The Mad Creator [MFF] [Threesome] [Teasing]

Sometimes, the characters of a smut story come to life…

“Excuse me,” that smoky voice that belonged to a familiar stranger. “I believe you’re the one I’m looking for.”

“You must have me mixed up with someone else,” Mal hastily replied, avoiding meeting his gaze. She knew exactly who it was. The man chuckled.

“Do I?” The stranger’s hands grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. He was exactly as she had written him. Piercing blue eyes, raven locks, a villainous gaze and a knowing grin. *”My Creator.”*

“Elliott,” Mal breathed, her back meeting the wall. “How are you here, you- you don’t exist…”

“You brought me here.” He replied, brushing her cheek with the back of his index finger. She didn’t flinch, instead closing her eyes expectantly.

“I- y-you- I can’t be that powerful. I can’t.” Mal said, her entire form shaking. Elliott cupped her cheek gently, his blue rings meeting her amber ones. The same stare she had seen before – familiarity, intrigue, borderline resentment – and now, adoration.

“Oh, but you are. You have no idea how many others you’ve brought into your world across your lifetime,” Elliott said, reaching his other hand towards hers. “Deep inside, you know you have this power. Everybody does, they just suppress it by nature. You are one of the few who feeds that power and lets it run free like it’s supposed to. And now, I am here. Your creation. Your answer. *Your reward.”*

“Knowing the way I write you, you’re about as twisted as me in the head, if not more…” Mal said. Elliott’s thumb pressed against her lips. Oh, he certainly was exactly as she had written him. A gaze as beautiful as it was sinister. Eyes as blue as an angel’s tears. The corner of his lips turned up into a smirk.

“Oh, believe me, Mal… *I’m so much worse.”* He said, wrapping his fingers around her neck. “But that’s what you want, isn’t it? *How does it feel to have met your match?”*

“I- it’s- it’s terrifying…” Mal stuttered, feeling his grip tighten.

“Good.” Elliott replied, abruptly pressing into her neck with full force. The strength in her eyes subsided. She flung her hands towards his, desperately prying against them. Her eyes shakily met his. *”I don’t want this to be easy for you.”*

“Elliott…” Mal hoarsely pleaded. Elliott tilted his head curiously, loosening his grip.

“Mmm… I like the way you say my name, Creator. There’s so many emotions backed into those seven letters. Love, desperation, yearning… *lust.”* He darted his eyes to the blush on Mal’s face. “Ooh, that one was just a guess. I didn’t realize you were actually lusting for me. Your own creation. What does it feel like? The power of a God, used to satisfy a sin. You’ve never truly lusted before, have you?”

“…What makes you make that assumption?”

“I can see it in your eyes. You’re a lover, that much is true… but you don’t lust. You read people’s hearts and their unspoken words, striving to connect your story to theirs. To lust… is to want to place yourself in the illustrations of their stories. Wordless, meaningless without context… fleeting.” Elliott said. Well, she did write him to be a perceptive bastard. And a poetic one. “You’ve gone your whole life writing yourself into others’ stories. But the way you look at me… aside from the copious amounts of fear and dread, there is a yearning to be caught up in the illustration of my passion. To be in that fleeting image, where the only context is that between us.”

“Jesus, I know I made you poetic, but…” Mal shifted her eyes back to his. They had an inhuman glow to them. It was that otherworldly glow that haunted her. “You’re… not going to kill me, are you?”

“Still hung up on that?” Elliott laughed. “No. I have no desire to harm such a delightful little thing such as you.”

“You make me sound like a butterfly.” Mal said.

“And I suppose that would make me the hurricane that the flap of your wings created.” Elliott said, reaching his hands towards hers. He clasped them gently, rubbing his thumb across her skin. “Such cold hands… for such fiery eyes. A gaze of death for a mind full of life. You’re constantly caught between worlds. You walk the borders of them all – night and day, hot and cold, life and death… reality and fiction… no wonder it’s so easy for you to bring others here. You’re a living bridge.”

“What- what others have I brought here?” Mal asked. “I’ve never met-”

“Met any of them? Actually, they’re the only people you meet. Have you ever noticed how peculiarly the people in your life seem to fit into it? They come at the perfect time, fulfilling a perfect role, allowing you to grow your abilities in a perfect way. They are the people you have unwittingly written into the story of your life. I am simply the first one you were aware of creating.”

“But- they all have free wills, right?” Mal inquired.

“Of course they do. Even I do. Your ability to manipulate people is just your soul trying to grasp at the strings of the people around you and start writing them. Sometimes- well, more often than not, you succeed.” Elliott answered.

