Mindfuck Ch. 05 — [Asian] [Cheating] [MFF] [Magic] [Horror] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/uxkffq/mindfuck_ch_01_mans_reach_exceeds_his_grasp_asian/)

[Chapter 2](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uzv1q5/mindfuck_ch_02_asian_magic_cheating_horror/)

[Chapter 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v3oe3i/mindfuck_ch_03_asian_magic_cheating_horror/)

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vlcaif/mindfuck_ch_04_asian_cheating_magic_horror/)

“Selena I swear — I fucking swear — I’ve never thought about your sister in that way.”

Ed sat awkwardly in a small, cramped wooden chair next to the television, finally silenced after its earlier, war-shattering blare. A deceptive calm settled over the room as the sunset spilled into the room, covering the walls and furniture in a warm orange hue.

Ed might have found the ambiance calming if not for the immense abyss swallowing his insides whole.

Across from Ed sat Lina and Selena, each sitting at the foot of their own queen-sized bed, each staring deep into Ed’s soul.

The sound of Selena’s effusive voice bounced off of Ed’s ears like rubber. She was talking but he could no longer hear her. His eyes were still transfixed on the pregnancy test waving in Selena’s hands and the two solid lines that suggested the unthinkable.

A deafening silence roused Ed back to reality. Lina and Selena tilted their heads forward, intently waiting for him to speak.

“We talked that one time on video for literally a minute and that’s it,” Ed continued. “I- … I would never do that to you,” Ed pleaded, pausing as he made his final assurance. He knew for a fact that he hadn’t so much as masturbated in weeks, hadn’t so much as looked at porn or even allowed himself to have sexual thoughts about a woman. And yet, something scratched at the back of his mind, something that didn’t feel quite right.

Selena glared at Ed, a silent but seething anger piercing through her eyes.

“My sister is a very innocent girl, Ed. Did you know that my sister — who is barely even an adult, by the way — hasn’t gone further than kissing a boy? When she told me she had missed her period I told her it was normal to be a little late … then she missed another and I got concerned. That’s when she told me what happened. Told me what you did, Ed.”

Lina sat twirling long strands of her long, black hair between her fingers. With her limited English abilities, this serious conversation was beyond her capabilities.

“The night you video chatted with her, do you remember that? You met my sister for a minute and then, what, decided you wanted to fuck her with The Power? She’s nineteen! What kind of sick person are you, Ed?!” Selena’s words poked and prodded at an ominous gap in Ed’s memory that he still couldn’t quite place.

“I promise you I didn’t, Selena.”

“She described what it felt like, Ed. She said it that when … it …was inside her, it felt like being filled by burning heat and freezing cold all at the same time. At first I thought she just had sex with some guy and didn’t want to admit it but … when she said that … I knew it had to be you. ”

A tear formed in Selena’s left eye, shattering her cold, stern facade. Her mouth slowly wobbled, her face turned downward, her hands raised to cover her face. Lina stood up and moved to sit on the bed behind her sister, embracing her from behind.

“My sister isn’t even upset, Ed.” Selena said, turning her head back up towards. “If she hadn’t said she enjoyed it, I … I would have let that guy downstairs beat the shit out of you. So I just want to know why, Ed: Why did you do this to us?”

Selena’s mouth wobbled as the final words left her lips, the straight black hairs resting on her shoulders shook with her trembling body. Lina’s squeezed her sister tighter, resting her head on her sister’s shoulder. The salted streams that flowed from Selena’s eyes glistened in the sunset light, bathing her flushed and contorted face in lustrous gold.

Ed couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Selena was when she cried.

“Selena, I-” Ed opened his mouth, hoping once again to deny any encounter with Lina. But as the words were forming, images from a long-forgotten reverie flooded his thoughts, a reluctant recollection of his dream from weeks earlier. The dream in which he had met, and bedded Lina. The dream in which he had seemingly pumped endless quarts of his seed into his girlfriend’s sister’s virginal womb.

The pieces clicked together in his mind. He was fatally mistaken to believe it had just been an innocent wet dream. It was becoming painfully clear The Power could react to his dreams as well. All it took was one errant thought and his cock was teleported thousands of miles around the world into the warm and unspoiled confines of Lina’s virtue.

The pea-sized bundle of cells growing inside Lina’s belly was evidence. Remembering was proof.

