All I Want Is You [MF] [sensual] [romantic]

Back to front, lying together, our bodies in parallel. Two lines drawn together. My equal sign, my solution to life’s problems, my everything. I can feel you breathe, the heat from your body providing comfort and warmth, my eternal flame.

My lips kiss the tender, soft, curve of your neck, the lavender aroma still lingering on your skin. Fingertips slowly, lightly, outline the curve of your shoulder; my voice quietly breaking the silence as gentle tones lift from my throat; a soft, soothing, serenade…

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold*

My fingertips continue their journey down your arm, gently brushing the crease of your elbow, cascading down your forearm, across your delicate wrist, to your hand. Lightly caressing the top of your hand as your fingers rise, invitingly, as my fingers lightly dance over yours slowly interlocking together for a brief moment, like puzzle pieces finding their perfect match.

*You say you want, your story to remain untold*

Releasing my grasp from your fingers, my arm wraps tenderly around your body as my fingers continue to explore, searching for your hidden secrets. Lightly caressing each curve, committing every bend and turn of my fingertips to memory, as your skin reacts to each loving touch, creating a delicate path in its wake. A slow, deep, content sigh drifts from your mouth in anticipation of the forthcoming pleasure as my fingertips lightly brush across your lips. I can feel the warmth of your breath make its escape from your lungs as my fingertips linger downward and lightly trace the outline of your chin, down the delicate slope of your neck, along the rigid path of your collarbone.

*But all the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave, when all I want is you*

Inspired by the treasure a few inches away, pausing for a moment, hand over heart, memorizing each beat. As if cradling the most prized artifact in existence, my hand gently cups the smooth, soft, skin of your breast, holding its round, ample, shape in my palm. My fingertips begin slowly, lightly caressing the curved, velvety, underside allowing your skin to enjoy the full sensation of my gentle touch. Softly, back and forth, teasing, your body taking in every response. Gently, your nipple is embraced between my thumb and forefinger, softly kneading back and forth, as if caught between the gears of a grandfather clock. Your plump nipple becoming more rigid with each rotation. My fingers release their gentle grasp as the soft tip of my index finger slowly begins tracing along the tip, eliciting a soft pleasurable gasp, as though tracing my finger around the rim of a glass.

*You say you’ll give me, a highway with no one on it, treasure just to look upon it, all the riches in the night*

In anticipation of forthcoming pleasure, your body rotates so you’re flat on your back, providing a clear path to your promised land. I pause for a moment to gaze upon your desirable, beautiful, body. Every imperfection made perfect. Every curve, every line, gentle rolling slope and valley, the very definition of elegance and grace. My fingers lightly drift between your breasts, slowly down your stomach, pausing to lightly brush against your belly button, causing a slight giggle to escape, before continuing their journey down to your hip and settling on your thigh. Slowly, agonizing slow, caressing and lightly brushing my hands in a triangular pattern from the crease of your leg, down to your knee, up to your hip and back, repeating the pattern.

*You say you’ll give me, eyes in a moon of blindness. a river in a time of dryness, a harbor in the tempest*

Your legs part re-actively, without any thought or hesitation, as my fingertips lightly brush your bare skin along the crease of your leg, agonizingly close to your now swollen lips. Your hand instinctively positions itself along your waistline, desperate to reach down and touch yourself, but holding back knowing the pleasure you crave is moments away.

*But all the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave, when all I want is you*

Your anticipation is palpable as my fingertips lightly begin to brush upwards along the length of your labia. Just light enough for your feel the sensation but leaving you desperately wanting more. A slight whimper of desire fills the air as my fingertips continue their dance, ever so gradually, teasingly, giving your more of what you crave as my index and middle fingers expertly pull your lips aside, allowing the middle finger free access to your path of pleasure. A quick lubricating dip upward, my finger slowly begins to lightly circle your now very stimulated clit; alternating between a slow circular pattern and a faster north and south rhythm. I watch as your breathing becomes labored as your pleasure becomes increasingly more intense. I place the hood of your clitoris between my index and middle fingers, slowing masturbating back and forth, preparing your body for the orgasm to cum…

*You say you want, your love to work out right, to last with me through the night*

Your wetness provides a sticky sweet lubricant as my fingers slowly probe deep into your depths, not to be seen again until their mission is complete. No light to guide their path as they search for their objective, bending upwards, finding their curved, bumpy destination, their home. Slowly caressing back and forth, in an expertly guided pattern, each rotation like winding the key to a jack in the box, not knowing if the next rotation will cause an out of body explosion of pleasure. Your breathing rapidly escalates as your hands each firmly becoming ghost white as your knuckles clench the comforter as if your life hangs in the balance. You back arches as my fingers continue their sensual assault as your hips motion up and down, riding for the 8 seconds of a lifetime.

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold, your story to remain untold, your love not to grow cold*

As your body calms and breathing slowly returns to normal, your eyes close and a slight smile bends the edges of your mouth upward. Allowing yourself a moment to bask in the warm glow of your first orgasm of the evening, preparing yourself for the many remaining to experience before your body is allowed to fully unwind and fall into a deep slumber.

*All the promises we break, from the cradle to the grave, when all I want is you*

Your foot lifts as your leg extends and drapes itself over my leg as we lay face-to-face, eye-to-eye. Skin flush. No words spoken; desire, lust, yearning, passion, hunger visible within the deep blue iris. Our bodies pressed together, front to front, parallel once more. Your hand takes a soft, gentle, grip on my thick, strong, cock; wrapping your hand the shaft, stroking the entire length. Your fingertips lightly grip the enlarged, shapely, head and slowly glide it up and down the length of your still swollen lips, dipping the tip inside of you, combining your sweet honey with the nectar dripping from the head, as you begin masturbating your enlarged clit with my cock and it’s sweet, sticky, mixture; the final chorus of the song escaping from my lips…

*You… all I want is*
*You… all I want is*
*You… all I want is*


Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Adam Clayton / Dave Evans / Larry Mullen / Paul Hewson

All I Want Is You lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
