Mindfuck Ch. 03 — [Asian] [Magic] [Cheating] [Horror]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/uxkffq/mindfuck_ch_01_mans_reach_exceeds_his_grasp_asian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uzv1q5/mindfuck_ch_02_asian_magic_cheating_horror/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

It was all falling apart.

Ed had never been particularly enthusiastic about his lot in life. Sure, he was happy to be born American, to have a good education, and have a sweet, smart, pretty Chinese girlfriend who filled out a pair of pants in all the right places, but when he lay awake at night, a rough scratching at the back of his head reminded him that despite all of his good fortune, he was still just average.

Not a billionaire. Not a celebrity. Not a superhero. Not anyone whose name would be uttered or even remembered in a hundred years time. Just plain old average Ed.

Now, Ed would give anything to go back to being average.

He had been offered the superpower of every man’s dreams, the “Essence of Male Desire.” With a single thought he could project his manhood over great distances. Any woman. Any place. Any time. Any hole. Fucking his girlfriend Selena simultaneously in her ass and vagina using The Power had been the high point of Ed’s sex life. Ed had been on top of the world.

That is, until the incident at the restaurant two weeks back.

He didn’t mean to transport his cock between the legs of the woman at the next table. It just happened. One innocent careless erotic thought had activated The Power, plunging Ed’s cock into a powerful pounding that he was helpless to stop. He tried running to the bathroom, thinking the cleanest thoughts imaginable, even inflicting pain on his penis. But it was no use. From dozens of feet away, naked and alone in the bathroom of some ridiculously tacky French restaurant, Ed was helpless to stop the vigorous clapping of his balls against the woman’s unprepared pussy.

Only Ed’s left hand, chafed cock, and several milliliters of his ejaculate could bring the ordeal to an end. Once The Power is activated, it must be seen through to its logical end. The woman’s joyous moans that carried from the dining room to the bathroom that night told Ed that she enjoyed it.

Ed felt immensely guilty that he had too.

Selena had been sitting helplessly in the dining room wondering why her boyfriend was acting so strange. On the way to the restaurant, had promised her he could control The Power. Selena wanted to believe him right up until the stranger sitting next to her started moaning like she was experiencing the greatest fuck of her life all while sitting fully clothed.

After that, Selena put two and two together.

Now Ed and Selena were “on a break” — the usual lie young couples tell each other to ease n impending breakup. Ed begged and pleaded, trying to explain that The Power had a mind of its own, that he hadn’t intended to shag a stranger right in front of her. But Selena could not be moved. She reassured Ed she just needed some time to “think things over” while visiting her family in China but that she needed him to “get himself under control” if they were to continue being together.

Ed would do anything to win Selena back. Anything. He swore off pornography, deleted his OnlyFans subscriptions, closed his Instagram, unplugged his TV, and focused every inch of muscle and sinew in his body towards controlling The Power by removing any possible temptation. A single passing thought could turn him on, and, in turn, project his cock into an unsuspecting woman’s pussy and so anything remotely erotic or sexual had to be purged.

Ed was one accidental thought away from losing the love of his life. Today was fourteen days since Ed saw Selena, since he watched TV, or looked at pornography. Fourteen days since his last orgasm.

Frustrated and alone, Ed watched the light of the moon slide across his ceiling.

“Ed, r u awake?” Ed’s phone lit up with a notification. The cold glow of the OLED screen bathed the ceiling in a drab hue of blue and white.

It was WeChat, the app Ed had installed to keep in touch with Selena during her trip to China. Most other apps don’t work there.

Ed brought his fingers to his eyes and rubbed vigorously. For days Selena hadn’t called nor texted and now suddenly she wanted to talk in the middle of the night?

Ed allowed himself to feel the warmth and excitement of reconnecting with Selena for only a moment before balling his hand into a fist and punching himself hard in the jaw. Loud wet cracks filled his left ear as the pain on the side of his face manifested. It was too risky. He couldn’t allow himself to think about Selena. Not even in that way.

“It’s 12:45am Selie. Talk later?” Ed typed back with his right hand, while using his left to pinch his left earlobe tightly. Pain shot down the left side of his body, ensuring he remained unaroused.

“too busy later. sisters 19th bday. can we video call quickly? I told my sister she can meet u.”

“Aren’t we ‘on a break’, Selena?” Ed texted back, pinching his earlobe even tighter from before. “Not the best time to meet your family?”

“im also trying to act normal. how can I tell my family abt what happened?! they think we’re good. plz I promised Lina. it doesn’t need to be long, just say hi.”

