Doing it by the Book

It had been almost a month since Hannah had stayed at the Galgorm yet she still hadn’t fully unpacked her things. She’d only taken a small rucksack, the one with the tribal design on it in natural dyes. She loved that bag and it had been big enough for the bare essential since it was just the one night stay.

She hurriedly took out her hoody and a few other bulky bits of clothing and left the toothbrush, make-up and other items lurking in the bottom. As long as there was enough room for her work folders – that was the main thing. Grabbing her travel mug, she exited the house and dashed to the car cringing at the lashing rain.

Traffic was naturally heavy since she was late. Such is sod’s law. She used the time to drink her coffee and check her appearance in the rear view mirror. Apart from the dampness of the rain speckling her hair, she looked good thanks to the spa treatments she had gifted herself during her hotel stay last month. They were extremely expensive but she reckoned she deserved the treat since she’d had to end things with Vince the week before and had ended up going alone. Admittedly there was a lot less sex than she had been hoping for during her stay – as in absolutely zero but she’d flirted plenty in the hotel bar and had even got a guys number towards the end of the night. Actually she’d forgotten all about that until now. It was probably still in her bag with most of her other stuff she surmised.

Anyway, it was probably for the best. She had her eye on the new security guy at their store. He didn’t seem to speak to anyone very much and he spent most of his time on the shop floors while she spent her days in the office. But they were bound to cross paths at some point in the near future she predicted.

Traffic up ahead began to move faster and no more than fifteen minutes later she had parked and was making her way in noisy heels across the Pavillion shopping center’s pristine marble tile. After signing in she grabbed her folders and settled herself behind her desk in the cosy one person office.

The morning went by pretty fast thanks to the masses of data she needed to upload. On her lunch hour she nipped to the nearest cafe to get a bite to eat. Afterwards she browsed the shelves at a little book store that was closing due to the owner’s much anticipated retirement, where she purchased three books she’d been wanting to read for a while. Content with her bargains she returned to her office, passing through the store on her way and was disappointed to see Tori Davidson flirting shamelessly with Rueben the new security guard. She couldn’t tell if he was responsive or not as he had his broad well muscled back to her but it was safe to say he’d have to be made of stone not to be at least a little bit wowed by Tori. She was after all gorgeous.

Feeling a little sad, Hannah returned to her desk and set about ticking off her checklist for the day. By 6:20 she had all but one completed and even though her manager told her it was fine to leave it until tomorrow, she said she’d stay and finish, locking up behind her since everyone else would have left by then.

‘Not a bother,’ smiled Danica, handing her the keys. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Will do. Have a good evening.’

‘You too.’

Hannah managed to get everything done by about 7:30 and as she closed up the office and grabbed her bag from the locker, she thought about taking a long hot bath once she got home and then curling up in bed with one of her new naughty books. She was still smiling to herself absently as she walked past the clothing rails downstairs to where the controls for the shutter were, just inside the shop window display. She inserted the key and was just about to press the button to open it when the sound of someone clearing their throat made her jump out of her skin.

‘Jeez! You scared me!’ she cried, finding Rueben the new security guard standing there.

He didn’t smile.

‘Sorry about that. But it’s my job to stay on until every single staff member leaves.Says so in the manual.’

‘Doing things by the book huh?’ laughed Hannah.

Still he didn’t smile.

‘It’s ok. Danica knows I’m here. She said I could stay on to finish one last task that needed done. She runs a pretty relaxed ship here to be honest which we all really appreciate. It works well.’

Reuben pulled a face.

‘Not if the monthly theft and losses stats are anything to go by it doesn’t, which is why I will be suggesting some changes round here.’

‘Oh ok, cool.’

Hannah was beginning to think about that bath and her book again. The guy on the front cover of one of them looked a lot like Reuben – only he had a big broad smile not to mention an equally large bulge in his jeans.

‘Anyway, I’d better be going. I’ll see you tomorrow maybe.’

She turned back to the shutter and began to open it.

‘Not so fast,’ he said, placing his hand on the cold metal. ‘All staff members are supposed to have their bags checked before they leave.’

