Mindfuck Ch. 04 — [Asian] [Cheating] [Magic] [Horror] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/uxkffq/mindfuck_ch_01_mans_reach_exceeds_his_grasp_asian/)

[Chapter 2](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uzv1q5/mindfuck_ch_02_asian_magic_cheating_horror/)

[Chapter 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v3oe3i/mindfuck_ch_03_asian_magic_cheating_horror/)

“You fucking bastard!”

At the sound of Selena’s distressed wail, all the guests coming and going through the crowded hotel lobby suddenly paused. The establishment, located in the center of one of Los Angeles’ busiest business districts, was a hub fob for domestic and international lawyers, entrepreneurs, and other wealthy individuals looking to turn a greater profit in the city of angels. The marble floors and polished wood fixtures gave the place a dignified, professional, wealthy ambiance.

Not the kind of place one expected to witness a lover’s spat.

Ed and Selena stood face to face in the center of the grand lobby, ignorant to the disparate huddles of tourists and visitors who had gathered round to investigate the commotion. Selena had just landed, returned from her long trip to visit her family in China, and cryptically requested Ed meet her at the hotel, not at her own place.

Selena’s furious exasperated breathing, her flushed cheeks, and her arched brows were as terrifying as they were confusing. Ed opened his mouth to speak, only to be swiftly silenced by the sting of Selena’s palm against his cheek.

The slap didn’t hurt physically. It didn’t have to. Interlaced between her fingers, imbued into each digit, carved into her skin was an all-consuming caustic fury that burned directly through to Ed’s heart. He had assumed that after several weeks away in China, Selena’s request to meet at the hotel in could only be a good sign, maybe even a titillating amorous rendezvous after time apart. Ed thought she had finally found a way to move on after the incident in the restaurant, finally found a way to forgive him. He was wrong.

“What the fuck kind of sick person are you!?” Selena continued, the skin on her face flushed red and soaked in small streams of tears.

“Selena- what? You asked me to meet you here? What’s the matter?” Ed asked, trying desperately to make sense of Selena’s fury. He looked around at dozens of stunned faces, all waiting anxiously for him to speak.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ed spotted a shirtless man on the other side of the lobby. Given the man’s state of almost total undress, Ed could only assume he had made his way inside from the pool to investigate the commotion. The man stared back at Ed, teeth bared, hands in fists, waiting for Ed to say the wrong word.

Even though Ed had tried to remain calm, the crowd glared at him, rooted against him, eager to see if he would get slapped again, excited at the prospect of his pain. At 5’4″, with her thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, modest chest, and gratuitous ass, Selena was any sane man’s picture of beauty. She knew how to take advantage of it when she needed to. She knew how to play the damsel in distress.

“You ….you fucking know what you did!” Selena shouted, her voice so large that saliva sprayed over Ed’s perplexed face. “You fucking promised me you would keep yourself under control!”

“Selena is this about the restaurant? I told you… I couldn’t help it but I promised it wouldn’t happen again. I’ve kept The Power under control. I haven’t-” Ed said, stopping to stare around the room. He knew in his heart that while his words were true, the furious mob around him would have no patience for his explanation, no sympathy for his seemingly ridiculous and made up story about magical powers ‘making him’ fuck another women. He lowered his voice until only Selena could hear. “I haven’t watched porn …. I haven’t masturbated …. Selena, I haven’t cum in weeks. Not since …that night. I promised you I would do whatever I could to convince you. I have it under control now. Please, please, please … can we stop yelling?”

“You have it under control!?” Selena asked, her tone quieter and softer. She stepped closer to Ed, placing one hand on his shoulder.

“Yes Selena … I do.”

“Okay…” Selena continued softly. “Then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL FUCKING CHEATING ON ME?!”

The sharpness of her accusation grated against his eardrums. Any lingering conversation in the lobby ceased. The sound of a shocked guest dropping his room card key on the marble floor was the only sound in an otherwise dead space. The hotel staff gathered behind the reception desks, their hands covering their mouths, stifling gasps.

Ed felt Selena, the lobby, and the throngs of onlookers all fade away. His ears began to ring, his palms began to sweat. He knew it couldn’t be true. He hadn’t thought about any woman beside Selena in months, and certainly hadn’t activated The Power since the accident at the restaurant.

