THE PEDICURE – Anal/foot fetish/

Maybe my first post was a bit too hoodish. Try this one on for size.

Vincent Chambers walked into the Artesia Nail Salon and smiled.  The shop wasn’t too far from his apartment off of Duke Street in Alexandria, Virginia.  It was his first time in the shop since his ex-girlfriend Donica drug him in there six months ago.  She was getting her nails and feet done and wanted his company.  Vincent could think of other things he’d rather be doing besides watching Danica get her nails done but he played the role and hung out.

He was bored stiff that day and vowed never to come back but today, he was here and excited.  He was trying to move on from Danica and he wasn’t doing too well.  It was a bad break-up and came from nowhere.  She told him that he didn’t appreciate her enough and didn’t take care of her so she left.  Vincent thought he was a good boyfriend and didn’t understand why she never voiced her concerns to him.  But it didn’t matter.  She left and wasn’t coming back.  No amount of pleading and saying he would change would help.

So he decided to step out of his comfort zone.  He figured if he got better in touch with his “feminine” side, he could better relate to women and their needs.  He knew Danica loved this place and was here once or twice a month.  So here he was.  He had made plans to get his feet done.  He had read somewhere that women loved men who took care of their feet.  He had never given too much thought to his feet but he had to admit that Danica had pretty feet.

Vincent looked around.  There were a couple of dudes in there.  One was with his wife or girlfriend as she got her nails done.  The other one was getting a pedicure himself.  Vincent didn’t feel so bad after that.  The little Asian woman who owned the shop came up to the front register and asked him what he wanted.  Vincent told her he wanted a pedicure and she showed him the options.  He asked for her recommendation and of course, she recommended the most expensive service which was $40.  Vincent said okay with a smile and she led him to the back.

She sat him down in one of the chairs and Vincent removed his sneakers and socks.  He rolled up his sweatpants legs up to his knee and waited.  The attendant was gathering her materials to do his feet.

He looked up as he heard the shop door open and a radiant, mature, mahogany-skinned woman entered.  She happily greeted the shop owner and the owner asked if she was doing her usual.  The woman said yes and the owner led her to the back.  The owner put the woman in the chair beside Vincent.  He smiled and nodded his hello to her; she smiled and said hi back.

She was beautiful in a graceful, panther sort of way.  She had long dark braids down her back with smooth, wrinkle-free skin.  She had a set of beautiful, full lips on a very generous mouth.  But it was those honey-brown eyes that set it off.  They were captivating. She looked like a mix of the thick adult film star Menage-A-Trois and Viola Davis.  Vincent found himself staring at her until she smiled and busted him.

“You should take a photo.  It will last longer,” she said.

Embarrassed, Vincent apologized.  “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t know I was staring,” he said.

“It’s okay.  It’s quite flattering actually.  I don’t get much attention from younger men,” the woman said.

“I don’t see why not.  You certainly caught mines,” Vincent said smoothly.

“I guess I did,” she said with a laugh.  She studied Vincent.  “I’ve never seen you in here before.  Not many guys do come in here.  Especially to get their feet done.”  She nodded at his feet.

“Well, I wanted to do something out of the ordinary for me.  My ex-girlfriend comes here to get her nails done,” Vincent said.

“Oh you’re here looking for her huh?” the woman surmised.

“Oh nooo…” Vincent said, shaking his head.  “No, we’re done.  She has moved on and so have I.  I’ve never been a customer in a place like this and I’m trying to step outside my comfort zone.”

“I see,” the woman said with a smile.  “Well, I hope you enjoy your experience.  I come here a lot to get pampered.  It’s a fantastic experience.”

“So far I agree,” Vincent said with a smile.  He held out his hand for a shake.  “I’m Vincent.  It’s nice to make your acquaintance,” he said.

The woman grinned and shook his hand.  “Diana.  And likewise,” she said.

Vincent smiled and sat back in his chair.  He was going to let the woman get her pampering on without being disturbed but honestly, he was being pampered himself.  The chair had a massaging function on the back and it was rolling up and down his back, soothing his muscles.  Ooooh shit, this feels good, he thought.  The attendant was working on his feet and it felt good, too.  Vincent closed his eyes and relaxed.

