Lexi Has Control Volume Issues [Step-Daughter][Clit-Rubbing][Squirting][MF][College Student]

You know the saying, “time flies when you’re having fun”, well when I looked up at the clock it must have went in to warp speed. Anna, Lexi’s mother, was due home any minute. I hopped up and made for the shower and close on my heels was Lexi, my once bratty step-daughter. As much I would have enjoyed a long hot shower with her, she still had to clean up the mess that had started all of this. So I turned her around and told her what she needed to do but not before giving that perky ass on last spank as she went to her task.

“And put on some clothes while you’re at it.” I yelled as I stepped into the shower.

When I walked out again, I was relieved to see that Lexi had done as she was told dressed and all. Though now she had a black sports bra and white yoga pants and what was clearly a bright pink thong underneath.

“Daddy, you like?” She said as she stood in front of me turning back and forth. Her finger tip bit between her teeth, head tilted downward just a bit, trying to give me her best innocent girl look. Lord knows I would have taken her again right then and there if her mother was not about to step through that door any minute now.

I licked my lips slowly as if I was a lion getting ready to pounce on its prey. The little devil on my shoulder was whispering, “Forget about Anna coming home. Who cares if she sees maybe she might remember what fucking was. I mean it’s been so long since the last time she probably forgot how.”

My anger and lust began to brew a storm inside of me and I felt my temperature rise. And a growl slipped my lips before I knew to stop it. Lexi must have taken it to mean that I did like her new outfit and stepped in closer to me. Her hand slipped in past my waistband and dexterous fingers found my balls. The minute feeling of fingernails scraping against my perineum as her fingertips massaged my balls had me as hard as I was just hours ago. The feel of her wrist gliding up and down my cock had given my little devil more influence than it should have.

Then there was the jingle of keys in the front door and I pulled away coming back to my senses a bit, though my cock was still throbbing. I quickly turned and made my way to the fridge to look for the ingredients for dinner and did a little leg stretch to try to get blood flowing in other areas of my body. Then Anna’s shrill voice had put the finishing touches on the process.

“What are you wearing, Lexi? I hope to god you didn’t go out looking like that!” Anna screamed.

“Of course, I did. Those two car accidents I caused was a good self esteem boost.”

The bickering went on for a few more minutes before, I couldn’t handle it anymore. I barked a short loud, “ENOUGH!!” Both silenced at once and turned to me with their mouths open. I mean it was a shock to me as well because normally I’d just ignore them and let them handle their own issues. But that afternoon something had stirred in me, something that needed my authority in the house obeyed.

I took in a deep breath through my nose and let out a slow exhale through my mouth before deliberately and calmly speaking, “Lexi just change or throw on a shirt. Now!” That last part coming out with a bit of a growl.

Lexi bit her lip and bowed her head down and whispered, “Yes, Daddy.” And made for her room.

Anna made her way to me after, shock still evident on her face. “Wow hon. I’ve never seen you like this. I kinda like this assertive side of you.”

“And you,” I pointed a finger in her face, “enough with her already. Ever since she came home from college, you two have been fighting non-stop. If you’re gonna start up something with her, make sure I’m not in the room when you do, so I don’t have to hear it. Now leave me alone so I can cook dinner in peace.”

She stared at me open-mouthed, clutching at her chest, and leaned back. She looked as if she was about to respond but I beat her to it. “I don’t want to hear it. Just fucking leave. NOW!!”

She immediately closed her mouth and turned away in a huff. Good riddance, I whispered in a low tone and went back to the task at hand.

A moment later I heard a little cough behind me trying to get my attention. Lexi stood there holding the hem of an oversized shirt, twirling back and forth giving me her best innocent face.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl from now on.”

“Hmph. You can say sorry but that’s not getting you out the punishment I have planned for you tonight.” I said and looked around to make sure Anna wasn’t anywhere near and closed the gap between Lexi and I.

I bent over her so that my lips were brushing the outsides of her ear. “I didn’t get to see how you made such a big mess in the living room this afternoon. So get in your room and recreate the scene and get it on video for me.”

“Yes, Daddy. But Mom will hear me. I can’t control my volume once I get started.”

“Then take that pink thong you have on and shove it in your mouth. Now go and do as I say.” She gave me a big mischievous smile and turned towards her room. Of course I couldn’t resist giving a spank as she walked away.

I must that that dinner was the most enjoyable I’ve had in quite some time. The food was cooked to perfection, if I do say so myself, and the conversation was exactly as I had hoped. Not a word was spoken the whole time. Anna was clearly still upset about earlier, stabbing her food a little harder than was necessary but quiet the whole while. Lexi opened her mouth once and with just a quick shake of my head and a glare she shut it without a peep. And to top things off after Anna and I had dropped off our plates at the sink, Lexi washed them. That had to be the most astounding part of it all. I mean I didn’t even think she knew where the dish soap was.

