The Programming of 372 [NSFW][MindBreak][NonCon][BDSM][MtF]

CW – Should have FTM in the title, got my letters backwards!

Troy woke up in darkness. He felt groggy and disoriented. There was no light for him to see anything by, the darkness was so thick that he wasn’t even sure if his eyes were open and he blinked a few times to reassure himself that it was in fact dark.

As he started to stir he realized how cool his skin felt, the cold making his nipples perk up, he was naked. His arms were bound above him and his legs were bound apart at the ankles and the thighs. He was on something soft and plush that was warmed from his body heat.

“Hello?” He said tentatively into the darkness.

Immediately bright lights flashed on. Troy winced from the sudden assault of light, shutting his eyes and trying his best to turn away.

“Hello subject 372” A robotic voice reverberated around him. “You have been selected to test the limits of pleasure a human body can take, thank you for your cooperation, we will begin the mind breaking shortly”

“W-what?” Troy blinked looking around the room as his eyes started to adjust.

He was indeed naked, his small A-cup breasts were covered in goosebumps from the chill of the air, and his nipples were stiff and hard in the air, his cunt had been noticeably shaved as he could feel the cool air on his dick and cunt.

He was on a soft plush white round cushion of some sort, solid silver strips of metal came out from the foam, around his legs/arms, and disappeared back into the cushion. The room had solid dark gray walls, with a door on one wall, and a one-way mirror on another.

The ceiling of the room had a solid silver contraption coming down from it with little arms coming off of it.

“Where am I?” Troy said, tugging at the restraints to see if he could pull his arm through them, they only seemed to get tighter.

“Please don’t struggle too much, the program will be starting soon.” The voice said.

The plush cushion suddenly moved beneath Troy, pulling his arms back further and his legs down, arching his back so he felt like he was halfway through a backwards somersault.

There was a whirring from the ceiling and Troy started to struggle, he wasn’t going to let whatever was about to happen happen without a fight. The restraints continued to hold firm, getting tighter and tighter, and the position he found himself in made it hard to move much at all bent over backwards.

“What is your name?” The voice asked. Troy froze as something touched the head of his dick, it was hard and cold, and thrummed a little.

“Fuck off!” Troy cried out, trying to defy this in any way he could.

“Wrong” There was a buzzing sound. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his dicklet as he heard a pop of electricity. “Your name is 372, let us try again.” The voice said in a monotone voice.

Troy bit his lip, he could feel his dick filling with blood, thickening up, betraying him, how dare it respond to this, what was going on?

“What is your name?” The voice asked again. This time Troy just stayed quiet. “One more time, what is your name?”

“Fuck you” Troy said.

Something buzzed, a pop of electricity, a sharp pain in the head of his dick, running along it’s small length, it got stiffer.

“Upping the punishment” The voice said.

Something traveled up Troy’s body, he could now see two probes coming up to his nipples from the contraption in the ceiling. The tips of the probes touched his nipples, he could still feel the probe on the head of his dick, all cold and hard, all thrumming.

“What is your name?” The voice said.

“It’s Troy.” He said defiantly, however he could feel what was going to happen next before it did.

A buzzing noise, he watched the electricity arc from the probes to his nipples, he felt it hit his dick, he felt the sharp pains, his nipples got harder…. Was he grinding a little on the probe on his dick? He tried to stay still.

“Wrong, your name is 372.”

Troy waited to be asked again. But time started to pass, the probes still touching and thrumming low, starting to warm to his body heat. Nothing happened, he was left there waiting forever it felt like.

“What is your name?” The voice finally asked. Troy almost felt relieved. Wait, no he wasn’t relieved, he was being tortured!

“372” Troy said, hoping he would be released if he played along.

There was another noise, not a buzzer, but a bell noise, the probes moved to make more contact with his nipples and dick, they started to warm up a little more, they started to vibrate.

“Good boy” The voice said.

The probes started to move in circles. Troy felt himself definitely grinding on them. He stopped once he noticed he was giving into them.

“What is your name?”

“372” He answered.

More swirling around his nipples, more rubbing of his dicklet, nice and warm, the vibrations continued. A bell sound played.

“Good boy”

This continued for a while, he felt wetness forming on the inside of his legs. More signs of his body giving into itself being plied by this machine.

“Your job is to obtain maximum pleasure for yourself and others” The voice said. “That’s all you are, a pleasure doll. Your pussy, your breasts, your dick, your mouth, your ass, your hands, all of you is to bring and receive pleasure. Your job is to pleasure yourself and others as much as possible.”