At least, not as far as he could remember.

“Selena- WHAT!? I swear I didn’t!” Ed pleaded.

“Ed, for once can you stop fucking lying!?” Selena shouted.

“Boooo, you’re fucking disgusting, asshole!” The scantily-clad swimmer shouted from across the lobby, his right hand pointing straight at Ed, his left hand balled into a sturdy fist.

“You fucking tell him, girl!” A middle-aged Black woman in a hotel uniform shouted from behind the reception desk.

Ed’s legs trembled with anxiety, his palms felt cold and moist, his face depleted and pale from abject confusion. For the life of him, he still couldn’t understand what Selena was talking about, how The Power could have possibly activated without his knowledge. But comprehension was not relevant; Selena had played the crowd well, and they would eat him alive at any moment.

“Selena, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t know what I’m talking about? I’m talking about the so-called Power that allows you to teleport your dick wherever you want. I’m talking about The Power that lets you FUCK any woman, anywhere in the world. I’m talking about the fucking Power that let you fuck a stranger right fucking next to me. I’m talking about the fucking power THAT YOU USED TO FUCK-” Selena suddenly paused and looked around the room, her face so strained as if a blood vessel could burst at any second. She stopped short of finishing her last thought, opting instead to take several labored breaths before staring back at her boyfriend.

“Ed. Does that clear things up?”

Guests stared around awkwardly, not quite sure what to make of Selena’s bizarre revelation. Even though all she had said about The Power was true, Ed doubted that any of the educated one-percenters in the lobby of the fine hotel would believe it. Patrons started to stare at their shoes, look away, carry on with their business — the thing one does when trying to avoid the ire of a loud and crazy person.

“Selena, please, can we talk about this in private?” Ed asked softly, walking towards Selena and attempting to embrace her.

“Don’t fucking touch me, you creep!” Selena shouted, repelling Ed’s body with both hands against his chest. Any credence Selena’s metaphysical outburst had won Ed from the crowd melted away. She had said the magic word. A proverbial White Knight was bound to appear at any moment to save her.

“Yo, somebody call 911 on this asshole!” the shirtless man yelled. “Get the fuck away from her, asshole, or they’ll be calling 911 *for* you.”

“Selena please, let’s just-”

“Yo, the fuck did I just say to you asshole?” The shirtless man started decisively across the opulent lobby, his flip-flops making large exaggerated slams on the floor. As he drew nearer, Ed could understand why this guy felt confident enough to waltz through any public place shirtless. Over six feet tall with long black hair, moderate stubble, and a veritable dark bush for chest hair, Ed couldn’t deny the man was handsome. As the man’s raised arms and fists came into focus, Ed could make out the bulges, veins, and curves in the man’s bulky arms. In modern parlance, this man was “jacked” and headed straight for them.

Ed knew it wouldn’t end well.

The man assertively parted the dwindling crowd around Ed and Selena before stepping directly to Ed’s face, slamming his chest into Ed’s, grabbing him by the shirt collar.

“Selena, there’s no need for this. Please tell him to back off,” Ed pleaded. Through the corners of her mouths, Selena managed a subtle, devious smile. The kind she used during sex when Ed was about to cum, the kind she used when she knew she had won. Ed was proud to have brought out Selena’s mischievous side, he just never thought he’d see it used against him.

She wasn’t going to help.

“You need to leave her alone, dude. Last chance to walk away. Get the fuck out of here,” the shirtless man commanded, his hand still firmly on Ed’s neck, repositioning himself to stand between Ed and Selena.

“Come on, man, mind your own-” Before Ed could complete his thought, his ass planted firmly on the ground below, his bones aching as they bounced roughly off of the hard marble floor.

He had been struck by two people in as many minutes, if he wasn’t careful it might be even more.

The man kneeled down bone top of Ed, placing his knees on either side and drawing his fist back behind his head for another go. Ed instinctively raised his right arm up to protect his head, preparing to be battered.

At the sight of her pulverized boyfriend, Selena’s aloof smile finally gave way to a frown of genuine concern.

“Hey, stop! You don’t need to fucking hit him!” Selena yelled.

