The Duality of a Woman (BDSM)(Powerful to slave)(Domination)(Bondage)(Commission)

“We have a big meeting tomorrow, Ma’am.” spoke the secretary as she paged through the itinerary for the following day. “After that, we’ll be reviewing some of the yearly contracts. I believe that there have been a few errors and they need to be reconfirmed. After this, we have a promotional event which you need to attend and then there are some minor issues which probably should be looked at-”

Erin Li tuned her out at that point. She’d already read the itinerary herself and was well aware of everything that needed to be done. But Glenda often felt better for spelling it out anyway. She felt like she was earning her wage. Erin could respect that, but it didn’t mean that she had to listen to it.

Erin was a CEO.. She had wealth, more money than she could ever spend in her life even if she tried. She had power on par with few others. She even had a certain amount of fame in the right circles. For her, the last three years sometimes seemed to be a dream. A wonderful dream that she’d never expected to happen to her. She’d worked hard, that was true. She’d made friends with the right people, and she’d found herself in a position of power and privilege that some would literally kill to have.

When they asked her how she’d done it, she would smile and say the usual thing. Oh, it was down to hard work, a good education, never giving up, that sort of thing. The truth was that it was down to luck more than anything else. Or at least, that was how she felt sometimes, especially now. Luck had launched her into this track and though it was true that it was her skill, her ability to communicate and natural ability which he let her make the most of it, none of that would have mattered at all if she’d simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She did her best to pay it back, she really did. She used her money to lobby for better welfare. She championed the rights of sex workers and those who were traditionally ignored by society. She helped the marginalised and oppressed wherever she could.

Yet she still always felt that it wasn’t enough. That all of those people were standing below her glaring up, demanding to know why she was better than them. Why she had risen and they had not.

She was tired. A headache was beginning to pound behind her temples. Was Glenda still going on? She was, wasn’t she?

“Glenda, I appreciate your work,” She said with a small smile. “But I already know all of this. I’m sure you’re tired after everything we’ve done today. It’s been so busy and tomorrow will be even worse. Why don’t you go home early and get some time with your boyfriend? I know the two of you have been trying to work through some things lately. I am sure you could use the extra hour or two.”

Glenda squinted at her, unsure. She was a serious looking woman with dark hair and slim, petite build.

“I’m not sure…” She said slowly, trailing the words with uncertainty. Desire and a sense of duty warred across her face.

“I am,” Erin smiled, a little forcefully. “Consider it an order if you like. Believe me, you’ll be grateful tomorrow when we have to deal with everything all at once.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Glenda said. “But if you need anything, you know you have my number.”

“Of course.”

Glenda departed the office, moving towards the elevator and the CEO gave a soft sigh.

She liked Glenda. She really did, but the woman had no breaks. It was always work, work, work. She had a drive that would take her far, but she had to learn to rest or she would burn out.

Speaking of which, Erin could feel that state coming perilously close herself. It was true; tomorrow would be a very busy day. She needed to recharge herself or she would make a mess of it. Unlike Glenda, she had no boyfriend waiting for her back home.
Erin fished her phone out of her bag, opening it up to an unlisted number, she sent a text:

You need me tonight?

It didn’t take long for the reply to come through.

Always. You coming?

Erin gave a private little smile.

Be there at eight.

The elevator ride down to the lobby was not a very long one, but Erin felt the first stirring of excitement as she considered the night before her. Her body felt hot and she hoped it wasn’t showing on her face as she stepped out into the reception area. Her driver was already waiting for her, having been called on the way down. He was an old-fashioned looking man called Alfred. She’d joked about it before, and he’d endured it with grace even though he’d doubtless heard it a thousand times before.

“Home, Ma’am?” The driver asked her, but Erin simply shook her head.

“No, not home. I want to go to the club.”

“Is that wise?” There was a hint of concern in his voice. “You know you have a big day tomorrow. It’s not my place to say but shouldn’t you be resting?”

“I will be resting,” Erin said. “Afterwards. Trust me, Alfred.”

He shrugged.

“It is your choice, and your car.”