Diana Cassidy was in her late 40s.  She owned a successful CPA business and liked to take time out of her very busy schedule to come into the nail shop to be taken care of twice a month.  She was a single woman with no children of her own and liked her freedom.  She could go, do, and see whom she pleased.  She was married for a while to a high-powered attorney who fucked up and let Diana do his books.  The man had made all kinds of crooked real estate deals then tried to hide the proceeds from Diana.  Big mistake because Diana was very good at what she did.  Not only did she find the illicit funds, she caught the bastard cheating on her.  She made records of the man’s misdeeds and then talked to a divorce attorney.  She then made a deal with her husband:  give me my freedom and alimony and I won’t turn over what I’ve found to the Feds.  Her husband gratefully gave in and signed the divorce papers.  True to her word, Diana turned over the evidence she had to her now ex and the pair went their separate ways.  Diana got her alimony checks and started her business.  She was doing very well for herself.

Now she could afford to live how she wanted.  She didn’t need a huge fancy house or expensive cars.  She had a Mercedes-Benz but she kept it well maintained and clean.  She owned a two-bedroom condo near Fair Oaks with a nice view and it was perfect for her.  And she liked to spoil herself every so often with this treat in the salon.

Diana also had another vice and it was part of the reason why she liked coming to the nail salon:  she had a thing for male feet.  Her predilection was somewhat kinky and she kept her business to herself.  But finding the perfect male feet was rare.  Now as she sat back in her chair getting her back massaged and her own feet taken care of, she noticed Vincent’s feet.  And they warmed her loins.

Vincent actually caught her stealing a few glimpses at his feet and he was curious about it.  He had often heard that women like men with big hands and feet.  His feet weren’t particularly large but they were a size 13.  His hands were big though.  Vincent was close to 6 ft tall but he had a lean build.  He looked like he could be a guard on the basketball team.  He caught Diana looking again and he smiled.

“I’m sorry.  You caught me,” she said grinning.

“It’s okay,” Vincent said.  “I’ve never had a woman look at my feet before.  Hands yes but never my feet.”

Diana smiled.  “You have very lovely feet for a man.  And it’s nice to see you taking care of them,” she said.

“Thank you,” Vincent said.  Seriously, he thought.  This chick had a thing for feet.  He had to see where this would go.

His pedicure was done and he prepared to go.  His feet and back felt fantastic and he was unbelievably lucky to have run into a beautiful woman like Diana.  He stood up and put on his sneakers and socks then turned to Diana.  

“Well this has been a treat,” he announced.

“It sure has, huh?” Diana confirmed.

“I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime,” he said to her with a smile.

Diana returned his smile and nodded.  “I’d like that,” she said.  She grabbed her Michael Kors purse and reached inside, producing a business card.  She handed it to Vincent then winked at him.  “Call me,” she said.

Vincent took the card and raised it up at her and nodded.  “I’ll do that.  Seeya soon,” he said and left the shop.

Thursday he did call Diana and asked if she had any plans for Friday night.  She told him she didn’t and Vincent said he wanted to take her out to dinner.  Diana gladly accepted and gave Vincent her home address.  He told her he would pick her up at 7 PM.

Vincent was excited.  He couldn’t help but wonder what Diana saw in him but it couldn’t be anything else but some fun.  He had never been with an older woman and he tried to place her age.  45 or 46, he thought.  Whatever it was, she wore it well.   Here I am, not even 30 years old.  I’m truly a cub to her being a panther.  I’m going to enjoy this but I can’t act up around her, he told himself.

He got ready and jumped into his Pearl Black 2007 Dodge Magnum SRT-8.  He loved his car.  He bought it as a present for himself when he started his job five years ago.  He turned on Spotify on the stereo and it started pumping Bootsy Collins.  He loved old school funk and R&B music.  He bounced in his seat as he roared towards Diana’s spot.