The shirtless man huffed and puffed as he held his fist ephemerally suspended in the air. His eyes narrowed, his enraged likeness turned towards Selena puzzled. He had come over to rescue this pretty woman from her evil boyfriend. Why did she suddenly want him to stop?

“Are you fucking serious? Didn’t you say he fucked around on you?” the man asked.

“Yes … but … he’s still my boyfriend.” Selena replied, stepping closer to the two men. She placed her hand on the shirtless man’s shoulder. “Hey… I’ll take it from here.”

The shirtless man exhaled an exasperated sigh.

“Don’t protect this loser. Find yourself a real man,” the shirtless man replied, raising to his feet and taking a step back from Ed. His foot raised off the ground and drew behind him. In one swift flex, his bare lunges forward, digging firmly into Ed’s side. Ed clutched his wounded body and rolled over in agony.

“Hey, hey folks, you can’t be doing this in here!” a hotel employee shouted, leaping out of her chair behind the reception desk and making her way towards the commotion. “You wanna do this, take it outside!”

“I’m on the seventh floor till tomorrow if this asshole bothers you again,” said the shirtless man, offering Selena a confident grin and nod. He lowered his arms and back away from Ed. As he turned to depart, a sizable wad of spit flew from his mouth, splattering square on Ed’s red, aching cheek.

The approaching hotel employee stepped past the enraged and frustrated man, glaring at him as he stormed away back towards the pool.

“Sir, are you all right!” the hotel employee asked. She stared down, shooting Ed a disappointed frown, not even pretending to offer to help him up.

“Yeah …. yeah …. I’ll be okay.” Ed said, wiping the spit off his face and mustering the energy to get back on his feet. “Thanks for your help but … couldn’t you have stopped him sooner? Like, before he kicked me?”

“Honey … you’re stepping out on this sweet girl? You deserved it” the employee snapped back, throwing Selena a sympathetic frown. “Now … I have to ask both of you to clear the lobby.”

The employee glanced back down at Ed, rolling her eyes as he cradled his bruised cheek in one hand and his inflamed side with another. “For your sake, sir,” she continued, offering a modicum of sympathy. “I’ll pass on calling the police.”

Ed turned away from the employee and tepidly set his eyes on Selena.

“Selena- I’m- …. I don’t know what to say. If you want me to leave …. forever, I mean … I’m gone. Please just tell me what you want,” Ed murmured, fighting back tears.

“Oh, we’re not done, Ed,” Selena declared.” Stop crying, go wash your face, and meet me upstairs in room three-fifteen in half-an-hour. We still have something to discuss. In private.”

As the words settled into Ed, Selena buried her head in her hands, breathing heavily, venting what seemed to be an endless well of pain and anguish. Ed couldn’t figure out why she had suddenly become so wounded, so injured, but she was still the love of his life and he intended to find out.

Selena turned and walked away towards the elevator bank. Fixated on her steps from his position laying on the cold, hard floor, Ed couldn’t help but steal a glance at Selena’s magnificent ass. While Ed loved Selena first and foremost for her intellect and personality, her well-crafted and maintained figure was certainly a nice bonus. Selena’s preference for well-fit yoga pants displayed the most appealing part of her body to the world, but the stretched fabric, the outline of her perfectly-spherical curves, and the shadow cast on the underside of her ass were only an imitation of the real thing. The ample mass that sparked an ember of lust in all men who saw her was still concealed, hidden from view. The soft, unblemished skin that so tightly adhered to Selena’s buttocks, the firm, muscles that bounced off every slap, and the squeezed-tight asshole at the center of it all had been Ed’s alone to look at, run his fingers over, or slam with his hips.

He had been deprived of his lover’s body for months. Far too long. For just a moment, Ed shut his eyes and imagined what it would be like to–

He quickly raised his fingers to his bruised cheek and squeezed. The pressure between fingers only amplified the painful aura left by the stranger’s unforgiving fist. As the burning, aching sensation engulfed his face, Ed began mentally reciting Fibonacci numbers — …144, 233, 377, 610… — praying that the combined distractions could empty his mind. Sexual thoughts activated The Power and Ed couldn’t think of a worse time or place to project his thirsty, loaded cock into Selena’s ass than here in the hotel lobby after she had so publicly shamed him. He had to resist.