“You didn’t tell her about what happened right?”

“OF COURSE NOT. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. my sister is very sheltered. plz just say hi quickly.”

Ed couldn’t believe what he was reading. Didn’t Selena understand what he was going through to control his urges? After two weeks of abstinence, the last thing he needed was to video chat with two pretty young ladies.

“Not a good idea Selie. You know why.” Ed typed into the phone. He paused before pressing send, wondering what Selena would think of him if he suggested he couldn’t speak to her younger sister because he might find her too pretty, because seeing her sister might set off The Power. If she was anything like Selena, Ed thought, she’d be quite a stunner. Maybe her ass-

“NO!” Ed exclaimed, derailing his train of thought. In his rage he threw his phone down on the nightstand, his reply still unsent. He slammed his hands down on his thighs and pushed his fingers down into his exposed skin with such force that they turned purple. With slow methodical tugs, Ed carved sharp red lines in his leg. As long as the blood flowed to his thighs, Ed reasoned, it wouldn’t flow to his neglected, flaccid cock.

“… calling now” Selena replied. Ed looked down at his bare chest and, realizing his state of undress, quickly pulled the comforter up to his shoulders. He hastily brushed his hair back with his palms just in time to press the accept call button moments before it vanished off the screen.

“Hey Ed,” Selena said in a low, almost defeated tone. With the whole world between them, Selena’s beautiful face was nothing more than a mosaic of beige and yellow rectangles. Through the low video quality and the lag artifacts, Ed could make out a brightly lit room with a pink wall. Sunlight streamed in through a window behind Selena, casting a saturated haze on the already overloaded connection.

Adherent to the wall over Selena’s shoulder was a long wooden bookshelf filled from end to end with large, impressive tomes. Above the line of books were even more books and papers stacked vertically several more inches high. Below the bookshelf was a large poster diagram of the solar system with each planet drawn in caricature. Ed knew this couldn’t be Selena’s room. It wasn’t her style.

Suddenly, the video lost focus as the camera on the other end jumped around. Second of distorted unrecognizable distortion finally settled on a face that was still too broken up by the connection to make out fully.

“Hello…nice…to…meet…you. My name… is Lina,” Selena’s sister said. At first Ed suspected the connection was dropping audio until he realized he could still hear other sounds in the background as Lina slowly enunciated her greeting. Each word was slow and labored and required it’s own breath. Ed knew that Lina barely knew any English, so he appreciated the effort.

“Uh… hi….” Ed said awkwardly, watching as Lina’s face slowly came into focus. Her round, bespectacled face filled his phone screen and reminded Ed of some of the nerdy bookworm international students he had barely noticed in his freshman classes. He knew the type: normal body, average frame, rounded, filled-out face. Not skinny enough or thick enough in any of the right places to draw the male gaze. If Ed were to be frank, Lina was the kind of Chinese girl that guys like him would ignore. Whereas Selena was a stunner with a sexy body who knew how to use it, her sister Lina presented as a shy, innocent, and aloof bookish type who cared nothing for her looks.

“One day… I hope…study in America like my sister.” Lina said, immediately hiding her face from view. Ed could hear both girls giggling quietly in the background.

Ed paused for a moment, realizing his penis had remained in its flaccid form for the entire exchange. Despite his earlier misgivings and apprehension at speaking to Lina for fear of activating The Power, he was relieved to realize he didn’t find her the least bit attractive.

Selena grabbed the phone back, still recovering from her giggles. “Lina wants to go to America to find a handsome American boyfriend,” Selena said, laughing while chiding her sister who she knew probably wouldn’t understand. “She already goes to one of the best universities in China. She’ll get into any American grad school she wants.”

Normally this is when Ed would make a joke about welcoming a sweet intelligent girl to his country or give Lina some direct encouragement, but two weeks without release had taken their toll. More than anything, Ed just wanted to be off the phone.

“Tell your sister it was nice to meet her. Oh and happy birthday!” Ed said, stifling a yawn.

“I will. Thanks for saying hi to her……. Oh, and Ed…?”

“Yes, Selie?”

“Has it happened again?”

“…No Selie. I promised you I would get it under control. Nothing since…. since…. well, you know. I want you to know I meant it when I said I’ll do what it takes to win you back. You’re the most important person to me, Selie. Please, I mean it.”

Selena lowered her head, turning her tearing eyes and frown away from the camera. After a long pause and a deep inhale, she lifted her head and looked back at Ed.

