
Headspace Via Vixen NSFW

My husband and I have been talking about headspece. Where do I go? What am I thinking, during a session?

He described to me what he imagined one of our sessions to be like at the beginning. Blindfold on, so I’m in total darness. Rythmic music playing. I can smell the candles. I’m on my knees waiting for my husband and a complete stranger to come into the room .

So, there I am, on my knees, head down, breathing deeply and listening. I’m trying to clear any preconceived thoughts from my head and I focus on each long breath. In and out. The door knob squeaks a little and the door creaks open. I can hear the rustling of moving bodies and I know that I am no longer alone.

My head starts to spin and I push any panicked thoughts aside with another deep inhale. I hear my husband’s voice, “Stand over there.”, then he touches my head and runs his fingers through my hair, “I love you Babygirl”. I timidly choke out “I love you, Daddy”. He places a finger under my chin “Lift up your face”. As I lift up my face, he says “My God, you are beautiful! Isn’t she beautiful?”. This is the first time that I hear our guest speak. He responds with an “Uh-huh” or “Oh, Yeah” or “Yes, Sir” or something of the like.
Then comes the real panic when I hear my husband say, “Ok, Babygirl. Open your mouth.” I do as I am told (I always do as I am told). Every calm thought leaves my mind for an instant and there’s only one mantra running through my head “Please don’t be gross! Please don’t be gross!” This is a real concern. Since my vision is removed, everything else is more intense. Tastes. Smells. Touch. I have told my husband that if he has a sweaty cock, I’m done.

So, I feel a stranger’s cock for the first time as it slides into my mouth and comes to a rest on my tongue. I take a moment to determine if I can do this. He feels nice. He smells nice. He tastes nice. I can do this, I tell myself as I start sucking. I hear a little gasp from our friend and a few words of encouragement from my husband as I get to work.

“I’m going to get undressed now” I hear my husband say. I get a little turned on at this as I know that my husband is watching as he disrobes and it’s my job to perform for him. It’s my job to blow our guests mind and by the buckling of his knees, I know I am doing what I am supposed to do.

I hear my husband step in and with a few more words of encouragement, he says “Ok, Babygirl. It’s time to suck Daddy’s cock.” This is when everything ramps up for me. There is a kink factor to having a stranger’s cock in my mouth, but there is anxiety and tension that goes with it. There is an emotional and sexual release that comes from the familiarity of putting my loves cock in my mouth. I am now completely in.
