A Maiden’s Sacrifice – Part 4 Echos of Memory (Him) [NSFW][MF][Fantasy]

[[Previously](https://www.reddit.com/r/SevWagoner/comments/vjnjtr/a_maidens_sacrifice_part_3_marked_by_god_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)] After you’ve arrived at my keep and I promised to take you home, you approached me naked in the kitchen and I can’t deny your advances as you remind me of a wound still not healed after millennia.


You’re quivering in ecstasy in my arms, and I recall another Eveleen from another time. I knew her long before I knew you, centuries before your ancestry. Yet visions of her stir in me when I kiss you. You taste like a memory on my tongue and you feel like a dream long forgotten.

I hold you close to my body after our passions are sated, and in the periphery of my mind, your sweet voice still resonates, shouting my name. Just like how she would scream when we made love, letting my name echo through the walls and halls of the palace we built by the sea.


“Dom,” Eveleen’s voice was light but demanding while I pored over plans for the Tidegale Keep, our Palace.

“Dom!” You, my Eveleen, my first, nudged me playfully, rousing me out of my work, turning me away from my desk to face you. “What do you think?” You curtsied in a sparkling red lace dress that hugged your curves just so, then turned. Your wavy black hair flicked like raven wings as you moved.

I think you meant to twirl, though the dress wasn’t one for twirling due to the tightness of the hip, and how it extenuates your taut waist yielding to the round orbs of your well-toned ass. It made me raise a brow at who conjured the gown for you and what they were thinking. That was before my eyes were drawn to the bustled way your breasts were presented up, like lush olive-toned pillows.

“Do you like it?” You smiled sheepishly, flakes of gold shone mischievously in your topaz eyes, clearly trying to seduce me. Then you delivered the finishing blow and bit your lip.

And I’m done. So was the dress as far as I’m concerned.

I grabbed your hand and swung it over my shoulders, sweeping you off your feet.

“That good huh?” You’re grinning, nuzzling into the side of my neck and I’m congratulating myself on the well-designed bed chamber, where my study was only a few steps away from our large shared bed. I had great foresight.

“My Queen, you can not dress like that,” I threw you into our silk sheets, “And expect me to do nothing about it.” I pounced, and your laughter filled the room.

“But Your Majesty,” You gasped, faking an outraged hand spread across your sternum. I grabbed the dress and yanked. “How barbaric.” You beamed.

“You forget I was Doom Slayer first,” I reminded you before tearing into the red dress and tossing the fabric to the side while I towered over you. “Before I was your husband.”

My eyes fixated on the fact that you didn’t have any underwear. The soft fluffed cushion of your mound was fully exposed for me to tease and play with. I lowered myself to do just that, when you pushed me back and shimmied out of the rest of the torn lace gown.

“Uh, uh, uh,” You teased, pressing the balls of your feet on my shoulders so I’m standing again.

I frowned as you repositioned yourself, kneeling on the mattress in front of me, making the tempting place between your legs farther than my thirst could reach. I considered pushing you back down to get to it, when you add, “It’s your unveiling of the Palace tonight. You built all this, so I should reward you first.”

Pulling me down by my neck, your lips grabbed my mouth and I let you lead. My hand traced the soft flesh of your back, wondering how I got so lucky.

You bit my lip, and I groaned as you freed my strained cock from its fabric prison. Lowering yourself to meet my tip, I grabbed a handful of your silky hair while you wet my stiffness with the glistening moisture on your tongue. Your grip shifted too, reaching and holding me vulnerable. My cock pulsed, and it doesn’t cease to amaze me that, after all these years, your hands were still soft as you worked me. Benefits of the wand and potion magic you employ.

My hands were long calloused from gripping swords, but I still can’t compare to you on the battlefield. With only a whisper, I had witnessed your elemental summons laying waste to numerous enemies. You were the most powerful enchantress in all the lands leading our vanguard, and as with most of our interactions, you often leave me in awe, breathless. Just like how I’m hypnotized by you now, your lips now around my shaft, as you kissed and drew out pleasure instead of death. I moaned as you massaged my most susceptible nerves with your eager pink tongue, making my heart race so loud I swear you could hear it.

