My Best Friend’s Little Cousin Ch 7 [Mdom] [Fsub] [Cum] [Plot] [Public]

I wake more refreshed than I’ve ever experienced in my life, and I’m greeted by the sexiest cock on the planet, rock hard and ready to go.

I lift my head with care not to wake Jack before I can give him his surprise. I grab his cock with the lightest of touches before sliding my tongue up his enormous member. I get my mouth on his cockhead before he stirs and pushes me down to his base.

“I love that you know your job.” He smiles down at me with smoldering eyes that heats my core. “You ready for me to come inside you some more, Momma?”

I nod as best I can with a foot and a half of dick down my throat.

This time, Jack switches positions every few minutes, and we go for a solid twenty minutes. When he finishes, he pulls his spasming cock from my pussy and shoves it in my mouth, coating my face with a thick rope on the way.

“Oh, yeah, Momma. That’s your new breakfast. Every fucking morning, for the rest of your life.”

I slurp his tasty treat down, gripping his cock with both hands to squeeze every last drop out.

We fall back into the bed, spent and satisfied.

I wipe his cum off my face and into my mouth. “Jack, you’re fucking incredible.”

“You’re not too bad yourself.” He chuckles and pulls me into his arms. “The next couple weeks are going to be a big change, you up for the challenge?”

Reality smacks me across the face, and for a moment, my old life tugs me back. I have a job, bills, friends, family. It all says that I have to stay and maintain what I’ve earned in this world.

Jack’s hand cupping my jaw pulls me forward, to my future. He’s wealthy. I don’t need a job. My job is to service him now. Bills? No. I don’t have to worry about money anymore. Friends and family, though. Those two are a little tougher to swallow.

“I’m a little worried about what everyone is going to say. If you really do plan to keep me pregnant, then our families are going to expect us to marry, and even then, there’s the age gap.”

Jack nods, his face unreadable as if he’s at a poker tournament. “Oh, trust me, we’re getting married. You’ll wear my last name very well. As far as the age gap…” He shrugs. “Yeah. That’s a hurdle we’ll have to get over. People will bring it up, but only for a while. Once they realize how serious it is, how much we belong together, they’ll quiet down. No one will be talking after the wedding.”

I bite my lip thinking of a wedding with Jack. “Will you fuck me beforehand so I can walk down the isle with your cum sliding down my legs?”

He laughs. “If that’s what you want. But be careful, I wouldn’t want you to slip.”

We laugh and tease for a little while longer before Jack gets out of bed.

“Go on. Get breakfast made. I’ll clean up in here.”

“Yes, Jack. You’ll love Momma’s pancakes.”

He pulls me in for a kiss and I fall into the sweet embrace. He smacks my ass on my way out, and I’m halfway through the process of mixing the batter when I realized I’m still fucking naked.

I hustle over to the bathroom and get into my clothes. Jack’s are gone already. I guess he must have grabbed them when I was in the kitchen. As I slip on my shorts, Rebecca and her boyfriend Ty come through the front door, shouting about how Ty is a backseat driver.

“If you’d just learn to drive, I wouldn’t have to shout at you every time you’re about to blow through a red light.” Ty says.

“I never blow through red lights!” Becca roars back.

*Sheesh.* They’ve either been yelling at each other since they woke up, or Becca has a nasty hangover.

“Abby?” Vicky calls. “You here?”

I pop out of the bathroom with a smile and head for the kitchen, passing them in the living room. “Yep. About to make pancakes. You want some?”

The three of them gape, their eyes like saucers and their jaws hitting the floor.

“Why do you look like you had sex?” Becca pulls her light brown hair back into a ponytail.

“Because I fucked her last night.” Jack comes out of Becca’s room with her bedsheets in hand.

“You what?” Vicky shouts.

Becca points to the bundle of sheets. “Are those— Did you fuck on my bed?”

Jack grins at me and leans in for a kiss, which I gladly accept. It’s just a little peck on the lips, but a slap to my ass sends me on my way. “Go make those pancakes.”

I hurry along and get back to making Jack his breakfast.

“Abby?” Becca shouts. “What the fuck?”

“Hey.” Jack’s volume stays low, but his commanding tone snap everyone’s attention to him. “She’s mine now. She was your friend first, I get that, but now she’s mine. Get used to that fact, Bec. She’s not your friend first anymore. She’s Jack’s woman for now, and soon she’ll be my wife.”

“Your wife?” Vicky and Becca both shout and groan.

“Kid gets his dick wet, thinks they’re in love.” Ty laughs.

“No, it’s true.” I say from the kitchen. “Best sex of my life right after the best conversation of my life. I’d be kind of stupid not to snatch him up.”

“He’s eighteen.” Becca pleads with her eyes but my mind is made up.

“Nothing about him is eighteen. He’s bigger than Ty, he makes more money than any man we know, he runs his own business, and he’s the best lay of my life.” I leave out that he has a titan of a cock, no need for them to hear that. “Besides, eighteen is the cutoff. He’s an adult. He’s got big boy pants and makes big boy decisions.”

