The Farm Life (Part 1) [NB][Hucow][Public][Slave]

Alex pondered the contract in front of them. They were out of money to keep up rent, unemployed, struggling to feed themselves, then in the paper was an ad that Alex thought at first was a joke. ‘Looking for cows to provide milk and surrogacy. Accommodations provided for duration of employment, includes healthcare benefits.’ Alex called the number in the ad and it was answered by a jovial masculine voice who said it was real, he knew it was a stranger ad to see, he understood the tentativeness, how about they come down to the farm outside the city and take a look.

The man on the phone ordered a taxi for Alex to come out, and they arrived on a normal looking farm, huge fields, a large barn, and a 2 story house, lots of farm equipment like tractors around and stuff. A person walked up to Alex and introduced himself as Greg, the head farmer, he shook Alex’s hand as the taxi drove away.

Alex was now looking at the contract in front of them. The job would be allowing them to make their breasts produce milk, which would be harvested and bottled for sale, and allowing them to impregnate Alex for surrogacy for families. It was all done with complete consent of all parties, just cheaper for families to afford. In return Alex would be kept well fed, would have a place to stay and keep them warm and dry, and the on-staff doctor would see to Alex’s health and ensure Alex remained healthy in and out of pregnancy.

Alex really didn’t know what to do, nothing was going to be a better offer than this provided for what Alex needed at this time. The idea of being used as a hucow and milked and bred got them kinda hot, and sex work was something they were considering anyways to pay the bills. At this job everything was taken care of and they could help families. Alex picked up the pen and signed their name on the page.

Greg smiled and took the papers away. When he returned he held out his hand “take my hand Alex, it’s time to get you situated”.

Alex took his hand and Greg led them out the house and towards the barn. The barn was even bigger than Alex had initially realized! Inside were walls just like the inside of a home. Each door evenly spaced apart with a different decoration that had different names engraved on fine oiled wood. There were plush couches, and the floor was covered with many shag rugs.

“This room is yours,” Greg said as they stopped at a door with no decoration on it. “We’ll make your nameplate for you now that we know your name.” He opened the door, inside was a simple room, a plush bed with some warm blankets, a chair to sit in, a tv on the wall, a few shelves around the room. “This should provide for your living needs, let us know if you have anything specific you need that might be missing. Doors don’t lock as it is a fire hazard in a barn to have that with this many people, but don’t worry we employ good security to keep you and your stuff safe!”

Alex looked nervously around the room. “When do I start work?” They asked. They looked past Greg to a girl who was exiting her room, she was naked except for a collar and cuffs on her ankles and wrists. Her B-sized breasts bounced as she turned away from them and headed towards the back of the barn where Alex hadn’t been yet. Alex couldn’t take their eyes off of her.

Greg cleared his throat, bringing Alex’s attention back to him. “Right now actually. Dr. Teff is ready to see you soon and get the body modifications underway. Before that I should do a little orientation to the space. If you would follow me.”

Alex followed Greg further into the back of the barn. Greg stopped in front of a closet and pulled it open, he pulled out a few straps of leather and turned to Alex. “You’ll need to disrobe here and put these on.” He handed Alex the collar and cuffs.

Alex’s face flushed but they took off their clothing, their long brown hair fell down their back as their A-size breasts perked up in the air, their nipples becoming hard in the cold air, their pussy glistened a little in the light of the barn, Alex tried to casually cover up how aroused undressing in front of a stranger was to them, as well as the idea of everything that was about to happen to them. They handed their clothes to Greg, and put the plain brown leather collar and cuffs on. Greg came over with some locks and locked the cuffs and collar closed. “These are temporary as well until we can get something more personalized for you. They are locked closed to ensure your safety when we have you hooked up to the equipment, don’t want you slipping out and hurting yourself by accident.” He said. He seemed to take no notice of how wet Alex was becoming as he spoke, he remained very professional, which Alex appreciated while their cheeks flamed hot with shame.

Alex followed Greg into a darker room with a metal grate in the floor, there was some equipment Alex didn’t recognize in the middle of the room, and hoses on the wall. Greg stood next to the equipment in the room. “Over here Alex.” He said “Place your neck on this.” He pointed to a thin piece of flattened metal.

Alex had to bend over to place their neck on it, aware of how exposed they were as they bent over. Greg moved quickly to secure the collar to the metal, leaving Alex bent over. “There’s no need to be ashamed about anything that happens here Alex.” Greg said in a soothing voice as he ran a hand over their back and down their right leg, securing the cuff to a hook in the floor. “This is a place of unusual business as society would have it,” He continued as he ran a hand soothingly down the inside of Alex’s left leg, pushing it further apart from the other one as he attached the left leg cuff to another hook in the floor. “Put your hands behind your back please Alex.” Alex did as they were told and felt shamefully wet at being touched and secured, but also at the soothing sound of Greg’s voice and loved hearing their name from his lips as he soothed her. There was the sound of chains and Alex’s arms were secured behind their back by Greg, Alex felt surprisingly comforted in this situation as Greg continued to talk.