“Eve,” I shuttered as your sultry eyes stared up at me, my thickness deep in your throat. “Fuck,” the gaze ripped a climax from my depth, but you held me there, drinking me in. When you eased off of me, there’s a translucent thread of lust between you and my still-stiff erection, so you bop back, tilt your chin and lick up the slick, salty deposit around my cock. And I didn’t think I’ll be going soft any time soon. There were no words to express how much I loved you and how I’d worship you forever if it meant that we could be together.

“My turn,” I push you down, and this time you don’t fight me. My hand rubbed the folds of your slit, “You’re soaked.” I grinned as I kissed the aroused tips of your breasts. “Did taking my cock turn you on that much?”

“Just doing my part to take on the royal load.” I could hear you smirking even without seeing it and I bite down, teasing your nipple, making you squirm.

I loved making you wiggle. Every little noise you made added to a collection of sparks that jolted my heart, shocking and thrilling me. The best ones were your moans, the ones you were making now as I felt the size of your swollen clit. I flicked it gently, and you gasped. Another stroke and you’re trembling. I kept to a steady rhythm just the way you like, and you buck up to my face, grabbing my hair. You’re yelling my name like it would keep you from shattering into a million brilliant pieces with your impending orgasm, but I didn’t stop as you crested, and continued even after as you protested.

“Wait,” you shouted “I can’t- you’ll make me—“ you’re groaning again as I slid a finger into your pulsing channel. I find and press the spot you like the most, the one we spent time finding after our wedding. The days where we didn’t leave our marriage bed like we were teenagers with too much energy. I pressed on it now, while I continued to lick up and down, waiting till your clit was no longer over-sensitive, so I could nibble on it once more.

You were louder now as you come again, but I kept you murmuring in bliss till my hardness was fully recovered and pulsing I pulled back, while you whimpered the smallest of protests. There was a broad smile across your face and your head was a little loopy watching me with hooded eyes. “Fuck me,” you instructed, wanting to be filled by something more than a finger.

“Is that an order, my Queen?” I teased your tightness with the head. I can’t ever deny you, and you knew that. You understand me more than anyone else—all my pain and all my joys, having been responsible for most of the latter.

“I need your cock so bad.” Your voice further fueled my already scorching desire. “Please?”

My dick responded before I could, twitching as if it had a mind of its own. “Since you asked so nicely.” I filled you up inch by exquisite inch, and you grabbed me, pressing your glistening skin against mine. We were sweaty as we joined. I pumped and throbbed into you till our voices grasped onto the pinnacle of bliss and I filled you up. You seized, squeezing me, till we were holding another in the stillness after, our breaths heaving in euphoria.

My eyes were closed, savoring the moment when you asked me, “It’ll work, right?”

You’re not talking about the party tonight. Your beleaguered mind had gone back to the original reason we got together, how we found each other, our common goal—unfinished.

“Everything we’ve planned has worked so far.” I pulled you closer, feeling more protective of you lying in my arms.

“But that’s because the Gods didn’t care about those we’ve put down.” And there’s fear there, deep inside. The loathing and terror you gained when you were tied to the chapels of the Old God stirred. The Ones who’d ruled for hundreds of years.

We weren’t the only two crazy enough to challenge their authority, but we’re the ones who made the biggest dent against their stranglehold on the nations. We’d achieved this mainly by avoiding direct conflict. Already, by becoming sovereign, we had changed the lives of our citizens and the social order.

“We won’t be going head on, just providing people with an alternative to relying on their power.” I said, “Using water engines and magic instead of human sacrifice. It’s just another option.” I felt the long exhale leave your body, knowing full well my explanation didn’t help your worries.

“It feels like we’re cowering.”

“We’re working towards a better future, incrementally. We’re freeing people. Taking their resources. Every citizen that crosses our border is one more freed from dependency on corrupt priests who carry out the chapel’s bidding.”

“Promise me it’ll work? That we’ll build a world? Where no one will have to be taken again?” You cling to me like a child and I squeeze you close, wishing I could erase the pain in your history.

“It’ll work.”

“Promise me it’ll work or we’ll die trying?” You mutter.

“It won’t come to that,” I sighed, but I promise you anyway. I didn’t know then, the dark mechanisms of the Old Gods were already in motion, headed towards us. In the following months, I was in blissful ignorance, focused on you and the fact that you’d become with child after that night. A babe we never even got the chance to meet because eight months later, our friend betrayed us. But you hadn’t been that naïve. You sensed the dangers we were wading into, and you started to prepare your sacrifice.

