Sleep Sex

I’m a hotwife; what I like about this is I get the benefit of variety in partners.  That’s very fun – to be able to scratch different itches on a whim.  But there is always something to be said for the play you can develop with a longer term partner.  Creative, evolved, more edgy and way more experimental…with time always comes something new to play at. Repeat business is not only the biggest compliment but also the best gift.

I have a regular partner who also likes to explore new things. When we had the opportunity for an overnight playdate we came up with a wish list of things to do and try with all that time and freedom. I have to laugh at this – we always come up with something akin to a kid’s Christmas list. Far too long and involved to hit all the marks in one date or even a full night as it turns out.  “High class problems” we both acknowledge. 

One thing we talked about for the overnight was dabbling in some cnc play and/or sleep sex.  We discussed how he might rouse me from my sleep with his cock already stroking me – this excited me immensely.

I also offhandedly joked that it might be me that does the sleep raping as I don’t really sleep. At all. 4 hours a night on average leaves a lot of time to molest my bedmate.  After going four very satisfying rounds I finally decided to let him try and get some rest. I promised myself to let him sleep a bit before I tried anything. I held out 42 minutes. 

He was already tucked into my neck and sleeping; my arm was draped across his waist so it was hardly any effort to slide my hand down past the waistline of his briefs. To my surprise his cock instantly gave a twitch and he groaned still asleep.  I wrapped my hand around his cock and leaned down so I could take him in my mouth. I began to suck and lick and kiss his cock as if it were a long lost lover.  He was fully hard for me in less than 30 seconds. At this point he was stirring a bit.  So I took the opportunity to push his briefs down to his thighs. He even assisted in his sleep a little as one does out of habit. At this point, eyes still closed, he mutters something about “Hey hey what are you doing? …. I’m hard … What happened?”

Honest to God I don’t know or care how much was role play on his part or not at that point. What I can tell you is that it was real enough to instantly soak my pussy. Was he sleeping just a moment ago? Yes. Was he tired? After blowing 4 loads in me, I’d say yes.  Was he playing along? Maybe. Probably. But I didn’t care – this whole dynamic excited me so much.  It was my turn to just take. Treat him like he’s my fuck toy – available for my free use. 

This got me so turned on. In life and in sex I’m usually a top for lack of a better word. Alpha. Dom. “Apex Predator” – I heard than one once.  Call it what you will, I enjoy being in charge sexually. It’s been my baseline for my whole sex life. 

The clicking of tumblers in my mind was audible as my lizard sex brain kicked in. I naturally fell into the role of predaceous creature as I threw a leg over J and placed his cock head at my pussy. 
I actually waited for him to rouse once more and his eyes to open a bit – only then did I slide down taking him all the way in me. 

“What are you doing?”
“Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. You’re hard for me, just shhh. Let me use your cock to feel good. Just lay there.”
“But it feels good. You’re going to make me cum.”
“Shhh. I won’t let you cum. I want to do this to you over and over. Shhh baby. Let me just feel good.”

I then writhed and ground his cock into me. My words and touches not matching what my hungry pussy was doing to his dick.   I whispered and soothed him with reassuring words.  Stroked his hair and gave him light kisses on his cheek. Encouraged him to try and sleep because I’d be done soon. Whispering my thanks to him for being so good and letting me have fun with his body.  

When I came it was different from the many orgasms I’d had with him before.  It was this quiet, tight and dirty orgasm.  Just in my pussy. It felt completely disconnected from the kind of sex we usually have.  It was a revelation. I already knew I wanted more. Just like that. 

I went on to wake him three more times that night. 



  1. This was an interesting read! I loved the self discovery of it ❤️

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