“I know Ed…. I know you said it was an accident… I want to believe you but it’s just…. it happened right in front of me. You were- or part of you was inside that woman. That’s hard for me to move past…. I think I can get over it but I just need more time… it gives me hope that it hasn’t happened again.”

“Yeah…. and it won’t. I promise Selie”

The sound of distant yelling blared through Ed’s’ speakers, drowning out all other sounds on Selena’s side of the call.

“My mom is calling us. We’re going to have Peking Duck for dinner tonight.” Selena said, hastily, standing up and holding the phone in one hand while she gathered her belongings in the other.

“Don’t you mean Beijing Duck?” Ed said, jokingly, desperately hoping to see Selena smile.

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Selena said, unfazed and unamused. “Gotta go.” The screen abruptly went black.

Ed let out a heavy breath, abruptly tossing his phone away onto the nightstand. Without turning his head, he reached his hand out to his side, grabbed the tiny black knob on the side of the lamp.and turned it twice.

It would be yet another night, frustrated and alone.

As Ed’s head settled on his two-high stack of pillows, his mind wandered to the conversation with Lina, such that it was. Lina would have a rough time studying in America and getting an “American boyfriend,” Ed thought. She wasn’t ugly — far from it — Ed might go as far to say that she was cute in her own way. But her rudimentary English and nerdy, bookish appearance would make her a solid pass for most guys, save for the perennial ‘nice guys’ that lurked around college campuses and would settle for anything.

But there was hope, Ed thought. Lina had Selena and Selena knew with an acute acumen well how to draw the male gaze. Maybe her sister could learn too.

Ed shook his body violently, realizing once again that his thoughts were going to a place he didn’t want to go. He promised Selena he would control The Power. There could be no incident tonight.

Ed shut his eyes and tried his best to put the two sisters out of his mind and soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

“Hey, wake up!” commanded a soft, feminine voice.

Feeling unusually out of sorts, Ed opened his eyes slowly. Fatigue scratched at the back of his eyelids. As the room slowly came into hazy focus, Ed could see the hot pink walls, the overstocked bookshelf above the bed, and the diagram of the solar system on the wall.

Ed wasn’t in California anymore.

“What are you doing in my room?” asked the disembodied voice, giggling. Ed turned his attention downward to the bright pink blanket that covered his body and the small twin-sized bed that supported it. Slowly turning his head, he scanned the room looking for the owner of the sweet voice but couldn’t find her anywhere.

“I asked you: what are you doing in my room?” The voice was closer now, louder, practically in his ear. Ed instinctively jerked to the right, turning his whole body onto its side. He was no longer alone in the bed.

A small woman lay next to him, so short that her hair was parallel to his neck and her feet parallel to his knees. It was Selena’s sister Lina. Ed’s gaze wandered down from her perplexed face, following her soft bare skin down her neck until it vanished under the covers.

“Lina I- I… I’m so sorry…I… I don’t know how I got here, ” Ed stammered, befuddled at how he could have possibly traveled halfway around the world, frightened at the prospect of being alone with his girlfriend’s possibly-naked sister. He would need all his concentration to keep The Power at bay.

“It’s okay….” Lina replied, a devilish smile slowly growing on her face. “I need your help.”

“You nee- what? And wait a second… how are you speaking English so well now? You were struggling just to say hello just before.”

“Oh… I’m not speaking English, you’re speaking Chinese,” Lina’s smile grew wider, her porcelain-white teeth glistened in the ever-fading dusk light. Ed could feel the heat of her breath against his face, the warmth of her proximate body radiating against his yearning muscles.

“This can’t be real. I don’t understand how I-”

“You don’t need to understand,” Lina reassured, shifting her body until she was on all fours hovering above Ed. She moved her face close to his until their lips were practically touching. “Just be here with me.”

In one abrupt motion, Lina’s tongue infiltrated Ed’s befuddled mouth; her bare body dropped onto Ed’s. Every square millimeter of skin rejoiced at her warm womanly touch. Ed’s growing erection nestled itself snugly between her two legs, the top rubbing against fine sort hairs as their bodies shifted. Oh joy to be intimate with another again. Weeks of forced abstinence let loose a Leviathan of lascivious lust. Ed had almost forgotten about The Power. Almost.

“Wait, Lina!” Ed protested. “We can’t! This isn’t right!”

“I always get my sister’s old, unwanted things,” Lina whispered between vigorous lingual expeditions into Ed’s mollified mouth. “Why should her boyfriend be any different?”