“Selena …. I think I did it,” Ed conceded. He knew he had to come clean, to tell both of them the truth about what happened. Ed knew it was the only way to salvage the wreckage The Power had wrought across their relationship. He explained the dream in the best detail he could remember. The setting, the words, even the passionate positions his and Lina’s bodies had twisted into. How dream-Lina had mounted him, burying his throbbing cock within her all the way down to the base. How his legs shook in ecstasy as burning bulbs of batter bathed Lina’s insides. How her belly had inflated in mere minutes, transforming her slim figure into a sloshing buoyant balloon of cum.

After Ed finished his retelling of the dream, Selena broke eye contact, trying unsuccessfully to hold back another flood of tears. She slowly began translating for Lina, weeping as she painstakingly retold the whole story to her sister in Chinese.

As Selena spoke, Lina clutched her belly, stealing a short furtive glance at Ed’s hips.

As Selena finished her wrought translation, her mouth shriveled again, her jaw pushed forward, and her head dropped. Lina comforted her with seemingly sweet, calming words in Mandarin that Ed, again, had no hope of understanding.

The three of them sat in silence for several moments, watching the orange lights fade into a bluer, damper night.

“So … what now?” Ed asked, hoping to break the silence.

Lina lifted her head off her sister’s shoulder, keeping her arms wrapped tightly around Selena’s body. She looked towards Ed, speaking a few words in Chinese.

“My sister-,” Selena said, inhaling strongly through her nose to temporarily stifle her tears. “She says she believes you … believes that you didn’t mean to do it.”

“I didn’t- I promise. I wouldn’t do that to you — to either of you — on purpose.”

“But, Ed …. *I* don’t believe you,” Selena said, her voice once again composed and serious. “You were granted the … what did you call it? The ‘Essence of Male Fantasy?’ You’re a man … of course you would use it. I just never believed it would be on my baby sister.”

“Selena … please, I swear. How can I prove it to you?”

“You can’t. Unless-” Selena once again stared off into the distance, her face slowly regaining composure, her expression drifting up into the stratosphere, deep in cogitation.


Selena ignored Ed’s inquiry, excitedly turning towards her sister to speak. As the foreign words, unintelligible to Ed, rapidly flew from Selena’s mouth, the gesticulations of her hands described some plan, some idea, some scheme to her younger sister that Ed entirely failed to grasp. The language barrier was, as ever, far too strong.

“I need to talk with my sister. Alone. Go shop at the mall, see a movie — I really don’t care what you do. Just be back here at 7.”

The bright white lamps that lined the avenue beyond the hotel flashed on, dulling the royal blue of the Los Angeles dusk sky with a cold and lifeless pallor.

The lobby of the hotel was busier than ever, filled with exhausted tourists eager to put their luggage down and their legs up after hours-long flights into LAX and even longer waits at its baggage claim.

The hotel bar, which had earlier been quietly filled with day-drinking lawyers from the local law firms, was now frenetic, lifelike, brimming with the soothing serenade of conversation, laughter, and jazz.

Across from the excitement, removed from the calm jubilant evening liveliness, Ed furiously tapped the door-close button in the elevator car, sealing the lift before a loud man on a cellphone accompanied by a much younger woman could barge into the narrow carriage, suspiciously absent any luggage.

The comforting sounds of the bustling lobby dissipated as the elevator made its ascent, leaving Ed only with his thoughts, anxious about what Selena and Lina had in store for him to “prove” himself. He paced around the narrow car nervously as the elevator needle sluggishly pivoted from L all the way to 2 and finally from 2 all the way to 3.

Ed reflexively tensed up as the car came to a hard, abrupt halt at the third floor. As the metal doors parted and he stepped out into the corridor, his apprehension avalanched into a consummate panic.

Each step down the corridor evoked a stabbing dread in Ed’s stomach. Selena’s behavior had been erratic, her instructions vague. Ed had little idea what to expect when he returned to her hotel room and yet the future of his relationship, perhaps the course of the rest of his life, would hinge on the next few moments.

Room 13, two to go.

His palms were drenched in sweat. Sharp white pokers drilled into his temples. After what happened with Lina, how could Selena forgive him?

Room 14, only a few more steps.

Selena still wanted to see him, still wanted to speak to him, but why? As angry as she was, she was still giving him a chance. Maybe there was hope?

Room 15. 6:58pm. Two minutes to spare.

Before Ed had the opportunity to raise his fist to knock on the cold wooden threshold, the door opened, suddenly bathing Ed’s face in the pale white lantern light that streamed through the windows.

Selena stood in the doorway, the appealing shapes and curves of her body hidden by a bulky, fluffy black sweater and a loose fitting pair of jeans that concealed the firm, round shape of her ass within cavities of empty space and denim. One look and Ed knew something was amiss. Ever cognizant of the allure of her body, Selena wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something so unflattering, so plain, so basic.

