My gf, Amy, sets up a threesome with our hot lab partner (FFM 21) part 1

We had to leave Amy’s vacation house and head back to school. Amy, Mary, Sarah and I took a flight back to our school. Josie had to get on a separate flight back to her school. Once we were back at school, we didn’t hang out that much as a group for about a week, because we had to catch up on school. Amy and I slept together of course, but we only saw Mary and Sarah a couple of times that week, just for a quick meal or something.

Amy and I were still lab partners and still in most of the same classes, so we saw each other all the time. Normally, Amy and I were lab partners with just the two of us, but this week our professor asked us to take a third person. She was this Korean girl named, Hyun. Her normal lab partner was not there.

Hyun was irritated. She told the professor she did not need a partner, but he made her go to our group. As I mentioned early in this series, all of the biology majors at our small college were trying to go to med school, except Amy and me. We just liked biology. Hyun was one of the pre-med group and they were a bunch of cutthroats. They would stab anyone in the back for a higher grade. She did not want us dragging her down.

Amy said, “Welcome to our group Hyun. I don’t think we have ever really met.”

Hyun said, “Look, I don’t need the small talk, just let me do this and you will get an A.”

Amy said, “Look Hyun, we like lab, and we have been getting A’s just fine without you, so maybe tone down the condescending attitude and try not to be a bitch.”

I was shocked, Amy was always so nice to everyone, but Hyun did deserve it.

Hyun was shocked. She said, “Sorry guys, I’ve been used to getting put in groups with people and everyone just assumes the Asian girl will do all the work. I guess I kind of stereotyped you guys and I should know better than to do that.”

Amy said, “Okay, let’s forget about all that and have some fun. I love lab. You can sit back and let us have all the fun or you can help out. Either way, you will get your A.”

We ended up having a great time with Hyun. I had never seen her so relaxed.

At the end of lab, Hyun said, “I think my lab partner is out next week too. I liked working with you guys. Do you think I could be in your group next week too?”

Amy said, “That would be fun. Why don’t you come to my apartment tomorrow night, so we can write up this experiment?”

Hyun said, “Okay, see you tomorrow.”

As Amy and I walked across campus, Amy said, “What do you think of Hyun?”

I said, “Well, I thought she was an asshole, until you set her straight, but she was a lot of fun after that.”

Amy said, “Yes, but I mean, don’t you think she is beautiful?”

I said, “Well, uh, I mean…”

Amy laughed and said, “Jack, I know you find other girls attractive, come on.”

I said, “Okay, yes, she is fucking hot. What are you up to?”

Amy said, “I don’t know, I just think she is totally hot. I would definitely get with her – giggle. Would you?”

I said, “Hypothetically? Yes, I would love to have sex with Hyun.”

Amy said, “What if it wasn’t hypothetical?”

I said, “Amy? How is that going to happen? How do you know she would be into that?”

Amy said, “I don’t know, she gave off kind of a sexy vibe after she let loose a bit.”

I said, “Amy, I love you, but you are crazy. I think you might be hornier than me even.”

Amy just giggled at that.

We met up for drinks that night with Sarah and Mary. We had not seen them much in the week or so since our trip to Florida because everyone was busy catching up with school work.

Amy said, “Do you guys want to get together this weekend – you know – for some fun?”

Sarah said, “I’m dying to see you guys, but I actually have to go home for a few days. It’s my mom’s birthday.”

Mary said, “I can’t, I’m going…out of town.”

Amy said, “Where are you going?”

Mary said, “Out of town.”

Sarah said, “Why are you being weird about it?”

Mary said, “Okay, I’m visiting Josie. She sent me a train ticket. And some underwear she wants me to wear – giggle. I just didn’t know if you guys would be mad that I’m going without you.”

Amy said, “I think that’s great. It’s nice that she wants to see you.”

Mary said, “I can’t wait to have her to myself for a couple of days honestly. Her roommate is out of town and she said she wants her little Kitten to herself. She sent me panties with kittens on them.”

I said, “I think we should at least get to see you wearing those before you leave.”

Mary laughed and said, “Okay.”

Amy said, “Okay girls, I have a question. Would you be mad, if Jack and I had a threesome with another girl while you are gone?”

I spat my beer out in surprise and said, “Hyun?”

Amy grinned at me and said, “Yes.”

Sarah said, “Who is Hyun?”

Amy said, “Hot nerd in our Molecular biology class.”

Sarah said, “Is she into girls? Does she have a boyfriend or girlfriend?”

Amy said, “Don’t know. Don’t think she has a boyfriend.”

I said, “How is this going to happen Amy?”

Amy said, “I bet I can make it happen. So will you guys be mad?”

Sarah said, “I don’t think even you can just pick up some random girl for a threesome. So, I say that if you can convince her, go right ahead. I’m actually just curious to see if you can pull this off.”

Mary said, “Same, but if you do pull it off, I want to hear every detail.”

Amy said, “And I expect to hear what you and Josie get up to.”

The next day, Amy and I were laying in bed and she said, “Alright, how are we going to get Hyun? Maybe we should have you try to hit on her? See if she likes you first?”

I said, “But, she knows we are dating. She will just think I am a scumbag. Plus I’m not that good at hitting on random girls.”

Amy said, “Hmmmm. That’s true, you would probably have to spend three years flirting with her first.”

I said, “Hey, that’s not nice.”

Amy laughed and said, “well, I guess it is on me. She is coming over tonight. Going to have to think of something.”

