“”Struggling to get out of these pretty silver wrist cuffs that the EGPD had me in. Sighing as I hung my head, catching a glimpse of my shame before my eyes shut.

“We have you for petty theft. Is there anything else you would like us to hear? Any more confessions of other things you have shoplifted from this store?”

Hearing her voice is a somber reminder of the way I had tagged my tits. I had put them up for sale as a promotion and now I am being charged with shoplifting… Shaking my head in defeat, shaking my head in shame.”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with your #1 DJ Maeve” Nova ReBoot said with enthusiasm!

“Wow, I mean Wow… When the cops get involved then bring you up on petty theft charges let me guess a C cup possibly bordering on a D… Girl you are in so much trouble, Mmm Mmmm, butt just think of all the sex you’ll have once in the clank. My pussy is jealous. This is DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers from our home at Klit 96.9 Drive@5.”

Earlier on this day of 6/01/2XXX…

Trying to keep my eye on this one dude who seems to be window shopping up and down each row and ringing up this mad rush of customers that came out of nowhere. “That is what these are made for” flaunting my chest, my blooming D chest. Yes, my pride and joy for I even have my momma beat when the C cup was getting tight.
Seeing an old friend next in line. Cracking her my witty smirk, “So how would you feel to a bigger more juicy me standing up here the next time you cum through?” Squeezing my tits together for a little show.

“You know Dianna you should but a bar code on them and sell the pair on a promotion” snapping right back as I stabbed my First Sexton debit card through the chip reader.

“Why would you by them?” Grinning as Christen card was approved. “Would you like a receipt?” My final question before moving on to the next customer.”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve!”

“Grabbing the receipt with a wicked smirk her eyes flashing over my breasts. With me getting a little color to my cheeks before turning to the next in line. One, two, three, Oh my the window shopper. Giving him my award winning smile while ringing up his collection of items.

“I would, I would pay for your tits” I said proudly. Then it hit me like a couple of fresh oranges that she was going to put on display. Feeling my cheeks getting hot, “I would buy your tits.” Saying this as point blank as I could manage. Searching for.. Ah, there it is! Her embarrassment, the fact that someone over heard her and her girlfriend, wait! Wait, I said! Watching as Deanna turned her back to me.
Just getting ready to give an apologetic statement. When she turned back towards me. On one breast I could see the sticker that said “Promo”. On her right tit she had a bar code! An actual bar code with the numbers along the bottom and everything! I was.. I am still flabbergasted by her… “Damn that is, that is so sexy” tumbled from my mouth before I could actually catch the words. Paying for my items as I stumbled back. My eyes locked on her chest.

“Have a wonderful day Sir” brushing my hair back over my ear. Looking into the next in line. This was a shy man, how I noticed was his quick glance at my tits. Then the flash of his debit card before her dashed through the doors and into the thinning mass of vehicles that had jammed the pumps.

“May I squeeze?” Surprised me while looking at this short man. Butt with the flash of his card and the flash of light that came from his vibraphone left me in a daze.

“Some people you know” said the next person. “How much before I will want to squeeze them?”

“Um” scanning my chest while looking at the total. “It says one hundred sextons” showing the whites of my teeth by this surprising turn of events.
Finally the noon rush was over and my life behind this counter became as slow as fuck. Once more ringing up my chest. Looking at the price with a million other things running through my head. Chuckling, “This cannot be” seeing my relief cum through the door, that is what distracted me. As I made my way back to the break room our eyes never met. Never until the loudest sirens came to life around the entrance! Around me and my… my chest! The bar code still shinning back at me with the black lines and little numbers! Even as I clutched them, as I squeezed them together! The alarms where still going off and, and I didn’t know what to do? Rushing back inside, hoping that the alarm would stop. Would quit being so loud! Panting as I got to the counter.”

“Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve will be right back.

Do you crave the Sin Bin. The hopes of seeing your favorite player fucking his or her way right into the Sin Bin! Just in a passing game for one night only the Ice Nymphs are back in town for the ultimate show down of the sexual nature! Cum and feel your team as they screw their way one step closer to the division playoffs. Double D Rush vs. Ice Nymphs for your tickets tap online at domstickets.cum or gloryholecentral.cum for your tickets today! Cum to the Sin Bin for the Ice Nymphs!

We’re back, Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve, now let’s get back to the tail!”

“Ah, I see one item that you were going to walk off without paying for.” A quick scan and… “That will be one thousand sextons” as I crossed my arms.

“Butt, butt I don’t have that kind of sextons… I just tagged my breasts as a joke! Right just like this, this… Oh.. Ooh” the pain as the sticker refused to release my chest!
Rubbing over the sticker, rubbing over my tit. Enveloping it to the point of.. “Mmm Mmmm” my nipples were standing out at full attention! And I retreated back to the entrance! Back, back outside until my retreat ended before I got too far. Ended when having my hands clasped behind my back and a J hook sinking deep in my anal cavity!
The freaky joy of this encounter. As one of Easygate’s finest cuffed me without any resistance on my part. Slipping that J hook into my butt…
A minor jerk, the pleasure of having something so small invading my personal space brought a gasp. Not only to my face butt to my butthole as well! Looking into that officer’s face, feeling her strong hand rest on my shoulder. Wondering what other kinds of things that she could do with those strong hands and… “Ooooh” letting the first medium moan escape my body.
True, my love life swallows right now. My boyfriend, well the passion is not there and when it was… Missionary the entire time at that for only 2 minutes then, squirt and zzz’s.
Butt this, this was exciting! Being man handled by a butch. So far using toys that made my own love life seem boring. Up to this point I was a willing perp butt seeing the way, the position I was going to be in made me struggle again. Being on my knees was not a bad thing butt with a long dildo and a butt plug to match!
“Please, this.. this is some sort of misunderstanding!” The jerk I did with my cuffs, the immense pleasure that shot through my body! Wanting to say the same thing over and over again butt the second time came out like a… “Ooh Ooooh yesssssssss! Just let Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” using that J hook to its fullest and loving every second of it. “My.. my tits” using the cruisers trunk to drag my tits towards my face. Bending my head down towards my boob. The unceremonious way my teeth gripped my nipple, the way my hips quivered!

