Released from Prison: Reluctance/NC/CNC/R*pePlay

***This is a fictional erotic story written by me, about me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18 in America, 21 in some other countries. I never explain in my CNC stories how consent was garnered. I have a post named “How I approach stories about CNC/R**p*ay” pinned on my page explaining why. CNC relationships come in all forms, including scenes that may seem/feel too real. I can assure you that since the stories are always starring me as the prey, I consent. This is my fantasy, not yours. You are not being forced to read this, so if you choose to then be nice and enjoy. ☺️***

The guard guides me to the front gates, letting me know when the next bus comes in. I don’t have any family near that could pick me up so I am stuck taking the bus to their house. I walk out, excited to go get all the food I never had. I see the sign for the bus and make my way over to sit on the bench when I hear someone call my name from the parking lot. I look to my right and see a man standing and facing me. I don’t recognize him at all so I turn back towards the bus sign, assuming it’s a mistake.

I get to the bench and sit down, going through my phone and all that I have missed. I can’t do a lot though because it only has 40% battery. I need to make sure I can contact my family between here and the three hour bus ride. The black car that the man was standing in front of was now pulling out of the lot and towards me. The man gets to the bench where I am waiting and uses my name again, letting me know that he is my P.O.. Him knowing my name made a lot more sense.

“Oh, umm hi. I thought I had 72 hours to reach out to you?” I told/asked him knowing I wasn’t wrong. He smiled a flashy toothy smile, “of course you do, but do you want to take the bus three hours or shave an hour off & have your first parole meeting?” I was very caught off guard, not sure at first how to respond. “Two stones, am I right? Here, this is my ID if you’re worried.” I stepped forward and read the ID. It was from the state, had his photo, and had information identifying that he was who he said he was.

“Okay, let’s discuss how this works. Honesty is the only policy & basically if I tell you to do something, you do it or you’re going back. I don’t want to have to ask you twice & I’m not here to be your friend. You fucked up. I’m here to teach you how to be good and useful in society.” I didn’t respond, knowing that he just needed to exert power so that I would be scared to mess up. I wasn’t going to argue either, because that wouldn’t do anything.

We continued to drive, pulling off the highway to get gas. He took me by surprise when he quickly cuffed my hand to the handle on the ceiling. “Don’t need you running off after I have such a strict speech is all.” He smiled and exited the car to get gas and go in to grab something.

When he returned, I had expected him to unlock the handcuff but he didn’t. Instead, he silently got back on the highway, pretending like nothing was weird. “Hey, think you could uncuff me now that you’re in here? My wrist is kind of hurting.” He looked over at me, us catching eyes. He didn’t look happy. “What happened to you being quiet?” I froze, my face blushing bright red in response. I had no idea what to do.

An hour into the drive, it was starting to get dark and I was getting sleepy. I drift off to sleep, my wrist tired and aching. I’m not sure how long I was asleep when the opening of my door jolted me awake. I started to fall out of the car but my wrist being attached to the handled protected me from hitting the ground. “Wake up” I heard him say and I sat up, sticking my feet out of the car and looking at him. He reached out to my face, softly tracing my chin and cheeks. His thumb slid towards my mouth. He pressed it against them and parted my lips, shoving his finger him and touching my tongue. I tried to yank back from him, only finding success for a short period of time before my wrist returned to being a burden. “What did I say about doing what I tell you to do?” He asked me.

I was terrified. I looked around, seeing that we were in the middle of the desert. There was nothing and no one in sight. Not even a light in the distance. I stuttered, unable to make a full sentence without almost crying. “I-I don’t think that…” I look up at him, his sharp eyes still piercing the darkness. “You can’t do this, you’re supposed to take me to the office” I told him. He crouched down, meeting me at eye level. “You are a felon. Nothing that you say or do will be believed. I am a P.O. with years of experience and connections. When I told you that not doing what I say would end with you in trouble, that’s exactly what I meant.” He reached into his pocket and pull out a small bag that looked to have cocaine in it. “It’s not a question, it’s a promise.”

“Okay, what do you want?” He grinned, evil evident on his face. “Well first I want an apology for rejecting me the first time. I’m sure it was just an oversight.” I was getting angry now, he was toying with me, getting off on the control he had over me. “Sorry” I said to him, not looking at him. “You can do better than that.” I looked up at him “I’m sorry for rejecting you.” I said again. “That’s better” he said reaching down and pulling my tank top up over my head and resting on the cuffed shoulder.

“Has anyone ever told you that have small titties?” He asked me, pinching my nipples, forcing them to erect and harden. “Yes” I responded through the slight pain. “They were right,” he slapped one breast “your tit barely even moved.” He slapped the other one even harder, I shrieked. “Again, barely moved. At least they’re perky & your nipples are perfect.” He seemed to be having an entire conversation with himself about my body and I was just trapped there listening. If he hadn’t been touching me, I would have felt like a fly on the wall watching the interaction. He begin to remove my shorts, tossing them in the back seat. “I am going to uncuff you now. It’s easier on me. If you want to run, that’s fine. You’re in the middle of no where and will die before that changes for you. So let’s just avoid the games, bitch.”

The cuffs released and I couldn’t help but appreciate my arm not being above my head anymore. The relief on my wrist and shoulder was amazing. “Stand up” he said. Wearing only my underwear and shoes, I stood up. “Turn around.” I turned around and immediately felt him gripping my ass. He did not hesitate playing with it like it was a pillow or something. I have never felt more like an inanimate object. “You are not lacking in the ass area, I want to see your ass bruised and red.” I was now really scared. This wasn’t just a fuck me and head in situation. He wanted to hurt me.

I turned to face him, hoping I could reason with him. “Look, let me make you feel good. I’ll do anything, want me to suck your dick?” I asked, hopeful. “Yes, and you will eventually but not right now. Walk to the front of the car and put your hands on the hood.” I just stared back at him, hoping he would change his mind but he didn’t budge. “Please…” I begged him, not wanting whatever was about to happen to happen. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front of the car, slamming my hands on the hood. I froze there, shaking and terrified as I heard him walking behind me. I heard his belt being removed and knew what was coming.

The sting was as bad as I thought it would be. I felt the leather come down on my ass, jumping and twitching. This was only the first time but I already felt like collapsing, the pain was so bad. “No no, none of that. Stay where you are” he said as he hit me again and again in quick succession. I cried out, finding it hard to take a deep breath. “You get red so quickly” he laughed and hit me again. I fell forward on the hood, “please stoooop, it hurts” I squealed. He laughed and hit me again, “please, please stop” I continued to beg, feeling my ass bruise and welt.

By the time he felt like he had done enough damage, I was definitely as bruised and red as he was hoping. I could feel it. He put his belt around my neck, looping it so he could hold it like a leash. He gripped the belt with one hand and used his other hand to finger me. I was wet. Of course, just when I didn’t think this could get any worse. He laughed maniacally at this prospect, quickly pushing his cock against my pussy. He pulled back on the belt and pushed into me, over and over. I could tell the sadist in him almost got off spanking me with this belt. His hips slamming into my bruised ass was excruciating so I was thankful when he pushed all the way in and grunted loudly. Collapsing on top of me for a minute while he caught his breathe, he whispered “good girl.”