He called Diana and said he was parking and headed towards her building entrance.  She told him she was in unit 1036 and buzz her when he got to the door.  Vincent got out of his car and checked himself out.  He wore some fashionable jeans with some comfortable loafers and a dark purple casual button-down shirt.  He wasn’t sure what Diana would wear.  He had planned to take her to Maggiano’s in Tysons Corner for dinner.

He got to the door and hit the button for 1036.  A buzz sounded and the door unlocked.  Vincent went in and went to the elevator.  He took it to the 10th floor and got off.  When he got to unit 1036 and rang the doorbell.  Diana opened the door and smiled, welcoming him in.  Wow, he thought as he entered her condo and looked at her.  She was gorgeous.  She wore a pastel orange form-fitting top with some cut-off shorts with multi-colored wedge sandals.  She looked very much like spring.

She took on a pleading look on her face.  “Did you make dinner plans already?” she asked.

“Uh yes, I was going to take you to Maggiano’s in Tysons.  Why?  Is that not okay?” he asked.

Diana frowned.  “Well…” she began.  “It’s such a nice evening.  I was hoping that we could get maybe some sandwiches or a sub and a bottle of wine and find a nice park to eat at.  The stars are out and they’re beautiful.”

Vincent smiled.  It sounded like a lovely plan to him.  “Sounds good to me.  Are you ready?” he asked.

Diana nodded and grabbed her purse.  They left her condo and took the elevator down.  As they came outside, Diana breathed in the spring night air.  It was a crisp cool night but perfect for being out.  They came up to Vincent’s car and Diana grinned.  

“Well now… Definitely a boy toy,” she said.

 Vincent laughed and opened the door for her.  Diana smiled and got in then reached across the driver’s seat to open the door.  Vincent climbed in and smiled back at her.  He turned on the ignition and Spotify turned on the stereo.  He switched it over to his phone on Bluetooth and pulled up a mix he had stored on his phone.  Donny Hathaway started playing over the system.  Diana smiled in pleasant surprise.

“Now I DEFINITELY wasn’t expecting this,” she said, grinning.  “Boy what do you know about music like this?” she asked playfully.

“I grew up on music like this,” he said.  “My folks are from DC.  We had parties on the weekends when I was growing up and this was the only kind of music that was played.  I think I wore out all of my mother’s records.”

“What were her favorites?” Diana asked.

“She loved funk but she loved love songs more.  Bands mostly.  She loved Earth, Wind, and Fire,  the Isley Brothers, LTD.  LTD especially.  She loved Jeffrey Osborne.” Vincent replied.

“Very nice,” Diana said.  “I love Patti Labelle and Luther Vandross but all of that stuff back then is what I listen to now.”

“Yeah.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love hip-hop.  Actually, I love all kinds of music.  But old school is near and dear to my heart,” Vincent said.

They found a PotBelly sub shop that was still opened and they got a couple of sandwiches.  They stopped in a local Wegman’s and found a nice bottle of white wine, some fruit, some paper plates and plastic cups.  They headed back out and Vincent drove to Van Dyck Park in Fairfax. 

“I think I have a blanket in the back,” Vincent said.  “I know a nice spot up ahead.”

They got out of the car and Vincent grabbed the bag of their stuff from Wegman’s along with a blanket from the back of   They walked out to a nice secluded spot under a big maple tree towards the back of the park.  There was a clearing and the sky was clear.  The stars were out and dancing in the sky.

Vincent spread the blanket out on the ground and Diana plopped down on it and rested back on her elbows.  She looked up in the sky at the stars.  

“It’s so beautiful out here,” she said softly.  She looked at Vincent, who was setting the food out on the blanket.  “Thank you for bringing me here.  I’ve never been here before,” she said appreciatively.

“A lot of my friends like to come out to this park to hang out and grill during the summer,” Vincent said.  

He had brought his backpack with him and he sat it down.  He pulled out a Bluetooth speaker and turned it on.  He connected his phone to it and restarted the mix he was playing in the car.  Diana threw her head back as a Luther Vandross song came on. 

“Yasssssss…” she said happily.

