I (25f) ate my best friends pussy after she broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years.

I’m a bi lady. I’ve been bi ever since I was a teenager and started having sexual attraction towards people. My friend, Melanie, has been by my side ever since we were in high school. We are both in our mid 20s now. We are inseparable. She’s straight. But she has admitted that she’s had sexual thoughts for girls, just never acted on them.

She has been with her boyfriend for over 5 years. Honestly they were a really good couple. I thought they fit perfectly together. It seemed like they would be getting married anyway. Well recently he broke her heart. He didn’t cheat. He just simply said he didn’t feel right being with her anymore. She had no indication that this was going to happen. She adored him. She was broken when he told her.

Me being the loving friend that I am, I made sure I was there for her in any way that she needed. I invited her over to my place to stay as long as she wanted. We watched movies, ate lots of food, played games, and drank like no one’s business. Pretty much the normal stuff that you think of when you’ve been dumped. It seemed like it would help, then next thing she would be down again. She wanted to be held a lot, which was super sweet. I wanted to figure out how to help her more. I suggested that she find another cute guy – to go on a date with or get some dick from. I thought that would help her get her mind off of things.

She agreed to that. I helped her set up some dating and hookup apps. She found someone within a day. They were going to meet up over the weekend. The day got there and she left to go meet him. Within the next 30 minutes she was back. She looked super sad and told me that the guy completely ghosted her. I hugged her and said let’s get some drinks. We started drinking and her mood definitely picked up. She was definitely getting tipsy. We started to dance some and she playfully was grabbing my butt. She said “ya know, I’ve always thought you were hot as fuck. Too bad we are friends huh?” I nodded my head yeah. She then said “well friends can still have a little fun, yeah?” I didn’t know what to say.

She asked if I could help her out since I was into women and her guy bailed on her. I asked in what way. She bluntly said “in getting me off.” I was shocked and asked if she was thinking straight. She said “look I promise you this is not the alcohol. I’m horny as fuck and your hot and I need help.” In truth I’ve always been attracted to her. I’ve just never acted in those feelings. After getting reassurance that this was okay once more I asked her how she would like me to help. She smiled, flopped on the couch and proceeded to unbutton and take off her shorts.

Her pussy was already out. She was going commando under her shorts. It was so pretty. There was some hair. She apologized and said she hasn’t been really grooming ever since her boyfriend broke up with her. I told her I loved it and got down without saying anything else and proceeded to kiss her thighs and around her pussy lips. She was already moaning so loudly. When I dove in she got even loader. Within minutes she said that she was cumming. I asked if she wanted to go again and she nodded her head yes at me. I ended up making her cum three more times that night. Afterwards we cuddled and went to sleep.

She thanked me the next morning and said that it helped her a bunch. She assured me that it didn’t make things weird. That it was just simply a friend helping a friend (:

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/vhjys2/i_25f_ate_my_best_friends_pussy_after_she_broke


  1. “I asked her if she was thinking straight” I just thought was hilarious considering the context 🤣

  2. I mean my friend also had gay sex while he had his breakup and only told me about it

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