As Anna stalked off back to our room to start her nightly routine before sleep, I slipped off to the sink. I stood next to her as she rinsed off the last of the dishes and made sure Anna was out of sight and whispered to her, “Looks like the cleaning lesson I taught you earlier today seems to be catching on in other areas. Good girl.”

“Thank you, Daddy. I just want to please you any way I can.” She said rotating her body and pressed her back into me and gave a little dip.

I closed my eyes as the scent of fresh shampoo and conditioner filled my nostrils. I had to contain myself from just bending her over the sink right then. But I had plans for tonight that required we have no interruptions.

“Where’s your phone? I want to watch that little home video you made for me.”

“It’s in my room, Daddy.”

“Ok. When you’re done in here I want you to stay in your room until I tell you.”

I turned away from her before she could respond and made a beeline for her room.

The next couple of hours felt like the quiet before the storm. Anna and Lexi didn’t emerge from their respective rooms since dinner and I got to watch the game without disruptions. Once the game was finished I got up and went to check on Anna, and just like usual she was on the bed sleeping like the dead. My cheeks started to hurt with how wide my smile was then. My heart began to race with anticipation of the fun I had in store for myself.

I hurried back to the couch and opened up Lexi’s phone and found the latest video she had made on my request. I pressed a few buttons and had it casted to the tv and turned up the volume as high as it could go. The video started off with Lexi’s empty bed, then a piece of hot pink cloth began to lower in from the top of the screen and Lexi’s face popped up behind it.

“Daddy, I’m being a good girl just like you asked.” She said then began stuffing the pink fabric that was her thong into her mouth and laid a beach towel folded in half in front of the camera. I saw her lower herself in down with her legs spread. Her lips already had a slight glistening shine to them before she had even moved a finger to them.

Slowly she traced her lips with a finger opening them up just enough to catch a glimpse of the warm pink comforting home that I would soon find myself residing in. Her finger moved from top to bottom then back up again on the other side, then back down the middle sliding two finger into her tight slip of a pussy. Her motions started off slow and rhythmic before tiny muffled moans filled the living room. Then it appeared as though she were too excited to play the slow and steady routine any more, soon her hands were quickening to a hard and fast pace. The sounds of her fingers sliding in and out of her reminded me of when I stirred mac and cheese in a pot, except at break neck speeds. The muffled moans started to grow in volume and I had to wonder how no one had heard her. But then again she wasn’t on surround sound speaker when she had made this video.

It was then that heard Lexi sprinting from behind me and around the couch. “Oh my god! Oh my god! Daddy!” she squealed as she ran up to me trying to find the remote.

I held the remote out of her reach and pulled on her hair as she tried to climb on top of me to grab it. I looked her in the eye and said, “This is not how good girls behave!”

“But Daddy, its so loud. Mom is going to wake up and see this.”

“No she won’t.” I said calmly but still she gave me a skeptical look. So I stood letting go of her hair to reach for her wrist and marched her over to my bedroom. As soon as we reached the closed door, I swung it open without a care and it made a crashing sound as it hit the door stopper. I transferred her wrist to my other hand and moved behind her grabbing her other wrist and pushed my hips forward to nudge her towards the threshold. I guided her hands to opposite sides of the door frame and told her to keep them there. I let go of her wrists and laid a hand on the top of her scalp and pushed down and forward so her body was at a 90 degree angle.

“Notice anything little Lexi?” I asked as I pulled on her hair so that she was now looking up at her sleeping mother in my bed. The anticipation of what I had in store next was beginning to boil over but I stayed the course waiting for to figure out what she was looking at. I traced my free hand across her bent over ass holding myself back from just ripping the thin material of her white tights, noticing that there was no trace of the hot pink that had been there before dinner.

“Umm, she’s just lying there.” She whispered a little confusion in her voice.

She may be in college but boy was she slow on the uptake. So, to spur her thinking along, I brought my hand down in a thunderous spank across one cheek. She let out a scream that was abruptly cut off as she caught herself.

“Daddy, please. She’s going to wake up.” She whispered again and again I laid another smack across her cheek, this time with an added force. This time there was no start of a scream just a muffled moan.

“Still not getting it I see.” I said a little frustrated that she was being this slow on the uptake. I shifted my body to the side of her and ran my hand over her tights and between her cheeks until I felt the soft squishy mounds of her lips. I pressed my fingers between them and begun rubbing up and down. I felt a slight dampness of cloth as my fingers moved about massaging her clit. Little moans started to slip out as she started to lose control of herself and I leaned in so that my lips were mere centimeters away from her ear.

“My dear Lexi, there’s no need to fight this. I know you can’t hold back. Listen to the tv, even with that thong in your mouth, you’re still quite loud.” I wide grin stretched my face as I saw her eyes close in concentration but the sounds from her mouth told me she was losing the battle. Her hand moved to close over her mouth and I barked out a loud “NO!”

