KLIT 96.9 THE RAVE 125 Devil in the Sheets Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM ANAL BONDAGE TOYS ROLE PLAYING)

“”Blinking, seeing the world go from color to blackness as the saying goes in the blink of an eye. Butt now was not the time to wonder how or why. Right now my other senses of touch and feeling were at the most acute… “Where was my most vulnerable spot” raced through my mind. “Could it be my neck? My stomach, my…” Gasping for air as the heated air rushed over my nipple!”

“Welcum to Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with your hostess DJ Maeve” Nova ReBoot purred.

“The ultimate torture I would say. Having your main sense taken away from you so your other senses becum more heightened. Especially the sense of touch, where your body feels everything like an electrical wave courses over every nerve in your body. Speaking from, Uh, experience there. This is Klit 96.9 Drive@5 with me, DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers, literally while listening to this tail. So let us no longer delay because I want to hear more. Speaking of hearing that is another sense that can be muted in which you are left with only four.”

“Shivering at the thought of not being able to see where my Dom will strike next. Holding back my moans for if he knew how much that last blast of super heated air turned me on… Slumping back as my head rolled between my shoulder blades. My breaths cuming in short waves.
The feel of my nipple, my left nipple growing so hard till it stood out was no joke. Listening to the muted sounds, straining my ears to hear where he was going to be… “Ohh” as his breath, his air rushed over my stomach sending my pussy over the edge! This was not fair. Not by a long shot butt I had to abide. I must, I will even though right now my breaths were short, sharp inhales!

Getting the sense of where he was going to strike next. Spreading my legs only so slightly. Meeting him with a purr that came out in spasmatic waves as his breath covered the right side of my neck! “Ye..” wanting to finish my first emotion butt the feel of his finger that slightly touched my lips silenced the growing list I felt for him.
Without saying a word he continued to search my body. Even as it has been two seconds too long my body wanted him, wanted him tOoo… Jerking as his next breath coated the back of my right knee. That single little spot, the spot that I had no idea of where he was made my pussy very wet! I could feel his breathing as it trailed down my leg. Caressing my calf, tickling my skin as it neared my, my…
Shaking so hard. Feeling the wetness from my pussy trickle down my lip! Trying like a fool to gasp the air that surrounded us. Begging it to enter my lungs before…
“No! Why, why!” I screamed in my mind as my left nipple was being tortured again by his long slow breath that pelted my skin. Now unable to breathe, my head hanging low behind my shoulder blades. My sense of sight and hearing both cut off without a second thought. Butt his attack, his patient stalking of my body had me when without a word blew into my ear. So soft came the wind going from a cool breeze to a hot sweltering passionate sirens call delivery right to my ear!
Even as my head bobbed to the side hoping to catch him. Hoping to lock lips with this devil of the sheets he was gone leaving me lust alone… Baaing a soft song of lust and lost, baaing for his warm breath to coat every part of my pussy, baaing for his lips, for his breath to fill my lungs by the most succulent kiss I could master all seemed to wane at his next target. Already having my left nipple fully extended, my right was as susceptible to his moist breath. Begging, lusting for him to caress my nipple. To run it over his teeth as he blew his hot air over my skin! “Ah Ahh..” getting choked up as he did just that! Only without his mouth getting so close, without his teeth caressing my nipple! Butt the length grew as the skin hardened, as my breath got short and labored. His one skill, his one piece of art is to make me moan!”

“Klit 96.9 Drive@5 with DJ Maeve and The Rave will be right back.

Can you feel the purr? Can you feel the tremors? Can you feel the power under her hood! Introducing the all new redesigned Puma. If you want to take her breath away then pull up in a Puma! The complete package is only 69,998 sextons. Hurry to your local Molester Engine Authorized Dealer before the release of the Puma! Can you feel her purr…

“We’re back, Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve, now back to the tail!”

