A Conventional Meeting – Pt. One – (M24/F23)

>A note from the Author: This is meant to be an intro piece to build tension and relevance. Consider following/subbing to me so you’ll stay up to date on my releases as they come out! Feedback welcome!<

2016 was, in retrospect, a great year. I had just graduated college, had my own place, was single, and had a decent job. The best part though? Living across the street from the Marriott hotel. I won’t say where exactly but I will say New England in early September. That means cooler winds are starting to blow in, schools are back in session, and conventions are starting to ramp down.

They were few and far between around here and if you wanted to go to a decent one, you had to travel over two hours to get there. However there was always this one, a comic convention but really it’s an invitation to all things nerdy, comic, and pop related. I didn’t mind it though. I was, myself, a nerd though I never had the chance or courage to get into any type of costume. Though I did admire and appreciate the work that went into some of these pieces.

Big Daddy’s and little sisters from Bioshock. A plethora of Marvel and Marvel inspired characters. Anime characters ranging from Ni No Kuni to One Punch Man. There was no shortage of imagination and appreciation. I came every year and occasionally would purchase something but mostly I aimed to hone my photography skills. Most people were kind enough and loved the work I gave back; others would, in a polite manner, decline my request and push past me before I could make a counter-argument.

One such instance had occurred on this day and as the young “Robin” darted away to catch his friends, I caught sight of her. A two-toned coloring of red and blue hair that split in the middle had taken over what had once been a head of blonde. A white collared shirt was tightly pressed against her by a dark cherry red corset. A short skirt that covered enough but if she bent in any capacity, you’d see plenty. On her toned legs, a pair of black and red leggings that had a glittering glow in the reflecting light as she walked with her friends. She had a pair of dark red fingerless gloves and on the shirt, was a torn and bloodied looking badge that said “Dr. Quinn”.

It was obviously a mixed series of the Harley Quinn character and she was pulling it off nicely. On her side was an empty gun holster with a green and purple paint scheme and as we neared, I could see the logo of laughing teeth peeking just over the holster edge. Her face was painted with a light coat of white except around the eyes. The signature “mask” around her eyes was smokey and alluring as I came closer.

As I watched her laugh and jump with athletic energy, I felt my heart racing in my chest and felt an unfamiliar tightening in my throat. I started to feel an unfamiliar sweat building on my body, heat in my cheeks and chest only made it worse and in a strange almost serendipitous moment, we caught one another’s eyes. Her blackened lips cracked into a small smile as she pointed to me and flagged me to come over.

That feeling in my chest got worse and in seconds, I was inexplicably standing in front of her and her friends. A collection of the “Gotham Sirens” stood around me. An animated series version of Catwoman, an Arkham Asylum Poison Ivy, and the woman I could only guess as being the leader, Harley herself.

“How much?” She asked.

My brow lifted in curiosity.

“Sorry?” I asked.

“You do take pictures of people, right?” She said as she pointed at the camera in my hand.

An embarrassed and clear jolt of energy hit my brain and I answered quick.

“Oh! Yeah of course. For the trio, it’ll be $75.” I said.

She looked to her friends and they talked in low murmurs amongst themselves as each pulled out various amounts of bills and eventually pieced together the amount I stated. She turned to me with a wide smile and handed me the small fan of money to me.

“Here ya go mista!” She said in her best Harley Quinn accent.

She was clearly trying to emulate the cartoon version and for the most part, it was good. I smiled at her and asked if they had any preference as to where they wanted to be. Again they spoke to one another, their heads scanning the convention center for a good area before turning to me once more.

“It’s kinda crowded in here, isn’t it? Do you have any ideas?” Asked the woman dressed as Ivy.

Around her waist were strands of plastic leaves that snaked and wrapped at her body to give the appearance of it being some type of clothing. Below that was a green shaded bikini, her lips were purple in contrast to the green body paint that coated her from head to toe. The glow of tamed fire hung at her head and stopped just over her shoulders. It was clearly a wig as I could see some of the brunette strands escaping at her hairline.

I looked around and nodded in agreement with her statement and turned to the large glass window behind me. A clear courtyard with a fountain in the center had become the clear choice and I pointed to it and they all smiled and began to make their way towards it.

Ivy and Catwoman held hands as they danced towards the door while I felt the clutch of gloved fingers sink into my own hand and tug me forwards. The woman dressed as Harley was pulling me along to follow her friends.

“Come on puddin’ this is gonna be fun!” She said.

I chuckled as I happily followed her and her companions to the center of the courtyard. They grouped up and started to talk amongst themselves as I adjusted the settings of my camera.

“So where do you want us?”

