My gf, Amy, sets up a threesome with our hot lab partner. (FFM 21) part 6

Amy, Hyun, and I were all laying naked on Amy’s bed after having sex. Amy told Hyun that we needed to talk about the other girls we had already hooked up with.

Hyun said, “So, you’ve told me you guys have hooked up with other girls before,
so what’s complicated?”

It was still pretty early in the evening and Amy said, “Let’s go out to the living room, get something to drink – it’s a long story.”

The girls each put on panties and tshirts and I put on some shorts and a tshirt. I got the girls each a glass of wine and got myself a beer.

Amy said, “Hyun, it’s not just that Jack and I have had sex with other girls…we sort of routinely have sex with a couple of girls.”

Hyun said, “Oh, so you still have sex with them? How does this work?”

Amy said, “Yes, we still have sex. Do you know my friend Sarah?”

Hyun said, “Tall, hot blonde, with ridiculously long fabulous legs.”

Amy said, “that’s her. She was the first for us. I had sex with her once before I got together with Jack and that was my first time with a girl, then we had our first threesome with her. Sarah and Jack had sex with my permission while I was out of town. Sarah and I sometimes have sex without Jack. We also really enjoy hanging out together.”

Hyun said, “Are you dating Sarah too?”

Amy said, “No, Jack and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. She likes to sleep with us and have sex with us. She and I are still best friends.”

Hyun said, “oookkaay.”

Amy said, “Her roommate is Mary. We all started having sex with Mary too. Mary is a good friend.

Hyun said, “Alright,” with a dubious look and took a big gulp of wine.

Amy said, “We went to one of my vacation houses a couple weeks ago with them and I invited Jack’s ex-gf, Josie. We all had sex for days.”

Hyun said, “You and Jack and Josie?”

Amy said, “No. Sarah, Mary, Josie, Jack and I all had all kinds of sex.”

Hyun said, “Uh…”

Amy said, “Maybe we should order some food. This is a long story and I’m hungry.”

After our food arrived, Amy detailed how we got with Sarah and how Mary ended up having sex with us. And then, how she invited my ex, Josie to come have sex with us. She told her all about our long weekend at her vacation house.

Hyun said, “So, where do I fit into this?”

Amy said, “Well, where do you want to fit in? The day you joined us in lab, I just thought you were fun and beautiful. I told Jack I wanted to hook up with you. He agreed that you are hot, but thought I was crazy thinking you would be interested.”

Hyun said, “I’m flattered, but…is this just like a weekend fling?

Amy said, “Do you want to meet Sarah and Mary? We have a really weird arrangement, sometimes we all get together, sometimes we pair off. I’m gonna admit it’s strange. I really like you Hyun and I’d love to see you more.”

Hyun said, “I would like to meet Sarah and Mary. Also, Josie sounds interesting. Uh…I never knew I liked sex with girls before…I love it…I want to keep doing it. I really like you and Jack. I’m kind of interested in the idea of other girls, but nervous too.”

Amy said, “Sarah and Mary both get back tomorrow afternoon, so let’s introduce you to them, tomorrow night. We can just hang out, no sex and see what everyone thinks.”

Hyun said, “This is so crazy, but I am excited to meet them.”

We continued drinking and chatting.

Amy said, “So, earlier you said you used to date Greg from our bio classes?”

Hyun said, “Yes, I cannot believe I put up with him for like 8 months.”

I said, “How did you end up with him? I mean you’re like a 11 out of 10 and he…”

Hyun said, “thanks for the compliment, but I think you are exaggerating.”

Amy said, “Nope, you’re a 11

Hyun blushed and said, “Thanks, then you’re a 12 Amy.”

I said, “I would also give Amy a 12 and Amy is definitely out of my league, but Greg?”

Amy interrupted, “I’m not out of your league, Jack and I am not hotter than Hyun. But, back to Greg. Hyun, he does seem a little…”

Hyun said, “Look guys, he is really smart and funny. Really smart. And I like that. He’s sort of dorky, but he’s cute. I pursued him.”