In the distance, an elevator announced its arrival with an antiquated ringing bell that must have been a holdover from the mid-20th century when this place was considered vaguely modern. Ed glanced up from his miasma of discomfort. Off in the distance, Selena waited to board the lift. Ed had expected to find her appearance withdrawn and crestfallen. It wasn’t. Her eyes were narrow and curved, the quintessential cute Chinese eye-smile, the way they looked when Selena playfully laughed at Ed’s dumb jokes. Selena was happy.

Flurries of confused queries ricocheted through Ed’s thoughts. How could she be smiling at a time like this? What could be so pleasing at a time like this after she had so thoroughly humiliated him in front of throngs of Los Angeles’ rich and powerful?

When Ed realized the answer, his heart sank.

Also waiting for the elevator beside Selena was the shirtless man, the one who came in from the pool, the one who had penetrated his fist square into Ed’s jaw. The man stood facing Selena with his back to Ed, his muscular uncovered arm stretched out and grabbed the wall, supporting his weight as he chatted ever-so-casually with Ed’s lover. When his body slowly shifted in conversation, Ed could see the bulk of the man’s trapezium move and shift under his bare skin. Even leaned against the wall, the man was so tall that Selena’s had to turn her head upward to meet his gaze

Ed wished more than anything in the world he could hear what they were talking about, know what twisted lies or ideas the man could be putting in her head. Was the man trying to convince her to leave him? Trying to drive a wedge between them? Trying to find an in for himself? He had, after all, invited her up to his room. Or could it just be a coincidence? Could he just happen to be headed up at the same time after a long swim and a vigorous workout against Ed’s battered face?

Ed needed to know.

The crowd around him had long dispersed, returning to their less-exciting clients, meetings, or other affairs. Aside from a few awkward glances from newly-arrived guests who hadn’t witnessed the confrontation, not one person had bothered to show him any empathy, any compassion. No one had bothered to offer him a hand. No one cared to even acknowledge his injuries.

Ed managed to bring himself up to one knee, slowly extending his leg until he was once again standing upright. He started towards the distant elevator bank, watching as the shirtless man repositioned himself, blocking Selena from view. The pain in Ed’s sides radiated in dark maroon hues of agony. He wanted to run, to scream, but a brisk shuffle and a weak gasp were all his body could muster.

The elevator door opened. Selena stepped inside. The shirtless man followed her in. As he crossed the threshold, Ed could see his head sneaking a peek downward, gobsmacked by the luscious curves of Selena’s rear. The side of the man’s face visible to Ed elevated. A devious and lascivious smile.

Ed raced across the lobby to the elevator bank, arriving just in time to watch the narrowing prism of yellow light on the floor disappear as the large metal doors slammed shut with a dull slam and thud. His desperate fingers explored the seam in the center of the door, a futile hope that he could pry the door open in his diminished, weakened state.

The sound of Selena’s infectious laughter evaporated behind the two big golden doors. Ed’s gaze darted upward to the worn, analog floor indicator above the elevator, a needle enclosed in a semicircle that slowly rotated from one side to the other to indicate the lift’s current position.

2 … 3….

The needle ceased movement. The lift had arrived on Selena’s floor and lingered for several moments, longer than it would take for Selena to simply step out. Ed stood and waited, hoping to see the needle continue to turn clockwise. The man said his room was on the seventh floor; he still had more floors to go. Surely if he was headed up to his room the lift would resume its climb-

2 … 1.

The needle turned counterclockwise, turning downward, indicating a slow, plodding return to the lobby. When the golden doors spread open, Ed was apprehensive to realize that the lift was empty.

The strange, shirtless man had already exited the lift. Exited on Selena’s floor.

Ed leaped into the elevator, his hands lashed out from his sides to the black elevated cylindrical buttons of the antique lift. His fingers scraped the button for the third floor, but stopped short of pressing it.

Ed recalled that Selena had instructed him not to come by for thirty minutes. If he went up now, she would just be angrier. While he couldn’t comprehend why she needed the time, his bruised and battered body begged him to yield, to allow her her time to convalesce.

