Destined Siblings, Chapter 10 [MF] [Str8] [inc]

Mine and Andrew’s new life together instantly developed into a lovely, dependable, and comforting routine. He worked in his new office while I spent basically the entire day at the university’s central library. I would get home first and be the typical mid 50’s-60s’ housewife; By the time he comes back home, I would clean the house and have our dinner typically ready by then. Some evenings, he would have quite a lot more work that he has left to do. But usually, it was just us two together spending quality time, alone, often spent in one another’s arms on the futon as we watched the TV. While it wasn’t every night, we had sex extremely often. On the futon, on the floor, on the beds, in the shower, and occasionally with me leaned over the bathroom and kitchen counters or the dining room table, there wasn’t a place that we didn’t have sex in our flat.

Andrew was really kind to me. He actually genuinely cared for me, eagerly listening to my day’s activities, embracing me tight as I vented my anger, massaged my aching feet, he was also gentle with my body. He honestly appreciated my little breasts, he eagerly sampled my liquid love, he flooded my body with his white-hot passion, he truly left me feeling very feminine, incredibly attractive and sexy.

His undivided attention to me was extremely helpful. While I had bought and worn bikinis since I was a child, once my boobs stopped developing all too quickly, I wore them less frequently, almost embarrassed to be seen in one because I didn’t have a lot on my chest to show as most women these days do. However, I saw that I was getting more at ease with my body, particularly my breasts, as a result of how much my big brother truly appreciated me.

This inspired me, so on a Saturday afternoon, I was motivated to put on a bikini and get tanned next to our apartment complex’s highly maintained pool. Despite the weather, no one else was there swimming, which surprised me, but since it was early afternoon, I assumed that many people were out going to the malls or shopping, as Andrew was.

I applied some sun-bathing lotion before even wearing the bikini, so I sprawled down on one of the lounge chairs and closed my eyes to the sunlight. I was fully aware of the birds’ singing, the warmth of the air, and the scamper of a squirrel up and down a tree nearby. I could also hear a few people behind me passing through the sidewalk and the apartment fence where there are mailboxes for each house surrounding our swimming pool area.

My mind began to wander. I thought my brother and how far me and Andrew have come in such a small period of time, from sibling affection to romantic, passionate and sexual love. While I was not scared of sex, my first sexual encounter was not such a positive one, and it was my older brother who taught me that sex could genuinely be beautiful and lovely, that I could indeed feel loved, admired, and treasured even while he was strong, harsh, rapid, and even a little sexually violent with me.

I felt a sense of awkward embarrassment as I could feel my nipples get hard, after all I was out open in public, not in the solitude of our apartment. And feeling quite warm on the front of my body. Anyway, I rolled forward onto the lounge chair.

Andrew was still in my thoughts. I recalled waking him up this morning by sucking his flaccid penis into my little lips. This had been a fantastic, intoxicating feeling to have the ability to arouse him with my lips, tongue, and fingertips, to feel his erection grow and harden as a result of my efforts. His hands held my hair out of my face, enabling me to concentrate on his increasing pleasure and allowing him to closely and more easily have a look at what his little sister was doing.

I moaned quietly, which jolted me out of my trance, and wished no one heard me because there were numerous apartments all around the swimming pool area. As I laid in the afternoon light, the wetness was building, and memories of my big brother’s growing erection that morning aroused me.

My mind flashes back to me lying on my back on the bed, my legs spread wide, my brother’s eagerness smearing my face as he squeezed my little breasts and tenderly kissed between my thighs. His well experienced tongue knew exactly how to get me to an orgasm quickly, but however, this morning he took his time, taking a moment frequently to savor my taste upon his tongue. A savoring that was evidently wonderful for him, but a little frustrating for me, but with his sexual experience, he clearly knew that, and he probably stopped often on purpose. Even though I struggled to keep his head in place, he would occasionally just stop, his face only an inch or two from my dripping crotch, his breath warm and enticing over me, his head dangling above, capable of pushing back just enough to counteract the power of my hands attempting to drag his face forward.

I was so immersed in my thoughts that a touch of a hand upon my back surprised me so much, that I nearly yelled out loud. Andrew was crouched next the lounge chair, gazing at me. “Did you doze off while getting a tan?” he asked. “You know, that’s not good for you, not healthy at all. I knew a girl once, she fell asleep on a tanning bed and woke up looking like a red lobster, she looked like that for about a month. It was even hurtful for her to wear clothes over for many weeks.”

“Finish me!” I groaned in a whispering tone.

That really seemed to surprise him, he looked astonished that his young little sister made such a comment outside of their house. I must’ve sounded so desperate, he grinned, his eyes widening as wicked ideas flooded his head.

“Finish you?” he asked quietly. “Have you been thinking about it all morning?”