She chuckled and they pulled away from the building, speeding into the night. The city rose around her in a neon blaze. Street lamps whipped past the window of the car, signs and shops glowed like little stars. Erin watched them all, feeling strangely detached. This was the world she lived in. Money and lights and glittering brilliance. For the longest time, she had wanted to be here so much. She had wanted to be part of it, to live it. Now she was and yet she found it so wearisome. Like a dream had come true but turned out to be so much less than she imagined.

On the edge of the wealthy part of the city, there was a large building. It had multiple floors, and was flushed with golden lights. There was a pool outside, and if you asked then it was a hotel. A very elite hotel. Of course, if you had to ask, you would not be staying there. It was, in fact, not even remotely a hotel though that was what it said on the official forms and documents.

Alfred brought her around the back, where the glowing exterior faded to a dingy alleyway. There was a side entrance to the building here, usually kept locked. There was a woman waiting outside of it.

Her name was Ember. It was not her original name. Erin had asked a few times, but Ember said she didn’t even remember what she’d been called before. She was a regal and graceful woman with dark hair which ran all the way down her back. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were a deep shade of blue. She was wearing a low-cut robe which exposed her upper body slightly. It pushed her chest forward, and drew the eye to the sleek curves of her legs and thighs. Yet there was a sort of power to her as well, a sense of confidence and strength.

She held her hand out and helped Erin out of the car.

“I’m glad to see you again,” Ember said to the CEO. “It’s been too long. A whole week, I think?”

She chuckled. Alfred waited until she was safely out and departed. He would come back when he was called. He always did. That left Erin alone with Ember, the woman who had alternately mystified and aroused her. Erin had not really known at first what to think of her. Why her pulse raced in her chest when the other woman looked at her, or why she felt so needy around her. She had realised eventually that she didn’t really love Ember. She loved what Ember represented. They were friends, but little more.

And yet their friendship was of a particularly odd sort.

“We’re very busy today,” Ember said. “I am sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

A delicious little shiver wormed its way up Erin’s body. A feeling of chills raced down her spine. She tried to pretend that the other woman’s words had not affected her like that, but they both knew they had.

She was led her to another elevator. Once they were both inside, it began to ascend. They were moving to the very top, and for each floor that passed Erin felt more and more aware of herself and her body. Her skin prickled, her bra pressed into her chest. Anticipation bubbled up inside of her no matter how hard she tried to keep it contained.

It was silent. Neither of them spoke. This moment was fragile, almost sacred. A between-time, neither one thing nor the other.

The doors opened to revel a plush and well furnished room. It was the very image of luxury. The carpet was thick and soft, the furniture was rich and draped in sheets of many colours. A door beyond led to a bathroom, and another to an office. Erin had been here before many times, but each time she came she was struck anew with how intimate it felt to be here.

Ember moved around to look at her. Her blue eyes were striking and deep. Erin felt as if she was falling into them.

“Shall we get started?” Asked the club-owner. “You know what you have to do now.”

“Yes,” Erin breathed. She closed her eyes, feeling the weight of her responsibilities and duties falling away. Like chains slipping from her body, nothing mattered except the now.

She started to undress. Ember watched silently. Erin had been wearing fairly standard attire. A dark grey blouse and skirt, black stockings and a white undershirt. The sort of no-nonsense thing you were expected to wear as a CEO. Layer by layer, she peeled it off. The blouse came first, and then she undid the buttons on her shirt. Each one brought her closer to nudity, revealing her chest and the dark bra she was wearing.

Erin did not simply let the clothes pile at her feet. She knew that more was expected of her than that. Instead, she carefully folded them and placed them on the ground. She would remove one article of clothing, then neatly arrange it before returning to her body. The process was extended and made her more and more aware of what she was doing, undressing by inches. Stripping away at herself and her identity.

When she was done, she stood naked in front of Ember. All of her clothes were at her heels. Her body did not shake, not even as the other woman inspected her. She felt Erin the CEO falling away, sinking deeper and deeper into herself as a new persona emerged. All the thoughts, the worries, the concerns. All of them vanished one by one.

“I see you’ve grown out a bit down there.”

Erin flushed as Ember gestured towards her pussy. Her vulva was dotted with pubic hair. She had been so busy lately with the company that she had totally neglected that part of herself.

“You know that won’t do,” Ember said. “We need you to be presentable. Assume the first position for me while I fix that.”