“Taking a second, finally getting my own breaths under control. Slowing my heart rate down as his hot breaths still lingered on my body. The goose flesh that has erupted around my pussy was nothing short of anticipation. From my prickly skin to those little bumps that appear, everything was making sense. My Dom, my master would enter me and pound my pussy till there was nothing left of me butt a sweet moan mass of skin!
“Yes yesss ye…” the recoil of his breath. As it pounded against my skin. The feeling of it battered my left nipple leaving a wet patch between my legs. I struggled to compose myself. To get back my voice that was ripped away again by his hot sinful breaths. Wanting to ask, wanting to scream out, wanting to gasp at the way he made me feel!
By the time I found my voice. By the time I had formed the words to address him. His next spot stole every hint of air from my lungs! Whipping my head up, looking through the darkness that surrounded my vision! The feeling of that lustful air seizing my pussy. Delving so deep into my folds that a simple moan would not do… For that matter anything more than a breathless sigh would mean that I had known of his next target.

Gasping for some air, some breath! Wanting to pull him closer! To feel his tongue against my clit! Invading my wet hole that he just made go into hysteria! “Oh” I baaed once again at a loss for the simple words that he had taut me so long ago, “Please Master, may I have another.”
Hardly breathing at this point. His naughty tongue had left my body to suffer under his incredible hot breath that washed over every part of my body. Knowing that I was not safe. Knowing that at any moment his breath would be back tOoo… Gasping at the feel of his hot passionate air rushed my right nipple. Cascading down from direct above! Feeling it grow, feeling it stretch! Feeling his tongue as it licked just the top of my nipple! The first contact. The first time I.. I can cum without any moaning. Butt not without the shakes, the tremors that always proceed with my orgasms! Even then I can still feel the touch of his finger to my lips. That warning that I had already broke! That warning that made me feel so bad, so vulnerable that, that… “Mmm Mmmm!” My cum trailed from my pussy as I felt it gathering in that little hole just below. That little hole that.. that! “Ooh yes” that he had chosen to breathe next!

My hips bucked at this opportunity. My heart stopped when I felt his tongue probing my asshole. The whole thing was to get me ready for, to build up my… For this! “Ooooh fuckkk Mmm yesss” I couldn’t help it I.. I…
Gripping my own tits. Pulling on them so hard, stretching my nipples well beyond where they were before my hands had snatched them! The pressure of just from the nipple stretches, the massive orgasm that lay just beyond me grabbing my nipples and pulling! As his tongue stretched my asshole. Slipping in for more earth shattering orgasm! Everything stopped. No sense of sight, feel, hearing, taste, or smell. Even as my heartbeat lengthened. I could feel, hear everything all at once as every sense rushed back to my body!

Laying on my back, my chest heaving with sweat beading upon my skin. My strength was gone. My willingness to struggle, to moan was no more. Butt his lick to my thigh, his hot heavy breath that coated my left inner thigh had me just on the verge of doing what he did not want me to do.
Lifting my head, staring down between my legs and seeing those big brown eyes trained on me. On my every breath. Watching as my head rocked back as my pussy was so close to climaxing just on his tongue in my butt! Just on his… “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!”

As I lay here, heart going a mile a minute. Staring into his beautiful eyes. Pulling him down so I could suck my juices from his lips. The feeling of his cock as it entered me! As my eyes rolled to the back of my head!
The same sensation over took me. As I blindly blinked into his eyes. Opening my mouth so I could express in words the passion I felt. “Ooo Ooh Ooooh OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh” was all I could manage to say as his cock pounded my little fucking pussy so hard! So complete that I just came all over his cock.”

“Talk about one steamy dude. Way to go sister, damn. This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with me your horny DJ Maeve. Cuming up next is me butt as far as your listening it is DJ Andy with the Drive@5 only on Klit 96.9 The Rave. See you during Prime Time.”

“DJ Andy is cuming… Up next for the Drive@5 with Klit 96.9 The Rave butt first we shall have a look at the traffic out there with our Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie” Nova ReBoot announced.

“Good evening this is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie cuming at you with a major scene on the I-95. There is several vehicle pile up with emergency workers making their way to the accident. I would advise that you navigate the surface streets because this looks like it can take a while to clear up. This is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie.”

“With all access to the streets our Sky Team will keep you up to date! Now let’s get back to the music and the stunning DJ Andy only on Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5″ Nova ReBoot reconfirmed.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vao3y5/klit_969_the_rave_125_devil_in_the_sheets_dream