Handjob from Hattie: Wanked off in public by a near-stranger…

I’ve always had a bit of an exhibitionistic streak but sometimes the thrill comes from trying not to be caught. This is about the time I was wanked off by a girl on a long distance bus I’d only met a few hours previously.


One summer, I was due to take the train to a city a couple of hours away in order to catch a flight the next day. There was an accident on the line. After a long afternoon waiting, it was finally announced in the late afternoon there would be no more trains, leaving many passengers to scrabble to make alternative travel arrangements. This is how I came to ride on the Mega Bus, a cheap inter-city service, for the first and only time in my life. I knew it would get me there but I also knew it would be a much longer journey than if by train. For those who don’t know, it’s an inter-city bus route with frequent stops. Not ideal, but it would do.

Fortunately I met Hattie while we were waiting for the same bus after being unable to take our trains. A bit of complaining led to small talk and, out of sheer boredom, I decided to keep the conversation going longer than I usually would.

I’m so glad I did.

Hattie was a medical student. Thin, dark hair loose down to her shoulders, pleasant face. Not a head turner but definitely not unattractive. It turned out she was a medical student at the nearby university, returning home for the summer. This made me around 10 years older than her. Not a problem: we had a lot in common. We lived close to one another, went to some of the same places, liked similar things in terms of podcasts and TV shows. When the bus arrived I can’t remember who suggested we sit together for the trip but it felt like the natural thing to do. She was travelling further than me and I suppose she thought it would break the journey up for her a little.

I won’t bore you with more details of our conversation from that point onwards, other than we eventually got to talking about relationships. I won’t deny I was interested in her. She smiled a lot, made a few jokes at both mine and her expense and kept playing with her hair so I assumed she was at least a bit into me too: she was so relaxed. I was right. She explained her studies hadn’t left much time for dating and she’d been finding herself getting lonely and that our chat on the bus had reminded her how good she was at connecting people.

It was then I made a joke about our day, after such a difficult start, having a ‘happy ending’.

“How do you mean?” she asked, deliberately fluttering her eyes at me as a sly-looking grin appeared on her face. I felt her hand come to rest on top of my thigh. I knew exactly where I wanted this to go. We were near the back. There was nobody to the side or behind us, just a couple two seats in front of us. It was dark now too, the summer evening having set in an hour or so ago.

“Just that it’s turned out quite well. It’s just a shame we’re getting off at different stops.”

“Would you rather we got off together?”

As soon as she said that, I knew I was in.

It was an awkward angle but we touched each other’s faces as we kissed with more passion than I would have expected for a first time, our tongues becoming involved very early on. She tasted amazing. The combination of her tongue caressing mine, the soft skin of her neck, the delicate smell of her perfume and the noises our lips made as they broke contact had me hard in no time.

I was determined to make the most of this and ran my hand under her black t-shirt to reach under her bra and feel her breast in my hand. Her boobs were barely a handful and her nipple felt especially small, even as it swelled up between my thumb and forefinger.

Hattie continued to rub at my thigh, her hand brushing further upwards until it touched my bulge. She broke off from the kiss.

“What do we have here then? Is this for me?”

She stood slight and looked around the dimly lit bus, the main overhead lights having been turned off to allow passengers to sleep if they wanted. As soon as she sat back down she returned to kissing me while using her hands to unzip the fly of my jeans and pull my dick out through the hole of my boxer shorts.

“I want to see all of it”.

I unbuttoned and shifted up off the seat to allow my jeans to come down below the tops of my thighs. My dick stood hard, her hand pulling it slightly away from my body to keep it upright so she could get a good look.

“Open your legs for me, I want to see your balls.”

I did as I was told.

Hattie began to stroke, her free arm behind my seat through the gap between us, leaving her able to turn and manoeuvre her hand easily. The strokes were slow and firm but she varied the pace and her grip to see what I liked. All the while she stared down at me as I was exposed, legs splayed (one in the aisle) and listened to me groan as quietly as I dared. She took her hand off my dick to lick the insides of her fingers several times before returning her now wet hand to my cock.

She really picked up the pace now. She was determined to pleasure me. Between kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear she whispered to me how unlike her this was, how she didn’t normally do things like this, how she loved the thickness of my cock in her hands, how she loved to see my balls move as she pulled hard on my shaft and how she wanted to see me cum for her, to cum for her right now.

I had to stop myself groaning out loud. Hattie had realised my foreskin doesn’t pull all the way back but she expertly pulled it was far as it would go and pointed my dick at the seat in front. One, two, three: I can still picture the three thick lines of cum shooting onto the back of that seat in front of me and a final burst trickling down my cock onto her hand gripping me tightly. She waited until my cock had started to go soft before taking her hand away and wiping her hand on the side of the seat I’d just shot onto. I was trembling. She kissed me again, briefly this time. I started to say it was her turn but she cut me off. “Actually, I think you’ll be getting off soon… off the bus I mean.”

She was right. We were moving through the city now. This was my stop. As I pulled my trousers up I contemplated staying on the bus or asking her to get off with me to stay in the hotel I had booked but both felt impractical. Besides, I didn’t want to come across as desperate. I asked for her number, figuring I could contact her when we were both back in the city in the autumn and kissed her a final time before getting off the bus.

I wish I could say we had further adventures but I text her as soon as I got to my hotel and she didn’t respond. I tried once more a few weeks later but got ghosted. It was probably the case she got swept up in the moment. Sometimes you’ve just got to accept things for what they are and enjoy the fantasy of what might have been.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vjxpnk/handjob_from_hattie_wanked_off_in_public_by_a