[Fm] Movie Theater [chastity]

You sat alone in the theater, in the middle of the back row. There were a handful of other people watching the movie in silence, you didn’t notice her among them. She sat beside you, startling you slightly as she rested her arm next to yours on the armrest. Her perfume is sweet and inviting, you notice a hint of vanilla as she speaks quietly.


“Hey, want a blowjob?”


Your brain fails to process the question as you blush, swearing you misheard. You manage to mutter out a quiet, “Excuse me?”


Her hand leaves yours and rests on your thigh, midway up. She leans in and you can feel the warmth of her breath on your ear as she repeats the question.


“I said, would you like a blowjob?”


Turning to face her for the first time you notice she’s quite pretty, though details escape you in the dim light. Your cock starts to stir as your brain properly processes the question this time, your eyes go to her lips, soft and inviting in the flashes of light.


“Has any man ever said no to that question?” You respond, playing cool.


With a wink she slips out of the seat quietly and turns to face you, moving between your legs. Her fingers make quick work of unbuttoning your jeans and you lift up to allow her to pull them down. At half mast now, you feel the air on your cock. Taking hold of the base in her hand she runs her thumb along the length for a moment, as if appraising you. You feel something hard come into play, as she manipulates your balls and still-growing cock.


“What’s that?” You whisper urgently, worrying over what she may be doing.


“It’s a cock ring, it’ll help enhance the sensations, now shush.”


She seems satisfied after a moment and you feel her lips wrap around your head. A soft moan escapes your lips as the sudden sensation overwhelms you. Pulling off of your cock she shushes you once more before taking you back into her mouth. Almost fully erect, you lose yourself in the sensations. Her tongue flicks against the underside of your head, tickling the frenulum and bringing you to full hardness. In one smooth motion she lets her mouth slide down your length, until you feel yourself fully enveloped.


Pulling her hand away she starts to slide up and down your length, her tongue playing along the underside of your shaft as she does. It’s not long before you feel the familiar feeling growing, you don’t know how much longer you’ll be able to hold out. Not wanting to ruin a good thing, you tap her on the shoulder to warn her.


Suddenly her warm, moist mouth is no longer wrapped around your cock. She slides back into her seat next to you and replaces her arm against yours as if nothing had happened. Your throbbing erection bounces in the air as you sit confused. Finally turning to her, you question quietly, “Did I do something wrong?”


“No, but I want to feel you grow again, get soft,” she commands in a whisper.

It takes several minutes of focusing on the movie for your cock to obey your, and her, wishes. Finally it shrinks down to its fully flaccid state, still exposed to the air. It seems she can sense it as well, dropping to the floor once more.


Suddenly you feel something cold pressing against the head of your cock, pushing it towards your body. The image of a chastity cage flashes through your mind as you reach your hand down to stop her. Your hand arrives too late, just as she slides the lock in. Bewildered, you lean towards her as she once again slips into the seat next to you.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You demand an answer quietly, even as the sensation is making your cock strain even harder against the cage.


You see her smile as a bright scene lights up the theater. She winks just before the room goes dark once more, and presses a piece of paper into your hand. With that she stands and leaves the theater swiftly. Pulling your pants up, you survey the seats in front of you, wondering if anyone saw the performance.


You stand and make your way to the men’s bathroom to assess the situation. The cage feels heavy and you worry the entire way that someone may see it through your pants. You enter the men’s room and move past the one man at the sink to enter a stall. Quickly dropping your pants and boxers you see it for the first time, a metal cage containing your cock connecting to a thick ring around your balls.


You grasp the cage in your fingers and try to pull at it, but it stays firm and secure. Desperately you try to manipulate it, to no avail. You slump against the wall as you admit defeat, pulling out the piece of paper. As you unfold it, you see neat printing. A name, a phone number, and a message.


Her name was Jess you learn too late, her message disheartening.


“Call me in one week, no sooner, no later. Or else. xoxo”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vli90v/fm_movie_theater_chastity


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