Come To Me Kitten

Come to me kitten, I see you lying there. Curled up on the rug in front of the fire, absentmindedly playing with your tail. I know you had a rough day. It’s why you’ve retreated to this headspace, given up your human persona with its worries and stresses. Every time you don your cute little ears, your fluffy tail and your cheerful collar with the bell, it’s to escape.

Come to me kitten, I know what you need. I know you want nothing more than to be loved and cherished and cared for. I know you want my hands to touch every inch of your lithe body, and with that touch assuage all your fears. I know you want to please me, and through doing so, feel whole again. I know you want to feel safe.

Come to me kitten, don’t be afraid. I am here now. I am here, your rock, your steady friend and your lover. Nothing exists but us here and now, in this moment. No work stresses, no annoying coworkers, no overbearing parents, no looming bills to pay. Let me quiet your mind and your soul, smooth your wrinkles, soothe your frayed nerves.

Come to me kitten, let me help you. Crawl over to me, and curl up beside me. Nestle your face in my lap, let me wrap you in an embrace. You are safe, and you are loved. Drop your defenses, let me inside. Hand over control for the night, let me erase your pain. Hold on to me as tightly as I hold onto you, and for a moment, ignore the world.

**Come to me kitten, for I am home.**
