Teenage Tease

Part 1

Her name was Emerson (Emmy for short) and she was every old man’s dream. She contacted me on Reddit and she said she was into older men and wanted to know if I liked young ladies. I asked her age and she said she turned 18 last week. I asked her where she was from and she replied she as about and hour and a half away. She sent me a pic of her and asked if I like what I saw. She was gorgeous. She was petite her blonde hair was up and she worn a tight outfit that showed her mid-drift which was a turn on for me. She asked if I liked what I saw. How could I not. She said she could get away tonight if I wanted to meet her. She said we can have some fun in my car. I said that would be great. She told me where to meet her and she said we could walk over to the grassy field next to some trees and we would be alone, nobody would see us. I told her I would be there. She said good she can’t wait for me to see her. She then sent me another picture of her at a kitchen table with her litter finger touching the corner of her lips. She told me that she likes her feet rubbed and if I would do that for her. Then she says that I can start there and then move up her legs to her thighs. She said she will turn around and let me travel up farther to the edge of her shorts and I could take them off of her. While my tongue was still licking he thighs she would scouch up and she will rub her feet on my dick . She said after a few minutes of that she would. That was all she typed. It was like she went away. Crickets… I texted her a few times and nothing. To Be Continued

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vr9dko/teenage_tease


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