Beyond Trust Falls — [Asian] [Interracial] [Age Gap]

“We’re here because the two of you seem unable to work together.”

A deafening silence fell over the plain and windowless meeting room. Barely large enough for three people, these small “chat chambers” were the new hotness of the startup world. White walls partially covered by drab gray bulletin boards, a small U-shaped table in the center of the room, and a small TV screen for Zoom calls were standard fare for the cramped, confined cubicles that somehow replaced real conference rooms.

Lacking character, distinction, windows, or breathing room, they were already uncomfortable enough without a meeting from HR.

On one side of the U sat Liming, a short and slender Chinese woman well begun on her journey into middle age. Her tight blue jeans and slim black top adhered tightly to her body, presenting her B-cup breasts and thin ass to a world that might appreciate them more if she were 20 years younger.

Sitting opposite was 24-year-old Lamar, a muscular African-American man who had been recently brought onboard to inject some “new blood” into an aging department of forty-somethings. While his loose jeans concealed the tonality of his legs, his short-sleeved navy-blue T-shirt exposed biceps seemingly thicker than Liming’s head. He dwarfed Liming in stature if not in seniority.

Liming searing state burned across the table. Unable to meet Liming’s gaze, Lamar looked nervously down at his feet, hoping to be literally anywhere else.

At the head of the table stood “Senior Staff Problem Solver,” a small older gentleman with whitening hair and a receding hairline. When he spoke, his rehearsed television-British accent presented an illusion of erudition and authority and the higher ups just ate that shit up. The leather briefcase he sprawled open on the table was more prop than carrier, owing to the digitized nature of all the company’s records. This man was an illusion, a fraud, a mockery but one that Liming and Lamar would both have to endure if they both wanted to keep their jobs.

As the “Senior Staff Problem Solver” continued prattling on, Liming broke her staring contest with Lamar to spy the Problem Solver’s employee badge. Marked with a thick purple line, the badge allowed him access to the Executive Offices at the top of the headquarters. Liming knew people like him didn’t tend to bother with the minor squabbles of the “blue” employees closer to the ground. His presence so low on the fourth floor was highly unusual.

“We’ve sat down with several members of the department,” the Problem Solver continued. “We’re hearing that you two aren’t being your best selves around each other. It’s hurting your department. It’s hurting our company. And I’m sure it’s hurting you too. None of us want that soI’m hoping we can sync on this issue, get to the bottom of this, turn down the temperature a bit, and get you both on the same page and working together again.”

“Not likely,” sighed Liming, leaning back in her chair.She stared up at the ceiling, standoffishly withdrawing slightly from the table and from the conversation. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

“I told you this was a waste of time,” griped Lamar, raising his bulky arms in frustration, looking to the Problem Solver. “She won’t even participate in this discussion.”

“Now now settle down,” said the Problem Solver in a condescending tone that was uniquely British. “ You two have a track record of disagreeing. It doesn’t surprise me that you can’t even agree to be here.”

Neither Liming nor Lamar laughed.

“The truth is, this is a sensitive issue,” he continued. “You’re both, shall I say, ‘diverse’ employees. Otherwise we would just fire one of you and be done with the matter. But we’re not looking to draw media attention nor the ire of Rose Twitter. We’re going to settle this in house. To that end, you two will be helping me pilot a new … let’s say … special curriculum for conflict resolution. You will both need to work hard, do some difficult or uncomfortable things but I assure you, by the time we’re done here, the two of you will be able to collaborate effectively. You may even become friends.”

Liming and Lamar both stared away from the Problem Solver and each other, rolling their eyes at the absurdity of their situation. Lamar opened his mouth, ready to speak his mind about “conflict resolution”, but stopped himself.

“I’m doing a lot of talking,” the Problem Solver declared. “But for this to work, the two of you need to do the work. From this moment I’m declaring this room a safe space. Say whatever you need to and it won’t leave this room. That’s a promise. Now, Lamar, you were going to say something?”

“Safe space? I can say anything?” Lamar asked, a hint of incredulous disbelief in his tone.


“Fine. The fuck you gonna do, make us do trust falls or some shit!?” Lamar yelled, slamming his hands on the arms of his chair as he rose to his feet. As Lamar’s body towered over the table, Liming grinned and reclined in her chair, excited to see Lamar growing more angry. She hoped the Problem Solver would see this outburst as menacing proof that she had been right about Lamar all along.

