“Alrighty, first we’re going to do a general examination. I’ll ask you to keep quiet as I do this as I make verbal notes to transcribe later.”

Alex nodded.

Dr. Teff rolled over to the table with medical implements on it and pressed some buttons. A tv descended from the ceiling, showing only blackness. Meanwhile the table Alex was on started to move and lay Alex back on their back, legs still apart, pushing their bum over the edge of the table and exposing their pussy more.

Dr. Teff turned around and had put on a mask and some glasses with a loupe on them and a light. He unraveled a long wire that Alex couldn’t get a good look at and wheeled a table of implements over.

“Subject is new to the farm.” He started to talk. “Subject is a sow, no births before, subject has been cleaned externally before examination.” Dr. Teff walked up to Alex’s head and pointed the end of the wire at them. Now that Alex could see it Alex recognized it to be a camera! Their cheeks flushed with the idea of being filmed while they were so exposed. “Subject’s name is Alex, non-binary, hair is brown and long,” He clipped the camera into a post attached to the side of the bed normally used to hold an IV so it was pointed down at Alex’s face and torso.

Dr. Teff grabbed a ruler out of view and placed it on Alex’s chest, he adjusted the camera to make sure it got the measurements in view. “Alex has A-cup breasts before body modification, nipples are bright pink,” He rolled one of Alex’s nipples between his fingers, Alex bit their lip to stay quiet, “nipples respond well to manipulation.” He rattled off the sizes of other parts of Alex’s chest and waist while Alex flushed with embarrassment at being broken down into a batch of numbers and responses.

He placed a latex gloved finger on Alex’s chin, making Alex open their mouth, with a practiced movement he slid something into Alex’s mouth pulling their lips away from their teeth. Alex flushed redder with embarrassment as they were inspected so coldly and like cattle. The doctor unclipped the camera from the post and brought it closer to Alex’s mouth, a latex finger forced Alex’s mouth even wider. “Alex’s teeth are in satisfactory condition, no noticeable issues to be fixed, mouth health….” He paused as he pinched Alex’s tongue and pulled it slightly out of their mouth. “Healthy and pink, no sores.” He let go of Alex’s tongue. “Gag reflex….” Before Alex could register what was said they felt two fingers shoved into their mouth and down their throat, they gagged. “Still responsive, make note that gag reflex may need to be removed depending on type of insemination style being performed.”

While all this was going on Alex’s brain was going wild. Just hours ago they were a person walking down the street, but now they were nothing more than a set of functions being checked for how healthy they were. Alex felt truly like nothing more than livestock as the doctor spent time clinically with them.

Dr. Teff had removed the device in Alex’s mouth, and had clipped the camera back into it’s stand. He was now performing a check on their breasts. “No lumps, healthy tissue around the breasts.” He noted, not looking at Alex. He felt and pushed on their abdomen. “External feel of the womb feels healthy, no noticeable issues.” He felt and squeezed Alex’s arms. “Musculature of arms feels good.”

He unclipped the camera and moved between Alex’s legs with his tray of tools in tow. Another clip sound, Alex strained to look down and saw the doctor clipping the camera to see Alex’s pussy and ass hanging off of the edge. They could see the image on the tv hanging from the ceiling, their brain went wild with the implications of what was to come.

“Leg musculature…” He gripped and squeezed up and down Alex’s legs, making them tremble, the cuffs on their ankles doing their job of keeping Alex where they were while on the job “Feels good.”

“Next we’re going to look at genital health.” Dr. Teff said. Alex’s mind went wild as they saw the camera zoom in on their pussy lips. The doctor’s fingers pulled the lips open. “Pussy is healthy and pink on the outside, lips are full and round, clit is engorged from arousal.” Alex’s face flamed as he called it out so coldly and detached. “Fluids seem healthy and well hydrated.” Alex’s pussy twitched at being referred to. “Hair is starting to grow back in, will remove permanently.” He grabbed something and started listing off measurements of Alex’s pussy and clit. “Next is the internal exam.” He applied lube to his latex covered fingers and slid them into Alex’s pussy, hooking his fingers up towards their g-spot, he used his other hand to push down on their abdomen, grinding their g-spot between the two surfaces. “Muscles feel healthy and tight, g-spot feels healthy as well, good response to manipulation, lubrication noticeably increased.” Alex was moaning low as their pussy was played with and filmed, they were turned on and ready to cum at any moment, no shame anyways right? Dr. Teff moved his hand on Alex’ pelvis to bring his fingers down and rub circles on Alex’s clit. Alex felt their pussy muscles tighten and try and pull the doctor’s fingers deeper in response. “Clitoral stimulation increases muscle contractions during copulation, note on the file that clitoral size and sensitivity will be increased.”

Hearing that their clit was going to be modified made them feel crazy and Alex started to moan like an animal. “Alex I’m going to have to ask you to keep it down as I finish this general exam.” Dr. Teff chided from between their legs. Alex bit their lip and tried to stifle their moans. “Returning to exam.” He said, removing his fingers, making Alex want to whimper at the loss of sensation.

The doctor lubed up a speculum and slid it into Alex, slowly ratcheting it open more and more. Dr. Teff unclipped the camera and slowly started to insert it into the speculum, looking up at the tv screen for an up-close view of the inside of Alex’s pussy made them so hot they had to swallow another moan as the doctor continued to dictate. “Beautiful and pink pussy, looks healthy.” He moved the camera around more inside and Alex could feel it against the inside of the speculum. “Cervix healthy and pink.” A finger stroked their clit, the bit their lip hard and their muscles reacted. “Cervix responds well to clitoral stimulation.” He removed his hand from their clit and removed the camera, clipping it back into place overseeing Alex’s pussy and ass. “Anal check.” He pulled their cheeks apart, making Alex’s face flame red again and wish they could cover their face. He touched the hole making Alex almost jump. “No imperfections, looks healthy as well. Internal check…” He lubed a finger and slowly pushed it in, wiggling it around, making Alex pant with the effort of staying still. “Muscles healthy and tight as well.” He pulled his finger out.

“Final testing for elasticity.” He grabbed a thin, long tube, and pushed a bowl underneath Alex’s butt. He slowly slipped the tube into Alex’s open pussy and pushed it against their cervix. It felt slightly weird and like pressure inside but after a little time the sensation disappeared. Dr. Teff stopped pushing the tube into Alex’s cervix and started pumping a medical bulb. Something felt strange inside of Alex, slowly at first and then they watched as their pelvis started to expand. Alex looked at Dr. Teff through their legs to see if he was panicked but he seemed calm and disconnected from the movement in Alex’s pelvis. “Womb elasticity seems good, distention of the pelvis can be seen.” Alex’s eyes rolled into the back of their head as they realized what was happening to them, something had been inflated inside their womb. They wanted to cum so bad from all this cold and calculated manipulation.

There was a hissing as Dr. Teff released the pressure and Alex’s pelvis returned to normal. He slowly removed the tube and the speculum from Alex’s pussy.

“Excellent Alex! You seem to be in perfect health!” Dr. Teff’s demeanor changed as he rolled around next to Alex and stroked their arm reassuringly. “You’re in tip-top shape to breed! Now we’ll get on with the body modifications you are scheduled for.”

Alex writhed on the table as the doctor turned away. What would the modifications feel like?



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