“No… I mean-”

It was too late. Ed could already feel the blood flowing through his veins, his cock gently pulsing and growing. Where Lina fell short in presentation she made up tenfold in enthusiasm. Ed had so desperately craved female attention for the prior two weeks. Now that he was getting it, he felt afraid. Any sexual urge, any lustful thought could trigger The Power, could project his cock into the object of his desire. And then there would be no way out except forward, to carry the act until its end, to eject two weeks of stockpiled seed into Lina’s untouched womb.

“What’s this little birdie!?!?” Lina asked excitedly. Her hands shot under the blanket and groped wildly against his stomach and side, finally joining together at rest atop Ed’s now fully-formed erection.

“No, Lina, please! We have to stop before it’s too late!” Ed pleaded, but it was no use. Lina brought her hands back above the blanket and pressed them down hard on either side of Ed’s head. With a smooth swoop, her whole body slid down towards the foot of the bed, taking the blanket with it.

Ed’s throbbing steel-hard erection pointed right up at the ceiling, now unencumbered by the weight of Lina and the blanket. Lina dug her elbows into the bed on both sides of Ed, supporting her head in her hands. She was now face to face with Ed’s wistful manhood. The warmth of each exhalation from her tantalizing lips sent spontaneous shocks through Ed’s languishing loins.

“It’s so white and pink and big!” giggled Lina, her eyes widened in anticipation. As Lina remained perched perfectly still above his protruding pecker, Ed quivered in equal parts lust and fear. Lina’s tongue pushed through her lips and licked around the edges of her mouth in careful clockwise curves. Ed resisted every urge to grab Lina’s head, to thrust his hips upward.

The two strangers faced off in deafeningly silent anticipation. One final moment of calm before sister and boyfriend became lovers.

Lina broke the stalemate.

“I wonder what it tastes like!”

Lina’s head plunged downward. In a brief moment of righteousness, Ed’s hands blasted off from the bed and pressed hard against Lina’s face. Despite the temptations of his testosterone, he had promised to stay true to Selena. Nothing had happened with Lina yet — nothing unforgivable — and all he had to do was stop her before his erotic thoughts went too far. His fingers turned scarlet red holding Lina’s ferocious face at bay.

A last ditch effort to stop her from activating The Power.

As Ed’s fingers turned purple against Lina’s devouring mouth, he found himself again torn between his promise to Selena to control The Power and his unquenched lust.

Lina’s tongue shot out from her mouth, stretching farther than a human tongue should go, bypassing Ed’s straining fingers to meet the throbbing cock below. Her tongue danced along the head, lapping up small beads of clear fluid that oozed from the tiny slit at the summit.

“It’s so salty!” Lina shouted excitedly, her words garbled by her outstretched tongue.

“Lina you have to stop now or else- or else I’m going to lose control. I promised Selena- I promised your sister. Please!”

“Who cares about Selena?. You have something for me, Ed. Just lay back, relax, let me go.”

Ed’s fingers began to tingle from the sensation of a million tiny pins and needles. The damn was about to break. Ed was going to lose control. He needed to make a decision. A choice between being true or getting laid, between a lifetime of love or an ephemeral ecstasy, between violently throwing Lina off of him or giving her the unfettered access to his cock she so wantonly desired.

Ed’s indecision lasted but a moment.

Two weeks without climax is enough to make a man want anything, even if it’s his girlfriend’s virginal younger sister.


The hot warmth of Lina’s mouth captured the head of his penis. The cool dry nighttime air gave way to a burning wetness. With soothing sucks and tepid twirls of the tongue, Lina’s deft technique belied the innocent inexperienced girl that Ed had assumed Lina to be.

With one slow push and an audible gulp, Lina’s trembling lips traversed the throbbing tower, massaging the skin and veins and capillaries all along the way. Deep in Lina’s mouth, Ed felt a collision against the tip of his imprisoned penis. As Lina’s lips bottomed out on Ed’s hips, her throat gulped, sending a large visible bubble racing down her esophagus.

Resigned to the enviable fate of receiving wild head from his girlfriend’s sister, Ed tilted his head back, shut his eyes, and allowed his thoughts to run wild. Such an innocent girl who knows how to give head might be willing to go all the way. May have already gone all the way. But maybe not. Would he be the first man to enter her pussy? Would she be as tight as her sister… or maybe even tighter? One thing was clear: his promise to Selena was a long forgotten memory. He had given himself over to his baser, primal urges. He no longer cared that Selena could walk in at any moment to find him balls deep in her sister.