“Come in, Ed,” she commanded in a soft, cordial voice, disturbingly calm and removed from her earlier overwrought demeanor. Once again, her position in the entryway stood between Ed and a closed, locked bathroom door.

Someone was inside.

Ed stepped past the entry way, past the bathroom, to the center of the cold, dark, and lifeless room. Empty. Both beds were diligently made, the TV off save for s dim red light over the power button, and Selena and Lina’s suitcases neatly arranged and tucked away in the far corner next to an end table.

Then he noticed the antique chair.

In the weak light, Ed could only make out several large black coils resting on the seat. To Ed’s startled eyes they looked like snakes or garden hoses. Ed froze in place, studying the shapes, analyzing the curves, tracing the beginnings and ends. One end of each coil wrapped tightly around the legs of each chair and was secured to the bottom of the heavy console on which the TV stood. The opposite ends we’re free, resting in an organized clump on the seat of the chair.

There were ropes. They were for him.

“Tie yourself to the chair,” Selena commanded. Her tone was aloof, uncaring, as if she hardly believed Ed to be worth her time.


“Tie your arms and legs to the chair.”

“I ….I don’t understand …. but I’ll do it Selena.. if that’s what you want.”

Selena nodded.

Ed lifted the coils of thin, black rope off the seat and lowered himself gingerly into the chair. With one line in his hand, he leaned forward to secure his left leg and then his right leg to the bottoms of the chair. With his legs securely bound, he tied his left arm around the arm rest, pulling through a final loop until his left hand was fully encumbered.

“I’ll help you,” Selena said, grabbing a line of rope and tying it around Ed’s right wrist. The warm touch of Selena’s smooth skin against his hands were a calming reprieve in a storm of longing and regret. Save for the violent slaps earlier, Ed hadn’t been able to touch Selena, feel the skin of the love of his life in a long, long time. Her touch was so soothing that he hardly noticed when she tightened all four knots on all four limbs to ensure his immobility.

“Okay Selena … now what?” Ed asked, trepidation in his voice as his mind once again ran wild. He had been wrong earlier when he feared that Selena would force him to watch her fuck the man who had beaten him in the lobby. But now he was tied up. Unable to leave. Unable to move. She wanted him to see something, watch something, and Ed knew he would have no choice but to bear witness.

Selena turned towards the closed bathroom door and spoke loudly in Mandarin. The bathroom door slid open. The bright white light of the bathroom enveloped the dark room. Blinded by sudden illumination, all Ed could see was the thin silhouette of a short, petite woman emerging from the distant bathroom, walking slowly towards him.

It was Lina.

Selena’s younger sister stood before him, naked from head to toe. Her short black hair flanked the sides of her round and homely face. A flat mesa stretched from the bottom of her chin all the way down to her stomach. Her two pink nipples were rounded and erect, pointing gently straight ahead at Ed’s awestruck face. Lina’s stomach was slim and flat, the belly of a person who ate modestly and kept fit. Ed knew that, if Selena were to be believed, Lina’s belly would soon swell and expand, carving a cavern for Ed’s offspring to slowly grow within her.

Daring to look lower, Ed glanced at the unkempt mound of short, rigid black hairs that formed a semicircle Lina’s ultimate virtue, the innocent and pure orifice that Ed’s throbbing cock had inadvertently invaded in a fevered wet dream.

Ed could feel a slight of twitch from the depths of his loins.

“What’s going on here?” he asked, turning his head sharply away from Lina, hoping desperately to nip any sexual desires that could activate The Power firmly in the bud.

“My sister and I talked more about what happened and about what you said earlier,” Selena explained. “You claim that the Power forced you to ….” Selena paused, trying to find the right words. “You claimed The Power made you do it … made you have sex with my sister. I want to believe you, Ed, but I- … I just can’t. I know you have a type, Ed, and Lina and I are both it…..”

“It *was* an accident, Selena,” Ed stated, emphasizing each word as to be unambiguous. “I know how important your sister is to you. I old never, ever do anything to hurt her.”

Selena raised a finger to Ed’s mouth. “For some reason, my sister agrees with you,” she said, exhaling a deep sigh. “I guess I only ever told her good stuff about you because she thinks you’re not the kind of guy to just cheat like that….”

Ed snuck a glance at Lina. Ensuring to merely make eye contact and avoid spying the bare body below, Ed shot her a quick and gratified smile.

Lina, severely limited in her ability to understand Selena’s nor Ed’s English, stared blankly at her sister.