I said, “Wow, that is shocking.”

Hyun said, “You know the game we just played quizzing each other for the test? I told you he and I played it. That’s how we got together.”

Amy said, “That’s how you got together?”

I got us some more drinks. The girls were snuggled up with each other on the couch and I was on the other end of the couch admiring their legs as they sat there in just tshirt and panties. Amy was leaning back against the side arm of the couch and Hyun was sitting in front of her, between her legs and leaned back using Amy like a chair.

Hyun giggled and said, “Yes, I flirted with him for a long time. We studied together in small groups and sometimes alone. He was so shy with girls, I thought he would never make a move. One night, we studied alone at his apartment.”

I noticed that as Hyun was speaking, Amy’s right hand migrated down. She was just sort of barely putting it below the waist band of the front of Hyun’s panties. Where I was sitting, I had a nice view of Hyun’s panty covered crotch looking between her long, thin legs that were bent at knee with her knees up.

Hyun continued, “We made the flash cards to test each other. We had done that before for other tests and I knew he never got anything wrong. We were going back and forth and I got one question wrong. So, I started taking off my tshirt. Greg nervously said ‘What are you doing Hyun?’ I said, ‘I got one wrong, let’s make this interesting, it will be a strip quiz.’ So, I was there in my bra. He was red faced and trying not to stare at me. It took a long time, but I got another one wrong. I took off my jeans, so I was in my bra and panties. I think I heard him gulp as I took off my jeans.”

Amy and I laughed at that. Amy’s hand was now wandering up in Hyun’s shirt, fondling her tits, since Hyun had no bra on. I could see Hyun’s nice, flat stomach as the shirt rode up. Then her hand went far down the front of Hyun’s panties.

Hyun said, “After a lot more turns, I was completely naked and Greg was completely clothed. I was really embarrassed taking off my panties, but it was a huge turn on. He was so awkward, he just kept doing the quiz game. So, I’m sitting there naked answering questions and the boy did not make a move on me.”

I said, “Wow, even I would have understood that was an invitation. Probably when you first took off your shirt.”

Amy’s hand was moving under Hyun’s panties, she was fingering her and fiddling with her clit.

Hyun was breathing a little heavier as she continued, “Uh…mmm….So, we played awhile and he still got none wrong. I finally got another one wrong…mmm…he looked at me like a deer…(whimper)…in the headlights and said nothing. I said to him, ‘I guess I have to suck your dick?’ His eyes went wide, I was sitting in a chair and he was across from me in another chair. I got my knees in front of him and started slowly unbuckling his belt, unzipping his jeans, I was smiling up at him. He looked like he was going to cum before I even started.”

Amy really had Hyun going now, I could actually see a little wet spot in Hyun’s panties now. Hyun was moving her pelvis around as Amy touched her. Amy had her other hand up Hyun’s shirt and she was occasionally nibbling her ear.

Hyun’s breathing was a bit ragged as she kept telling the story, “his dick sprung out, he was hard as hell…mmm…that feels good, Amy..”

I interrupted, “Of course he was hard…Jeez”

Hyun giggled and said, “I looked up at him licking his dick. He was like whimpering immediately. Then I sucked him. He did not last long at all. He grunted and came in my mouth and sort of tried to pull his dick out of my mouth as he came, which just made a mess. He was apologizing for cumming in my mouth and cumming so quickly. I told him I didn’t mind at all and kind of laughed.”

I said, “He must have loved that, that sounds absurdly hot.”

Hyun said, “Oh, he did, so did I. I think I am kind of submissive, because I do really love getting naked on my knees and sucking dick.”

I said, “Uh, really?”

Amy laughed and said, “I think Jack likes that scenario. I like to do it too.”

Hyun said, “Well, I’m happy to do it sometime if Amy is okay with it.”

Amy said, “So, why did you say, you put up with him?”

Hyun said, “Oh, he turned out to be an arrogant, selfish jerk. First of all, he kind of put me down sometimes, like he probably is smarter than me, but he had to let me know it all the time and in front of other people.”