His hand slid slowly away from the panel, his body slinked out the door of the elevator back into the bright, opulent lobby that would forever bear the scars of his terrible humiliation.

Ed limped slowly out of the elevator and made his way across the elevator bank to a communal men’s room. As the dark wooden door swung inward, subtle scents of lavender and lilac serenaded Ed’s nose, not that he could ever identify them. The room was small for a hotel of this size, maybe big enough for several men to occupy at any one time. Ed had prayed that he could have it all to himself, that he alone could lock away the outside world and burn the next thirty minutes of eternity in peace.

Thankfully he was alone for the moment.

Ed shuffled over to the sink. He tilted the singular round glass handle upward and to the left and used his hands to bathe his face in warm water.
His mind raced.

Why had Selena and the shirtless man taken the lift together? Why did they get off on the same floor?

Did they know each other from before? Or was he new, some strong muscular man’s man that she had just met to replace her smaller, less handsome, pathetic boyfriend?

If they knew each other from before, maybe the entire scene in the lobby was a sham? Perhaps a symbolic gesture of allowing her new, valiant man to defeat her old, craven lover by bashing in his face. Had they planned this together?

Maybe they got off together because they *were* together Maybe they got off together to go to her room?

Streams of water flowed down Ed’s languid face. Large drops fell heavy from his chin, pooling in the sink below.

If Selena and the man were in her room together, what could they be doing now? Was *he* why she needed thirty minutes?

Revelation dawned on Ed. He had used The Power to fuck another woman in front of Selena. Perhaps Selena wanted to return the favor.

Ed’s anxious thoughts became paranoid, fixated on the thought of his girlfriend fucking another man. The very idea disgusted him. The man was so tall, so muscular that he dwarfed Selena in both strength and stature. He was probably just two stories above Ed, holding Selena in the air in his bulky embrace, her legs wrapped around his hips, his cock buried in her pussy.

Selena had always half-jokingly begged Ed to carry-fuck her but he was always too tired, too weak to carry and thrust into her tiny, hundred-pound frame.

Her new man would have no problem.

Ed couldn’t help but imagine Selena’s head tilted back, moaning into the air for the hotel to hear as the man clutched her prized ass for leverage and thrust his full length into the warm, serene space between her legs. She would moan for a while, maybe as long as a few minutes, before suddenly tiring and resting her head on his shoulder, her long black hair draped over his back, and gently moaning as he emptied his thick spunk into her fertile, youthful womb.

As his mind ran relays, the pit of disgust in Ed’s stomach sunk deeper. Selena was his girlfriend, his lover, how could he allow himself to lose her? How could he lose her over The Power?

Ed’s ravenously roving unease took over once again. With such a strong man, maybe Selena was exploring her full sexual bucket list, the one Ed had always been too tired or unable to fulfill. The man had been so clearly enamored with Selena’s ass, he probably spared no time burying his face in it. While Ed was having a full-blown crying panic attack pondering his future, Selena was probably hanging upside down in the man’s arms, her legs spread wide open, presenting her pussy and ass as a delectable meal for him to slurp down while she hung downward, gagging on the man’s massive cock. As she grew closer to climax, her legs would rhythmically pump upward in the air, the man’s lips would buzz, his tongue would sweep back and forth, his cock would grow harder. Before long they would reach orgasmic bliss together, blasting Selena’s inverted mouth with a river of douchebag cum.

A geyser of acid scorched the bottom of Ed’s esophagus, his organs twirled in terrifying somersaults.

Ed’s grip on consciousness faltered. His mind flew in extraordinary leaps and bounds, anywhere and everywhere, fearful of every possibility.

Perhaps most frightening of all was the image of the man doing nothing special at all. Maybe they were just in bed, him on top of her quietly, thrusting between her legs; her with her legs spread open, whispering sweet sugary gasps, moaning in melodic tranquility. A soft moment, not between two lustful hookups, but between two gentle, caring lovers. That this man could have usurped Ed’s reign over Selena’s tender heart was truly the most terrifying possibility.

Ed allowed the faucet to run continuously, periodically splashing his face with increasingly warm water. For the first time in months he had allowed his mind to explore sexual thoughts, but they were perverse, distorted, objectionable, and wrong. The kind eschewed by The Power.

