Son Of An incubus part 1

I don’t know how it happened, normally Incubi are infertile creatures, but somehow my witch of a mother managed to have me with the one she had made her servant. She sure was an impressive women, impervious to all demon auras.

It took a while for me to find out what gifts and curses my parentage had given me, as they only started to materialise when I moved out. As my mother and I had suppressed any demonic powers with spells and potions.

I was enrolled at a college for ecology on the other side of the country, mostly because I wanted to learn about my deamon powers in a way that would allow me to return to my home life unchanged if need be.

I was late to my first class and the hallways were empty, I entered the classroom and saw myself confronted with my teacher. She was a woman in her 30s maybe, brown hair, glasses, wearing skinny jeans and a white shirt with a tree on it.

“Good you are here now.” She said whilst facing the class. “Kaleb Harrison, I presume.”

“Yes mam.” I responded. She still hadn’t looked at me.

I looked into the class. There was one guy in the back corner of the room, broad, buff, black haired. The rest was women, and they all stared at me. I made my way next to the guy, where there was an empty seat.

I felt the looks on me as I walked, I heard two girls in the back of the room snicker. Up to this point I hadn’t noticed anything unusual. But the eyes didn’t leave me whilst I was in the back.

It was creepy to be honest. I tried to look at the teacher, but the busty woman was transfixed with me.

“Do I have something on my shirt or why are you all staring at me?” I asked.

The teacher found her composure again and continued to explain the history of ecology. Some of the students managed the same, but they were shooting me glances.

I did not speak up during that lesson, no need to draw extra attention.

“Kaleb, I will need to talk to you.” The teacher said at the end of the class.

I waited until everyone had left to approach her. “So you wanted to talk to me?”

“Yes I do. I have no idea how you did this, but I saw the glances that half the class shot towards you. I know that look, I almost fell to the effect myself. Are you wearing some kind of feromones?”

“I applied none.” I replied. “I did not realise that that was an option.”

“I have my eyes on you.”

“Sounds like a good start to my time here…”

She shuckled. “Yeah probably. See you next week.”

“Bye” I said and went to leave the room. My mind was stirring with what had just happened when I was swarmed with my classmates outside.

I was surrounded by at least half a dozen women at the door.

“Hey Kaleb, I am Jacklin, I made a groupchat for the course before you arrived, I would need your email or phone number to add you.” A slim redhead off to my side told me.

“Of course.” I said, grabbed pencil and paper and skribbled down my phone number. “Here you go.”

“We are planning on getting to know one another more sometime next week or so, that will be organised in the groupchat.” She said.

“Sounds good.” I replied.

“See you around.” She said and left.

I went to sit on a bench nearby and the rest of the group followed me. There was a chubby blonde named Anita and a small persian girl named Amaya. I heard the rest of the names but I did not remember them that day.

I chatted with them for a while before I excused myself to the bathroom. This was a lot of attention I wasn’t accustomed to.

The rest of the week went by with my poor introvert brain being completely overwhelmed by all of the people choosing to swarm around me. On the weekend I was invited to the house party that had been planned. I had to promise to come.

We chatted and drank to our hearts content for a while. It was only me and most of the girls. Brandon, the other guy In class, apparently could not come.

After a few beers, someone decided to start truth or dare.

It took a while, but I eventually had to choose. My mind raced with the possibility of what would happen.

Truth would probably result in a fight as they asked about whom I would like to fuck or something. With dare, I would probably have to do something that they found sexy.

I chose the later.

“Kiss Anita on the lips.” Jacklin, the Redhead, told me to do.

“Only if she is OK with that.” I responded.

Anita was a somewhat chubby, pale, blonde girl with a nasty scar on her face. She had turned redder than a tomato.

“Oh she is.” Jacklin replied and the rest of the girls chuckled.

If Anitas face could have gotten any redder, now was probably the time.

“Are you OK with this?” I asked her directly. Trying to reassure her.

She nodded. So I walked over to her, sat down and leaned in for the kiss. I had planned for this to be short. She didn’t let me go short.

She leaned into me to the point that she had me with my back on the ground as her arms fell around my torso, her mouth tasted of raspberry likor. And whilst I heard the others woo I didn’t know how to react.

Some part of my mind screamed to throw her off, others screamed to embrace her and enjoy the moment. I just lay there, allowing this to happen. She really lost herself in the moment m, because she went for my belt buckle after about a minute.

That is when I intervened. “Do you think this is the time and place for that?” I said after turning my head to the side.

She turned just as red as she had before as she became once more aware that we were being watched by a dozen classmates.

She let go of me and I returned to my seat. There was a look of disappointment in some of the faces, a look of relief in others. Jacklin I could not read.