Feeling the strong hand take me by my shoulder. Jerk me around! My mouth is still sucking on my tit, my teeth are still latched onto my nipple. Not bothering to look up at this officer, fighting off my next orgasmic wave of intent! Folding like a little bitch in prison by the way she took my throat. Loosing myself as my hips thrust forward against her navel blue uniform! Dragging my pussy down against her leg. Feeling myself crack open exposing my clit… My tender fucking clit the thing that is most sacred to me butt.. butt not this time! No not this, “Oh fuck Mmm! Fuckkk Mmmm please! My poor little clit needs it! Needs to be ravished by, by yOoou” real not my finest plea butt the way this officer had me pinned!
The echo of my own moaning struck my ears. The way I felt, begging, pleading for more. It finally hit me the way my boobs were being thrust out! Left to jiggle without any assistance! The way I wanted someone, anyone to smoother themselves in my bosom. To choke as they suck in so much of my titties! To make my nipple along with my areola disappear while still making me squill like a little bitch had me high like the victim of NeX!

Panting, panting like never before. Looking at myself from the mirrored windows of the Double D Fill & Pump gas station that I worked for. My uniform in lavender and black with the gray trim. The same trim that had my breasts still quivering in the breeze. I stared at the bar code, at the “Promo” that was shown across the other boob and the swarm of officers that made my practical joke seem so real to me at that moment.

“So what is the promo for? A discount?” I said. “The name is Officer RJ, and I am still curious as to which is the promotion?”
From the look in Dianna’s eyes I would say she isn’t very experienced. Butt as I bent down to help her up. Seeing the cum from her pussy going from a drying substance back to a wet cunt again. I escorted her to my cruiser where she could relax against the purr of the engine.

“Um, my tits… My say goodbye to my C cup and hello to the D’s” as I spoke my head hung like the defeat I was sure was cuming. “This” gesturing down to my breast and catching officer RJ cock as it hung from my looks between them. “Was only supposed to be a joke, a…” my knees felt weak. And officer RJ’s cock was long and getting hard. So hard that I could not hardly stand! Looking down at my legs and seeing the wetness as it stained my uniform pants as my pussy leaked cum down my leg and his cock was so close! So close that I could almost, yes yesss, taste its…
This is the first time I have ever tasted cock. I know living in Amera and not tasting cock butt yes it’s true. And seeing this enormous snake as it rose to catch me. Flaring it’s hood as my mouth opened to take it in! “Only the tip girl” flashed through my mind from some corny cop show I remembered butt that is as far as I got! Just the tip of his cock as it passed my teeth! My very soul jumped in surprise as a massive orgasm came rushing out!
The next thing that I knew was Christen’s voice. That very rushed completely worried rush of a panicked voice. Feeling her cheek against mine, her mouth dropping to suck on his nuts. To help me blow him off. “Oh Ohh yesssssssss” trembled from my lips as I allowed a little more of his massive cock to enter my mouth! Almost gagging! Almost rejecting his cock right there while my cunt came so fucking hard without any assistance!
Swallowing what little I had in my mouth. Trying not to cum so hard as my whole world sort of exploded from my crotch. Feeling hands on my body, lifting me up, dragging my mouth away from his cock! Groping my tits, turning me from a greedy little slut into just a slut that wanted it all in my…
The feel of the cuffs being released. Of that J hook finally letting go of my asshole! Of my hands gripping his cruiser and thrusting my booty back on his cock… “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkkkkkkkkking yesssssssss” the feel of his cock entering my anus all the way down to his stomach! My eyes fluttered closed. For that moment my whole life has finally meant something. Has finally gave me some cause to live by!
The feel of fresh cum as it joined my already spent cum down my pant leg. To the orgasm that I must have been already moaning from this one chance at something. Nodding my head from the waves of moans that still echoed from my lungs. “Yes yesss yessssss I just wanted! Yesssssssss, I am cuming so fucking… OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo yesssssssss!” As my legs gave out as I went crashing to the ground in a pile of satisfied moaning flesh!”

“This is Klit 96.9 Drive@5 with DJ Maeve and The Rave, now let’s get back to the tail.”

“Jumping to my senses as I came around. “Christen, Ooh Christen where am I?” Shaking my head about this strange dream I had. “I had priced my tits and” looking down at the bar code then up at her. “Christen!? Am I?” Seeing her flash a number on a card, seeing that awe struck look on her face.

“I have a date.” Still not sure on how this ever came to be. “I have a date with Officer RJ tomorrow night” as I looked at Dianna straight in the eye.”

“Hopefully you, Dianna and Christen attended the telling of the Great Orgy Celebration? Cause that would give you plenty of practice for your next joke of the week. This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers from our home at Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with more great news right now everything is clear and running smoothly. Way to go perps! Up next is your DJ Andy with Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vf6ee0/klit_969_the_rave_129_price_check_dream_master_ff