The kind that would make this the longest thirty minutes of his life.


The hallways of the hotel were lined with unremarkable beige wallpaper, the floors covered in old green carpet that Ed figured was older than he was.

Twenty-seven painful minutes had passed. 1,620 seconds of pure maddening agony. 1,620,000 milliseconds of frightening and disgusting speculation. An eternity of unknowing purgatory.

Ed walked slowly down the hall, examining the room numbers as his hand continued to salve the bulging pain in his side. The numbers were white figures embossed on black wooden plates on the walls beside each door. Lone figures, surrounded by endless darkness.

Continuing progress down the long, ancient corridor, the sound of raucous music permeated the dimly-lit passageway.

11 …. 12

The sound became louder with each step. Some inconsiderate asshole either wanted everyone to hear his favorite song … or somebody was trying to conceal something loud.

Room 13 … Room 14

Ed shuffled past another pair of doors. Selena’s room was just ahead. The cacophonous notes soared higher and louder. Seemingly confirming Ed’s worst fears, the deafeningly noise was coming from Selena’s room. This wasn’t her type of music, not her taste at all. Ed knew there was no way she would pick it.

There had to be someone else in there with her. Were they using it to conceal their moans, Selena’s sweet, delighted cries?

Room 15

His odyssey complete, Ed arrived at the door. He raised his arm up to the surface, pausing before his hand could wrap the dark red mahogany door frame. The unfamiliar, vulgar music echoing within grated against the inside of his ears, leading him to wince in anguish.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice, Selena’s. Too diluted through layers of wood and metal for Ed to make out. She was talking to someone. Someone else was inside. Ed couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t stand not knowing. Even though he knew that whatever lay on the other side of that door would be disheartening, sickening, and possibly life-changing, he had no choice but to proceed.

Ed’s hand, propelled by unadulterated rage and anger, slammed twice on the door. So blinded by his fury, Ed failed to realize he didn’t have a plan for what happened next, what he would do if he found the shirtless man from the lobby in Selena’s room, lying naked on her bed, maybe with his wet cock flopping about, covered in an unholy mixture of his spent seed and Selena’s fluids.

Ed pondered his options. What could he do, realistically? Throw some harsh words at the man? Take a few swings before it was lights out, maybe for good?

Plan or not, Ed was committed.

The door handle turned with a series of interlocking clicks. The door opened an inch, allowing a minuscule sliver of daylight from the room’s far window to shine through to Ed’s face.

Selena stood on the other side, her hair disheveled, her face sweaty and flushed, her shoulders bare, and her midsection covered only in a fluffy-white hotel towel.

“Ed. You’re too early… This … this isn’t a good time,” she said, anxiously. Her front teeth dug into her bottom lip, an obvious tell. Ed knew she was hiding something.

“What the hell is going on here, Selena? Why the hell are you even in a hotel room when you *live* here? Did- … did you come here to meet someone.”

Selena sighed, shifting her weight from one leg to another, keeping her adeptly wrapped towel perfectly in place and the door open only an inch.

“…..My place isn’t big enough, Ed. I’m treating myself for a few days. What’s it to you?”

“That’s bullshit. Is he in here?!”

“Is *who* in here?”

“Don’t play dumb, Selie,” Ed lashed back. Despite the widening chasm growing between them, Ed couldn’t help but fall back onto his old familiar pet name for his girlfriend.

Ed’s unconscious mind again broke free, furiously deducing all the reason for Selena’s reluctance, her sweaty face, her towel-wrapped body, and her reluctance to open the door. Had he interrupted Selena and her new lover mid-fuck? Was the man’s seed gushing down her throat when Ed banged on the door? Behind the seemingly-innocent white towel, was there a stranger’s thick, gooey load lurking between her legs?

All the possibilities lead to one course of action.

Ed slammed into the door with his shoulder. The agile Selena leaped backwards, narrowly missing the arc as the door as it swung heavily into the hotel room wall, colliding with such force to leave an indentation in the wallpaper.

“Ed, what the fuck!?” Selena shouted as Ed pushed past her.