“I’m going to give you a chance,” Selena continued. “You keep promising that you have The Power under control …. but … but I need you to prove it to me. If I take you back … I need to know it won’t happen again.”

Ed nodded vigorously. “What do I need to do?”he asked.

“It’s simple really,” Selena said.

“What is it?”

“…Don’t. Fuck. My. Sister.”

“I won’t. I told you I won’t. I never wanted to. Your sister is a beautiful woman who deserves to find a great man of her own someday, but I just don’t see her that way. I love *you* Selena,” Ed reassured. Deep down he felt conflicted offering a white lie about Lina’s plain appearance. She was cute, one might even stretch to adorable, but she wasn’t anywhere near as stunning as Selena.

“You say that now that you’re not horny,” Selena said. “But when you’re turned on … will you be so willing to turn away from your carnal desires?”

“I will. Of course I will!”

“Ed … listen to me carefully. If you use The Power … if you *dare* fuck my sister again … I’ll never talk to you again … except to collect my sister’s child support money. You’ll be less than nothing to me, to us … just some asshole who sends a big, fat check for eighteen years to pay for his monumental fuck up. Do you understand?”

“Selena, I won’t. I promise.”

“Good. Then let’s find out.”

Selena knelt before her captive, reaching her hand out and running it along the surface of his pants. She seized a small brass-colored handle and pulled it slowly, undoing the zipper to Ed’s pants. A white tent emerged from the opening, small and soft but pulsing gradually stiffening from her warm touch. Selena’s fingers explored the fabric before inserting her fingers into a small opening. Pulling her fingers apart, the opening widened, freeing Ed’s semi-erect white cock from its fabric enclosure.

Lina’s eye’s turned downward, studying the curvature of the pulsing thick pale worm between her sister’s fingers. She spoke a few words to Selena and giggled. Selena responded curtly, not even offering a smile. Lina spoke again, then Selena responded again, offering a longer response and pointing at Ed’s cock with the outstretched palm of her hand.

More than ever before, Ed regretted never getting past “ni hao.”

Selena raised to her feet, leaving Ed’s cock exposed to the cool air of the dark room. She stepped to the side taking up a position on Ed’s right side, leaving the front fully exposed to Lina. She once again lowered herself to one knee and leaned forward, positioning her lips mere inches from Ed’s head. The hot air of her breath warmed the contours of Ed’s right ear, sending paralyzing electric zaps down his spine.

Lina stepped forward and approached Ed from the front. She stared down at him for several moments, trying harder and harder to unsuccessfully stifle a smile.

Suddenly, Lina’s left leg leapt off the ground, traveling above Ed’s exposed member, before rooting itself on the seat of the chair behind Ed’s rear. Her body leaned forward, hovering her nineteen-year-old pure pussy parallel to Ed’s midsection, only one cock length directly above Ed’s rapidly stiffening erection.

Ed’s wrists and ankles bristled against his bindings. He wanted so desperately to prove himself to Selena, to do whatever she required of him to prove himself. He had only just promised not to fuck Lina, but with Lina’s mound hovering mere inches above his cock and with all four limbs captive to the burning sting of the rope, he was simply at her mercy.

“Selena, Lina, please you have to stop. The Power has a mind of its own it- … if I get horny enough it’ll-”

“Shh … Shh … don’t speak,” Selena said soothingly, her delicate voice and gentle breath danced in his ear, again sending static shocks through Ed’s core.

“You see my sister’s pussy, Ed?” Selena asked, her voice suddenly deeper, airier, the kind of voice she usually reserved for foreplay. “You’re the only man to ever enter her, Ed. You’ve claimed two tight Chinese pussies as your own, Ed. How does that make you feel?”

Selena’s lascivious words sprinted through his body, pushing his blood flow down to his pulsating penis. Against Selena’s lustful language there was no defense. Soon he would be aroused. Soon The Power would again take hold.

“Selena please … ” Ed pleaded, before Ed could finish his thought, Selena’s hand gently but firmly clasped his lips shut.

“Shh Ed … you just listen now. Do you see my sister’s belly?”

Ed looked straight ahead at Lina’s flat belly hovering over his hips. As much as he tried to keep his eyes focused upward, Ed couldn’t help but glance downward to Lina’s supple, puffy pink labia, the way they joined at her clitoris, the way they parted so cleanly. Maybe Lina’s face wasn’t as pretty but the area between her legs was exquisite, not simply made but sculpted. Pure perfection.

Realizing he had waited a moment too long to respond to Selena, Ed nodded his head gently, wincing at the uncomfortable pressure of Selena’s fingers against his mouth.