Amy said, “What a tool, he’s not smarter than you, he just acts like it.”

Hyun said, “But also, the dude really was a selfish sexual partner. It turns out he only had sex with one girl before me, which is fine. She was not into blowjobs so he only got a couple of unenthusiastic blowjobs before me. So, he just always wanted a blowjob. I love giving blowjobs, but I had to beg him to fuck me every now and again. Honestly I was blowing him so often, and I think he jerked off a lot, he couldn’t even get it up sometimes when I wanted to fuck. And, he does not eat pussy!”

I said, “Hold up, this is crazy. I don’t get guys who will not eat pussy. I love it. When I see a hot girl, the first thing I think of is eating pussy. I spent three years fantasizing about licking Amy’s pussy before I got to do it. Hyun, I’ve been staring at your crotch while we are talking and thinking about licking your pussy.”

Amy and Hyun giggled.

Amy said, “Jack went down on me within about 5 minutes of the first time we made out. Jack, why don’t you lick Hyun, the poor girl spent 8 months with no oral.”

Hyun giggled and said, “Thanks.”

I leaned down to their side of the couch, where Amy was fingering Hyun. I pulled off her underwear and spread her legs. I dove in and started licking her pussy, while Amy pulled off Hyun’s shirt and massaged her tits from behind, so Hyun was totally naked between us.

Hyun said, “…mmm…that feels good Jack…So, one time, I beat Greg at our quiz game. He was being a dick in front of our friends about how he was smarter than me. Just really being condescending. I was pissed, so I studied really hard and I made some fucking hard questions on the flash cards. Mr cocky douche, was all cocky when the game started. Many rounds later, he was naked and I had all of my clothes on.”

Amy said, “Take that Greg.”

Hyun said, “Greg actually got another one wrong, so I told him to lick my pussy and I figured he wouldn’t. He sighed and was pissy, but said he would do it. So, I took off my clothes and spread my legs and he licked me pathetically. And he acted like it was gross. Like he barely licked it and made faces and was said ‘is that enough?’”

I stopped licking Hyun and said, “Your pussy is awesome, I love it, he is just an idiot,” and continued licking.

Amy said, “Yep, he is crazy, I love eating you out Hyun.”

Hyun said, “Thanks, I was starting to wonder if there was something wrong with me.”

I said, “No way, this pussy is fantastic. I’ll lick it as often as you and Amy let me.”

The girls giggled.

Hyun was leaned back just enjoying the oral and Amy was feeling her tits. I pushed Hyun’s legs up and apart more and I briefly rimmed her butt and licked her some more. Hyun was moaning.

Amy said, “So, you broke up with Greg after that game?”

Hyun said, “Yes, I put on my clothes and he was like, ‘what about a blowjob?’, as he stood there naked. I told him I was never sucking his dick again and I hoped no one else ever did.”

Amy said, “Damn, a blowjob curse.”

Hyun giggled and said, “Yes. He said, ‘Is it because I don’t like eating you out?’ I said, ‘No, it’s because you are an arrogant, selfish dick and I can’t believe it has taken this long for me to realize it. I’m going to kick your ass on the exam and then you can shut the fuck up about how smart you think you are.’ That was I don’t know, a month ago. He begged me to come back a few times and now he won’t look at me in our study groups, which is fine with me. I do not need him in my life.”

Amy and I continued with me licking Hyun and Amy kissing her and fondling her tits. Hyun came hard a bunch of times, as I licked and sucked on her clit while fingering her.

After she came really hard, Hyun said, “Thanks, it’s been so nice to get oral the last couple of days from you guys after 8 months without. Now that I have licked Amy, I really do not get why he doesn’t like it. I want to do it all the time now.”

Amy said, “all the time you say…maybe we should all go to bed now…” and we all got up to go to bed.



  1. Little slow, but I still want to know what’s gonna happen next!

    Also, a noticeable improvement compared to your earlier stories. Great work!

  2. This was a good story give some of the history of the group. It still had the nice, gentle sexy parts too. Thank you 😊

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