That night Hyun came over to Amy’s apartment. When she took off her coat, she was wearing jeans and a cropped sweater that showed off her thin stomach. She had a pierced belly button, which surprised me. Amy was wearing a tiny tshirt that also exposed her stomach and she had no bra on. She was just wearing some shorts around her apartment. She basically had her rocking body on display. I’d say that if a person was at all attracted to girls, they would be drooling over Amy.

We started writing up the experiment.

Hyun said, “we might need to go to the computer lab to make the figures and write this up, but we can start a draft here.”

Back then, it was not that common to have your own computer at college. Usually you had to go to the computer lab. Luckily Amy had her own.

Amy said, “I’ve got a computer in my bedroom. We can just do it all at once.”

Hyun was shocked. She said, “That’s fucking awesome. That’s going to save a lot of time.”

Amy said, “Let’s go to my bedroom,” and she gave me a sly look. I just shook my head at her.

We went into Amy’s bedroom. She had a nice queen bed and she had a desk with a really expensive computer.

Amy said, “Jack is actually really fast at typing, so maybe he should sit at the computer and we can feed him the lab protocol and data.”

Hyun said, “How did you get good at typing?”

I said, “I had to take typing in high school.
I went to a Catholic high school and the nuns took typing seriously.”

Hyun said, “I went to Catholic high school too and the nuns took the length of our skirts seriously.”

Amy said, “I did too and I used to roll that skirt up way high whenever the nuns weren’t looking.”

Hyun said, “yep, I would leave the house with it below my knees and then it would be up at my mid thigh until someone told me to lower it.”

I cleared my throat and said, “Really?”

Amy said, “We are giving Jack bad ideas, he has a thing for those uniforms.”

I said, “Well, the first girl I had sex with wore one, so..”

Hyun said, “I get it, I used to fuck my first boyfriend in high school wearing mine.”

Amy and I just looked at each other. I was thinking to myself – did she just say that.

Hyun said, “I wore mine for Halloween this year. Dressed like a slutty school girl.”

I just said, “Wow…”

Amy said, “I think you are killing Jack. I bet you looked hot as shit. I have mine here too, because…Jack likes me to wear it sometimes,” and she started laughing.

Hyun laughed and said, “Oh, I see, that sounds fun. I’m sure you make a hot slutty schoolgirl too. Well, Jack maybe I’ll wear it again sometime and you can see it.”

I laughed far too hard and too long at that, “Ha, ha, ha,ha..”

Amy laughed, “So, does your boyfriend like your uniform?”

Hyun said, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Amy said, “I’m sorry, you’re so beautiful, I figured you probably have one.”

Hyun said, “Thanks. I had one and dumped him awhile ago. Yes, I do have plenty of guys interested,” and she giggled.

Amy climbed onto her bed, behind me at the computer. She patted her hand to indicate Hyun should also get on her bed.
We were making pretty quick work of it with three of us.

Amy said, “Anyone want a beer or some wine? We are cruising through this report.”

Hyun said, “I don’t usually drink when I am studying, but this isn’t really studying. Sure.”

The girls got into some wine and I had some beers. We focused on the work for a bit. They did get a little sillier as the night went on.

Amy said, “I like your belly button piercing.”

Hyun said, “it hurt like shit, but it pissed off my parents and boys like it, so it was worth it.”

Amy said, “If you think that hurts, I just got my nipples pierced recently,” laughing.

Hyun said, “No you didn’t.”

Amy lifted up her little tshirt to show Hyun her tits.

Hyun said, “Wow, that must have hurt. You have freaking amazing tits Amy. If I had those, I’d whip them out all the time.”

Amy said, “Thanks, i bet yours are great too.” Amy pulled her shirt back down.

Hyun said, “Where did you get that done?”

Amy said, “Jack’s ex girlfriend did it to me.”

Hyun just about spat out her wine and said, “okaaay. That’s kinky.”

Amy said, “You don’t even know. Long story, maybe we’ll tell you someday.”

We finished off the report. Then we hung out on Amy’s bed awhile having drinks and chatting.

Finally Hyun said, “I should go home,” and she stood up.

Amy said, “Okay, let us walk you home. You shouldn’t be walking around alone at this time.”

Hyun said, “that would be nice if you don’t mind.”

Amy said, “I just have to put on some long pants, it’s fucking cold out.”

Amy got off the bed and took off her shorts, showing off her ass in her underwear. She walked around in her panties looking for pants. I was looking at Hyun and it seemed like she was checking Amy out.

We walked her back to her apartment and said goodbye. Amy said, “Do you want to go out for drinks with us on Thurs. night?”

Hyun said, “Sure, that would be fun.”

Amy said, “Okay, great, see you in class tomorrow,” and she gave her hug.

We went back to Amy’s room.

Amy said, “Holy shit, she’s hotter than I realized. And she definitely has no boyfriend.”

I said, “I was shocked how well that went, you might be right. We might be able to get her.”

Amy said, “even I’m picturing her in that slutty schoolgirl uniform.”

I said, “Well, you heard me laugh like a fucking donkey when she said she would wear it for me. I just about came in my pants.”

Amy laughed and said, “Yep, I knew you were dying. I’m not kidding, my panties are wet. I want that girl.”

Amy said, “Would you be mad if I imagined it was her while you lick my pussy?”

I said, “No, would you be mad if I imagined I was licking her pussy?”

Amy said, “Nope.”



  1. Your writing style is a bit er… simple? For my liking? No offense at all, I’m just a slut for fluffy prose. But I really like this concept and I also really like how it doesn’t feel like bad porn writing in terms of plot development.

    Hope this doesn’t come off as a backhanded compliment 😂 Might look back at some of your old stuff and will definitely look forward to the next part.

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