“Your baby is inside Ed, inside my sister, growing. Soon her belly will grow, her breasts will inflate. Her body will change itself to make your baby.”

“Selena, no, what are you doing?!” Ed tried to shout, but through the tightly locked fingers of Selena’s hand all the sisters could hear was an unintelligible slur. She had demanded that he never fuck Lina again but every muscle in his body ached to plunge into her once again.

Ed’s cock began to throb, each painful pulse a premonition of The Power’s imminent arrival. His usual tactics of hitting himself and pinching himself to lower his arousal were useless with his hands so tightly bound. Ed couldn’t understand why Selena would set him up so clearly to fail.

“Do you think she’s technically still a virgin, Ed?” Selena whispered, blasting his ear with her warm breath. “No one has ever penetrated her tight lips, Ed. Your magic power doesn’t really count, Ed. Not really. Do you want to do it for real?”

Selena looked up at her younger sister and spoke a few more words In Mandarin. Lina responded immediately. After a brief pause, Lina raised her index and middle fingers together and slowly raising them to her mouth. The two slender fingers quickly slipped in and out of her mouth, emerging with a glistening coating of saliva. The fingers darted down past her breasts, past her belly, straight down to the inflection point between her legs.

Lina shifted her weight onto her outstretched leg, putting more weight on the chair and bringing her body even lower. closer to Ed’s longing hips. With the diminishing distance between them, Ed’s lap could feel the warmth of Lina’s body. She was so near. That virginal pussy, previously pounded by The Power but still untouched by real muscle and skin, was only a thrust away. If only he wanted it.

Lina’s fingers moved in slow, counterclockwise rotations around the bottom of her mound, gently turning and massaging the sensitive clitoris concealed beneath her plush lips. Each rotation elicited a soft, gentle contended moan.

“Look at your cock, Ed,” Selena commanded, glancing down at her boyfriend’s bulging crimson meat. “You can barely resist her. You wanted to fuck my sister so The Power did it for you. You wanted it, Ed. Just admit it.”

“But I don’t want her, Selena, I want you!” Ed protested, managing to ram his speech through Selena’s grip on his mouth. Ed squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head vigorously, desperately trying to bring his mind somewhere, anywhere but there. He thought about family members, gore, violence, all sorts of unsavory and unappealing subjects, one last Sisyphean push in a futile hope to stave off The Power for only just a few more moments. Long enough, he hoped, to convince Selena.

Ed’s nosed twitched, his olfactory receptors captivated by a wet, salty musk that permeated the sir around him. Lina’s moans grew louder, her eyes opened wider, her pink lips moistened into a bright slippery red.

“Can you smell my sister, Ed? Her hot, wet pussy is waiting for you.”

Vigorous shock coursed through his legs. His animal brain wanted so desperately to grab Lina’s outstretched hips, pull her down, thrust his body upward, and at long last quench the yearnings of his long-deprived cock in the warm radiant embrace of Lina’s blooming womanhood. It took every ounce, every fiber, every molecule of willpower Ed could muster to suppress his libidinous desires, to repudiate his reptile brain, to prevent The Power from asserting itself and ruining his life for good.

A hot bead of liquid burst on the tip of Ed’s cock, slowly slinking down the front side of the head, exciting each and every nerve in its path. Ed looked down. Precum? Ejaculation? It couldn’t be. The musk of Lina’s womanhood grew stronger in tandem with her growing moans.

Another drop splashed onto the tip, tickling every fiber as it dripped down the left side of his shaft. It wasn’t precum. It wasn’t semen. It wasn’t even his.

Two more drops of translucent white liquid dripped down from the nadir of Lina’s soaked underside, this time bathing Ed’s testicles in her feminine scent. Ed stared at the long streaks of fluid dripping down his cock and balls. For a split second he imagined how drenched he would truly be if he flung himself balls deep into Lina’s soaking vagina. He could plow that pure, perfect, precious pussy, ram his hips into her pelvis, smack his balls against her ass, and flood her insides with his seed once again, and all it would cost him was any fleeting hope of reconciling with Selena.

Indulging the thought was a brief, momentary weakness. That’s all The Power needed.

The all-too-familiar sensation of pressure gently pushed down on the head of Ed’s cock. He frantically looked down, studying his cock, praying that the impending feeling of penetration was anything other than The Power.

Still hovering several inches above Ed’s cock, Lina let out a loud gasp.

“Selena! The Power! I- I- I tried to stop it but-!” Ed yelled.

