Bimbofication Shorts #1 – Lovedoll Training Regimen

**This short is inspired by, and adapted from a story I read off the EMCSA some time ago. Let me know if you like it!**

Christina spent the next few days acclimating to the rigorous training program aimed to transform her into a brainless bimbo sex slave. Max recommended the other instructors to start her off with simple orders and commands like “Stand!” “Sit!” and “Suck!”

Christina first shown some internal mental resistance. However, her mind had been so thoroughly trained at this point that such thoughts were suppressed before they could fully form, and often before the neural chip implanted in her brain could detect it and react accordingly with a jolt of exceeding unpleasantness. Just as she was on the verge of protesting, there would be a characteristic blinking in her eyes as her mind rushed to stop herself from thinking the prohibited thoughts. And then finally, after a brief pause, there would be desired conditioned response.

As she accepted the directions, her subtle outbursts were progressively replaced with blank passivity and then. Eventually she was trained to permanently affix a continuous ditzy smile by means of a facial recognition camera, to indicate that she enjoyed her submission.

Over the course of many months, a significant amount of time was spent using stairmasters, treadmills, and a variety of other specialized equipment to attain the aim of growing greater muscle. Christina used to be quite proud of her physical fitness, but she soon realized that her once-weekly trips to the neighborhood gym were nothing compared to the rigorous training she was getting from the facility’s professors.

Christina is currently satisfied with her physical condition.

She worked herself up to the point where she was completely out of breath and soaked in perspiration as she went through these exercises.

Her black hair had grown back considerably at this point, which went down to the top of her shoulders and was soaked with sweat. She was ecstatic at how effectively the macrobiotic diet accentuated her attractive natural curves, and molded her body into its most sexually appealing shape.

Christina was introduced to a new kind of fitness equipment that was meant to enhance Christina’s sex-play potential. She was instructed to sit upon dildo-like tubes that could expand or contract with her internal pussy contractions.

She had never squeezed a dildo before up to this point, but despite her lack of expertise, she picked up the technique quickly.

The next phase in the process was for her to learn the art of stroking it with her pussy muscles, in order to maximize both her own pleasure and the pleasure of any prospective man who would be fucking her.

It was incredible to see her grip the training cock and then release it while she bit her lip in concentration.

She felt an unbelievable surge of pleasure when her trainer at this station finally informed her that her vagina was being “precision-engineered.” She tried to remember when she first heard the term, but she was unable to do so.

In addition to her regular conditioning sessions, Christina was also taught how to dumb herself down and simplify her thoughts with various exercises. In particular, she was trained to stop all thought in less than two seconds if it wasn’t related to sex. To help with this, she was encouraged to sound like an airhead when she spoke, and twirl her hair with her index finger when she was in the process of suppressing her thoughts and shifting her focus back to sex. Both her neural chip implant and the webcam carefully monitored her thoughts and facial expressions, which relayed the data to the computer. Through machine learning algorithms, the computer was better able to make adjustments to her ongoing mental simplification, and react more quickly whenever she made a mistake.

Then she learned how to reduce her vocabulary to smaller and simpler words, like repeating sentence patterns and counting syllables and letters. The conditioning specialists started by rewarding Christina for speaking in simple sentences between one to five words in length, and going even further train her to think in terms of five word sentences or less. And then after that, limiting the length of those words to no longer than seven letters each. Little by little, they then taught her to only think a single thought at a time. This was not as hard as it sounded, because as soon as she started to think of a complex thought or a big word, the conditioning began and she would feel excruciating pain in her head. On the other hand, whenever she had a simple thought, or even just a simple emotion like fear or happiness, she was rewarded with pleasurable sensations in her head, indicating to her that it was the right thing to think.

This was supplemented with listening exercises, where she was required to mentally parse every word she heard into their component syllables. Anything longer than two syllables was to be dismissed as too long and confusing to understand. For example, whenever she heard a word that was too ‘long’, like “infra-red” (three syllables), she was to mentally split the word up into three separate words, and then assign the lengths of those new words. Infra became “in-” and “-far”, and “-red”. The neural chip implant monitored this mental process very closely, and measured how long it took for Christina to do this in her mind.

Max did not want to proceed with her physical enhancements until her mind was sufficiently controlled. He knew that day had come when he saw her leaving her daily massage. These preliminary rubdowns were designed to work into her body the specially designed bonding polymer oils that gave her skin a smooth texture and glossy finish, gradually replacing her skin cells with a synthetic coating that removed all blemishes and carried a permanent scent of fragrance.

“What’s wrong Christina?” Max asks.

“I need to contact someone…someone I know…ummmmmm…about something…”

Christina blinked her eyes in that characteristic fashion as she once again suppresses her thoughts, and then she glanced at the camera that was continually capturing her facial expressions as she trailed off. Her eyelids had begun to flicker once again. She didn’t say much else with her eyes, but she did express a feeling of confusion.

“You don’t need to call anyone, Christina. You’re quite happy here, aren’t you?” said Max.

“Oh, yes, Sir,” she said. She smiled gratefully at him and hurried off to her next workout…
