The Amish Girl: Chapter One

Long blue dress, hiding her petite figure, coming down to her ankles and covering most of her arms. It clung tightly to her round, tight butt. Dark black hair, tied back in a bun, covered in a white bonnet. I watched her as she picked tomatoes in her parents’ garden. She was so innocent and honest. The type of beauty that you may see once in a lifetime, if you’re lucky. She had such a humble way about her, how she gracefully did her chores, like she had no clue just how gorgeous she was. She stood about 5’6”, and appeared to have long legs, although much was left up to imagination with her traditional Amish clothes.

I continued to watch her as she filled a bushel basket of tomatoes up and carried it towards the barn. I wanted so badly to see what was under those dark clothes, but I knew she wasn’t the type to sneak around and disobey her beliefs, and besides if she did her whole way of life would come to an end. I knew all this and yet the dream of ripping that homemade dress off of her and revealing her young flesh for the first time, continued to keep me up at night.

I have a farm right next to an Amish farm, I get along well with them and they are great neighbors. Although we’re friendly with each other, I don’t know them very well as they are very private people, trying to shelter their kids from the outside world. I often would like to get closer with them, but I understand their reasoning, so I maintain my distance.

It was around 8 o’clock on a hot, humid summer day. The kind of day where you sweat profusely just sitting in the shade. I parked the tractor in the yard after a long day in the sun. The sweat poured off me, my sweat soaked shirt long peeled off from my body. I decided to make my way down to the creek that borders my farm. I took off my well worn boots, and tossed them to the side. My socks peeled off drenched in sweat. I unbuttoned my jeans and yanked them off, taking my boxers with them. I walked into the deep part of the crick, the cool water came up to my waist, cooling me off immediately. I splashed around a little until sitting down on the side with the water now resting at the top of my chest.

As I rested and thought about my day, I heard some noise coming from the bushes. I looked, but couldn’t see anything. I heard it again, it sounded like a giggle. I continued to look, but nothing seemed to be there. I thought it may be in my head, but then I heard it again, it was definitely a giggle, a young girl’s giggle. My face turned red with the thought of someone watching me.

“Who’s there?” I demanded to know. Silence ensued. “Okay come out right now or I’m going to come in after you.”

The bushes across from me started to move, and out came the amish girl. Her face also red now with embarrassment.

“What’s your name?” I asked the girl as she looked down at her bare feet in shame.
“Rebecca,” she said softly.
“What were you doing Rebecca?”
“I just came down for a swim, I didn’t know you were going to be here, I’m sorry.” She turned and started to walk away.

“No wait,” I yelled after her, making her turn and walk back towards me. “There’s no reason we both can’t swim here.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she said sheepishly as she tried not to look at my bare chest rising above the water. The sweat was glistening on her white skin, I could tell she was tempted, but my naked body was holding her back.

“Come on get in, I won’t bother you, you can swim over there and I’ll stay over here.”

She looked hesitant, but soon agreed. She made her way down to the creek, tip toeing on the rocks that lined it. She was still wearing her blue dress and white bonnet as she walked farther into the water. As the water rose higher on her petite body, I could see the heat and stress leave her body and soon the water was up to her young breasts as she she swam around.

“How do you swim in that heavy dress?” I asked the now relaxed girl.

“We’re not allowed bathing suits,” she said in a giggly girlish tone.

“Well why don’t you take your dress off?” She giggled at this suggestion and shook her head. “Trust me it feels good.”

“Well maybe, but don’t tell anyone, promise.”

“I promise,” I said as my cock was getting a rush of blood with the thought of her removing her dress. She reached around her back unbuttoning her now wet dress. She looked at me and giggled again.

“Close your eyes,” she told me. So I obeyed and put my hand over my eyes with my imagination doing the work for me. I hear her clothes land on the bank beside me. “Okay, you can open them.” I opened my eyes and saw the top of her pair chest wading above water. I could hardly see the top of her small breasts through the dark creek water. She swam around a little, as she went by, doing the doggy paddle, the top of her white small butt crested above the water line. Her long dark hair now free from her bonnet splashed in the water as she continued to giggle swimming around me. My dick was now fully erect as I sat there watching this beautiful young girl swim naked for the first time in her life.



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