She smiled at Vincent as he made plates of the sandwiches and strawberries and poured her some white wine.  “I’ll admit…” she began.  “When I first met you at the nail salon, I was attracted to you physically.  Your demeanor was nice but now I’m impressed with your stature and your manners.  You seem to have a lot going for you.  What kind of work do you do?”

“I’m a telecommunications tech for Metastar Communications.  They have equipment co-located in several central offices in the DMV and I get sent to them to repair troubles that get reported in,” Vincent replied.

“Technical huh?” Diana asked.  “How did you train for that?  Were you in the Army or something?”

“No, almost.  I started to join the Army when I graduated from high school but a scholarship came through at the last minute and I went to Towson University.  I graduated with a degree in Information Systems.  A few weeks later, I landed my present job and been there ever since.  What about you?  What kind of work do you do?” he asked.

“I own an accounting firm and do a lot of work for the Federal Government.  I also have a lot of private clients that I do tax work for.  I have about 20 people working for me.  We do pretty well.  It’s enough for me.  We have a niche and we’re good at what we do.  Gives me a pretty comfortable living.  I was married for a good while and my asshole ex-husband was a lawyer who was into some sheisty shit.  I busted him and used the info to force him into a nice divorce settlement,”  Diana said.

Vincent burst out laughing.  “Oh snap, for real?” he exclaimed.  “That’s crazy.  What kind of stuff was he into?”

“Tax evasion, hiding assets, fraud.  All kinds of stuff.  I found the evidence and documented it all.  When I showed it to him, he cowered like a pansy and gave me whatever I wanted in the divorce,” she said.

Vincent laughed.  “That’s gangsta,” he said.  “There’s definitely more to you than meets the eye.”

Diana smiled.  “There sure is,” she said, eyeing him.  

She watched him eat his sandwich and sip on his wine.  She took a few bites of her own sandwich and sipped on her wine.  “You know, I’m loving my life right now.  I can go where I want and see whom I want.  I’m free and it’s lovely.  No one has any kind of hold over me.  When I see someone I’m attracted to, I can approach him and talk to him like the bold, mature woman that I am.  And I like you, Vincent,” she said.

“I like you, too Diana,” Vincent said.  “I’m loving this.  This is some next level stuff.  Enjoying time with a beautiful woman like yourself on a night like this?  I would’ve never seen it a month before.”

“Well, you know what I like the most about you?” Diana asked.  Vincent looked at her and shook his head.  “Your feet.  I have a thing for feet,” she answered lustfully.

Vincent’s eyes got huge.  Feet again, huh?  This chick is freaky as hell, he thought.

“So as nice as this is, trust me, I like it.  I like it a lot,” Diana said smiling.  “But I’m horny.  And I think we can have a lot more fun back at my place.  What do you say?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m down.  Let’s go,” Vincent said, grinning.

 They got up and collected the blanket and food.  They made their way back to Vincent’s car and drove back to Diana’s condo, listening to the mix on his phone.  Diana was down and ready.  Vincent kept stealing looks at her as he drove.  She was so wonderfully luscious as she sat there in her seat dancing and singing along to the music.  He just wanted to pull over on the side of the road and devour her right there.

They got back to Diana’s place and took the elevator.  Diana looked at a smiling Vincent then came over to him.  She put her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips.  Vincent took in her scent as he held her close.  She was so intoxicating.  As they kissed, he let his hands roam down her body, palming her booty and running his hands up and down her hips.

The elevator finally stopped on the 10th floor and they exited it.  Diana held onto Vincent’s hand as they walked down the hallway.  He waited patiently as Diana fished her keys from her purse and unlocked her door.  When they got inside, Vincent came up behind Diana and cupped her bosom.  Diana reached back over her shoulders and felt on Vincent’s neck, allowing him full access to play with her breasts.  He kissed the nape of her neck and nibbled on her earlobe as he squeezed softly on her breasts and flickered his fingers across the stiffening nipples through her top and bra.  Diana purred like a sated kitten, thoroughly enjoying his touch.

She abruptly turned and threw her arms back around his neck.  She kissed him again, this time harder, wetter, and deeper.  Their tongues found one another and wrestled.  She broke away from him and looked at him intensely.  