I turned to see that Harley was hugging Ivy, her hands wrapped around her waist and a smile gently glowing on her lips. Catwoman was laying across the front of them in a relaxed, confident position. At that moment I looked up to see the shade of cloud cover darken the harsh lighting of the sun and I smiled. I turned back to them to see their poses were already perfect and I raised my camera.

“That’s actually a really good position there!” I said.

—— ——

After 20 minutes had passed I snapped the last photo and nodded to them to let them know that I was finished and they walked over one by one. As I showed them the photos they all gasped and squealed at their quality with a pleasant surprise.

“Holy crap! These are really awesome!” Harley shouted.

“Yeah they are, how do we get these?” The woman dressed as Catwoman had asked.

“Well I still need to do a little editing but they should be done by the morning. You can go to my site and you’ll see the gallery of yourselves on the list page.” I said as I handed them one of my business cards.

They smiled and thanked me for the shoot and both Ivy and Catwoman had begun to walk away. Harley however was still at my side looking at the photos of her and her friends.

“These really are amazing. You’ve got a talent for this. Do you do anything else?” She asked.

The heat and discomfort from earlier had returned as I realized it was just the two of us.

“Um…yeah, yes! Actually, I do a few things. Architecture and fashion shoots are my main areas of focus but I like to broaden my horizon to help hone my skills, you know?” I said with the subtle tremor of a nervous mind taking hold of them.

“Well, it’s really great. So is this your cell or what?” She asked, pointing to the card in her hand.

“Yes. If you have any questions or anything, gimme a call.” I said.

“And what if I wanted to do a solo shoot?” She asked in a note sly quieter tone.

A small smile curled at the edges of her lips, the red outline of lipstick accenting the blackened filler color of her lips.

“Yeah, I can do you!” I said.

My face went red as I realized what I had said and quickly fought to correct the phrasing.

“I mean yes, I can shoot you alone…with my camera.” I stopped myself as best I could realizing that if I continued, it would only get worse.

I looked over at her and she smiled, placing her hand on my arm.

“I guess I’ll have to give you a call sometime then.” She said.

Her smile widened a little and she darted off to catch up to her friends. I watched from outside as they walked past the glass and out of sight. I waited for a few extra minutes to make sure my head was clear and could return to shooting.

— —

Nightfall came and as it did I started to close up my bag of equipment and make for home. I had only reached the corner of the street when my cell went off. Looking at the number, I didn’t recognize it, and given the late hour, I had silenced it and crossed the street. A minute later though, my phone began to ring again. It was the same number and I figured it was probably one of the numerous people I had shot throughout the day. Tired and slightly annoyed, I answered the phone.

“Hello?” I said.

The line was quiet for a moment before I called out again.

“Hello? This is John. Can I help you?” I said.

“Only if you think it’s not too late?” A soft and pitched female voice came through.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“Sorry, I should have introduced myself. This is Cameron. We met earlier in the day. You took some photos of me and my girlfriends?” She said.

I thought for a moment and softly hoped it was her.

“Um. Harley and the gang right?” I said.

“Yeah! That was us alright!” She said with a tone of excitement.

A nervous heat grew in my chest as I worked through my head the words I wanted to say next.

“Ha ha, good guess on my part. If you’re looking to see if I’ve done your gallery I’m afraid the answer is no. I’m only just returning home now and I won’t be doing any edits until the morning at this point.” I said.

“Oh no, that wasn’t it. I was actually wondering if you could do that solo shoot with me but if you’re already gone…”

Her voice trailed to a disappointed tone. I took a deep breath in the silence and looked behind me to see the hotel and convention center. The majority of the rooms were lit up and held an assortment of cosplay outfits and dancing groups in nearly all of them.

“Uh, I’m actually not too far. I can still see the center so if you want I can meet you in the courtyard again if you’d like.”

A moment of silence sat between us before I heard her happy reply.

“Really!? That’s great! Yes! I’ll be down in a few minutes. Thank you!” She said before hanging up.

I put the phone back in my pocket and turned to make my way back to the courtyard. As it came into sight I saw the lone figure of Cameron standing near the fountain. She had a few props with her this time and I smiled at her as she spotted and waved at me. A small press of herself onto her toes accentuated the character she still wore as well as highlighted her more athletic figure itself.

“Brought some extra toys?” I asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t have these before and your work was really good so I wanted to see what we could do with these.” She said.

“Yeah of course. I’m sure we’ll get some really good pieces.”

She smiled before pulling out some money from inside the open collar shirt and handing it to me.

“Is this gonna be enough? I figured it would get me an hour at least.”

I looked at the cash and smiled at her.