“Oh my God, Ed!” Selena shouted, her eyes wide enough to bulge out of her head. She jumped up from her crouched position next to Ed and shoved Lina back off the chair and onto the bed behind her. As Lina landed on her back, her legs spread wide open, revealing the sopping circle on her underside, preparing herself for penetration.

Still tied to the chair, Ed’s eyes darted furiously to his cock. The head appeared motionless, at attention, idle ready to burst. The sensations in Ed’s brain, however, told a far different story. On the head of his cock manifested a tense, simmering sensation. The feeling of pushing against a tight opening that just wasn’t quite big enough. Nineteen-year-old Lina’s lips were unspoiled by the incursions of any man; they needed more pressure, more force, before they would part.

Lina lay back on the bed, joining the bottoms of her feet together and forcing her legs even wider with a delicate, almost-inaudible giggle. Her moist hand continued to massage and stimulate her clitoris. stimulating her natural lubricant, easing the way for The Power’s imminent advance.

As the pressure on his tip subsided, the full length of his shaft bathed in the slick, warm glow of Lina’s convulsing canal. No matter how many women one fucks, no matter how many times one pushes past the tight tantalizing boundary, Ed figured no one ever tired of the thrill of penetration.

For the second time, his girlfriend’s sister’s body was at his every lustful whim.

“Selena! I didn’t want to! I told you I didn’t- …”

“Shh, Ed … it’s okay,” Selena said, her tone surprisingly reassuring and cal,. “I was wrong … I believe you now …”

“You …?”

“I’ll explain later, Ed,” Selena replied, her voice calm, soothing, and conciliatory. “For now … how- … how do we stop this?”

Ed turned away from Selena, staring across the room at Lina, pleasurably twitching and softly gasping alone on the bed. With her legs spread wide open, Ed stared at her physically engaged virtue. Her pretty pink lips expanded and contracted, the canal opened and closed, all moving seemingly on their own.

“… Selena it- … it only stops when I cum,” Ed whispered, sheepishly, afraid that the thought of once again filling Lina with his seed would only further draw Selena’s justifiable ire.

Selena stared at Ed, but past him, as if pondering something off in the far distance behind him.

“Okay,” she murmured, slowly nodding her head. “Let’s make you cum.”

Selena pulled the bottom of her puffy black sweatshirt over her head, revealing her naked body below. Her petite breasts hung firmly, her pale pink nipples hardened in the tepid dusk air. When her head was free of the neck of the sweater, her straight black hair dropped to rest on her shoulders, its many joined strands diverging at the ends, covering the tops of her breasts in a deep black mesh.

Only feet away on the bed, Lina’s subtle gasps grew louder, giving way to soft but still vocalized moans. Her head turned around on the pillow in brisk, 180 degree arcs, ensuring her pleasure was announced in every possible direction.

Lina unbuttoned the clasp on her baggy, ill-fitted jeans. Without any additional effort, the denim covering fell to the ground to form an amorphous blue blob.

There was that magnificent ass! Through the day’s turmoil, Ed feared he would never again lay eyes on Selena’s gratuitous bottom, its buoyant, rounded curves, its perky, firm resistance. Drowning in endorphins, balls deep in Lina, Ed barely resisted the urge to smack his palm square into Selena’s ass.

Selena adeptly raised one leg off the ground and held It in the air, using her hands to drag her panties off one leg and then the other.

After months of painful, meticulous self-control and regulation, after a seemingly endless struggle against the power, Ed could finally see the bare, unencumbered body of the love of his life once again.

Selena knelt down in front of Ed and, without wasting a moment, scooped Ed’s pulsing penis straight into her mouth.

The sensation was incomparable. At once, Ed could sense the slick, dancing movements of Selena’s tongue gliding along his shaft while simultaneously feeling the tightness, the contractions, the movements of Lina’s slowly-loosening pussy. Two daughters of one Chinese family both giving of their bodies to satisfy one American man, the elder devouring him with her mouth, the younger milking his building orgasm with her tight, spasming pussy.

As Ed tilted his head back, Selena quickly released each of the two knots binding his arms. With his hands freed, she only needed to untangle his legs. Unable to fully reach down to the base of the chair, Selena leaned forward, bringing her arms closer to the knots and pushing the steamy-hot tip of Ed’s penis directly into the back of her throat. With two adroit motions, the two knots around each of his legs were released.

Ed was free.

Selena rose quickly to her feet, Ed’s cock leaped free from her mouth with a loud wet plop, perfectly complementing the constant soft clapping sounds against Lina’s inexperienced hips.

