Road Trip (part 6) [stripping] [pictures]

“Let’s get a room to sleep in tonight,” April said as she slid into the drivers seat. “I’m sick of waking up in a tent with roots in my back.”

“Sounds good to me. I could use a shower too.”

“We both could,” she giggled. “I drive, you find us a spot.”

I immediately went to work on my phone, flipping through various hotel and room rental apps looking for something suitable. It took about 45 minutes but I finally found a little spot for us to crash, a small suite in an old house originally serving as servants’ quarters. Or so the post said. It was simple, small, private, and most importantly, cheap.

I put the phone down and reclined, allowing the countryside to slide by while April drove. A grin crept across my face as she hummed softly to the radio. She was gorgeous, but rhythm and music were never her strong suites.

My mind wandered over the day, sticking on that moment when April pulled her skirt up over her head, her breasts…..

I cut off the thought. She had been embarrassed, had said I wasn’t supposed to see that. Either way, the memory inflamed my desire to dig the camera out and stare at her bare chest. And that made me uncomfortable. April was a friend, maybe my best friend, and she had to stay that way.

*Unless she wanted more*. I shoved the thought away angrily, biting my lip until pain caused an involuntary grunt.

“You ok?” she asked, eying me sideways while watching the road.

“Yeah, fine.”

“Okay….” she said doubtfully. “You know, I’ve been preparing a surprise for you.”

I stared across the car at her in shock. “A surprise?” I asked stupidly.

“It won’t be ready for a couple days but it’s getting there.”

I watched a sly half smile form on her lips, her face betraying how much she enjoyed teasing me with her plans, knowing full well I was completely in the dark.

“I don’t think you’ve ever given me a surprise present before.”

“First time for everything. Don’t try to guess. You wont.”

“Duly noted,” I replied in a mystified tone. “I’ll just be over here, along for the ride. Not thinking about *that*.”

I stared out the window, occasionally humming with April on a song as we sped on our way. It wasn’t long until we pulled off the main road to find our rented rooms for the night. The sun was just reaching toward the three tops. Plenty of light left.

I was no closer to puzzling out her surprise.

While we climbed out of the car and gathered our bags I shook my head, ready to admit defeat for the night.

“What?” she asked teasingly. “Haven’t figured it out?”

“Not even close,” I admitted as opened the lock box and retrieved our key to the rooms.

“Just give it up, you won’t get it.”

“I’m certainly done thinking about it for the night.”

“Good,” she smiled as she dropped her bags in the bedroom and flopped down on the [couch]( “Now, go get your camera, let’s see if you are any good indoors.”

I jumped at the opportunity, scampering across the flat then spinning in a slow circle, searching for my camera bag. Where the hell had I put it?

“By the door,” April pointed with a laugh.

I skipped over to it and quickly removed the camera, swapping lenses and changing settings as quickly as I could. April calmly rearranged the pillows on the couch and adjusted the loose fitting sheet the owners had thrown over it as a makeshift couch cover to hide the aging fabric of the couch itself. The place was definitely cheap.

“Hey, someone left us a shirt!” April squealed cheerfully.

I glanced up as she brought it to her nose and sniffed.

“Clean, too,” she mused before draping it over the arm of the [couch]( “Are you ready yet? Ive been dying to get these shoes off for *hours*,” she moaned, then bent to undo the [laces]( and smiled.

“Just a couple test shots,” I muttered while I snapped a quick shot of her removing her shoes, frowned at the screen, made more adjustments, tried again. After four or five shots I finally had it right. It was dim in the room but at least the sun was still shining through the west facing windows. “Ok, ready.”

“Good, I’ve been practicing my modeling poses in my head all day,” she teased, sitting with a straight back on the couch and staring straight ahead, her head tilted slightly down to give her a severe, expectant [look](

“Undeniably sexy,” I told her, then snapped my mouth shut. Not something you would say to a friend. ‘Foolish! You’re going to mess this up!’ I berated myself.

April just stood without a word, her hands tugging at her belt, pulling at the loose end of the [buckle](

I swallowed the lump in my throat and almost choked. Was she changing again? But last time she said…..

My train of thought was cut short as her thumbs hooked into the waist of her jeans and, with a little wiggle of her hips, tugged the fabric off her hips. The top of her bikini [bottoms]( slid into view. She stopped, hand flipping up to pull a lock of hair behind her ear, head lifting slightly while she gave me a look that ignited every heated feeling I had ever had for her, all smoky intensity and quiet confidence in her own [beauty](

“Wow,” I muttered, the words barely creaking out of my clenched jaw and tight throat.

April let the look fall away and laughed, twitching her hips again and letting her jeans fall to her [knees]( “I told you I had been practicing all day.”