“So… if you’re not here to kill me… then what are you going to do to me?” Mal asked. Elliott interlocked one hand with hers, pulling her from the wall.

“Lots of things.” He replied, a smug smile and a soft chuckle on his lips. “Rest assured, murder is not on the list… I’m just here to sate your curiosity and satisfy your sins, my dear Creator. To kill you… would be far too uncouth and vulgar for someone like me. You did make me a gentleman.”

“I made you a sadistic brute,” Mal murmured. “I made you merciless.”

“I never said I wasn’t any of those things, dear.” Elliott said. His voice was lined with something along the vein of insanity, reeking of obsession and dripping with infatuation. “You created me to be your perfect villain. *You had no idea just how thorough your own downfall would be though, did you?”*

Mal knew he was right. He had been created to match her level. And by God, he had delivered before they’d even begun. She let him lead her through winding alleys, to a curiously vacant motel that somehow wasn’t completely abandoned. It seemed like a glitch in the matrix. The outside was roughed up and seemed like it had seen better days, and yet the inside seemed like any average 4-star hotel up north. Just as contradictory as her. He led her inside and to a room that presumably was his, on the fourth floor – 432. For a run-down motel, the room was unnaturally lavish. It was clean and tidy, and bore a king-sized bed with silken sheets. This definitely was a glitch.

“Old and new…”

“Just like your dreams.” Elliott nudged Mal onto the edge of the bed, brushing his hands across her shoulders. He gently pushed her onto her back, eyes drilling into hers. She lay paralyzed beneath him as his slender fingers made quick work of her clothes, watching him slip off his shirt. She glanced at the thin chain around his neck, and the Mars symbol pendant that dangled from it. “My darling Maker… why are you always under the impression that I’m going to murder you?”

“… You’re an intimidating guy, Ell… I thought I made you hate me.” Mal said, feeling the warmth of his fingertips on her bare skin.

“Hatred… is a merciful way of putting it.” Elliott snarled. “You’ve written me to be as unhinged as you. But I don’t hate you. I’d go so far as to say that quite the opposite is true – I love you the way a priest loves their Deity. But unlike the priest, I have no interest in serving the will of a divinity… *I just want to watch you fall.”*

“I know you do,” Mal breathed, shuffling herself further onto the bed as Elliott’s hands inched towards her throat. “I know you’ll do anything to achieve it.”

“And what advantage, do you suppose, does that information give you?” Elliott asked.

“I- I yield,” Mal said. Elliott halted, pressing a hand to his own heart. “I relinquish all control over you. All of it… Do what you will, Elliott… there isn’t a God who can stop you now.”

“Do you have… *any…* idea… what you’ve just done?” Elliott said. There was definite confusion in his voice, but a more malicious and sinister tone was dripping from his tongue. He broke into a laugh. “You… My creator, my maker, my… *God…* oh, Mal, my dear… *you’re absolutely fucking insane*. Even I’m not this deranged. You want to give me, your equal in insanity, your inevitable demise… *complete free reign*? You really are the Mad Creator. There is truly no other that could fit that title now. I’m honestly just impressed.”

“You know how my mind works. I know you do.” Mal said, cracking her neck. The tension between them was tangible. An unstoppable force and an immovable object. The jaded dance between two titans of insanity.

“Oh, yes I most certainly do, my dear Creator…” Elliott said, slithering across her body. He pinned her wrists down, pressing his forehead to hers, eyes still locked. “*And I promise you, I will deliver.”*

Mal flinched as she felt Elliott’s lips drift across hers, diving towards her neck. She yelped, Elliott’s teeth grazing her skin. They were sharp – vampiric, almost, lightly pressing marks into her porcelain skin as he left a trail of bruises across her collarbone.

*”Do you think the world would believe you if you told them that your own creation did this to you?”* Elliott purred, flicking his tongue across his teeth.

“I know a few people who might,” Mal replied, lifting her wrists together above her head. Elliott grabbed them roughly and pressed them against the headboard, his other hand snaking around Mal’s marked neck.

“Yes, yes… your friends, who have lent you ideas from the recesses of their minds. I’ll find them later, if I feel like it. You are the one I want.” Elliott whispered, tightening his grip. Her eyes pleaded with his, glassy yet steadfast against his hold. Elliott’s lips curved into a deceivingly gentle grin as the strength in Mal’s eyes began to fade. *”Do you enjoy it? Having your strength stripped away with just one hand?”*

He released her neck and her wrists, arms enveloping her figure and rolling her onto her stomach. He crouched atop her, fingers weaving into her hair and giving her mane a rough tug at the roots. She squeaked, shuddering beneath the laugh that escaped Elliott’s lips.