The ghostly expansion and contraction of Lina’s labia had only accelerated in the last several minutes, allowing Ed to gaze deep into her tunnel, watching as the walls violently expanded and contracted around a long, thick cylindrical emptiness. If not for the unyielding euphoria undulating from his underwear, Ed thought, it would seem as if Lina were making love to a phantom.

Selena sat at the foot of Lina’s bed, placing a comforting hand on Lina’s bent and quivering leg. Placing her other hand on the edge of the bed, she pushed herself backwards toward the headboard, stepping backwards on her hands and feet until she was seated halfway to the wall. She offered her sister a short, concerned glance before laying backward on the bed, bringing her body in alignment with her sister’s, head to head, toe to toe.

“Ed …” Selena said, fanning out her legs, putting her coveted sex on full display. “Fuck me. Fuck me and end this.”

Ed jumped to his feet, pausing at the foot of the bed to take in the beauty of the two aroused sisters before him. Both bare-assed naked next to each other, both with their breasts and nipples standing at attention, with their legs fanned out, with their most private areas on display. On display and ready to serve him.

For a fleeting moment, Ed’s baser instincts were unsure which sister he wanted to fuck more. While Selena was the wiser, more beautiful, more Americanized, more suitable romantic match, Lina was younger, tighter, more innocent, and already twitching in pleasure from Ed’s penile incursion with The Power.

Only for a fleeting moment.

Ed leapt onto bed, throwing the full weight of his body between Selena’s outstretched legs. She was the love of his life, after all; she would always be his first and only choice.

Selena reached her hand up to her mouth, spit on her fingers, and quickly guided them back down between her legs. A move she had no doubt taught her sister. Saliva augmented her natural lubricant, giving Ed’s real, physical cock a clear and unobstructed path straight into her. Her hand shifted to Ed’s violet, strained cock, guiding the head until it gently brushed against her soft, pink labia.

“I- I wasn’t sure you’d ever want me again. Not after what happened,” Ed said, an unusual moment of circumspection as his cock enjoyed the dual sensations of the sisters’ bodies. He lowered his head down to the bed, nestling it within the gap in the pillows directly between the sisters.

Selena turned her head to whisper directly into Ed’s ear. “Come inside me, Ed.”

Ed slammed his hips downward, aggressively forcing the full length of his cock deep within Selena’s warm and welcoming walls. A million fireworks burst into a trillion brilliantly shining stars, each beaming upon him in adoration. The doorway may have been looser, the passageway slightly wider, but he wouldn’t trade the feeling for anything. Inside the love of his life, he truly felt at home at last.

“Fuck! Ed … it’s been … so long,” Selena gasped, panting with Ed’s visceral, animalistic thrusts. Her outstretched legs slowly closed around him, digging her heels into the small of his back. A different kind of binding from the ropes that had previously encumbered him.

The dual sensations of the sisters’ two euphoric holes ignited Ed’s loins, fueling a massive eruption that quickly built in his loins. He raised his head up from the bed and glanced over at Lina. While Selena had shut her eyes, lifted her head, and buried herself against the chest of her lover, Lina lay with her eyes open, lustful, and focused on Ed.

Without warning, Lina rolled towards Ed and Selena, throwing her hand behind Ed’s head and smothering his cheek and face with her lips. Her steamy breath permeated every corner of his mouth.

Lina tugged violently at the back of his head, inextricably attaching him to her face as her gasps and moans grew louder. He placed his hand against the soft, pliant skin of Lina’s chest in a futile attempt to push her away. Instead, her hand reached up and captured his, holding it steady against her left breast, massaging herself with his captive digits.

“Mmh” Lina moaned, exhaling deeply into Ed’s mouth, crying out in ecstasy. The grips of her hands weakened, her body began to shake. Ed could feel a sudden constricting tightness around the full length of his cock. Lina’s hands opened, her lips ceased devouring Ed’s face, her body fell back against the bed. Lina’s mouth opened, exalting her passion with subtle muted pants. He legs fluttered beneath her, gently kicking back and forth in tandem with the subtle, quiescent quivering between her legs.

The sensation of Lina’s first orgasm convulsing against Ed’s loaded dick proved to be too much to handle. With one final thrust, the hairy base of his cock slammed against Selena, their hips grinding together in rapturous climax. The dual feelings of the two warm and wet holes slowly converged into one harmonious symphony.

The heat in Ed’s loins burst in a sudden, uncontrolled eruption.

