My ass for the cause M(40)F(19)

(First post here, am I doing it right?)

It had been one of those days you just want to get over with. It was all sunshine and rainbows until my mom handed me that goddamn petition and ordered me to trudge around the neighbourhood, getting each and every one to sign on to her cause.

“We need that speedbump Claire!” She said for the umpteenth time and I sort of zoned out of the rest, but I imagine it was some kind of vivid exploration of the possibility of my brother being murdered in cold blood by a roving gang of joyriders. When I protested she swiftly reminded me that I was graciously being allowed to live at home until I found purpose in life or possibly Jesus. Again, I wasn’t listening as much as I was reading the mental obituary on my social life. “Here lies Claire’s invites to parties – we never really liked her anyway.”

But still. Without a college degree and the ability to bankroll my lavish lifestyle while also paying the kind of outrageous prices they charge for rent around here, I really had no choice. Begrudgingly I took her damn petition and began my journey.

Some houses were all for it. The moms looked equally as penned up and frustrated as my own, and I began wondering if that’s just how you become once you hit 40, or if nobody around here was getting laid. A lot of them would say “About damn time,” others would be defeatist and some downright conspiratorial about the HOA. At once place the husband even came to the door and they gave me a 20 minute lecture on how the head honcho down there, was no doubt in cahoots with the mayor who then was part of a league of.. something… Again I spaced out and started examining the husband and his reasonably attractive dad bod.

My mom and all these angry housewives weren’t the only ones not getting laid. My own love life completely died when the guys I used to court and fuck, went to seperate SUNY campuses on the opposite side of the country. Sure, they’d no doubt let me visit, but the sex was only so so and there’s no way I’m enduring a cross country ride in the back of a Greyhound, for a guy that goes so hard he pops his top around the five minute mark.

This dad though, he was quite something. I’ve never been into GQ model types. Something about the scruffy stubbly beard and the prequel to a grandpa gut. I can’t quite understand why its so attractive, but I’ve always found it irresistible. While his wife was talking, I let my eyes wander up and down his body. He was wearing shorts and T-shirt and I could sort of see the vaguest of hints of his cock, dangling in mid air. I wasn’t going to perv on him indefinitely, so instead I quickly turned my gaze towards their respective faces and that’s when I saw him stare back at me, dead in the eyes.

Fuck. He saw me gawking at his junk. He definitely saw. I cleared my throat and acted as if I was genuinely interested, the way I’d learn to act when my mom goes on about something she saw at Costco. But he wasn’t turning his eyes away from me. Instead he smiled and gave me a little wink. I felt so embarrassed and wanted to get the hell out of there, so I quickly cut the wife off and asked for a signature.

“Absolutely not,” she said.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re being rude. Here I am, your elder, telling you something valuable that they’ll never teach you in school, and you…”

“Meredith,” the husband interjected. “She probably wants to get back to her boyfriend.”

“I… I don’t have one.” I said and turned my eyes to the floor. The wife sighed.

“Well that’s good. A young girl like you shouldn’t be getting involved with boys. But let this be a lesson about paying attention,” she said and then promptly took a step back and shut the door.

“Bitch,” I muttered and turned down the driveway. I was almost at the curb, when I heard someone call out behind me.

“Hey, girl.”

I turned around and saw the husband in front of their open garage. He motioned for me to come back and still feeling slightly tingly from my close examination, I did as he asked.

“Sorry about my wife,” he said. “She means well, but she’s very specific about certain things. Let me see that.”

I handed him the petition and he glanced it over. Meanwhile my eyes went straight back for seconds and meanwhile my heart began racing slightly. Maybe its the heat or the fact that I wanted to slight his wife, either way, there he was, within reach and if I wasn’t completely delusional, I swear I could see the hint of a slightly larger bulge in his shorts.

“This all looks good,” he said. “Can’t help but notice your mom left you a lot of blank spaces to fill.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I hope to get it all done today.”

“Big plans later?”

“Not really.” I sighed. “But watching Netflix is a lot better than trying to get these 50 signatures.”

He stood still for a moment, in quiet contemplation. “I might be able to help you with that.”


“Yeah. But ehm…” He shot me a glance. Not a long and very thorough one, but it was definitely a “size you up” glance. I felt flustered and somewhat vulnerable, but the thought of his bulge and his body made me feel giddy.

Fuck it. I thought. “I’ll do anything sir.”

“Is that so.” He put the petition down on the hood of the car parked in the garage. “I do need someone to watch the kids regularly.”

I took a deep breath. I’ve been left untouched for too long and if I wasn’t completely off my rocker, he was clearly interested in something. Something intimate and affectionate. I could feel my stomach start to churn with anxious anticipation and my hands were getting clammy. My pussy was pulsating with desire. It had been too long, I had to do something and he was right there.