Erin nodded, not daring to speak. Her breath caught in her throat, and her cheeks were burning. She knelt down beside the pile of clothes. Her naked skin prickled in the cold, the thick carpet pressed up against her legs and her bare feet. Breath caught in her throat. She could hear Ember moving about now, gathering things. She knew what was going to happen to her next. She welcomed it.

Ember returned a few moments later bearing a series of items. There were towels and a facecloth, a bowl of warm water. A canister of shaving cream and a razor.

Erin watched her coming closer. Her heart beat faster, her pussy was growing wetter. She maintained the position, holding her body in place even as Ember drew close. Here and now, in this moment, she was not a CEO anymore. She was not a powerful woman who could have anything she wanted. But nor was she yet the other thing. She was in transition.

Ember reached forward, using the first cloth to gently wipe away her makeup. It was damp and warm, and Ember dabbed at her face delicately. Erin felt as if she was being undone. Her outer self was removed. The makeup and what it represented was being taken away, just like her clothes had been before.

When it was gone, she was truly naked.

Next, Ember told her to spread her legs. Still kneeling, she did as she was asked, opening the way to her pussy. Erin’s breath hitched in her throat as Ember slathered the shaving cream across her womanhood. It was cold and made her jump! Then Ember started to rub it in, using her fingers to spread it across Erin’s vulva.. The touch was erotic, and Erin fought hard to mantain her position. Ember teased her a little too, rubbing somewhat harder than she had to and grinding her fingers against Erin’s slit.

After this, the razor came out. Erin held deathly still, feeling the kiss of the blade as it glided across her vulva. She didn’t sweat. She was confident in Ember’s touch, but it was still strangely exciting to feel it slice away her pubes until she was bare and smooth. Ember took a cloth then and wiped her down, removing any trace of the cream. Her skin was smooth and gleaming, not a single hair had escaped. Erin realised that Ember had now stripped her of every single layer of defence. Her clothes, her makeup, even her pubes, all of them were now gone. She was totally and completely exposed.

The idea excited her in a deep, dark place. She could feel the heat building between her thighs. Ember’s fingers traced her hair. Softly and delicately bundling it up. Erin said nothing, holding her place with her legs splayed. If Ember decided to touch her or use her here, she wouldn’t try to stop her. Both of them understood this, and both knew it would not happen.

Instead, Ember bound her hair into a ponytail, pulling it good and tight so it would not come loose. She reached for a dark latex mask and Erin gulped. This was what she had been waiting for. The mask was tight but open enough to let her breath and see. It would conceal her face, remove her identity and leave her faceless.

She swallowed. Ember fitted it over her head, pulling it into position and threading her ponytail through a hole in the back. Ember pulled it tightly about her throat, and then reached for the final piece.

She paused then, looking at Erin expectantly. Erin knew what she was supposed to do. In her other life, she could have anything. Everything. She was respected and liked. Here? It was different. Here she was not powerful. Here, she would have to beg.

“Please,” it was the first time that she had spoken since the transformation began. “Please put it on me…”

“Please what?” Ember’s mouth curled into a smile, neither cruel nor kind. “You know you have to be more specific.”

“Please put the collar around my throat,” Erin begged. “Please make me into a slave.”

“That depends,” Ember said, enjoying the moment. “Do you promise to give up your name until I take it off? To forget everything that you were and simply be another slave? Nameless and faceless, your only role to obey and do as you’re told?”

“Yes.” Erin breathed. “God, yes.”

Ember must have liked her reply, she stepped forward and closed the collar around her throat. She used it to pin the mask in place, fixing it firmly so there was no chance of it slipping or being torn free. The collar locked with a click, only Ember or her most trusted staff held the key. From this moment on, Erin was no longer Erin. She had put that behind her, just like she’d discarded the role of CEO.

She was a slave, a fuck-toy. She was whatever she was told to be.

“Slave Thirteen,” Ember said looking over her.

“Yes, mistress?” Erin looked up. Her whole body tingled.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”


The ground floor of the club was always alive with activity. Day or night, people paid to be here. Some paid a great deal indeed. The walls were lined with doors to private rooms, there was a bar and a stage, and several smaller sections for private shows. Brilliant lights strobed and danced, and music boomed. People were dancing and laughing. Rich men and women who had come to enjoy their power.

And then there were the slaves. They were dressed like Erin. Stripped naked and shaved, their heads concealed, heavy collars binding them and marking them as property.

