Venture in the woods… (NSFW)

A light breeze brushing over her naked form. The sun shining down on the girl bound between two trees. Her legs spread wide apart, arms seperated, bound to either side of her against the trees. Leaving her unprotected against the elements, the sun and wind. A soft shiver running through her body, not from the cold. Indeed, she felt rather warm, hot even. Embarrasment and arousal coursing through her body as she thought back on how she ended up here.

Her Master brought her here. Lead her down into the woods by her leash, still clothed at the time. Told her to strip slowly, to take her time with each piece of clothing removed. Leaving her eventually only in her stockings and her collar, her sign of submission and love towards him. A sign she never took off, not since that day a year ago when she sealed and signed the contract with him. The only piece of clothing she was always allowed, ever required to wear.

Once stripped of all her clothing, the last veil fallen, he had taken her. Grasping her hair, turning her around, shoving her front roughly against one of the same trees she was currently bound to. even now she could feel where the rough bark had scrapped her skin. He had taken her, without warning, without any foreplay. Rough and fast, without any consideration for her pleasure. She was wet enough for him. Always. Even now she could feel his seed dripping out of her freshly fucked cunt, throbbing and aching as she bound. Could still feel his cock pounding into her, could still hear his growls and feel his fingers digging into her skin.

Then, after binding and tying her down, he walked away. Wordlessly, he had turned, ignored her calls and eventual yelling for him to come back. That only resulted in him shoving a ball gag into her mouth, muffling any further screams, before slapping her twice across the face, giving her a small smirk. Not speaking a word, yet his eyes were saying enough. Taunting her with the knowledge that he’d read her diary, knew about her fantasies. Her wants to experience outdoor sessions. The last thing he did was taking away her clothes. Making sure that even if she would free herself, she would still be naked and vulnerable.

She couldn’t tell how long it has been since then. From her position, she wasn’t able to properly see the sun, couldn’t discern just how far it had moved since her entrapment here. She could only endure, waiting her him to come back, to free her and take her back home.

Suddenly, the girl could hear steps from behind her. At first she thought them to be her Master’s, sneaking up on her from behind after making around out of her view to surprise her. Moment later, she felt a hand around her throat and knew she was wrong. This hand wasn’t her Master’s. It was too rough. Didn’t lay on her skin quite right. This was a stranger’s hand, and her Master was nowhere in sight!

Now panicked, the girl wanted to scream, an action that was already muffled greatly by her ball gag. Instead trying to kick at the stranger, who still held her throat, in a grip that prevented her from ever turning her head to look at her assailant. Her kick falling empty, her air being cut off from her lungs as the stranger’s hand started to squeeze her throat, hissing into her ear that she better keep still or he’d really hurt her.

The girl’s body was now shaking in real fear, something she hadn’t felt in some time, as she always knew to be save with her Master. Her Master may be rough and acting uncaring, but the girl knew better. He always looked out for her. Something she couldn’t be sure about with this stranger. Her body writhing in a futile struggle, she felt like throwing up as his free hand started to trail down her body, groping both her breasts, slapping them before wandering between her legs. Fondling her pussy, pinching her clit. Shoving two of his thick fingers into her, starting to violate her with complete disregard.

Still, the girl was wet. The more she became disgusted and ashamed with the situation, the more her juices were flowing, soon coating the stranger’s hand, to which he remarked with what a Slut he had found today in the woods. His words, not unfamiliar to those her Master would use with her, sending another shameful jolt of arousal through her body, causing her to moan out as the stranger was pinching her clit. Eventually, even as she was struggling not to, the girl came on the stranger’s fingers. letting out a muffled scream as her juices drenched her thighs and his hand.

She had just cum by being molested by a stranger in the woods…

Close to tears, the girl eventually heard a zipper. the rustling of clothing. Shaking her head in terror and disgust, but unable to stop it, the girl was keenly aware of the stranger freeing his cock from his pants. Seconds later, he had already taken her. Not unlike her Master, but still so very different. Not with consent, not with an underlying agreement. This stranger simply had found a convenient toy in the woods and decided to relief himself with it.

And still, the girl got wetter. Cursing her body, as arousal crashed down on her faster and harder, her yells of protest morphing into moans of pleasure before long. The stranger’s cock plowing into her at an irregular pace, giving her no opportunity to get used to it. Her whole body feeling hot, from shame, arousal, terror and disgust at herself and the situation. She could feel the stranger’s cock pounding into her hard and fast, without care for the girl’s own pleasure. Feel it throb and pulse, she knew he was about to cum inside her.

She was screaming at him to at least pull out, pleading for him not to cum inside her, but she knew it was already too late. His hot seed shooting into her, splashing against her insides ast the stranger rammed his cock as deep into her as he could. Making sure she was forced to take every last drop, as her treacherous pussy was milking him dry. Eventually, he would pull back out, squeeze her throat and leave, after pulling up his pants.

Leaving the girl to cry in shame and disgust towards herself, as she couldn’t deny to have enjoyed this situation more than she ever should. She didn’t know how long she was hanging in her bounds, crying, screaming, cumming again from the sheer weight of the situation alone. Until she heard footsteps approaching again, this time infront of her.

Her Master, a slight smirk on his face.

Her Master, holding a camera, trained on her.

Her Master, who would later tell her he had planned this, knowing about this fantasy from reading her diary…