The Problem Solver, still on his feet, did not flinch.

“No … no trust falls,” the Problem Solver reassured in the Same calm, collected, and condescending tone. “Something better.”

“Maybe we should call security in to supervise in case he gets violent?” Liming suggested snidely. giving the animated Lamar a side-eye glance. “I told you I don’t feel comfortable around him. Now you can see why.”

“That won’t be necessary … we’re going to hash this out right here. Just the three of us,” the Problem Solver said, raising his hand to Liming, physically and verbally rebuking her request.

“Now, Lamar, sit down. I have an exercise for both of you.”

The muscles in Lamar’s arms and face loosened, the rage slowly drained from his body. Reluctantly, he pulled his chair back to the table and lowered himself into it, all the while staring agitatedly but quietly at an unremarkable tear in the wallpaper on the opposite wall. Anything to avoid staring at Liming.

“I want you both to shut your eyes and think for a moment. How do you feel about the other person? What images or words come to mind? Tell each other how you really feel about each other. And be honest, this is a safe space. Use whatever language you feel appropriate. Liming, why don’t you go first?”

“Okay, you’re rude, violent, and aggressive,” Liming declared, not even spending a second to think about her reply. “Your work is sloppy and needs constant revision. You add nothing to our department but take up valuable time forcing us to hold your hand through even the simplest work. You come in every morning smelling of sweat and other … masculine odor. To put it bluntly: our department was better off before they forced you on us.”

“Thank you for sharing, Liming,” The Problem Solver turned to Liming and sturned his head down as if to look over a non-existent pair of glasses. “You know. Some women find a man’s natural musk attractive. Is it possible your attraction to Lamar has colored your actions?”

Liming physically retreated in her chair, her head shifted backwards in stunning disbelief. Lamar brought his hand over his mouth, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a chuckle.

“What? Well … I ….I don’t!” Liming protested.

“Well it’s natural, don’t you think? He’s a strong and quite fit young man,” The Problem Solver stated matter-of-factly, as if the entire line of questioning wasn’t textbook sexual harassment.

“…This is ridiculous. This meeting is over.” Liming snapped back, rising out of her chair and turning towards the door.

“Wait!” The Problem Solver insisted. “I told you this is a special curriculum and you must follow it! If you walk out that door we will just sack you and call it a day! Otherwise, if you still want to participate, sit down and do as you’re told!”

Liming’s hand grabbed the door handle. After a long, strained, and awkward pause she released the handle, turned around slowly, and dropped back into her chair.

“Good. I’m glad we’re working together again. Now, what about you, Lamar? What do you think about Liming?”

“You promise this is a safe space?”

“Yes … I promised you already Lamar.”

“I can say whatever I want and not get fired?”

“Yes, Lamar, that’s what it means.” A hint of impatience and exasperation snuck into The Problem Solver’s words.

“Good,” Lamar said smiling, taking a breath before continuing. “Everyone knows Liming is a dry as fuck 40-year-old bitch no one wants. All the guys here say she an “ice queen” or “dragon lady.” Ain’t nobody here interested in tapping that. Imean seriously.: nasally-ass voice. tiny fucking titties, flat ass … no wonder you never got a man. She just salty as hell that guys don’t look at her like they do other girls. You just a jealous spiteful bitch trashin’ my work because you know I ain’t ever gonna be interested in a girl like you. Fuckin’ bitch.”

Lamar’s diatribe drowned out all other sounds in the office, bouncing off the walls and filling the air with his anger.

“You seem to have very sexual thoughts about Liming. Particularly how ‘dry’ she is. Tell me Lamar, do you normally contemplate the moisture of your female coworker’s vaginas or just Liming’s?”

“Yo … what the fuck?!” Lamar shouted, so,e how even louder than before.

“It’s also quite natural. She’s your mentor so you look up her … want her approval … first just on your work but then also on your body. Do you want to have sex with Liming, Lamar?”

“Fuck this. I’m outta here.,” Lamar shouted, slamming both palms on the poor blameless table before rising hurriedly to his feet.