Any slave was up for grabs here. That was just how it worked. When you bought yourself entrance to the club, the price was extensive but you bought more than just all the drinks you wanted. All of the slaves who worked here were like Erin. They enjoyed it, and Ember paid very well indeed but when you signed up you were told what to expect. For the duration of your service, your body was not your own. Anyone could do anything to you.

There were safe-words, of course. But few slaves used them unless they were in dire need. This was a place which catered to two different hungers. People who wanted to use and people who wanted to be used.

Erin spent the first hour or so serving drinks. In order to spice things up, she wasn’t allowed to use her hands. They were bound behind her back, and a tray was connected by chains to her collar and to her breasts via clamps. These bit down on her nippels, and the weight of the tray as drinks were placed upon it made her moan and sigh. When she moved, the whole thing rattled, tugging on her tits with each step. It made her nipples harder, more sensitive and this in turn meant that the tugs began to feel more intense. It was a feedback loop which served as an easy introduction to the night ahead.

She moved between patrons, offering drinks. People took them off the tray as she went. She didn’t really pay attention to faces, there were so many and to most of them, she was just another slave. Others did notice her though. Someone slapped her chest and laughed as her breasts jiggled. Another man reached out and twisted her nipple, made her jump and flush. A woman smacked her on the behind. Someone took one of the drinks and poured it out over her chest, making her skin slick and wet.

A bored looking couple flagged her over. The music boomed, but in the corner it was less loud. She could already see that another slave was kneeling between the man’s legs, sucking his cock hungrily.

“I like this one,” announced the woman, pointing to Erin.

“Why do you care?” The man asked between moans. “They’re all the same…”

“That’s what you say,” The woman told her. By now, Erin’s tray was empty but this did not stop the woman from grabbing it and using it to steer her closer. The pain and pleasure mixed and pounded through her, making her legs feel weak.

“Who are you?” The woman barked at Erin. She jumped, and hastily answered.

“S-Slave Thirteen, mistress!”

“Slave Thirteeen..” The woman drawled, enjoying the power she held in that moment. “Do you want me to touch you?”

Erin gulped, but nodded.

“Y-yes mistress.”

“Spread your legs,” The woman told her. A moment later, something cold and wet pressed against her slit. It was an ice-cube! Erin moaned, not sure if it was in desire or fear, the woman worked it up and down her opening. The cold made her skin tingle. Suddenly, she pressed it against Erin’s clit and the slave cried out in surprise. The sound made her tormenter laugh.

Before she knew it, Erin was forced to her knees and the woman’s bare pussy pressed into her face. She was made to eat her out, right alongside the other slave. The woman was already aroused and wet, and Erin’s tongue lapped submissively at her pussy.

What was she doing here? She was a CEO! She was rich! She had power!

…She was on her knees, a tray clamped to her tits and eating out another woman desperately. Her tongue delved deeper and deeper, and soon enough the other woman came. Erin was forced back to her feet, the other slave was likewise treated. Erin recognised her as Slave Four. She didn’t know her real name or face.

The woman grinned.

“That felt really good,” She said. “But I like it more when you’re squealing for me.”

She dragged the two of them together and unclamped Erin’s breasts. Her nipples ached with the sudden flow of blood, but it would not last for long. The woman unclipped the tray from Slave Four’s clamps and used those clamps to bit down on Erin’s nipples. The two slaves were now bound face to face, the chains were tight, leaving them little room to move.

The man moved forwards, his hand reached out and spread Slave Four’s ass cheeks. His cock pressed into her behind and she loosed a low, keening moan. He started to fuck her, moving faster and faster. The motion tugged and pulled at Erin’s chest, the other woman’s moaning gasps made it all the more erotic.

“Spread your legs,” Her female tormentor said again. This time, she used her fingers. Cruelly pumping them in and out of Erin’s pussy. She bucked, the stimulation was insane! Her breasts were bouncing, tugging on the clamps biting down on her nipples! The other woman’s fingers penetrated her, pressing as deeply into her as they could! She cried and squirmed, her legs grew weak, both of the slaves were in this way used to torment the other.

She came, her legs grew weak and shaky. Erin let let out a lewd moan and her body flushed with pleasure. Before she could try to hide it, the woman reached down and yanked on the chain, biting into her nipples! Erin yelped, tugged forward by the sudden pull.