“I didn’t say you could move your hands, did I?” I said in a growl and she shook her head. She moved her hand back to the door frame. There was tension in the handful of hair I was holding as she tried to lower her head trying anything to keep her moans quiet, but I held tight and quickened the pace of my hand on her clit. Just as she was about the lose control, I stopped for a moment and I saw her relax a bit gathering her breath. Then I laid one more smack across her ass.

This time she let out a loud, “OH, FUCK!” and quickly looked up wide-eyed, frightened to see if her mother had woken up at that. When there was no stirring, I could see a dawning of realization on her face and I began to explain.

“You see, mommy dearest here doesn’t handle stress very well and when she got that promotion, she just couldn’t sleep. So story short, she’s been taking sleeping pills every night and nothing will wake her. So you see, you’ve been torturing yourself unnecessarily this whole time. And you’ve made me a bit angry, not trusting me the way you have.” I said moving my fingers back in between her lips feeling the damp spot begin to grow. Soft moans purred through her lips as I slowly rubbed my fingers up and down her clit.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.” She said between gasps of air.

“What was that?” I said increasing the speed of my fingers. She tried to repeat herself but her breath was going to fast now and only incoherent sounds sputtered out of her mouth. I could feel her leg tremble against my cock, knowing she was moments away from soaking her tights.

“I’m…Oh fuck..” she tried again but only undulating moans seem to come out. I saw her white knuckles gripping the door frame and now her how body was trembling as moan after moan echoed throughout the hallway and bedroom.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw movement from the bed up ahead and a smile laced my entire face. I moved up my fingers to near inhuman speeds and within seconds a roar came spewing from Lexi and the fabric of her tights reach its absorption limits. Her head shot up looking at the heavens, as though she were having an out-of-body experience. Then I moved behind her pulling the waist of her tights down just below her cheeks with one hand while my other pulled my pants down as well. I slipped my cock deep into her.

“OOOOOH! FUCK YES, DADDY!” Lexi screamed as I thrusted hard into her giving her everything of me and I watched as Anna begun to stir a little bit more in the bed. Wet squelching noises grew louder and faster as I pulled my hips back and forth smacking hard into her soaked flesh and more screams and moans of delight erupted from Lexi. Her lips tried to hold onto me as my cock slid through, but her wetness had made it an impossible task. I felt my tip hit a wall and the volume of her moans peaked urging me to see if I could reach a higher decibel. My hands gripped harder on her and feelings of muscle strain laced my arms as I pulled her into me.

I kept my eyes on Anna and something that I had not expected seem to be happening. Her body seemed to be writhing under the covers. I saw her chest heaving deeply and a hand shot up from beneath the sheets reaching for her hair. She started to pull on her hair as her mouth opened taking in deep breaths. I also saw tiny movements where I had to assume her pussy was and then I started to hear her moan. Soft and slow at first, barely perceptible over the noise the Lexi was making then louder and faster in time with the movements under the sheets. Her body started to spasm harder and it seemed as though she was timing her moans with Lexi. Each time Lexi would take a breath a moan came out from Anna and vice versa. It was beautiful music to hear these two women in such ecstasy and me the cause of it, one without laying a finger on her.

I grabbed a fistful of Lexi’s hair and yanked pulling her entire body into me and wrapped the other around her stomach. I pushed us both forward and to the side until I had her pinned against the wall next to the door. All the while watching Anna pleasure herself in her sleep. I pulled on Lexi’s hair once more, angling her head so that her moans would be projecting into the bedroom and I pushed harder, ignoring the fatigue that was building up in my muscles.

Then I saw Anna’s body arch, her mouth wide open. It looked as though she was screaming out but I couldn’t hear any of it with my head so close to Lexi and her continuous moans. The bed looked as though it were shaking as she held her arched back pose, then like a balloon with a pinhole I saw her deflate slowly and sink back into bed. I also lost it at that point but I held on hoping she would wake to see me there beside the doorway exploding into her daughter.

A held on for a few moments more but Anna just ran her hands through her hair, eyes still closed. I lost it then and pushed one last time and let out a growl as I let everything go. I paused there a while longer feeling my cock twitch inside of Lexi draining the last of my reserves into her.

I felt a hand brush through my hair, finger nails scraping against my scalp as I pressed up against her. I could feel her hot breath against my cheek and then she whispered, “Thank you, Daddy.”

I pushed myself off her and took a step back. I put a hand through my sweat soaked hair and did my best to catch my breath. Then without me saying a word, Lexi turned toward me and fell to her knees. Her mouth opened and her tongue slithered its way past her lips and begun to clean the mess she had made.

Special thanks to u/BabyArchAngel1 again for inspiration to this story.

Thank you for taking the time to read and any criticism is welcome. Good or bad.

Also If you have any ideas for a new story I’m always open to hearing them.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vicomw/lexi_has_control_volume_issues

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