“Are you sure, Lamar? You’re free to go but your job won’t be waiting for you if you can’t cooperate.” The Problem Solver’s tone soared to new heights of condescension. “I’m trying to help you— help both of you— work this out. Are you going to be a man and work through this conflict maturely or storm off like a petulant child?!”

Lamar stared in listless silence.

“Good,” The Problem Solver concluded. “Now sit.”

Lamar lowered himself slowly into his chair. His softening likeness belied the boiling rage within him. Liming and The Problem Solver stared at Lamar, patiently waiting for him to settle.

“Well … I think we’re making good progress here.,” The Problem Solver stated, a smile manifesting on his lips. “I think I see the problem, actually. Liming, would it be fair to say that you expect Lamar to be a harder worker, more mindful, and more receptive to feedback from his superiors?”

“Yeah … yeah it would,” Liming conceded, arching her mouth in disbelief that this seemingly clueless man actually understood her.

“And Lamar, would I be wrong to say you feel that Liming is always looking down on you, expecting you to do what she wants, and acts like she’s more important than you?”

“I AM more important than him. I’ve been working here for years,” Liming interrupted. Without a word, The Problem Solver raised his hand to her face, warning her not to interrupt.

“No,” Lamar granted, ignoring Liming’s interruption. “that’d be right. She’s always talking down to me and shit. Her kind has always been lookin down on-“

“Oh please, we look down on you?! What about LA, what about COVID? You don’t get to-“

“Liming, Lamar, this is getting us nowhere!” The Problem Solver interjected, cutting the fuse on the ticking time bomb on what would definitely have been a calm and measured and not at all angry and legally dangerous debate about race relations. “I have an exercise for you two. It’s very simple. Just do this and we’ll call it a day, okay?”

Both Liming and Lamar rolled their eyes, almost in perfect unison. One of the few times they agreed on anything.

“Lamar, stand up and lean your shoulder against the wall behind you,” The Problem Solver commanded. Lamar stood up and complied, leaning his right shoulder against the wall so his body was perpendicular to the surface. Liming couldn’t help but notice how far his body was from the wall, separated by the bull of muscle in his upper arms.

“Now Liming, I want you lean on the wall and face him.” Liming let out a loud deliberate sigh before taking her position in front of Lamar. Despite being almost twenty years his senior, her eyes barely aligned with the top of his chest. To look him in the eye would mean to strain her head looking upward. She chose to stare ahead at his chest.

“Okay … now what?” Liming asked, impatiently.

“Now you get down on your knees.”

“WHAT!? I’m not getting down-“ Liming shrieked, her visceral outrage allowing red to show through her usual olive complexion.

“You’re not what? Interested in keeping your job? The door is right there.,” The Problem Solver pointed over his shoulder to the door Liming had just tried to use minutes earlier. Lamar let out a laugh, not even attempting to hide it. Liking’s hands moved to cover her face before she exhaled another weighty sigh and lowered herself to her knees.

“Good, good excellent!” The Problem Solver praised. “Now Lamar, unzip your pants and take out your penis.”

“Ummmmmm …” Lamar paused, baffled.

“Was I not clear? Your zipper down and your penis out young man.”

Lamar looked at The Problem Solver, then down at Liming. Seeing the look of abject disgust on her face was all he needed to know. This would be fun. She would have to see his manhood. And this was a safe space after all.

The metallic sounds of the separation of Lamar’s zipper filled the air. A deft movement of the hand and a soft, thick, dark snake escaped from its nest, presented on display for The Problem Solver and Liming to admire. Even fully soft, Lamar was a good six-and-a-half inches and even with a soft dick bigger than most guys could ever dream to have, Lamar fancied himself a “grower”, not a “shower.”

“Now this exercise will be a bit of a ‘role reversal’, as it were.” The Problem Solver was talking but Liming was no longer listening. She had seen a few dicks in her time when she was younger, much younger, but nothing like this. The dicks she remembered were compact, slim, manageable. Lamar’s ebony meat cylinder was long, thick, and wild. Even as he stood still, his cock waved back and forth with every breath swaying gracefully in front of the two large round orbs that Liming never in a million years thought she would ever see.

“…so, in essence, the act of oral sex will allow you to understand the other’s perspective.” The Problem Solver finished his long, rambling explanation. Liming wished she had payed more attention.