“I’m going to start to wash you down now Alex. We use a special soap here on the farm for our hucows since you’re naked all day in the fields, and we don’t want you to get sick, your health is important to us here.” He approached Alex from the front with a bucket and sponge, he had rubber gloves on as he dipped the sponge in and brought it up to Alex’s arm. “It’s going to burn a little, it’s not painful, maybe slightly uncomfortable, but it won’t last very long, maybe 4-5 seconds tops as it cleans you up. It won’t hurt your skin I promise.” He scrubbed down their arm, and Alex felt the burning, tingling sensation of the soap doing it’s work, just as Greg said it was going to be, Alex couldn’t help but stare at Greg’s face as he locked eyes with Alex. “That’s a good hucow.” He said smiling. “Good job Alex, just keep looking at me, we’re going to get through this together. There’s no shame here on the farm.”

Alex felt so relaxed as Greg held their gaze and washed down their other arm, their neck, down their back. Alex’s head slumped forward as they relaxed more into the bathing. “Alright Alex I’m going to wash your chest now, the soap might sting a little on your nipples, just breathe through it and I promise it’ll pass just as fast as the burning does.” Greg said soothingly. The sponge touched Alex’s breast and came down over their nipple, first one side then the other. The burning/tingly sensation on their breasts was arousing Alex even more, and as it reached their nipples they groaned loudly as it stung and burn, feeling like hot needles briefly on their nipples and then slowly passing as the burning and tingling continued down their belly as Greg continued his washing of Alex. Alex started to wonder if their pussy and ass would feel similarly, they moaned at the thought without thinking in their relaxed state.

Greg smiled at the moans “There we go Alex. No need for shame here. I’m going to do your legs next.” He slowly went down each leg, Alex could feel a trail of wetness that had dripped down the inside of their legs being cleaned up by Greg without a word, ever the professional. “Alright Alex as you’ve probably realized I’m going to wash your pussy and ass now, this is going to be the most intense bit, it’ll last a little longer than the stinging of your nipples but I promise it’ll pass as well, just remember to breathe for me.” He started on Alex’s cheeks and slowly made his way down between, over their holes and swiping up over Alex’s large, engorged clit. The sponge felt amazing and then the burning and stinging started, it felt like tiny needles poking into their clit, combined with the burning of Alex’s pussy hole and ass Alex jerks in the chains and moaned, it threatened to overwhelm Alex entirely, it was still going, hadn’t it been enough time? “Alright, keep your eyes closed Alex, gunna give your face a quick wash and then we’ll be done with the soap.” Alex’s eyes stayed closed and they moaned as the sponge wiped across their face, making their lips tingle in the same way their nipples had. “Very good Alex, you’re doing great!” Greg praised, the burning in Alex’s holes and clit started to subside. “I’m going to rinse you down now Alex.”

There were some sounds of the hose hitting the floor of the room, some other sounds and then the sound of water hitting the floor from the hose. The spray hit Alex in the side, it was cold and cooled Alex’s skin instantly, they squirmed as the hose sprayed their side, their arms, their face, Greg came closer soaking and squeezing Alex’s hair, then Greg was behind Alex and spraying up their legs and finally their pussy and ass. Alex groaned and squirmed against the onslaught against them, unrelenting against their engorged pussy, finally it ended. Greg wrapped up the hose and turned the water off. “Alright last step Alex, gunna towel you down.” Alex felt the soft roughness of a towel on their back as Greg dried them. Again down their legs and up the inside towards their pussy.

“Please.” Alex moaned as Greg dried their clit. What? What did they just say?

“You want some release Alex?” Greg said in a professional tone as he continued to dry off other parks of Alex’s body.

“Yes, please.” Alex managed to say.

“I’m going to touch you now Alex, there is no shame, this is part of your health too.” Greg said reassuringly, he folded the towel over his leg as he bent down and reached under Alex, rubbing a nipple with his fingertips. Alex moaned, they were already so close to cumming, they were hanging on the edge. Greg reached out with his other hand and lightly rubbed Alex’s clit, Alex bucked and groaned. Greg finally started to press down with his fingers and rubbing in slow circles on Alex’s clit while lightly tugging on a nipple.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Alex moaned as an orgasm washed over them. They were so hot from being washed like cattle and plied so kindly by this stranger who was now in charge of their care.

“You’re doing so great Alex, really letting loose! I’m so happy you’re doing so well!” Greg praised. He finished toweling Alex off, and unhooked them from their washing station. “You get washed once a week, don’t worry, the soap is potent stuff that’ll keep you clean between washings. One of the farm hands or myself will see to your washing care and bring you here to make sure you’re well cared for.” He threw the towel in a hamper in the corner of the room.

Alex felt dazed. “Alright Alex, next is your intake checkup with Dr. Teff. Follow me”



  1. Wy is Alex refered to as them? Contrary to your comments I think it is a great storyline but very poorly written.

  2. A good start to a series. While I’m sure many people appreciate the unisex pronouns, the MC is obviously a woman. If you stick with male and female pronouns when needed with your later chapters then the story will be easier to read.

  3. Hey! I just wanted to let you know that there’s a typo in the beginning of paragraph 13 with Alex’s pronouns in case you might want to fix that!

    And to anyone bitching about the character’s pronouns/gender identity: if you’re a transphobe just say that. One of the tags is literally [NB] and it’s been established that Alex uses they/them pronouns. There’s nothing to argue about and it doesn’t take away from the story in the slightest. You’re free to imagine yourself or someone else in the situation, but you don’t have the right to complain about something using bullshit reasons trying to mask your ignorance.

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