Pulse after pulse of steamy hot liquid burned past the tip of his dick, each sperm cell elicited by the combined and indescribable sensations of the two sister’s eager and welcoming pussies. As his cock strained and buckled against the strength of his exploding orgasm, Ed turned once again to Lina, watching the movements between her legs as he and The Power reached their crescendo. Large globules of milky-white fluid suddenly materialized from nowhere, spilling out from Lina’s red, used pussy, streaming down her taint, flowing over her dark, puckered anus, and finally pooling in a small translucent white puddle on the blue bed covers.

As the last ropes of semen dribbled through Ed’s exhausted and spent penis, he raised himself off of Selena and collapsed into the gap between them, allowing the three unlikely lovers to pass peacefully to sleep.

**Continued in the comments**

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vp8060/mindfuck_ch_05_asian_cheating_mff_magic_horror

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  1. **Continued**

    “You’re many things, Ed,” Selena said, rolling over towards Ed. “But I don’t think you’re a liar.”

    The two sisters and Ed lay unclothed in the bed, rejuvenated by a short nap after the salacious events of the evening. It was night now, the businesses and bustle of the street below had subsided, drifting the city peacefully into night.

    Ed turned to face Selena, the bare skin of his back gently brushed against Lina’s hardened nipples, the muscles of his ass lightly grazed the stiff and sticky cum-covered hairs between her legs. Lina remained fast asleep, calmly breathing subtle warm breaths against Ed’s back.

    “But why did you finally believe me? I promised I could control The Power and … and I failed” Ed said, confused.

    “You told me it had a mind of its own. I wasn’t sure if I believed you but … Lina did. She said we needed some way to, like, test you.”

    “Test me?”

    “It sounded like something out of a cheap Korean drama honestly,” Selena said, giggling. It was good for Ed to see her smile again. “But she had this idea to try to seduce you to try to … I don’t know … force The Power to activate against your will. To prove you really couldn’t control it.”

    “I can’t-”

    “I know,” Selena said, gently interrupting Ed by placing her hand on his exposed chest. “It’s not your fault, Ed.”

    “… so you’re not upset at me?”

    “Ed …,” Selena said, staring up at the ceiling. “My baby sister is pregnant with your child. I can’t look past that … we need to find a way to deal with it.”

    “I will,” Ed offered instinctively, only later rethinking his words. “We will. The three of us. Together”

    Selena nodded. “…And Ed?

    “Yes, Selie?”

    “I know you went to that horrible store trying to find something to spice up our lives. Whatever that guy Auran said- … he lied to you.”

    Ed narrowed his eyes and tilted his head into his pillow, confused.

    “Ed.. it’s true,” she continued. “That guy lied to you. You’re as much a victim in this as me, my sister, that woman at the restaurant. The sex may have been wanted — my sister can be a horny idiot, believe it or not– but the way it happened, The Power … it’s acting on its own and it’s hurting you as much, if not more, than anyone else.”

    “I’m not a victim, Selie,” Ed insisted, fighting back tears. He pulled the comforter up abobe his head, desperately trying to conceal his face. “I enjoyed all of it too. I didn’t want it bu-”

    “Right, Ed, you didn’t want it. That’s what I’m saying.”

    “…I don’t know what to do Selie. This power … it’s insatiable. Do you know I’m … I’m afraid to even go outside most days. I could never forgive myself if The Power ever activated on someone who … who … didn’t want it.”

    “We’re not going to let that happen, Ed” Selena said, an air of confidence in her voice.

    “…We’re not?”

    “You, me, and Lina. Tomorrow morning we’re going to go to this ‘House of Bespoke Pleasures,’ we’re going to see this Auran, and we’re going to find a way to make him undo this.”

    “… What? What if he can’t? What if he refuses?”

    Selena tilted her head forward and grinned with her upper lip from ear to ear, Ed’s favorite mischievous smile. Once again, her devious mind was on his side.

    “I have my ways, Ed.” Selena offered superciliously, prideful in her abilities of persuasion. “And if that doesn’t work … we’ll make him.”

    Ed stared at Selena, unsure what to make of her declaration. With one hearty yawn, she threw her arm around Ed and inched closer, pushing her breasts against Ed’s chest, throwing her leg over Ed’s leg, and finding a comfortable position in which they could both sleep in each other’s comforting embrace until morning.

    Behind Ed, Lina gently stirred, inching ever-so-slightly closer to him, pressing the heat of her torso against his back, also throwing her arm around his body.

    Ed lay awake for many hours, flanked on both sides by the warmth of the two sisters. Despite all that had happened between them, despite the yelling, crying, fighting, and fucking, they were all once again on the same side. His mind raced pondering the conversation with Selena, equally intrigued and terrified at whatever plan she intended to set in motion to finally rid them of The Power once and for all.

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