“Let’s get naked,” she breathed.

“Yes ma’am,” Vincent said with a giggle.  

He began to undress, unbuttoning his shirt and removing it.  All the time though, his eyes were on Diana as she stripped.  She already had her top off and was removing her bra.  She had some very nice and firm 36C-cup breasts with stiff chocolate nipples on wide areolas.  He took in how lean and sinewy her biceps and forearms were and he knew she spent a lot of time in the gym.  Her tummy was flat and muscular at the same time; not quite a six-pack but lean all the same.  He had noted before while they were out how shapely and beautiful her legs were.  At the time, he thought it was the wedge sandals giving them their shape.  Now as he watched her slip out of the sandals and push off the cutoff jean shorts, he could see just how shapely her legs were.  Her thighs were thick and smooth and her calves muscular but not overly so.  She had a small patch of dark, kinky hair on her mons pubis and he could see the beginnings of a very fat cameltoe just below.  He couldn’t wait to dive into that dessert dish.

“You’re slow,” she quipped as she spied him staring at her.

“I’m sorry.  I was enjoying the view,” he said.

“You like what you see?” she asked, putting her hands on her flared hips.  She looked so super sexy right then; like a Black Wonder Woman.  Diana Prince indeed.

“Oh yes,” Vincent said, nodding his head.  He finally managed to get his clothes off and his dick stood straight out, ramrod hard and ready.

That wasn’t what Diana’s eyes ogled though.  True, his was nice.  Very nice, she thought.  She would enjoy it soon enough.  But what turned her on the most.  What she had seen that day in the nail salon was his feet.  He had nice, manly feet.  And the pedicure he had done that day made them even more perfect.

She took his hand and led him to her bedroom.  As they entered, Diana hit a switch and Vincent looked around.  The lighting in the room seemed to emit from the ceiling at the corners of the room.  The light was soft and warm.  It was just enough for him to enjoy his vision of her and kept it romantic at the same time.  She had a huge platform bed with a canopy over it with curtains she could draw closed around it.  She picked up another remote and music started to play from a speaker somewhere in the room.  It seemed to come from everywhere and Vincent figured she had speakers in the walls around room that she could connect to via Bluetooth.  The Isley Brothers’ Between The Sheets was playing.  Good choice, he thought.

Diana roughly pushed him back onto the edge of the bed and climbed on top of him.  She moved up on his chest then straddled his face.  She spread open her wet kitty-kat and massaged her clit.  Vincent was face-to-face with her juicy playground.  He was amazed at how big her clit was.  Her hood hid it but the bulbous head tried to creep out.  It was still thick and almost an inch long, like a little dick.

Vincent’s mouth watered and he stuck his tongue out.  Diana rested her clit on his tongue and slid up and down on it.  Her nectar began to flow into his mouth and he lapped it up.   She ground her hips on his mouth and came over and over.

“Mmmmmm…” she moaned. “That tongue is FIRE!”    She moved back and climbed off Vincent’s chest.  He was having fun licking and sucking on her clit and he was upset that she took her nookie away

Diana oozed between his legs.  Vincent watched her, hypnotized by her movement.  She smiled and ran her hand down his thigh, down past his knee and his calf then down to his foot.  She picked up his foot and looked at it lovingly, admiring its contours.  

Vincent watched her curiously.  Yes sure he had big feet but he never considered his feet “nice”.  But he had this beautiful woman staring at his foot like he would’ve been staring at her pussy and he was curious as to what she was going to do.  Diana brought his foot to her soft lips and kissed the top of it just above his toes.  She kissed it again, this time a bit wetter and she licked along the side up to his ankle.  A sensation rushed through Vincent’s leg that made his dick jump and he was surprised.  Shit that felt good, he thought.