I nodded, with my eyes begging him. He appeared to understand that, so he grabbed my hand and I followed him back to our apartment room with the towel wrapped around my waist, so he could continue what my thoughts had started.

Andrew had yanked away the towel and was pulling at a thread at my left hip even before the front door had been shut. My bikini had been removed by the time we arrived at my bedroom doorway, which was just seven feet from the front door, leaving me wearing only my flip-flops, which were kicked off moments before I was thrown onto my own bed.

When I looked up, Andrew was definitely thinking about something. I could almost hear his thoughts running, calculating: how best to please his little sister, nude on the bed in front of him, his for the taking, her body already wet and eagerly awaiting his attentions.

He began to undress himself, as if his mind had made up its mind. His gaze consumed me, much as his tongue had earlier in the day. I squeezed my own breasts and twisted my own nipples shamelessly, the sensations travelling straight to my clit. He hadn’t touched me, nor licked me, nor thrust himself into my body, not yet, and I was already trembling on the bed.

It was mid-summer, and we hadn’t switched on the air conditioning yet. Even though my bedroom was on the north side of the flat and did not receive direct sunshine, it was warm. Since we’d both been out of the flat for a time, the windows were all shut, providing no relief from the heat that I was starting to sense, heat that was radiating from both of us. Even my nakedness couldn’t keep me calm in that instant, and I knew Andrew felt the same as he stripped off the remaining of his clothes.

He stroked himself, getting ready for me. He was clearly going to pierce inside me. For a brief minute, I wondered if it would be a lengthy and slow and emotional lovemaking or a quick and frenzied fuck.

Instead, he reached for my hand and pulled me up as I stood by the bed next him. We then kissed softly and passionately, communicating via our hands, lips, and emotions. My hands slid downward, grasping his swollen penis and softly stroking him.

He took a step back, his erection wobbling as he moved. He sat and tapped on his thigh as he moved my chair back from my desk, and I understood exactly what he wanted me to do.

I strung up myself on my big brother’s thick girth manhood very gently, my hands clutching his shoulders and his hands firmly holding me at my waist. I loved the sensation of him penetrating me, forcing my body open, spreading my vagina to make room for him within me, and I whimpered and moaned many times before I was fully placed myself onto his lap, his tip barely skimming my clitoris. I leaned forward and gripped him closely as I gently rocked back and forth on him, feeling him move his position inside me.

It wasn’t a quick and dirty fucking. It was a lengthy, slow, and emotional lovemaking experience. The slow pace was a little annoying at first, but the fact that it was him, that it was my big brother who filled my body and pleased my heart, made the annoyance rather appealing.

With the windows shut and the A/C turned off, the heat in the apartment continued to climb, and the heat we created appeared to rise even quicker. The perspiration that was accumulating between us made it easier for my chest to brush against his. We could kiss, touch, and whisper lovely words of love and want into one other’s ears because of our position.

“Please,” I pleaded in the end, “Finish me!”

“NO,” he stated immediately. “Finish yourself.”

I was taken aback by Andrew’s response, and I looked at him in wonder.

“Ride me,” he said. “Quick and hard. Ride me till you’ve had enough, ride me until you cum.”

Realizing my big brother’s intention, I obeyed. Instead of swaying, I lifted and sank, propelled by my legs. His hands cupped my lower cheeks to help, and we rapidly established a pattern in which he would raise me while my legs drove my body higher, and then I would slam back down on him. I fucked him, I fucked my big brother, bracing my hands on his shoulders, my body feverishly wanting to consume him. I was going insane from the fucking and the heat; I was so delirious that I didn’t realize I was certainly louder than I intended to be but I didn’t care about anything else in that instant.

My ecstasy was muffled by his hands gripping my head and his mouth covering mine. We exchanged fast breaths as he growled into me, straining to ride out my climax while holding back his own release, his hands tightening uncomfortably around my head. But my sisterly body was clearly too much for him, for the flood of his love surging into me increased my delight.

I was disoriented, delirious, dehydrated, and thoroughly hot. I was in a daze as I was brought to the bed and carefully put there, and soon afterwards, with my eyes closed and my thoughts still racing, I heard the A/C turn on and felt the first whiff of chilly air streaming down from the air duct high upon the wall. When I heard movement close, I opened my eyes to discover Andrew standing in the doorway, his crotch and manhood still displaying marks of our forbidden coupling, his entire body dripping with perspiration, two bottles of water in his hands as he used the cap of one of the bottles to hit the switch and turn on the ceiling fan.

We sat in silence, sipping our drinks gently and leaning towards one other despite the heat, and somehow, strangely and inexplicably, against any and all rational reasoning and logic, I felt closer and more connected to him than I did ever before. Sharing that simple sensational moment with him, both of us completely naked and reeking of sweat and sex, both of us dehydrated and also somewhat affected by the heat; And even after the room temperature in my bedroom had decreased significantly, even after both of our water bottles were emptied and put aside, we both just sat there on the edge of my bed, holding each other tightly and close, a young little sister and her big brother unabashedly sharing this loving moment between each other.