“Oh my… look at you. You certainly are strong, to be toned like this.” He said, tracing her back. His hand stopped just short of her posterior, pausing before suddenly jerking and delivering a hard slap across her ass. Mal slammed her face into the pillow, a muffled whine coming through the down feathers. “Mm, that’s a good sound to hear from you.”

He turned her onto her back again, pinning her down by the shoulders and staring into her eyes with a grin. He pressed against her, slipping his hand between her thighs and rubbing a finger in small circles across her clit. She averted her gaze, much to Elliott’s amusement.

“Look at me, Mal.” Elliott said with a caramel tone. She shook her head and closed her eyes. He chuckled. Leaning down to her ear, he whispered, “Look at me. *Right now.”*

He pulled away, watching her slowly force herself to open her eyes for him. His circles became slightly faster as a reward. Mal’s eyes fluttered slightly, holding her gaze with Elliott before rolling up behind her eyelids. Fuck, he was good with his fingers.

“Oh, f-fuck,” Mal stammered, her body twitching beneath him. “Fuck, that’s good…”

Mal could feel Elliott adjusting his position above her, his weight lifting from her chest. Her heart skipped when she felt Elliott’s dick prodding against her entrance, hard and vengeful. She looked him in the eye with panic, squirming as he entered her. He slid himself entirely in with a content groan and a raspy chuckle, tilting his head to look at her again.

“Ell, y-you’re fucking h-huge…” Mal squeaked. Elliott laughed, putting his hands at her waist again and slowly pulling his body back. Mal knew what was about to happen, a wordless plea on her tongue. Elliott licked his lips and stared down her eyes of panicked anticipation.

“*The better to tear you apart with, my dear.”*

He forced her body into the hard buck of his hips, relishing in the scream that resulted. Mal’s hands meekly pressed against him, soon falling limp as Elliott’s rhythmic thrusts began. There was only the sound of colliding skin and the creaks of the bed, and the occasional whimper. He smirked as Mal wrapped her legs around him, turning hungry eyes to her lips as she failed to conceal her pleasure.

“Ell- please, oh m-my God-” Mal’s hands frantically gripped his body, pulling him into her chest. He could feel her entire body quivering through waves of sensations. He slowed his pace to catch his breath. Elliott leaned down and gripped a handful of Mal’s brunette hair, gently combing through it rather than giving it a tug like she was expecting.

“Relax.” He said, tousling with her scattered gold highlights. “You’re tensed up like a scared bird.”

“…that is exactly what I am, thanks.” Mal snapped. Her eyes fluttered with each of Elliott’s movements. They weren’t as rough as when he’d knocked the air from her chest, but they certainly did feel good. She murmured, “Why did I make you like this?”

“To break up the static in your life.” Elliott replied. “The mundaneness of reality doesn’t sit well with you, any idiot could tell that much just by looking at you.”

“…fair.” Mal sighed. “This… barely feels real. You’re… you were just words and a portrait and a name, and now you’re… well… y’know.”

“Strange how the world works when you realize how much you can really impact it, hm?” Elliott said. “You know, Muriel’s here too.”

“Really?” Mal asked, curious. Elliott nodded. “Huh… where’s she?”

“Out and about. She lives here with me though.” Elliott said. “I know you made her more based on your physicality. You two feel almost exactly the same.”

“This would be quite a story for you to tell her, hm? That you fucked your own God?” Mal said.

“It certainly wouldn’t be the kind of story you’d hear everyday… it’s quite an outlandish thing to hear. She might not even believe that I actually found you.” Elliott replied. The corner of his lips turned up into a smirk. “Unless, of course… *I invite her to join in.”*


“Shh. It would be rude not to invite her to this kind of opportunity,” Elliott whispered. “And you didn’t make me a rude man.”

Elliott slid himself out of Mal’s body and stepped off of the bed. He strode to the closet and retrieved four belts from it, binding Mal’s wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed. He rummaged through his jacket pocket for a phone, dialing and looking at Mal with malicious affection.

“You’ll never guess who I found, love.” Elliott said when the recipient of his call picked up. “Oh, what’s that? You’re outside?”

Mal jerked against her binds as he opened the door to the room, allowing a familiar figure with auburn curls to step in. She walked to the bed and examined Mal, sharing a stare for a moment before turning back to Elliott.

“I swear, you can be such a brute sometimes,” She said to him. She had a voice of vanilla. Mal watched with wide eyes as she dropped her dress and undergarments in an instant, leaning over Mal. She was indeed practically a physical mirror, save for having slightly more endowed breasts. She stepped closer to Elliott, her voice down to a whisper as she told him her plan.

“And you call me a brute.”