“I was thinking more along the lines of….” I bit my lip and reached for his cock. It was getting hard and felt amazing in my hand. I was like a kind of X-rated goldilocks, intruding on someone elses turf and his cock was not too small or too big, but just right.

“Listen,” he said and took a step back. “Do you think thats appropriate?”

Fuck. “Oh I’m so sorry,” I said. “I thought. Oh fuck, please don’t tell my mom.” I picked up the petition and at this point he took a step back and grabbed it out of my hand. “We’ll have to teach you some manners.” From his pocket he withdrew the clicker for the garage door and as it slid to a close, he pushed me down on my knees in front of him.

“Your wife,” I said.

“Isn’t that part of the fun? Come on, you know what you want.”

I could feel my entire body shake with anticipation as I reached for the hem of his shorts. With no effort I pulled them down and came face to face with his dick. It stood to attention, pointing at me. Seemed much bigger now that I was up close and personal with it. I took it in my hand and stroked it, hearing him moan with delight made me even wetter. I went in close and licked the tip with my tongue, sucking up the salty results of his desire. Then I opened my mouth and let it slide across my lips. It felt fucking amazing, having his dick in my mouth. He grabbed my head and moved it back and forth, the cock getting in deeper and deeper. I coughed as it penetrated my throat, but let him keep it going. I wanted to impress him, I wanted to make him not regret giving me those signatures.

I picked up the pace, stroked it with one hand and played with his balls with the other. Varying my speed and depth. He was panting and moaning and I could taste the precum positively leaking out of him. I pulled out to the tip, played with it with my tongue and looked at him.

“Fuck you’re so good,” he said. At which point I winked at him and swallowed the entire thing. It made him almost cry out in pleasure. I pulled back, followed by a trail of spit and took a moment to regain my composure.

“I want to fuck you, is that okay?” He said. I said nothing, just got up and pried my shorts off. Let them drop to the floor and arched myself across the hood of his car. “You’re a dirty girl,” he said and gave my ass a smack. I cried out in delight.

“Please fuck me sir,” I said.

“Is that what you want?”

“I want you to fuck me.” I said again. He wasted no time and reached around from the front to stimulate my clitoris. I gasped and moaned and then I felt his cock penetrate me. “Oh my god.” I muttered as I felt his throbbing member fill me up. He never stopped rubbing me, just went in as far as he could and I had to hold my hands in front of my mouth to not alert the entire neighbourhood. It felt so fucking good. Not like all the five minute boys who at best could only win a participation trophy. This guy knew what he was doing. He pulled his hand from my clit and grabbed hold of my thighs, fucking me at a slow pace, then picking it up. I muffled my screams of joy and tried to hold on to the car. The whole thing was so unbelievably hot and I was so close to my first orgasm in a long time.

“You’ve got a gorgeous fucking ass,” he said. Then picking up the pace and ramming his dick so far inside me that I was sure he was going to send me flying across the hood of the car. My pussy was dripping wet and my legs started to tremble, as the first wave of orgasms hit me so hard that everything blurred for a while. “Fuck you’re so gorgeous I think I might cum,” he muttered.

But he didn’t. He kept fucking me so hard that I had to grab onto the hood of the car with my nails. I tried to keep my screams contained, but there was no way his wife wasn’t hearing it. “Fuck me baby, fuck me.” I said and it seemed to get him even harder. He swelled inside me and the sensation of his dick and entire body slamming into me, made me cum so hard my knees buckled.

But he caught me and kept going with the kind of stamina I didn’t know you could possess. He thrusted and slapped my eyes, grabbed my hair and muffled my cries with his hand. “Tell me you love it.” He whispered in my ear.

“I love it,” I repeated back to him.

Then he pushed me down onto the hood of the car, rammed into me for the last time and then I felt it. The sensation of his cum, shooting out of him and deep inside of me. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled me up, so my back was against his torso. He thrust a few more times inside of me, making sure the job was done, before pulling out and letting his cum ooze out of me.

“You on the pill?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I said, trying to regain my breath and composure. He put his shorts back on and took the petition. “I’ll get everyone I know to sign this and then maybe you’ll come back tomorrow and pick it up?”

“Gladly,” I said, putting my shorts back on. “But what about…”

“Her and the kids are going upstate to her moms for a long weekend. Maybe you’ll want to stay and watch a movie?”

I smiled so wide I could swear my head nearly severed itself. Biting my lip I retorted. “I’d love that.”

We kissed and he gave me a time for when to be back. Then opened the garage door and I walked home, feeling relieved that the task was complete and that this street was down one less of a woman desperate to get laid.



  1. As a partially frustrated husband, with two hot college girls across the street, I find this story extremely arousing. Anymore like this would be greatly appreciated.

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