“What!? How the fuck is this supposed to help us work better together?” Liming shouted incredulously.

“….I just explained it to you, Liming. Weren’t you listening? Entrusting the safety of the most precious part of his body, the essence of manliness, to you is an act of pure trust. This isn’t a trust fall. It’s so, so far superior.”

“…I’m not putting my dick in her mouth. She’ll just fucking bite me dude,” Lamar declared, moving a hand to protect his exposed crotch.

“Well … if she does that … she’s fired.”

“Bite you? I’m not putting that thing anywhere near my mouth. It’s unsanitary. What if… what if he…. what if he … finishes …in my mouth?”

“If he does that, he’s fired. This isn’t about sexual gratification. This is about mutual understanding and respect. Can you two do this for the good of our team, of our company, and for yourselves? If you don’t want to the door is right there. Otherwise I need you to get started. Now.”

Liming stared at the massive flaccid worm swaying before her. She let out one final sigh before walking on her knees to get closer to Lamar. She raised one hand up to her face to cover her eyes, hoping that could somehow negate or obscure the depravity of what was about to happen.

Liming opened her mouth as wide as she could, straining so hard the skin at the edges of her mouth stretched in pain. Using her jaw as a cup, she lowered her head slightly and captured the bell-ended tip of Lamar’s cock before raising her head back up, guiding the length of Lamar’s soft manhood to a comfortable rest atop her tongue.

“Oh … and Liming, one more thing….” The Problem Solver said hesitantly.

Liming turned her head to the side, tightening her lips around Lamar’s cock so it wouldn’t slip out. As she turned, she could feel gentle pulses along the length of Lamar’s cock. It was changing, transforming.

“Oh … just one last detail of the exercise. If you take your mouth off his cock for any reason … you’re fired.”

“hhhhMMMMM?!” Liming moaned, unable to speak through the growing pulsating cock tearing her mouth open. The sound only accelerated the motions in Lamar’s cock. The small gentle pulses became larger, more violent. The flexible shape and soft skin became more rigid and rough by the second. He was growing. With each passing second, the pain on Liming’s stretched lips and the dull aching I’m her jaw increased.

She worried if she even could keep him in her mouth at full size.

“Okay … so her mouth is on my dick. So what? I’m not supposed to cum so what are we even doing?” Lamar asked, equally confused and impatient.

“Oh, Lamar, you two will figure it out I’m sure.” The Problem Solver reached into his briefcase and from a stack of papers liberated the morning’s San Francisco Chronicle from the mess. Suddenly caring very little about his beloved conflict resolution exercise, he pushed his chair back, put his feet on the table, and disappeared behind the black and white folds of the day’s top news.

“So … you can’t take your mouth off of me … or you’re fired,” Lamar said, a smile coming onto his face. “So … no matter what I say or do you just have to ‘suck it up’. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it … bitch?”

Liming’s eyes glared upwards at Lamar. A look that he would normally find intimidating had it not been for the lips that usually insulted and berated him wrapped tightly around the base of his cock.

“You like sucking big black cock, don’t you?” Lamar teased with a bitter, cutting tone. With his hands still resting at his sides, Lamar slowly began gyrating his hips forward and backward, pushing the head of his cock to the back of Liming’s throat before quickly and erratically lunging backwards.

Each tap against Liming’s esophagus made her want to puke but she needed this job and that meant completing the exercise, whatever it took. Lamar’s fast and random retreats left Liming little time to convalesce lest she accidentally drop his cock as he pulled back.

“You’ve always been a mean, hateful bitch. All I wanted was for you to appreciate me, to appreciate my work. I work my ass off for you. Shit, I don’t know everything but I’m willing to learn. Why you gotta always be stepping to me, huh? Why you always gotta be that way, huh? HUH?! “

Without warning, Lamar suddenly took a whole step back, trying to pull his tumescent, throbbing cock away from Liming’s straining mouth. Not missing a beat, Liming tightened her lips and walked forward on her knees, keeping at least the black and pink tip of Lamar’s manhood firmly on the inside of her cheeks.

“You just love sucking my cock so much you’ll follow me around, huh? How long have you wanted to suck me, Liming? Why didn’t you just say so, huh? I’d have given ya a taste.”