Hannah stared open mouthed at him. Did he think she was a thief? She didn’t even work in the clothing department or store room and checking all the money was fully accounted for, recorded and lodged was her job. To sabotage her own job by stealing it would be madness. Everyone would know it was her.

‘It’ll only take a minute. Rules are rules Miss Maguire,’ he said in that panty melting voice of his.

She sighed and dropped her bag from her shoulder.

‘Ok fine. Are we doing it here or what?’

‘No, we’ll do it over by the tills where the cameras will record it so there’s proof it was all done ‘by the book’ as you so aptly put it.’


She dumped her bag on the counter and stood back, watching him unzip the small front compartment. He put his hand in and almost instantly pulled out a tiny pair of red lace and satin panties, holding them up for inspection. Hannah flushed almost the same shade and stammered.

‘I’m s-sorry! They’re from my stay at the Galgorm. That’s the bag I took. I just didn’t get round to unpacking it all yet.’

He seemed to be satisfied they were not pilfered from the store and placed them neatly folded back in the pocket. Hannah swallowed audibly as she remembered the books – her lunch time purchases.

*Oh fuck.*

‘Everything ok?’ he asked.

She could swear there was a hint of amusement on his previously stoic face.

‘Yes. Just dying to get home,’ she replied, hoping he’d take the hint and call it a day.

But no. He proceeded to open up the main compartment now and lay out her travel cup and all three of her smutty new books on the counter. He cast his eye over them wearing what was now undeniably a deeply amused smirk.

‘Interesting reading material Miss Maguire…’

Hannah was utterly mortified.

*Looks like he isn’t as reserved as I thought…he’s a bloody sadist.*

Her make-up bag joined the rest, as did a set of airpods, an eye mask, her fancy glittery blue electric toothbrush, toothpaste, nightshirt, moisturizer, hair mousse and perfume. He felt about a little more and having discovered a cleverly concealed pocket at the bottom of the bag, he withdrew what he had found with a look of wonderment and delight.

‘Well, well, well’

Hannah gasped, turning beetroot red, as right next to all her other belongings, Reuben very reverently placed her seven inch ultra lifelike suction cup dildo.

‘That must have been a very enjoyable stay at the Galgorm by the looks of it Hannah,’ he quipped mercilessly.

She closed her eyes in total embarrassment as she remembered stripping completely naked and taking all seven inches in numerous and very creative ways. Even the full length mirror (as is standard decor in hotels) had been involved. In fact it had taken quite a bit of time with a hot washcloth and a towel to clean it up afterwards, such had been copiousness of her clenching,drenching orgasms.

*Oh God…*

*I’m never going to live this down.*

But she realised there was no point in being coy at this stage or pretending the objects in her bag were anything other than evidence of just another night of horny solo mischief.

So she shrugged and looked up at him with her flushed face and big blue eyes.

‘Well, what’s a girl to do?’ she asked plainly. ‘I’d split up with my boyfriend the week before and I wasn’t going to cancel my stay so I could sit at home on the sofa crying into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. I’d promised myself fun and I was determined to have some whether I was by myself or not. So I did.’

His eyes shone at her new found boldness.

‘Just right too,’ he praised.

Convinced he’d discharged his duties adequately, he started to put her things back in the bag.

‘I’ll see to that,’ muttered Hannah, snatching up the flesh coloured dildo.

Once the zip was closed Reuben handed the bag over.

‘Thank you for your cooperation Miss Maguire. I can assure you this matter will stay private and just on this one occasion only I will delete the security camera recordings that feature the search of your bag if you wish me to.’

‘Oh fuck! I’d forgotten about that! If you could, yes please. I’d be ever so grateful.’

He smiled.

‘Grateful enough to take me with you on your next trip to the Galgorm?’

Her eyes went wide at his suggestion and wider still when he stepped out from behind the till area sporting an erection that put her dildo to shame in terms of length and girth. There was no missing it. None at all.

She licked her lips unselfconsciously, unable to take her eyes off him.

‘Most definitely,’ she nodded.

‘Great,’ he said. ‘I’ll be sure to hold you to it.’

‘Oh I really hope you do,’ she said a little breathlessly.

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