Diana then nibbled the flesh on the bottom of his big toe, making Vincent squirm and moan.  She then sucked his big toe into her mouth.  Vincent’s eyes got big as the sensation washed over him.  He had never had a woman do this to him and he was astounded at how good it felt.  Diana sucked on his big toe for a few more seconds then she continued on down his foot, sucking on each toe.  She showered his whole foot with kisses then moved to the other one.  Vincent watched her once again worship his feet giving it kiss after kiss all over it.  His toes were wet with her saliva.  Then what she did next blew his mind.

She lowered his foot down towards her thighs, moving away from the bed a bit.  She maneuvered his foot down towards her chocolate treasure chest.  Vincent felt her grasp his foot firmly then eased his big toe along her wet pussy lips.  She moved her hips back and forth on his foot and her breathing became labored.  Vincent started to flex his toes but it felt so good how her lips were wrapping themselves around his big toe that he dared not move it.  He just wanted to let her do her thing.

Diana then pulled back on the hood of her huge clit, exposing it.  She dabbed her finger inside her sopping wet opening, coating her finger with her juices.  She caressed and massaged her clit, making sure it was slippery wet.  She then separated Vincent’s toes and slipped her clit in the valley between his big toe and second toe.  Vincent felt her soft swollen clit between his toes, being jerked off.  She held his foot firm with one hand while keeping her clit exposed with the other.

Diana threw her head back and moaned loudly.

“FUUUUCKKK, that is sooooo good,” she moaned.  Vincent felt her slippery juices coat his foot and he was immensely aroused.  He stroked his dick while Diana’s freak show continued.  She spied him stroking himself and massaged his dickhead.  “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered as she helped him stroke and massage his dick.  “I knew it would be because of your feet.  Your feet are so sexy.”

Vincent squeezed his toes together and made her clit swell and plump up even more and Diana’s body trembled.  Her juices were running down her thighs and legs.  She moved back off his foot then spread herself open once more.  She slipped his big toe inside her honeypot.  Vincent felt her sugarwalls surround his toe and dance with it.  

“Oh my God…” he exclaimed.  He couldn’t wait until his dick was up in there and hoped that he didn’t have to wait long.  

Diana rode his foot for a couple of more minutes before deciding she needed something bigger and thicker inside her.  She got off of his foot and went into her nightstand drawer.  She pulled out a condom and leaned down over Vincent’s dick, licking her lips.  

“I need to enjoy this a bit first,” she said in a husky, lusty voice.  That’s when Vincent got a good look for the first time at her tongue.  

When they first came into her condo, they kissed.  It was a long and deep kiss but Vincent didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.  Now as she prepared to devour his dick, she stuck out her tongue and he was shocked.  The thing rolled out of her mouth like a red carpet.  She was fully able to lick the bottom of her chin.  

“Holy shit…” he exclaimed.  Diana waved her tongue like a flag then let the tip of it lick around the top of his dickhead.  Then she licked up and down his shaft, sucking the flesh along it.  She kept those honey brown eyes locked on Vincent’s face as she sucked and nuzzled on his shaft and balls.  She closed them momentarily and sucked half of his dick down her throat.  Her tongue snaked down as his dick glided over it into her throat.  His shaft was coated with her saliva.  She came up off his dick and flickered her serpentine tongue across his balls again.  She stroked his slippery dick as she sucked on his nuts.  Then she pushed his legs back and licked down his nuts to his anus.  

“Oooohhhhhh…” Vincent squealed softly, his eyes big as he felt her tongue penetrate his most sensitive area.   Diana slurped and licked all around his hole and played with his nuts.  Vincent’s lower body trembled.  She sat up and grinned.

“I love sucking dick and eating a nice ass,” she moaned.  “But now it’s time to fuck.”  

She kissed his dickhead once more then grabbed the condom.  She tore off the wrapper and rolled it down over Vincent’s dick.  She climbed up farther on the bed and straddled his lap.  She spread herself open with one hand and rubbed Vincent’s dick up and down her wet slit.  She then slowly impaled herself on it.  She sucked in her breath as his missile filled up her erotic cavity.  She slowly began to rock back and forth on his dick then she sped up her humping.