Becca puts a hand to her forehead and groans. “Oh my god. I don’t want to hear this. You fucked on my bed. You fucked my baby cousin on *my* fucking bed.”

“That’s not quite right.” Jack walks past them into the laundry room. “*I* fucked *her* on your bed, and I apologize for that. I’ll get you a new bed if you want. I have to get you a new couch anyway.”

Becca and Vicky’s heads snap to the couch. The large stains from both his orgasms and mine tell the story of what we did last night. Both women cringe.

“Oh my fucking God!” Vicky shouts.

Becca shakes her head. “Abby, what the—”

“Stop blaming her. You know I’m always the instigator.”

“She’s worse.” Becca’s eyes land on me, raging with fire.

“No, she’s not.” Jack chuckles.

I laugh as well. “I’m certainly not. Your *baby* cousin is incorrigible.”

Becca and Vicky continue to harass us, but Jack moves on with the day as if their shouting is normal. We eat and apologize for messing up the couch and her sheets, repeatedly.

“Vic, keep Jack here.” Becca grabs my wrist and pulls me to leave, but Jack grabs hers.

His hard stare is impassive and I’m glad I’m not on the receiving end of it. “I meant what I said. She’s mine, now. And I am not your cousin in this situation, I’m her man. Your aggression is concerning. Play nice.”

Becca sneers down at him. “If I want to beat her ass in my own house, I will.”

Jack’s eyes burn a whole through his cousin. “Keep it civil. Do not make the mistake of thinking I won’t defend her.”

When he releases her wrist, she lets go of mine. She jerks her head toward the bedrooms. “Come on.” We walk to her room, and she shuts the door. “Seriously, Abby, what in the fuck is going on?”

I sigh, fearing this first hurdle the most. Out of all the people in my life, Becca is the one that I care about accepting this new relationship the most. “Becca, it’s just…” Shit. How do I say that I’ve completely given myself over to a man, let alone her cousin? I shrug. “He did everything right. I’m not sure what else to say. He played me like a fiddle and I’m head over heels for him. I’m sorry, but I’m falling, hard.” I take one of her hands in mine. “I think I’m in love, but it’s all happening so fast. I do know that I’m going to pursue this, and if things go the way they did last night, I am going to fall in love.”

“And you went on a sex spree with him in my house?” She pleads, her brow knotting in the center. “Why didn’t you just take him to your place?”

I grimace. “We kind of got drunk.”

“Oh my God!” She rips her hand loose and covers her face with both palms.

“I said no at first. I promise I put up a solid defense. I did. We played truth or dare but no sexy dares, and he got me talking and it was fun and— Oh, I don’t know. It sounds bad, but it’s really not. Come on Becca. It’s me, your best friend since junior high. You want what’s best for me, right?”

“How is…” Her words die in her throat since the answer is obvious.

Jack’s young, wealthy, handsome, and kind. What else is on the list?

She huffs. “Fuck. I don’t want to hear anything about this. Nothing. And I do want a new bed and new fucking couch. What the fuck happened? Wait, no! Do not answer.”

“Are we good?” I reach my hand out to her.

“Yeah. We’re good.” She takes my hand and pulls me into a hug. “Just, take Jack out of here and have him get me my new shit.”

I grin. “I can do that.”

When we leave, Jack is leaning against the wall at the edge of the hall with his arms crossed over his chest. Might as well have a boulder in the way.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go get Becca her couch and bed.”

Jack smiles and nods. “Okay.”

We head back to my place first so I can change. I expect Jack to jump me at some point, but even when I’m naked, he keeps the conversation casual. The lump straining his pants tells me he wants to fuck as much as I do, but he’s being a good boy and focusing on the task at hand.

“God, you’re incredible.” His eyes roam my backside. He sits on my bed, that act alone has me wet. “You’re so curvy and fit at the same time.”

“Thank you.” I give him a wiggle to tease him, pressing my luck. We do need to get this shopping taken care of if we want it delivered by today.

I get dressed in an ultra-sexy corset that shows off the girls way too much, so I pair it with a black shawl. A black dress that goes all the way down to my ankles, black nylons and high heels.

“Beautiful heels. Come here.” Jack pats his crotch.

I saunter up to him and step on his crotch. “You like?”

He sucks air through his teeth and closes his eyes. One strong hand grips my ankle, but it doesn’t pull me off, nor does it pull in. His other hand slides up and down my calf. “Yeah. They look great on you.”

“They look even better on you.”

He chuckles and his dark honey eyes open with hunger.

“You like it when Momma steps on you?”

He’s so dominant, it’s a touch confusing if this is really okay.

“A woman’s place isn’t always on bottom. Just because you’re standing over me, doesn’t mean you’re in control.”

“Would you like that? If I was on top, sometimes?” I apply a little more pressure on my heel.

He groans and kisses my knee. “You don’t think I picked the name Momma just so I could drill you through the floor every night, do you?”

I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face if I wanted to. “You are so bad, Jack West. Come on, let’s go before we get sidetracked.”