We spent the rest of the evening cuddling with each other on my bed and then ordered some food for dinner. While we waited for our food we took a shower together, I couldn’t resist but to suck his penis under the showerhead as he grabbed my hair and pushed my head front and back. He went on for a few minutes as I was enjoying every stroke inside my mouth, I could then feel his love fluid all inside my mouth dripping down my throat and just as we looked at each other smiling we heard a knock on our door. Our food was here and Andrew just rushed out the shower, wrapped a towel around him and got the food as I was just sitting under the shower thinking about his hot semen that I just swallowed. He called for me, I went out after a while and we then ate our dinner out in the balcony talking mostly about his work, we ended the night with both of us on my bed making out and cuddling each other.

My big brother was great at showing me new things, both sexually (because I had only had one previous sexual interaction before falling in love with him) and in other areas of interest. As in this instance, Andrew was a huge fan of auto racing, particularly F1, and we had intentionally subscribed to the Sports cable package so he could watch the one station authorized to telecast F1 races in the Country. On Sunday mornings, he and I would wake up early, make coffee, and then watch the races together live from Europe.

He was also teaching me through his videogames about racing. And soon, I was discussing with him about gear ratios, tyre pressures, aerodynamics, downforce, drafting, drifting, double-apex turns, straight lining chicanes, and other such topics even though I keep forgetting what most of them mean. In some ways, it was strange: to me, it was just a question of selecting a game, selecting a car and a racetrack, and driving. To him, it was a genuine experience, the next best thing to actually being in a race. What really astounded me was how knowledgeable he was on the changes that have been made to the tracks throughout time, both in reality and in the games. His knowledge seemed limitless, which was particularly remarkable given that practically all of it had come from playing racing games for so long.

It only increased my respect, admiration and appreciation for him.

He was doing some of his work in his room that evening as I played one of his racing games again, kept the volume really low so he wouldn’t be distracted. When he walked out, he grinned at me, then peered at the TV screen as I turned a little too rapidly in an SUV, the weight transfer to the left side evident as the right-side wheels rose up off the racetrack and seemed to linger over the speed humps at the peak of the turn.

“Great body roll,” my big brother commented.

I had stopped as quickly as the right-side wheels came off the track and had to mentally regroup before speeding up to chase the competitor SUV that had just passed me. “That was one of the dumbest things you can say to a girl, even if she’s your little sister,” I stated.

“Sorry.” He came over and sat on the couch alongside me, watching in silence as I finished the race, losing by nearly a full second. “You’re getting better, sis,” he said. “You’re doing just fine. You’d probably had won if it hadn’t been for that two-wheeler bend.”

“Yeah, I know, I know.” I tossed him the controller. “You can play.”

He won by more than seven seconds, as expected, not really surprising. After all e was the expert, and he hadn’t changed the level of difficulty either. Even though I was racing on Easy, I still lost by about a full second.

“You’ll get there soon,” he assured. “You’ve come a long way since when you came to see me over Spring Break and couldn’t even play Pac-Man.”

It was well-deserved praise, especially when combined with his gentle fluffing of my hair.

This quickly resulted in the controller sitting on the coffee table while I was held in strong, protecting arms. That was shortly followed by my big brother’s hands caressing my breasts through my t-shirt and bra, which was quickly followed by quiet pleased moans emerging from deep inside me.

This game’s main menu music played a range of heart-pounding dance club pop tracks as my pulse was thumping for a totally different motive. Slowly, I became topless, my nipples each receiving my big brother’s tender care, my breasts somewhat more sensitive than normal that night, his mouth offering me greater pleasure than usual as I grabbed his head to me. I supported myself on his shoulders, straddling his thighs, while he teased me, my underwear soaking wet from his meddling.

He finally lifted his head from my chest and looked me in the eyes. “Does my little sister want to cum?” he asked, with a devilish smirk on his lips.

“Yes!” I practically growled at him, and he quietly chuckled.

“Then masturbate,” he urged, returning his lips to my left nipple.

I felt a bit self-conscious about masturbating there next to my big brother, especially because he was doing such a great job of keeping my nipples hard with need, but I slowly reached down between us and unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. Andrew handled things “up top,” and I handled things “down below,” and we worked together to produce the pleasure I needed, the climax I desired.

I finally collapsed against him, satisfied, and my big brother withdrew my right breast from his lips. He grabbed my hand out of my undies and shorts and relished my flavor, licking and sucking my fingers clean while I gripped him with one arm.

“My little sister tastes wonderfully, incredibly delicious,” he softly whispered. “All she has to do now is improve her racing skills.”

We both chuckled loudly, and I held him tightly, savoring the sensation of his loving arms around my topless body.


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