“It’s alright. I’ll do this pro bono. You’re fun to work with and it’s giving me a little extra practice in the field.”

“Really? Are you sure?” She asked.

“Yeah. It’s fine really.” I replied.

She tucked the money back into her shirt and walked over to a slightly oversized mallet that had been meticulously detailed. Picking it up and swinging it around her shoulders, her skirted waist cocked at the side as she looked at me.

“Well? Where do you want me puddin’?” She said in the familiar character’s voice.

“That’s actually a good pose there, so let’s start there.” I said, raising my camera to snap the pic.

After what had felt like only a few minutes, my camera said that the card was full. I raised my brow in curiosity and looked at my phone for the time.

“Oh wow, it’s been almost an hour! I’m sorry, you must be tired.” I said.

She sauntered over, a wooden, decorated bat in hand as she nodded slightly.

“Can I see them?” She asked.

The curls of her damp bangs from adding water to her hair from the fountain draped in front of her eyes and framed her face in a drawing manner. The dark makeup of her eye mask had begun to drip down on her face as a result of the water.

I brought the camera up and we looked through the pictures together. Being as close as she was, I noticed the flowered aroma that came from her and coughed against its sudden appearance.

“Sorry, the perfume caught me off guard.” I said.

“Sorry. It’s usually pretty worn off at this point. I’m surprised you can still smell it.”

“Sensitive nose I guess. It’s alright though, it smells nice. It’s good on you.” I said.

I caught a small smile at the corner of her lip and she moved in closer to me. Her hand rested on my forearm as she leaned closer to the small display to see the pictures closer. One by one she smiled and laughed at each picture as she remarked on their compositions and poses.

“These are great and this was really fun. If you’re not too tired though, could we do another one? I have a different costume upstairs I’d love for you to shoot.”

A nervous shake came into me and I felt a hard gulp press down my throat.

“Uh, are you sure? What about your friends?” I asked.

“Oh, we all got separate rooms. We brought a lot of props and outfits so it just made sense to keep individual rooms for the space alone.” She said.

I stood, silent as I thought about her request before eventually agreeing to it. She smiled widely and grabbed my hand to pull me toward the side entrance of the hotel. As we made our way up to her room I felt the shake of my nerves grow stronger and stronger.


The elevator had stopped and the bell rang out as the doors opened for us. We stepped into the hall and she walked ahead several rooms to her own. My own pace felt slow and weighted as I followed behind. I heard the door chime and unlock then watched as she disappeared behind the frame. I rounded the edge of the door and saw her go to her suitcase and rifle through various articles of clothing before turning and inviting me in.

I stepped inside and felt the door slowly close behind me after my bag tapped at it accidentally. The smell of her perfume was stronger in the small space of the cream-wallpapered room. A small TV sat on top of a dresser that had various drawers opened partly with more clothing and props hanging out the sides and edges.

“I’m just gonna touch up my make-up and get changed real quick. Thanks again for this. This has been really fun.” She said. She stepped past me and into the bathroom around the corner and shut the door behind her. I heard the soft “click” of the lock and I placed my bag on the ground near the dresser and waited.

A few minutes later that same “click” was heard and she stepped out. Her mask was renewed but her hair was let down fully. The two-tone colors framing and curving at the sides of her face with a soft embrace. Her outfit was now a tight dress that echoed the black and red colors of the character she had been dressed as earlier. Thin straps hung at her shoulders and let it hang just above the knees. Her legs now donned a new set of tights that had the matching color scheme. These however had a laced crown at their openings and each had an opposing colored line running down the center of them. Her arms wore an almost velvet-style set of gloves that came up just past her elbows. The colors matching the dress but woven into their design were diamonds of alternate colors on the top area of the hands.

“What do you think?” She asked.

I was stunned. She was attractive from the start but the outfit was defining her features in a new way and I felt the discomfort of pressure growing in my groin.

“Amazing. You look amazing, beautiful really. This outfit looks really awesome on you.” I said.

She smiled with a coy intent as she stepped toward me slowly. Her gloved hands reached out towards the camera strap around my neck and she pulled at it lightly.

“Those are some pretty strong words. Do you mean them?” She whispered.

“Yes, honest. You look really good.” I said.

She smiled at me, her dark and outlined lips parting slightly as she spun me around and she walked to the bed. She slid onto the ruffled sheets and knelt in the center. The dress pulled at her and slid up just enough to tease me a little more.

“So I was thinking something that was both romantic and seductive? It’s not something you really see from the character but you know it is there. It’s not just between her and the Joker either, she also tends to be involved with..”