We arrive at a furniture warehouse and a salesman runs up to greet us.

Jack pulls out his wallet and hands the man a hundred dollars. “Leave us alone. I’ll come get you when I’m ready.”

The man pockets the hundred and runs a hand through his suave blond hair. “Yes, sir. I’ll make sure you won’t be bothered.”

The couches take up the main section and we try a few out. Jack asks what type Becca would like and what type I’d prefer. I point to the deep cushion seats that would give us more room for fucking and spooning. Jack laughs and we move on to the beds.

We lay on a few and kiss from time to time, but not too much with so many people about.

“Abigale, we are in serious trouble.”

I giggle, still savoring the taste of his last kiss. “And why is that?”

“Because after getting a taste, I’m starving.” His eyes echo the sentiment.

He pulls me off the bed by the hand and leads me to the edge of the store till we reach a door that reads, ‘Employees Only.’ He opens the door and checks inside before bringing me in. It’s a small breakroom with two tables and a few chairs surrounded by lockers and a tv.

Jack locks the door before pushing me up against the lockers, his lips smothering mine and his hands pulling up my dress. I help, but not much. One hand can’t leave his muscled back while the other digs into his pants for that tantalizing, engorged cock.

He grips my nylons, pressing his fingers into my sopping wet pussy, and rips the fabric open, stealing my breath. “Better start buying crotchless.”

I lower his shorts and guide his meaty head to me. With our height difference, he has “And miss you ripping them like a barbarian?”

He thrusts, forcing a grunt from my throat. “Is that what you want? A barbarian? Fucking you raw? Taking your pussy as his own?”

I nod. I hadn’t meant barbarian like the D&D class, but the way Jack put it, I can’t help but think about role playing. We can’t role play fantasy characters here, but we can pretend something a little more realistic. “Yeah. Fuck me like you’re raping me. We work here, and I’ve been teasing you all week. I told you I wasn’t even wearing panties earlier, and now you can’t hold back.”

His strokes come fast and hard, hitting his stride in only a couple seconds. His hand on the back of my knee tightens, and the one at my throat squeezes tight. He presses his forehead into my mine, pushing me against the hard lockers. “You fucking tease. I’ve wanted in this pussy for so long I can smell it every day you walk through the door.”

*Oh, shit.* Jumping straight into character. Nice. “No, Jack. I’m a good girl. Don’t do this.” I struggle against his hands, but they don’t budge. “*Oooh*, fuck! I’m going to scream. Mr.— *Uggh!* Fuck, baby.” I whisper my out of character words when Jack’s cock slams into my womb. I shake myself and hop back into the scene. “Mr. Donavan will have your head on a spike.”

Jack releases my neck and clamps a hand over my mouth. “Which head? The one pinning you against the lockers, or the one rearranging your fucking guts?”

“*Grruh!*” My muffled grunt doesn’t go far. I turn away from his hand to get my mouth free slightly. “Please, stop. I can’t take your massive cock ripping me to pieces.”

“You’re going to be my office cum bucket from now on.” He thrusts harder before turning my head to the side and whispering in my ear. “We have to make this fast, Momma. No more talking. Just moan for me.”

I lick his palm, and he loosens his grip. “I’ll be too loud, baby. You have to cover my mouth.”

He pulls me in for a kiss and my moans travel into his mouth.

Strokes that melt my brain continue for several minutes with me climaxing three times before Jack swells inside me. He pulls out and drops me to my knees. His cock enters my mouth and throat with less than a heartbeat to spare. He deposits his load down my throat, shaking and moaning.

When he’s done, I stand up and he grips my face to pull me in for a deep kiss. “We need to get back to your place.”

I nod and follow him back out onto the showroom floor.

My heart raced when we went back to speak with the salesman about our purchases. Jack paid for everything and we hopped in my car.

“That was so fucking hot, babe.”

Jack grins. “Yes, it was. Can’t wait to do something like that again.”

“You want to have sex in public again?”

He laughs. “No. Well, yes, actually. That’s just not what I meant. I was talking about the roleplaying. Why not both?”

*Yeah. Why not both?* And maybe I could get my sexy barbarian roleplay in while I’m at it. “Do you play D&D?”

“I played one campaign in high school, but that’s it.”

“Would you want to? We have our monthly meeting on Friday.”

He leans across the center console of my Lexus. “You want your big, strong barbarian?”

“Yeah. I’d love to see that. We dress up, so we’d need to get you a loin cloth or something. What was your character in your campaign? You could use him, if he’s still alive.”

“You think I would die? No way.” He scoffs and grabs my hand, interlacing our fingers. “I was a fighter. We were playing in the DM’s made-up world, so it had some different rules and subclasses. I was what he called a Marshal. They use battle shouts to command or invigorate allies, scare enemies, that sort of thing. I can make a barbarian for you though.”

“No. I like that. You’re more of a thinking-man’s brute. The dangerous warlord, not just because his strength, but because his mind.”

He laughs and I do too. The fun between us fills the little car and my heart. Maybe I am in love.