Liming shuttered at the thought of ever being attracted to Lamar. She had worked hard in her life to get where she was, learned skills others failed to learn, aced tests that others often failed, pushed ahead in her career in an industry hostile to Asian women. She knew how to suck a metaphorical dick to get what she wanted, knew how to do so,etching personally distasteful to get her way.

She wasn’t going to shy away from the real thing, no matter what awful things he said about her.

“Aight … you followed me backwards. How about forwards?” Lamar asked, suddenly lunging forward towards Liming. The tip of his swollen cock invaded the fragile confines of her throat, his balls smacked hard against the underside of her chin.

Liming made two fists to help ameliorate the sudden and compelling urge to throw up, a tactic she learned from her friend Evelyn years back when Evelyn had developed an ephemeral taste for non-Chinese cock. Liming didn’t know how or why she had remembered this strategy. Never imagined she’d ever ever suck a dick again —- certainly not that of a non-Chinese guy — yet there she was, balling her hands and squeezing hard to avoid gagging on a younger man’s large thick cock.

Lamar stepped forward again. Then again. Then again. With each step, Liming walked backwards on her knees in tandem, ensuring that Lamar’s cock never so much as slipped halfway out.

She wasn’t going to let him win.

With one last step, the backs of her shoes contacted the wall behind her. There was nowhere left to go. Lamar thrust his hips forward, pushing so hard that Liming’s lips bottomed out on his shaft. Pushing even harder, Liming’s head slammed into the wall behind her, crushed between the rigid plaster and the animalistic thrusting of Lamar’s hips.

With nowhere left to move, Liming’s head was no more than a breathing flashlight with legs. Lamar accelerated his thrusts, slamming the head of his dick into the vulnerable warm depths of Liming’s helpless mouth. With nowhere to move, with no space to work with, Liming knew she would have to release her mouth from his cock, have to sacrifice her job.

Liming knew she had to give in.

“Hey, dude, you were right. This role reversal really does work!” Lamar declared joyously, turning his head toward The Problem Solver. The serene blissful smile on Lamar’s face belied the vigorous thrusting of his hips that seemed to squeeze Liming tighter and tighter against the wall.

“Huh…?”The Problem Solver muttered, barely lowering his newspaper to peer over the top. “Oh … yeah .. good for you. Keep at it.” The paper again shrouded his face.

Liming squeezed her eyes shut, tightening her fists so hard that two of her fingernails cracked against her skin. This was it. She had nowhere to go. She had fought valiantly, had managed to keep Lamar’s cock under her control while he jumped and gyrated and thrusted around the room, but a prolonged facerucking was more than she could take.

Liming raised her hands up to Lamar’s hips, prepared to push him away and concede defeat.

And then she tasted it.

A small, salty-white bead, barely perceptible, slithered down the back of her tongue. Then suddenly, a realization: There were two rules to this game. Liming wasn’t allowed to bite or remove her mouth from Lamar’s monstrous member but Lamar was also not allowed to cum.

This was her opening. Her strategy. Lamar had tried to force her to break the rules. Now it was her turn.

Liming slowly lifted her palms off the front of Lamar’s hips and guided her hands slowly behind his legs. As gently as she would thread a needle, she placed both hands softly on both sides of Lamar’s denim-adorned buttocks. At least, she reassured herself, she didn’t have to touch his bare ass.

“What the-?” Lamar asked, confused, only slightly slowing the rhythmic gyrations of his hips into Liming’s face.

Liming squeezed both hands hard into Lamar’s butt, pulling him towards her with all the force she could muster. Lamar lost his footing, falling into the wall and plunging his cock even deeper into Liming’s exhausted mouth.

Liming’s tongue which had lay dormant throughout the ordeal suddenly sprung to life. The coarse edge of the top surface of her tongue danced along the bottom of Lamar’s captive shaft. The warm, wet insides of Liming’s cheeks pushed inward, forming her mouth into a moist mould around the invading cock.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” Liming moaned in feigned ecstasy.

“Ugh … ugh … oh shit … let’s just chill a second,” Lamar pleaded, but it was no use. He regained his footing, tried to take a step back. Liming quickly stepped forward, her gliding tongue not missing a moment of contact. Now her head was free from the wall. Her hands tripped Lamar’s buttocks. Her head bobbed methodically back and forth.