Vincent moaned loudly then reached up to play with her bouncy breasts and nipples.  He tried to match her humping on him with his upward thrusts into her.  They got into a rhythm fucking as their bodies collided.  Diana roared loudly as a huge orgasm rolled through her and she fell forward on top of him.  Vincent wrapped his arms around her back and held her on him.  He opened his legs and pumped up into her.  He didn’t do it fast but his thrusts were firm and Diana cooed as his dick rammed up into her like a piston.

He stopped for a minute to catch his breath and Diana stared down at him.  She kissed his nose and smiled.  “Do you like anal?” she asked.  

Vincent just looked at her.  He wasn’t a huge fan of anal sex but he did like ass.  But this chick was a sexual fireball.  It couldn’t help but to be grand.  “Sure, baby.  I’m down for whatever you want,” he said with a smile.  Diana grinned and reached back behind her.  She pulled up a bit and came off of Vincent’s dick then repositioned it a bit farther north.  When she felt his dickhead on her bunghole, she began to rock back.  Her anal flower blossomed and Vincent made entry.  She eased down on his dick to his balls.

Vincent felt her tight wet sphincter canal encapsulate his dick.  She rocked back and forth on him, massaging his member.  It felt fantastic.  He once again wrapped his arms around her back and helped her ride him.  He began to thrust up into her, meeting her down-strokes with his thrusts.  Soon Diana’s pussy was creaming all over his lap and her eyes rolled back in her head.  “Oh my God, that is soooooo goooood,” she moaned.

Vincent grabbed her tightly and rolled to his right, coming up on top of her.  It was an unexpected move and Diana yelped.  He was still deep in her anal cavity.  She stared up at him nervously as he held her legs back and thrust inside her.  He took one of her feet and sucked her big toe into his mouth.  Diana wasn’t expecting this either but she was pleasantly surprised.  His hips moved in a slight circle, pushing himself up inside her with intense fury.  She could feel his dick throbbing against her hot sphincter walls.  She began to massage her wet clit again.

Vincent soon had all of her toes in his mouth as he ass-fucked her.  Diana’s pussy was frothing and creaming wildly.  She put her elbow behind her other knee to hold that leg back.  He pulled his dick out of her ass and slapped her pulsing clit with it.  More juices splashed from her pussy.  He inserted himself back inside her anal cavity.

Diana’s head lolled from side to side as the orgasm continued to roll through her body.  She then looked at Vincent with a look of angst on her face.  “Please fuck me doggy…  I need it in my ass hard… PLEASE!!!” she cried out.

Vincent grinned and pulled himself out of her.  He threw her leg to one side and rolled her over onto her knees.  Diana spread her knees wide and lowered her back, pushing her ass out for him.  She reached back with one hand and grabbed her cheek, spreading herself open.  Her anus puckered and called upon him and Vincent aimed his dick squarely on target.  He rammed himself home and Diana cried out.  He grabbed her hips and began to pound away.  Diana reached up underneath herself and assaulted her clit.  She began to erupt like a volcano, squirting her love juice all over the bed. 

“AAAAIIIIGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!”  she screamed as he blew her back out.

She collapsed down on the bed in a heap, pulling herself off of his dick.  She lay there breathing hard.  Vincent, seeing her creamy wet abused pussy, tore off his condom and once again pulled back on her hips.  He pushed himself deep inside her pussy and held it there, letting her sugarwalls coat his dick with her slippery goodness.  He could feel her pussy pulsing on him.  He then pulled himself out of her and grabbed her feet.  He put them together and inserted his dick between them.

Diana looked back and smiled as Vincent used her feet to jerk his dick off.  He felt his balls lurch and he threw his head back.  He kept humping her feet until he erupted all over the soles of her feet. 

“UUNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHH!!!”  he hollered, locking his glutes as he sprayed her feet.

He crashed down on the bed beside her and they smiled.  Diana grinned and rubbed her feet together, Vincent’s warm cum coating her toes.  

“Wow, I had no idea that feet could be so much fun,” he said in amazement.  “Or maybe it was just you.”

Diana smiled.  “Maybe it is just me.  I’d like to think of myself as a fun gal,” she said with a wink.

“That you sure are,” Vincent said with a laugh.

