A Forceful Seduction [NonCon]

I had her in my bed by the time she woke up, somewhere in between still drunk and hungover. I’d tied her arms behind her back, a single sleeve of tight loops from wrists to elbows. She looked pretty woozy and was struggling, so I helped her sit up straight against the head board.

“Oh good,” I said, “you’re awake. I’m so excited to finally get started.”

Slowly realization started creeping over her face. She started to try to get away, though her movements were sloppy and uncoordinated. I put a hand against her chest and shoved her back against the headboard. It was almost too easy.

I hadn’t wanted to gag her before, in case she’d drunk so much she vomited and choked herself, but now that she was sitting up and I was keeping a close eye on her I figured it was safer. I grabbed an old t-shirt of mine and tore a strip off. I held her jaw with one hand, forced her mouth open, and shoved in the rag. It wasn’t a long term solution but it would work for now.

“Now,” I said. “Let’s just cut to the chase. Yes, I’ve kidnapped you. Yes I’m going to keep you. Yes it’s horrible, I’m a terrible person, and you don’t deserve this … and all that bullshit.

“The fact is, I don’t care about all that. I wanted you, I saw an opportunity, and I took it … well I took you.

“I’ll keep you for a while, a few weeks or months, a year at the outside. I’m sure I’ll get bored of you by then. And then I’ll let you go. That’s it. I’m not going to murder you or hack off a limb or something. I just want to have fun with you for a while.”

Tears were streaming down her face now. She tried to say something, or scream something, through the gag but I don’t know what it was. She was sitting with her legs straight out in front of her, one leg crossed tightly over the other – like she was trying to lock me out. But she held herself perfectly still, like she was worried any movement would push me over the edge.

She flinched when I put my hand on her thigh, just below the hem of her skirt.

“Why don’t you spread your legs for me?” I asked. “I’m going to fuck you. You know that. One way or the other, I’m going to fuck you … a lot actually. But it doesn’t have to be painful for you.

“Just spread your legs like a good girl and I’ll make this nice and easy. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.”

She glared at me and pressed her legs tighter together. I moved my hand up to her face, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You are beautiful, you know? Absolutely gorgeous. We are going to have so much fun together.”

I cupped her cheek in my hand and brushed my thumb over her lips. “Don’t tell me you’ve never imagined this! Being completely subdued? Being wanted so badly that someone is willing to take you just to have you? A full year of guilt free sex, your body explored, your fantasies fulfilled, your boundaries pushed?”

I slid my hand down her neck. She tried to move way but I slammed her back against the headboard.

“No, no. You’re staying here. I told you I’m going to fuck you. You might as well make it easy on yourself. All you have to do is lay there and take it.”

She was trembling. I think I’d shoved her harder than I meant to but she was more scared than hurt. Regardless, she didn’t move as I started slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

“You have an amazing body,” I said. “You should be proud to show it off.”

I ran my fingers over her soft skin just above the cup of her bra. “I can’t wait to run my tongue all over you.”

I squeezed her breasts with both hands, massaging them through her bra. Then I slipped my fingers inside her bra and jerked it down.

“There now. Doesn’t that feel better?” I kept playing with her breasts, my fingers rubbing circles around her nipples. “I can make you feel so good you know? I can play your body like an instrument until you’re begging me to let you cum.”

I pinched her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, tugging them sharply. “Or I can just make myself feel good while you beg me to stop.”

I released her nipples and continued massaging her breasts. I ran my hands up and down her sides, her neck, down to her hips and thighs.

“It’s not just your body that I’m going to invade, either. No, that’s just where I’ll start.

“I’m going to teach you to need it, to crave it. I’m going to use your body as an avenue to invade your mind. I’m going to break you wide open.

“I’m absolutely fascinated by you. I want to know everything. I’m going to break you down until you bare your soul for me.

“And you’ll do it willingly. Once I’ve taught you to crave the ways I violate your body, you’ll gladly open yourself up for me to violate your mind as well.

“You will tell me all your secrets. All your hidden shames. You will share your dirtiest, most shameful fantasies with me and together we will love them out. I promise you after I’ve done all the things I have planned for you, your wildest fantasies will seem completely mundane.

“I will break you down until you have nothing left hidden from me. Until I know you better than you know yourself. I will hold the very core of who you are …

“And once I do, that will be when I’ve had my fill. That will be when I let you go.”

I continued running my hands over her body. With each pass I pushed her shirt further down her shoulders and her skirt further up her thighs. I touched her tenderly, hungrily and spoke so softly.

“The longer you hold out, the longer I’ll keep you. And the more you fight it the more pain it will take to get you to where I want you.”

I slid my hands down to her legs and gently wedged my fingers between her thighs.

“And it all starts with your body. I told you I am going to fuck you and now it’s time. Open your legs for me … or not, it’s your choice. One way or the other I will get what I want.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vxkaqf/a_forceful_seduction_noncon

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