“Did I give you permission to enjoy yourself, slut?”

The woman slapped her breast, enjoying the sight of Erin’s tits dancing with the motions of her male partner’s thrusts into Slave Four. Erein gasped, falling to her knees as she tried to regain her composure. Her body was throbbing, her pussy was soaking. She’d already cum once, and she knew the day was only getting started.

The woman dragged her back to her feet by her ponytail and unclipped her breasts. As Slave Four moaned and bounced, Erin was forced onto a table. Glasses spilled as they cascaded to the ground. The woman towered above her, and started to pleasure her once more. Her tormentor’s hands were rough and demanding, enjoying how Erin squirmed and writhed under her ministrations. Her fingernails dug into Erin’s skin, and she enjoyed it when the other women cried out. She teased Erin’s breast, focusing her attention on her nipples. She played her palm along her chest, tickling and stroking the curve of her breast.

Before long, Erin was moaning and gasping, but the woman mixed pleasure with pain. She was slap or pinch her every so often, just so that Erin never quite lost her fear of her touch. Erin’s body burned with desire and pleasure. Ecstasy pounded through her, her pussy was soaking, aching to be touched again and distantly she could hear Slave Four’s high-pitched moans coming faster and faster.

The woman grabbed another ice cube, rubbing it along Erin’s belly. She shivered, icy cold sending waves of pins and needles racing across her skin. The woman enjoyed the look in her eyes, the silent pleading. The ice cube was pressed against her pussy and Erin moaned. The coldness was a sharp shock to her womanhood! It made her shiver and her legs go numb! Her tormentor traced it back and forth across her slit, teasing her labia and making her shiver and gasp.

The woman upended a whole tray of ice cubes over her naked body. Erin cried out, their touch upon her sensitive skin was a sort of burning coldness, especially when they fell across her chest or pussy. The other woman enjoyed trailing them across her body, making her shiver and groan. She used them to tease her nipples and her clit. The last one made her buck and writhe whenever her torturer got too close. Erin came again at some point, lying desperately on the table with her heart hammering away.

Eventually, the other woman lost interest. She gravitated back towards Slave Four and along with her partner, seemingly intent on making the other women squeal. Erin lay on the table until she was sure that her shaking legs could carry her weight, and then moved off.

It was a typical day at the club. Everywhere she looked, slaves were being fucked and used. Women were pressed against walls. Their bodies shook with the thrusts of their male partners while their female ones used their fingers, their tongues or simply toys to make them beg for mercy. Performers were dancing naked on the stage. Behind them, someone had been tied to a wooden stake, her naked body glinted under the harsh lights. Wires ran up to her breasts and pussy and shocked her every few minutes. She’d cum several times. The music which filled the first floor was punctuated by moans and gasps and orgasmic cries. In that particular moment, Erin could not say whether it was closer to heaven or to hell.

She wandered, moving from place to place. She carried drinks and food, seeing the nights and hearing the sounds. Slave Seven had been pinned to the wall with shackles, and three or four men were taking turns fucking her silly. Their cum was dripping from her pussy, drool hung from her mouth and still they kept going.

Slave Fourteen and Slave Two had been paired. Their hands tied behind their back, they were lying on the ground eating each other out as a small crowd tossed insults and praise their way.

Slave Eight was being penetrated from the front and from behind. Hoisted into the air, her body shaking with the thrusts of her masters. Her back was arched with ecstasy and her gasping cries of pleasure made Erin’s pussy tingle.

Erin felt someone catch her by the shoulder and spin her around. A blond man with a short beard and a handsome, cold, face had singled her out.

“That the one you want?” Asked another man behind him. This one was tall with dark hair.

“She’ll do as well as any other.”

The two men dragged her then, pulling her towards the entrance to one of the private rooms. Erin didn’t resist – she knew that it was their right. Once through the door, she saw that there was a third man waiting, this one was muscular and bald.

Each private room was slightly different. This one was mostly bare, a shelf of toys was situated to the right and a set of manacles hung from the ceiling in the centre of the room. Two more emerged from the ground under them. She was force-marched to there, the cold cuffs clicked around her arms and legs, binding her in place. Erin felt her heartbeat race, sweat breaking out across her body. She was positioned away from the face, facing the opposite direction from the door and from her tormentors.