It wouldn’t be long now.

Lamar’s gratuitous testicles, once swinging wild and free, hardened and contracted. More salty fluid slowly oozed over Liming’s tongue and down into her stomach. The rock-hard cock that tore open Liming’s mouth somehow stiffened even further.

“fuck fuck Fuck FUCK!” Lamar shouted.

That was her cue.

In one motion, Liming pulled her head back, walked back on her knees, and pushed Lamar’s erupting cock clean out of her mouth. The magnificent thick cock stood fully erect, twitching, beyond critical mass, ready to blow.

“Lamar!” Liming shouted, announcing victory to the room. “You’re not supposed to-!

Long viscous white arcs of slimy spunk leaped from the twitching tip of Lamar’s erupting erection, showering Liming’s eyes, cheeks, forehead, and lips in his copious seed. Liming was close enough to watch as each rope rammed through his slit and leaped onto her face, bathing her in a warm sticky glow reminsicent of a perfect summer day. More strands, weaker this time, leapt down onto her chin, hanging down in an elongating line before dripping down onto Liming’s black blouse, permenantly staining the chest with the silky white of a man’s full healthy load.

“-cum on me.” Liming concluded. The disgust of being covered in Lamar’s seed fueled genuine anger but beneath the surface she knew she had won. Lamar was done for.

“Ahhh fuck! You- you- fucking- you fucking made me cum all over you!” Lamar shouted.

“I didn’t *make* you do anything. You broke the rules, Lamar,” Limimg pointed out, decidedly not magnanimous in victory. “You see?” she continued, now addressing The Problem Solver. “I told you he can’t follow directions.”

Despite all the commotion, The Problem Solver still remained nose-deep in his paper. As The Arts and Leisure section folded down in front of him, his eyes widened, his face turned bright red.

“What in blazes is wrong with BOTH OF YOU?” he shouted, throwing his newspaper down onto the conference table.

“What?” Liming asked, confused. As she opened her mouth, a strand of cum hung over her lip, swinging inside and falling on her tongue as she spoke. “You said he wouldn’t cum. His … stuff is all over my face and clothes.”

“Yes, I can see that. He wasn’t supposed to cum … but you weren’t supposed to take your mouth off of his cock either.”

“Ooooh shit!” Lamar exclaimed. “You mean I’m not gonna be fired?”

“What are you talking about. Was I supposed to let him cum down my throat?”

“I can’t believe this. I simply can’t believe this. I gave you two very simple, clear instructions.” The Problem Solver tried to speak further, but let out several unintelligible exasperated breaths before slowly. regaining his composure.

“As far as I care you’re both fired! This is unbelievable … look at this mess!” He stretched out his palm towards Liming, her soaked face, the slimy white puddle on her chest, and the staining white drops of cum that dropped to the floor below.

“Please, man, I need this job. I did everything you said.” Pleaded Lamar.

“Me too. Honestly, once you asked us to do this what the heck did you think would happen?” Liming added.

“You’re. Both. Fired.” The Problem Solver spoke each word slowly and carefully, emphasizing each syllable. “Unless…”

“Unless what?” asked Liming.

“Unless … you *both* agree to look past this. You both broke the rules. If I’m to overlook it … well, the two of you will need to agree to overlook it.”

Lamar, still slightly aroused by the abundant amount of baby batter splattered over Liming, glanced down at her petite, kneeling body. Through translucent globules of cum, her eyes stared back up at him. The two enemies nodded in agreement.

“So …. the two of you can cooperate after all,” The Problem Solver said, suddenly much calmer and with a twinge of satisfaction. As he rose to his feet, he reached into his briefcase and liberated a small white hand towel, the kind posh families hung near the doors of their washrooms. He reached down and handed it to Liming who promptly used it to wipe all trace of Lamar’s love liquid away from her face.

“So .. we done or….?” asked Lamar tepidly.

“Not at all,” said The Problem Solver. “I expect to see you both back here first thing in the morning. We’re going to give something else a try. On that note …. Lamar?”


“I hope you have a flexible tongue.”



  1. Needs a follow-up, cant leave us imagining the next day and getting it all wrong.

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