I spun the bottle. It landed on Amaya a small black haired woman, probably of Persian descent.

“Truth.” She decided.

I took a moment to the about what question I could ask this woman I hadn’t yet really talked to.

“Do you have a significant other?” I decided on.

She turned red. “No, but I would like to.” She looked at me with big, trusting eyes.

She spun the bottle and it landed on me.

“Truth.” I decided on this time.

“What do your parents do for a living?”

“My mom is a pimp, my dad is a Hooker.” I spoke somewhat truthfully. That was part of their work. I chose not to mention the part where my dad was an irresistible deamon and my mom also sold magic potions.

The group burst out loughing.

“I don’t know these words.” Amaya admitted.

“My dad gets paid to fuck people, my mom organises that.”

She turned redder then she had before.

“That must make for strange family dynamics.” Jacklin said. She seemed to be the only one who took that answer seriously.

“Trust me, that is just the start of the wierd family dynamics.” I replied.

“I want to hear about that.” She replied.

“Maybe later, after a few more drinks.”

The next few rounds went by uneventfully, at least for me.

Anita’s spin landed on me. “Dare.”

“Take off your shirt.” She said. Having gotten a few more drinks in the meantime.

The room went woo as I took off my shirt and they saw my slender body. Someone, I assumed Helena, who was sitting next to me, poked my abs.
They also saw my magic tattoos.

I quickly spun the bottle to distract them. It kinda worked. It landed on Jacklin again.

She was entranced by my tattoos and barely noticed the bottle. There was a hint of recognition on her of what they were. I felt fear in that instant, she might be part of some church that burned magic users alive.

“Jacklin, you are on.” I said and she focused on the bottle.

“Truth.” She decided.

I thought of it for a second. “Do you know what my tattoos are?”

“Some of them at least.” She said. “And I think I know your parents. It explains a lot.”

By now people around us were confused and giving us strange looks.

“I guess it would.”

She spun the bottle. It landed on me again, although I suspect magic.

“Truth.” I said.

“Do you have sibling?” Jacklin asked.


“Thank god. I already thought that her decision to have you was irresponsible. And I am still not sure if I am glad that you weren’t a stillbirth.”

“WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO HIM?” Anita almost shouted.

“I appreciate her honesty.” I replied, trying to calm the situation. Anita backed off.

I spun the bottle and led it towards Jacklin with magic.

“How old are you?”

“412 year old.”

The room was staring at her.

“What in God’s name is going on here?” Amaya asked.

Jacklin responded in fluent Farsi.

The translation Tattoo on my arm began to glow. The central circle read: “More like what in Satan’s name.”

Amaya was stunned at Jacklins language ability and her response.

“I was wondering what that one was for. Seems pretty useful.” Jacklin said.

She spun the Bottle once more. It landed on me.

“Dare.” I said.

A mischievous smile ran across her face. “Hands up who wants to be kissed on the lips by hot boy over there?”

All hands were raised, except for Jacklin.

“Do all of them.” She commanded.

I knew where this would end. So I made a quick desease resistance spell and a temporary infertility spell.

“I think I will go that way around.”

The first girl that way was an tall, muscled blonde by the name of Helena.

Her breath smelled of raspberry Likor as I approached her. I knew that this would be the end of the chill evening, so I let myself kiss her for a long time. I slowly pushed her down on her back before her legs spun around me. Someone else loosened my belt from the side and pulled down my pants. Revealing my hard member through my boxers.

Helena pushed me over and to the ground after I had lost myself kissing her. As I watched her loose her shirt, another flew at me from the side. I realised that I was now surrounded by a gaggle of naked girls who wanted to do nothing more than to fuck me. The only one out being Jacklin, who was sitting on a couch and chuckling to herself.

Helena stood up to get rid of her pants. But her wide stance over me left space for Amaya to slip between her legs and pull down my boxers.

Her large brown eyes radiated excitement as her small hands played with my dick. But I did not get to see that for long, as Anita now claimed her kiss.

I found myself almost enveloped by her tits as she lay on me, grinding and kissing to her hearts content.

I felt the need to pull out of this overwhelming situation. So I pushed Amaya away with my legs and turned Anita around. Now on top of her, my dick found its way into her pussy and I railed the needy woman. Her large tits bounced all over the place as she moaned so loud that the entire neighbourhood must hear her.

The next few minutes were a blur of amazing overstimulation. I remember holding Amaya in the air and having her ride me right there. I remember being backed up into Anita whilst one of the blondes was riding me. I remember fucking Helena in the ass whilst she was making out with another of the blondes. When I was tired, I lay down on the couch and was ridden into oblivion.

It took a while to finish, and hell was I tired at the end of it. Tired, overwhelmed and happy.


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