“Good body on this one,” Said the bald man. “Do you think she’ll scream?”

“I hope so,” Said the dark haired one. “Just don’t be too hard on her. If she uses the safe word, we need to back off.”

“If she uses the safe word, that’s her call.” Said the blond. “But I am not being easy on her.”

She heard the distinctive crack of the whip then. Her body froze up, her mind went numb. Were they really going to…? But she didn’t say anything. She just braced herself. Hanging by the chains, she had no way to move or shield her body.

The whip kissed her back. Erin staggered, a soft cry escaped her lips as her skin started to burn. The man drew it back, enjoying himself massively as he loosed it again. This time it curled around her buttocks, kissing the inside of her thigh. She jerked, the pain surged through her body, sharp and hot.

Again and again, the man cracked the whip across her back. Erin knew that there was a limit beyond which the men were not allowed to harm her, but this one was an expert! He seemed to know how to push her exactly to that but never beyond it. The whip hissed and lashed out, striking her thighs and back. It curled across her shoulders, each touch leaving her skin raw and red. Just when she thought that he couldn’t possibly keep going, the man turned her around!

Now, the whip licked across her front. This was even worse, it coiled about her breasts, striking her chest and making her tits bounce. The men laughed at this, the sound was humiliating and degrading. It even licked out once across her pussy, making her mind pulse with fire and tearing a cry of pain from her lips. They enjoyed this so much that they did it again and again, noting how it made her whole body shake.

“She’s dancing for us!” One of them cheered.

When it was finally over, Erin hung from the manacles, her chest heaving. She felt as if her body had been bathed in fire. Pain and arousal mingled and flowed through her being.

She felt the chain loosen, allowing her a little extra mobility. One of the men placed himself under her, his cock was stiff and hard. His eyes were eager and his hands clawed at her hips. He dragged her around, forcing her lower body down towards him. His shaft pressed into her womanhood. After the whipping, she was sore there and wiggled to try and get free. He laughed and clapped his hands tighter, guiding her back onto his shaft. The tip of his cock speared her pussy, and with a powerful thrust he was fucking her! Erin cried out, first in pain and then in pleasure as he found his rhythm. He was not gentle. His thrusts were powerful and demanding and they shook her whole body. She blinked tears from the corners of her eyes, the pain of her torment made it so her body ached with each penetration but she was also aroused. He was inside of her, moving back and forth with speed. The friction made her toes curl, her clit burned for more. She was utterly helpless, utterly exposed. To these men she was nothing but a free-use slave to be toyed with and dicarded. Not her name, not her job, not even her face. None of those things mattered at this moment.

She was free.

Someone else stepped up behind her. She felt them spreading the cheeks of her ass. Something cold and wet was poured over her. Lube! And a few seconds after that, she felt the second shaft spread her body. Erin let loose a low and desperate moan; both of the men fucked her, enjoying how she shifted and writhed. The second man’s motions made her pussy clench around the cock of the first. Making him breathe harder, thrust deeper. Pleasure roared through her mind, filling her soul. She didn’t know what to think or do.

Erin’s body quivered under the unwavering tide of stimulation. Fire flowed through her, a mix of pain and ecstasy both. That was when the third man made his move. She still had one last hole left and he intended to use it.

He took her mouth as she bounced and jerked. She could taste the desire and arousal on her tongue. With a hand on each side of her masked head, he thrust his cock between her lips. Using her to pleasure himself. Three men were now fucking her, three! Erin’s head spun, the world had long since lost all sense and become a disconnected series of feelings and stimulations. Her tongue ran along the length of one shaft. Another pounded between her legs. The third was thrusting behind her. All three of them sent waves of pleasure and heat flowing through her, mixing until she didn’t know which was which anymore. It became overwhelming, a sea of warmth and pain which threatened to take her mind away and leave her drooling on the floor.

Erin gagged. The feeling of being fucked like this, triple penetrated, it surged through her like a feverish fantasy. Before she knew it, she was bouncing, riding the cocks. Humiliation and shame burned through her followed by pleasure and pain. The world seemed to dissolve and she didn’t even know where she was anymore. All that mattered was the feeling, the surge of arousal. The sparking joy of stimulation which filled her up and banished any rational thought.