That night, when the minions of the Old Ones descended, you were ready. You shouted my name then too, but with urgent trepidation. “Dom!”

I wasn’t listening. I was too focused on how I was going to get you out of this attack by a legion of burning monsters, “You have to take—“

“Dom,” you repeated.

“—the passage and get to the boat, I don’t know if—” I tug at you to run.

“Dom. Listen to me.” You shook and planted your foot on the ground. “I don’t want children to be raised under the Old Gods and Kings.”

“I know, so you need to—”

“Not just ours. I don’t want any child to be raised how I was forced to grow up.” You insisted, squaring your shoulders, and I knew that look in your eyes, a dangerous, reckless one. I immediately tried to stop you, but your magic was stronger than my feeble conjures.

“It’s going to hurt.” You pierced a blade through me. “I’m going to give you my magic and the ability to siphon power and lives. Finish what we started, what you promised. Don’t let the Gods take what we freed our people from.” As soon as her words finished, pieces of her started drifting away like smoke. I tried to grab at the gossamer strands, but I could not collect them along the wind as my Eveleen cursed me to immortality, going where I could not follow.


I am with you now, in a different time, a different place. Your name is the same as hers, Evelyn, but that’s about it. You don’t have magic. Your hair is brown instead of black and your eyes are amber, reminiscent of honey or burnt sugar, and you smell like it too.

No, you’re not the same woman who saved me from the Old Gods, yet as I made love to you, I couldn’t help but be reminded of her.

Then, barely a moment after I got you dressed, the walls shake and I’m gasping with pain on the floor of the kitchen as this all too familiar scene replayed again. *Betrayal?* I briefly think the worst of you, that the Old Gods sent you as a last ditch assassin, centuries after I’d eliminated all their footholds, rooting them out life by corrupted life.

I brace for that actuality as the fabric of space tore open a blackened gash and a minion of the Old God—Inock’s tentacles poured forth. An old foe, one I thought died when I killed all the Kings of the kingdom that allied with the Gods. This time, however, I can sense Inock is not as strong a demon as he once was, while I’d grown stronger, even as I am affected by the mark that our enemies placed on you. I gather magic dense in my hand, magic given to me by my wife almost a thousand years before.

Just as I found my Eveleen again, my enemy has revived as well, and this time they have their grasps on you. “You feel what I feel.” You conclude, glancing at the tentacle monster. Its writhing limbs ate up more space in the kitchen, but its full body was still hidden in the crack of space like a turtle.

Void magic merges with lighting in my palm, but I hesitate to use it. Inock is tied to you and I don’t want to see you hurt.

The monster taunts. “Come with me now, and I’ll give you all the pleasure you seek.”

And you have that look, the very same as the one from nearly a millennium ago before you stabbed yourself—before I could stop you from repeating history.

“Eve!” I scream with both the agony of that night as well as this, witnessing your sacrifice.

“Please keep your promise.” You whimper as you fell and all I see is red as I run to your side. Magic pours from me to you, erecting a brilliant green glow around us, healing you till I’m confident you’re no longer in danger, before I set my sights on Inock. He’d left the safety of his void, and was trying to break into the green protection aura.

Deadly anger distills into my cold hard fist as I conjure power into it, and I stride forward. Before he could react I, punch open Inock’s protective shell, reach into his void, and strangling him with my bare hands. I tear out his entire lodged grotesque form and drag it into this reality. He screams, thrashing wildly, but he won’t die, not yet, not till I get all I need from him to destroy the ones who hurt you, both of you, once and for all.


For the collection link and more content, visit me [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SevWagoner/comments/vgraoq/a_maidens_sacrifice_collection_post/).

I’m a new aspiring mix-genre-romance author. Please give me a follow ([u/SevWagoner](https://www.reddit.com/user/SevWagoner)) and join my subreddit ([r/SevWagoner](https://www.reddit.com/r/SevWagoner)) for updates. <3 Looking for advice on how to improve as well as my writing niche.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vkv3vy/a_maidens_sacrifice_part_4_echos_of_memory_him