Ed walked past the standard closet, minibar, coffee maker, and suitcase rack and stormed straight into he center of the room. Ed wasn’t fully sure what he expected, but in none of his frightful scenarios had he anticipated to find the room empty. Two full-sized beds sat unmade, comforters thrown here and there, with an aging wooden nightstand between them. Across from the table was the blaring-loud television, spewing screeching and disjointed rock music from some local music channel.

“Where is he, Selena?” Ed demanded. He shuffled quickly to the far side of the room, looking behind the far bed to see if anyone was hiding, to see if Selena’s mystery guest had somehow improvised and ducked behind the bed.


“Where is who, Ed?” Selena replied, shutting the door to the room and stepping to the side, strategically blocking the door to the room’s en-suite bathroom.

“The guy …. the one from the lobby.. the one who punched me in the face, Selie. I know he’s in here.”

“Ed….” Selena said calmly, once again biting her lip. “You’re not thinking clearly. That guy isn’t in here.”

Ed stormed back across the room, his footsteps booming, echoing through the pink carpeting, concrete, and metal of the floor below. Ed quickly glanced under the near bed, under the television stand, and even into the room’s singular closet. Nothing.

He was almost satisfied she was alone. Then he realized there was one place that he still hadn’t searched.

“Let me go into the bathroom, Selena,” Ed commanded, once again stepping face to face with his lover. “I know he’s in there.”

“Ed … I told you, he isn’t. That guy hasn’t been in here. But I’m not letting you go in there right now.”

“Why the fuck not? Is he in there? Were you fucking him when I knocked on the door? Did you need the half hour to fuck your new boyfriend before calling me in here to tell me it’s over?”

Selena opened her mouth to reply, inhaled, but ultimately said nothing. Her mouth dropped into a low-hanging frown, her head tipped forward, her eyes stared down at her feet. She spoke a few words in Mandarin but Ed couldn’t understand.

“What did you just say?” Ed asked, incredulously. “I don’t speak Chinese.”

“You can open the door … but it’s not what you think,” Selena said, a trace of disappointment and resignation weighed on her words like a stone. She stepped slowly to the side, granting Ed unfettered access to the door handle.

Ed grabbed the handle, steeling himself for whatever he might find within. If it was the man from the lobby, Ed was ready to take a beating. It no longer mattered what happen to him as long as he could know, could understand, why Selena had suddenly become so distant and cold, why she had gone from sympathetic and understanding of his recent condition to unsympathetic fits of violent rage, screaming, and pugilism-by-proxy.

Ed rotated the door handle and slowly turned the door open. The steamy mist of a cozy, long shower seeped through the opening, covering Ed’s face in a comforting dew. The light was on, the mirror completely fogged. Ed stepped inside the bathroom, turning immediately to face the curtain that enclosed the bathroom’s combined shower and tub.


The shirtless muscular man, the one who had floored him in the lobby and the one who had followed Selena alone into an elevator wasn’t here.

But someone else was.

Only when Ed allowed himself to a moment to breathe, to feel relieved that Selena wasn’t furtively fucking another man behind his back did he look down to notice the small woman firmly seated on the toilet.

The woman, who bore a significant resemblance to a slightly-younger Selena, sat bare-bottomed on the toilet. Her long, straight black hair rested comfortable on a dark blue fleece sweater, her jeans and underwear sat clumped in a pile that wrapped around her feet. The woman and Ed stared at each other blankly for what felt like an eternity, awkwardly transfixed until Selena stepped into the bathroom to break the silence.

“Ed, you remember my sister, Lina?” Selena asked calmly.

‘I …. I …. I don’t think we’ve met- …. what’s going on here?”Ed mumbled.

Selena tilted her head from one side to the other before reaching behind her and grabbing a small white plastic stick off the counter top. She stared at her sister and spoke a few words of Mandarin. Her sister replied, and then both women nodded.

Selena placed the white plastic stick in her outstretched palm, presenting it to Ed. In the center of the stick, a small gray window that displayed two solid pink lines.

“What’s going on here, Ed,” Selena explained. “Is that my sister is pregnant with your baby.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vlcaif/mindfuck_ch_04_asian_cheating_magic_horror