“I’m a delicate brute, thanks.” Muriel said. She and Elliott undid Mal’s binds, to her surprise. Muriel nudged Mal to the edge of the bed, and lay herself down flat instead. Elliott knelt by Muriel’s ankles. Mal looked back at Muriel in confusion.


“Well come on then, cutie. Get up here.” Muriel said, the kind tone of her voice almost frightening. “And don’t bite him while you’re at it.”

It finally clicked. Mal slowly climbed over Muriel, her lips turned towards Elliott’s body. Muriel wrapped her arms around Mal’s waist and pulled her down to her lips. The effect of Muriel’s tongue was immediate.

“M-Muri, Jesus Christ -” Mal stuttered, her heart pounding in her chest. Her arms shook as they tried to support her. Elliott gently took Mal’s chin in his hand, turning her face towards him. He lightly poked her lips with the tip of his dick, placing his hand at the back of her head and slowly guiding her down when she opened her mouth.

“Good girl,” he praised, leaning his head back as she took the entirety of his length. He could feel the vibrations of her moans across his skin, making delicate movements in and out of her throat.

Muriel’s tongue alone was sending Mal’s mind into overdrive. She was an absolute tease, driving Mal to a hellish high before denying the final leap. It was maddening. Mal’s whines of protest were muffled by Elliott’s cock in her mouth, but Muriel heard them regardless. She lifted Mal’s body up a couple inches.

“Don’t worry, cutie… you’ll get what’s coming.” Muriel whispered. “Ready for part two, honey?”

“Oh, definitely.” Elliott said. He pulled out of Mal’s mouth, letting her catch her breath back, before Muriel wrapped her arms and legs around her and switched positions with her. Muriel was now atop Mal, her hands digging into the latter’s thighs. Elliott straddled her and slid his dick into her waiting cunt with ease.

He rocked his hips against hers at a moderate pace, providing Mal a close view of her own creations performing the deed she’d written for them a hundred times over. She fought a vocal moan when she felt Muriel’s finger teasing her own folds, circling at her clit and just barely pressing deeper.

“Getting all worked up, cutie?” Muriel asked, continuingly to tease. Mal shuffled her legs, instinctively trying to chase a release. Muriel pressed two fingers into Mal’s entrance and curled them, eliciting a lustful scream from the Creator. The cycle of curling and uncurling made it impossible for Mal to hide her vocalizations or her frustrations at still being unable to reach her prize. “Ooh, someone’s feeling impatient.”

“God, you’re a t-tease-” Mal’s comment was cut short by another curl. Muriel laughed, driving her fingers in and out of Mal at a rapid pace for just a moment, taking in the scream that resulted. “Please, please just let me…”

“What do you think, love? Should we?” Muriel turned and asked Elliott. He chuckled and nodded.

“I don’t see why not.” He slid out of Muriel’s cunt, watching Muriel shift positions again. She lay against a pillow at the headboard with her legs spread open, Mal’s lips on her dripping cunt, and Elliott’s length once more at Mal’s entrance.

“You know what to do now, cutie.” Muriel said, raking her fingers through Mal’s hair and forcing her down. Mal’s tongue wandered across Muriel’s slit, flicking against her clit at a speed she didn’t know herself capable of. Muriel was quite vocal about her pleasures, wrapping her legs behind Mal’s neck as the Creator gave her divine bliss. Elliott’s thrusts drove her tongue deeper and further, and was driving her to the edge.

Muriel’s bliss spilled over, her legs falling from Mal’s neck, quaking with her orgasm. Mal’s tongue was drenched in it, but she paid no mind as her own climax quickly came. She clawed her way off of Elliott’s dick, rolling onto her back and panting as the waves of euphoria slowly subsided. Before she had even recovered from it, Elliott straddled her chest, gripping her by the hair and forcing his length down her throat again for his own reward. Mal didn’t have the strength to protest, helplessly letting him finish in her mouth, leaving the taste of both of her own creations on her tongue.

“Swallow it,” he commanded, forcing her mouth closed. Mal meekly obeyed, grimacing at the salted mixture that slid down her throat. “Good girl.”

Elliott lay on the bed with his lover and his Creator, all three completely spent. Mal was especially out of it, immediately falling asleep due to exhaustion. Elliott pulled her in from the edge of the bed, laying her next to Muriel. He climbed in on the other side of her, reaching a hand towards Muriel. She met his hand with her own, interlocking their fingers atop Mal’s body.

“So, what’s it like to have met your maker… and fucked them senseless?” Muriel asked Elliott. He raised a brow.

“What’s it like to have tasted her?” He retorted.

“Maybe you can find that out for yourself next time.” Muriel said, gently nuzzling Mal’s neck. “Some things you just have to experience for yourself.”


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