Erin came and came again. The climaxes washed over her like a great wave. They battered her mind and body, filled her with thoughts and feelings that a wealthy, proper CEO should probably never have had. Her body burned where she had been whipped, her pussy hurt because of the aggressive thrusting. Her ass was on fire, and she could barely breathe.

Eventually it ended. One by one, the men came and filled her with their seed. It leaked from her pussy and her ass as they withdrew, leaving her gagging and choking on the stuff in her mouth. Her body felt weak and she was trembling. She couldn’t even force herself to her feet as the men withdrew.

They didn’t even bring her with them. Just discarded her like some broken toy. As she slumped down, Erin heard one of them say to the others.

“Let’s find a second one. Hopefully, that one lasts longer.”

Erin was left alone. Her overloaded senses and burning body refused to let her rise and gradually she drifted to sleep.


Erin was found by one of the bouncers and brought to the slave lounge. Here, there waited other women who were not needed that night or who had chosen to care for those who were poorly treated. There were always at least some who needed to come here and recover after being used, but Erin – or Slave Thirteen as they knew her – was particularly well liked.

Everyone knew that she insisted her wages be taken and distributed among the other girls. Erin, of course, had no need of extra money but the gesture still meant the world to those who did not have her means. She was well liked, and the sight of her so cruelly treated made many of them sorry.

Her body was lined with red marks, the kiss of the whip had moved systematically back and forth across her chest. The man had taken great pleasure in tormenting her, striking her breasts and nipples because the shock of this never failed to make her recoil and cry out.

She was set down on a sofa, and a soothing lotion rubbed into her skin. She started to awake in the middle of it, feeling the gentle tracing of the hands across her breasts. The cream dulled the pain of the whip’s bite, but she still felt sore and tired. Spent beyond belief.

Erin tried to mutter a thanks, but her mouth did not work. Her head felt heavy and she slipped back into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Though, she was not awake to know it, Erin was not left alone that night. The other girls kept watch and when they could not, the bouncers did. No one made any move to use her or her body, even though by the terms of the contract they had every right to. The bouncers were tough, grizzled men, but even they liked Slave Thirteen and if anyone had tried, it probably would have ended badly for them.

When Erin finally awoke, she was back in Ember’s room. She was lying on the bed and though her body felt much better, the aches and pains were still present. She looked up, Ember was waiting for her with a soft and gentle smile.

“You did very well today I am told,” The woman said. “We were all very impressed with you. I am sure it was hard, but you made us all proud. Did you get what you wanted?”

Erin sighed and lay back. Her body ached. Pain traced its way across her nerves. She’d been abused and fucked. She’d been triple penetrated, whipped, tied up and fingered…

“Yes.” She sighed. “It was wonderful.”

Now came the time for the CEO to return. Ember undid the collar and removed the mask. Erin’s face was exposed again, and with trembling hands she re-applied her makeup. Her clothes were brought back to her – Ember had had them washed and cleaned – and she slowly drew them about her body. Her skin stung. Her muscles ached. Her pussy and ass were still throbbing.

When she was dressed again, Erin felt the weight of the world descend
Upon her shoulders. She was again the CEO, the woman of power and authority. Yet she felt renewed and rejuvenated. Her mind was sharp and glittering, and though she would be walking with a limp for a few days, she considered it well worth the cost.

Sometimes, the weight of the world was great. It would crush you if you let it. When it grew too heavy, the only thing you could do was shrug off the chains for a bit and be someone else. That was her secret.

Ember helped her down to the club’s exit where Alfred was waiting for her in the car. Erin slumped into the car, sighing with relief and a sort of strange sadness as she watched the club recede into the distance.

“Where to, Ma’am?”

“Home, Alfred.” Erin said. “Take me home.”

He did, and she spilled into her bed. Scarcely sooner had she drawn the blankets up around her than she fell into a deep sleep. Exhaustion tugged on her, but she slept well and soundly. Her body took the time to heal and rejuvenate much as her mind had already done.

When tomorrow came, Erin rose to meet it. Still limping a bit but sharp and ready to face the world.


1 comment

  1. This story was commissioned by u/tiedupnympho. If you enjoyed it and want to look into a commission of your own, I’ll happily answer any questions you might have. All work is to the quality that you see here.

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