“In your head!” I replied, “And its not like I didn’t already know you were an incredible model, it was me asking to take pictures of you for years, remember?” I felt the need to remind her while she stepped out of her [jeans](

“Aren’t you glad I finally listened?” she asked, while she sat on the couch, arms crossed, hands grasping at the hem of her tank [top](

“More than anything,” I said, mind blurring as I watched her shirt rise through the lens, head tilted down so she could watch her stomach and ribs appear while her shirt slid [up]( Then she stopped, surveying her bare skin from just below her breasts to bikini bottom.

“This is about the place they stop in ads right?” she asked, gaze drifting to the corner of the [room](

“A little higher,” I suggested, heart pounding. The truth was, she had judged it perfectly. Any additional skin revealed would be her breasts.

“If you say so,” she muttered, lifting her shirt another half inch which she watched carefully.

My eyes dug into the border of fabric and skin, hands trembling at the prospect of seeing her bare chest again. Teeth ground together as clamped my jaw, my whole being willing the fabric away, heart jumping each time I imagined the edge of her areola along the line between black and [cream](

“You look like you’re about to pop over there,” she teased, suddenly tucking her elbows down and lifting the shirt over her head, arms blocking my view before her shirt dangled in front of her bare [chest](

I forced a smile in return, heart pounding, beats echoing in my head as I attempted to force myself to calm. “No exploding here.”

“I thought I might try on this shirt,” she smiled, grabbing the supposedly clean button down someone else had left behind and swirling it in front of her, again obscuring my [view](

“Someone else’s shirt?” I asked incredulously. “Whatever you say.”

“You’re the photographer, aren’t you supposed to direct?” she asked while trying to find the second sleeve to push her arm [through](

“Unless your model is so talented there is no need for instruction,” I countered.

In return, she flashed me a sarcastic [smile]( while rolling the sleeves of the shirt.

“The talent is all yours. Somehow you don’t seem to know this, but I am quite average,” she said flatly, her attention still on [rolling]( her sleeves to free her hands. I stared between her breasts, the shirt open to reveal the full extent of her cleavage while she worked.

“If you want me to direct, I can direct,” I said. “Lie on your side, down on one elbow.”

“How classic,” she cooed while she slid down, propping her self on an elbow, her legs stretched along the length of the couch. “Perfect for showing off curves,” she added with a [grin](

“Among other things,” I quipped, immediately regretting my words. What I had hoped for was the shirt to fall open, one side pulled away by gravity, but April had deftly prevented such a motion with one hand. When was I going to learn to keep my mouth shut?

April gave me a puzzled look but didn’t reply. I could see the wheels turning in her head, trying to work out what I meant.

“Try on your knees,” I said quickly, wanting to move her before she was able to think too deeply. She hesitated, uncertainty spreading across her face, her nervous disposition from our first shoot in the car returning. Suddenly, she was awkward April, my innocent childhood friend again. I smiled at her.

“Go ahead, it will be a great shot,” I encouraged her. “If you’re comfortable. No pressure,” I added.

She blinked at me, struggling to regain the confidence that had clearly evaporated more suddenly than she had anticipated. “Ummm, yeah, ok,” she agreed, pushing herself up with one arm while holding the shirt closed with the other, legs folding underneath her.

“That’s perfect,” I sighed. “Very beautiful,” I added as she came to her knees, the tails of the shirt tucked around her waist, hands at her sides. I struggled to keep my breathing even and hands steady while my eyes ran over her smooth skin, shirt parted in front, stomach and chest bare from the nipple line inwards, bikini bottoms covering what in other settings would feel modest but on the couch, almost topless, appeared revealing. She stayed there, [frozen]( while I studied her.

I ground my teeth to maintain control and finally admitted it to myself. I wanted her. The fire raged within. All I had to do was reach out and….. What? Ruin our friendship?

“How did I do?” she asked sheepishly, sinking slowly to sit on her heels, then rotating to sit cross legged on the couch.

“Really great,” I assured her while she looked up at me, the look on her face [blank]( “You really are beautiful,” I added softly.

“I know you think so,” she nearly whispered, leaning forward to toy idly with the sheet acting as a couch cover.

I froze, her motion billowing the shirt away from her body, one breast fully [revealed]( Hands trembling, I took one picture, then slowly lowered the camera. Licking dry lips I leaned forward and extended my hand, the motion seemingly in slow motion but my brain abuzz with thousands of unrestrained thoughts.

Softly, I brushed aside the fabric of the shirt and cupped her perfect breast, soft tissue melting into my hand, the heat of her body surging against my skin, her nipple hardening against my palm. April didn’t move, her chest scarcely moving as her breaths came in shallow spurts. I grasped tighter and gently pulled her toward me, her body leaning in my direction, her head turning just in time for our lips to meet.

Electricity and fire exploded within me, surged through me, turned my spirit to ash while our lips pressed together. Suddenly, her arms were around me, her legs encircled my waist as she leapt off the couch onto me, sending us both crashing to the floor in a heap.

“Finally!” she squealed between frantic kisses. “How many times……. do I have to undress…… before you take a hint?!”



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