“Ivy. Yeah, I’m familiar with her background. Did you know that Harley actually had a child in one version but had given it up in order to stay with Joker? It was kind of an “oh shit” moment in the comic but as you said, it is a realistic thing that had to have happened”

I had cut her off with a small level of excitement as we seemed to have a little more in common than I would’ve thought. I watched her pleased smile grow as she nodded to confirm it.

“Wow, you know your stuff huh? And here I thought you were just a good-looking guy with a camera.” She said.

I felt a blush hit my face from her comment and I felt the uncomfortable curl of a smile form on the edges of my lips.

“Ha ha, I guess so. Well, let’s get started then.” I said.

I gave her a variety of poses to try and we worked each one to the bone until eventually my second card gave me the same “card full” error. I sighed at the realization that our photo shoot now needed to end as I had no other cards to keep going.

“Well, that’s gonna have to do it. My card is actually full and I don’t have any spares left.”

Her face looked disappointed as she brought herself to the edge of the mattress.

“Boo! I was really having fun with this!” She said.

“Ha ha, yeah I was too. Do you want to see them before I go?” I asked.

“Of course!” She yelled.

I sat on the mattress next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder to look at the screen. As we scanned through she made casual remarks about her favored pics and in turn, I marked them in the camera so I knew later for the edits.

“So which one is your favorite?“ she asked.

I looked through each one again until finally landing one in particular. She had her head draped off the side of the mattress with her hair falling around her. The lighting was perfect and shaded her with soft colors and really brought out her dedication to the appearance of the character. She had the sheet pulled up on her chest and looking at first glance, you couldn’t actually tell that she had the dress on underneath. Her right hand hung below and her left framed at her chin to almost cradle her face.

“This one, definitely. It frames you really well and the lighting is on point.” I said.

“Yeah. I agree. That’s definitely one of my favorites.” She said.

Her face turned up to me and she smiled softly. Her eyes were a dark green against the black outline around her eyelids. I felt my heart pounding fast in my chest and watched as her gloved hand came up to the strap of the camera once more. This time, however, she pulled at it to draw me closer to her.

“You know, just because the card is full doesn’t mean our fun should end, does it?” She whispered.

I felt the rush of blood into my cock and tried to subtly adjust to the feeling so as to not let her know how turned on by the thought I actually was. She pulled a little more at the strap, her parted mouth releasing a hint of the strawberry-flavored gum that she had been chewing for the last hour.

“Does it?” She whispered again.

My chest was hurting at this point from how hard my blood was pumping. Every muscle and fiber of my body was aching to reach out and grab her. I cleared my throat and pulled at the strap to get her hand free of it.

I took the camera off and walked to my bag on the floor to pack it away. Turning back, I saw Cameron biting her lower lip at me. Her eyes trailed my own body.

“See something you like?” I asked.

She raised her brow and in a sultry tone, she whispered.

“Oh yeah, I’m liking all of it.” She said.

She raised her hand and motioned me to her with a single finger. Her voiceless summons having an immediate effect, I walked over and stepped in front of her as she parted her legs open. Her eyes scanned me once more before locking onto my own. I knelt down at her and leaned in to kiss her. I felt the glossed texture of her lipstick against my own cracked and naked lips.

A soft warm pressure lapped at my upper lip and I parted them open slowly before I felt her tongue press at my own. The flavored gum was still tucked at the side as we locked lips. A moment later she pulled back and took a deep breath before speaking.

“So, I have a bit of a dominant kink. You should know before we go any further. I just want to be honest, you know?” She said.

“Oh like you mean being dominated or being dominant?” I asked.

“She took a deep breath before answering.

“Being the dominant.” She said.

I looked at her as I realized what she was asking for and after a few minutes, I smiled at her.

“Okay, but since we are being honest, I don’t really have any experience with this but I’m definitely open to it. What do I need to do?” I asked.

An excited glimmer filled her face as she smiled at me.

“So to start, you should pick a “safe word”, something that you’ll say to let me know to stop doing whatever it is we are doing. It doesn’t matter what it is if you just need a breath or you’re in pain or anything. You just say it and I’ll stop and let you recover.” She said.

“Okay. That sounds good.”

I looked around the room for something and eventually landed on my bag and thought of the contents.

“How about “lens”?” I said.

“Okay, that’ll work. Mine is “jasmine” though it takes a lot to get me to that point.” She said.

I nodded at her and then leaned back onto my legs.

“So what do I do?” I asked.

She smiled and sat up on the edge of the bed.

“Let’s start with some obedience.” She said as she stood and looked down at me. A grin of excitement washed over her face as she lifted my head up to her with a single finger.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/w1e8ew/a_conventional_meeting_pt_one_m24f23

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