He heard more whirring, something touched the entrance to his pussy, it pushed a little starting to enter him, solid and cold and wet, but then pulled out just before it could pop in, it kept doing this, making his hole want more, he found himself grinding down on it, not caring that he was being violated. He whimpered. The probes on his dicklet and nipples hadn’t stopped, they were unrelenting as they toyed with his body.

“What is your name?”

“372” A bell sound, the probes continued, did the one teasing his hole go in a little deeper? Was that his imagination?

“Good boy ,what is your job?”

“I-I don’t remember” He said.

A buzzing sound, it hurt his ears, the probe at his hole disappeared, the sound of electricity, his nipples and dick felt the sharp pain of electricity, he whimpered at the loss of the probing, he whimpered at the pain, he hated the pain, he hated the buzzer.

“Wrong, your job is to be a pleasure doll”

He didn’t respond, he tried to grind around, feeling for the probe that was at his hole.

“372, what if your job?” All the probes pulled away. Did he just start shed a tear at the loss of contact? He whimpered loudly.

“I don’t understand.” He whimpered.

That horrible buzzing noise, he watched as the probes arced electricity, to his nipples and dick again, hitting his breasts and legs, pain shooting through his body.

“Wrong, we will stop the program, it is not working” The voice said.

“No!” He said. What? What did he just say? “My job is to be a pleasure doll!” He gasped, his eyes fixed on the probes who had just caused him both pain and pleasure.

No response.

He began to sweat. “My name is 372 and my job is to pleasure myself and others! I’m just a pleasure doll!” He cried out, straining against the restraints, praying the probes would come back to his body.

More silence.

A bell sounded. He felt so, so, GOOD hearing that bell, he licked his lips, he moaned as he watched the probes return to his body. He even felt the probe at his hole again!

“Good boy” The voice said.

“I’m a good boy” he said quietly to himself, giving into the teasing of his hole, the rubbing of his dicklet and nipples. “372 is a good boy” He felt the probe at his hole push deeper.

372 moaned.

“What are you?” The voice asked.

“I’m a pleasure doll” 372 responded, his eyes closing and giving in.

A bell sound, such a nice sound, “Good boy”, he felt delighted with himself. The probes on his dick and nipples started to spill some lube on him, the probe at his hole pushed and entered him. He groaned in relief, the lube on his nipples and dick started to warm, the probe in his cunt started to pump in and out of him. He moaned, his mind started to give in, all he felt was his hole and the warmth, he was nothing else.

He slowly opened his eyes and the cushion had shifted around without him noticing. The probe still pumping in and out of his pussy but he was now dangling almost from the ceiling, still secured to the cushion. The probe from the ceiling had snake-like arms that came out to his nipples and dick, replacing the probes there before, they had cups at the end.

“Reprograming 372 for sexual pleasure program will now begin”

Huh? 372 thought, wasn’t that already happening? The suction cups attached to his dick and nipples, and then the sucking began.

The suction rotated, first a suck on his left nipple, then his dick, then his right nipple, then left, then dick, then right. The suctioning got harder and harder until he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, then it maintained the suction, still suctioning on him in rotation but he could hear the hiss of pressure also being released between sucks.

The probe in his cunt became more urgent, fucking him faster and harder, his body bounced a little at the probe his his cervix slightly, pushing his whole body up while the suctioning continued.

372 could feel an orgasm building, he began to thrash around.

“You are building up to an orgasm, Good boy 372, you are starting to fulfill your purpose”

372 let out the loudest moan he’d ever given. The unrelenting hardness and fucking of the probe inside of him, the suctioning of his nipples, of his dick, he felt hard all over.

Finally an orgasm crashed over him, he felt his cunt muscles contract, trying to hold onto the slippery probe that continued to fuck him through his orgasm, his dicklet jerking around in it’s suctiony cage, his nipples aching at the pull on them as they seemed to tighten.

A bell sound, he smiled, “Good boy”, he relaxed. The probe in his cunt slowly removed itself, coated in his juices, the cups on his nipples and dick slowly released pressure until they released themselves.

372 almost felt bad, wasn’t he supposed to be pleasuring himself and others? He was just a pleasure doll.

The cushion moved to the floor again, 372 back in a resting position like when he woke up. The lights turned off and he was plunged back into darkness. He felt empty.

“Is that all?” He asked into the darkness.

“That is all for now 372, we will be back for more programming tomorrow”


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