With each suck on the tip of his cock, Ed felt a buildup of pressure on the tip of his penis. An all too familiar feeling. The same feeling he felt two weeks earlier in the restaurant, the same feeling he felt when he had fucked Selena simultaneously in both of her holes, the same feeling he felt in the House of Bespoke Treasures when Auran bid him to use The Power for the first time.

Ed braced himself for the inevitable. Even if Lina currently held his physical penis in her mouth in a veritable vice, The Power — the projected penis — would soon penetrate its prize.

The pressure continued to build. Ed prepared himself for the projected cock to overpower her vulva, to rupture her hymen, to forever mark Lina’s virginal pussy as his territory. Ed’s eyes squeezed even tighter, forming long deep lines on the side of his face. He was ready.


Ed opened his eyes, still facing the ceiling. The sensation of Lina’s lips devouring and releasing his cock persisted, but the pressure at the peak of his penis had passed.

No Power. No Projection.

Ed’s lungs evacuated a warm balloon of air. Maybe The Power’s hold over him was temporary? Maybe the incident at the restaurant would be the last time? Maybe he could watch porn and TV again or just look at a beautiful woman without getting anxious. Maybe…he was free?

Ed’s relief lasted only moments.

When Ed tilted his head forward to face Lina, he knew something was wrong. Her head was nowhere near his cock. Lina’s head was a over a foot above him but the tight and wet sensation still continued Only when his eyes scanned lower did he see it.

Somehow she had change positions.

Somehow, while his eyes were closed, she had re-positioned herself to squat over his crotch.

Somehow he was balls deep in his girlfriend’s sister.

“Wh- How did- Weren’t you ju-!” Ed tried to plead, but found himself wholly incapable of uttering a coherent thought.

Through Lina’s olive skin tummy, Ed could see her insides move in rhythm with each rise and fall of her legs. As his sword slithered through her rigid narrow passage, her insides moved and adjusted to accommodate his girth.

“Tell me I’m tighter than my sister,” Lina demanded. Still hopelessly speechless, Ed resigned himself to watching Lina’s generous hips and rounded bottom bounce buoyantly against his hips. Lina was tight without being gripping, wet without being messy, aggressive without being rough. Everything Ed had ever wanted in a good fuck.

Everything he had ever dreamed.

“Lina… we have to stop,” Ed said, finally mustering the words to speak. “This is so wrong. I love your sister.”

“Tell me I’m tighter.”



“Okay.. okay…. you’re really tight. You’re literally squeezing my cock. Now please, Lina, we have to stop. I’m not wearing a condom and any moment I’m going to-”


“Yes… Lina please… I can feel it building and- and- I haven’t cum in weeks. It’ll be a lot. Please.”

“There’s only one way this ends,” Lina declared. “You have to cum.”

“No!” Ed protested in a small glimmer of clarity that briefly overcame his immense lust for Lina. As much as he wanted this — needed it — blasting two weeks of built-up nut inside Selena’s sister was a step too far. He quickly sat up until he met Lina’s face. Her knees continued moving up and down, up and down with a mechanical cadence. Ed placed his hands on Lina’s shoulders and gently pushed, hoping to free his cock before the wave of his impending orgasm crested into a tsunami.

Lina didn’t budge.

As Ed pushed harder, he could feel the lips of Lina’s pussy tightening against the base of his cock. Every push made the lock tighter, every effort to remove her only caused her vagina to clamp down even tighter on his unstable cock and brought him closer to captive climax.

“Just cum, Ed. Just cum.” Lina panted, her face drenched in sweat. She looked down at Ed and smiled. They both knew there would be no escape.

The only way out was forward.

“Oh, fuck it!” Ed screamed. He grabbed the sides of Lina’s belly with both hands. With one coordinated motion he pulled down hard and thrust his hips upward, smashing the tip of his cock into Lina’s unprepared cervix.

Lina’s unprepared yelp sent Ed over the edge. Hot globules of cum catapulted from his cock, a mass driver of semen aimed at Lina’s waiting womb. Each pump of his spasming cock felt strong, full. Each shot carried a flood of Ed’s DNA past the guarded gates of Lina’s nerdy and unassuming facade into the most private piece of the most private part of her body.

“Give it all to me, Ed,” Lina said softly, moving her hand to gently stroke Ed’s face. Even as Ed’s cock continued to burst within her, Lina’s sudden aggressive demeanor had melted away back to the shy and sensitive young woman that Ed had spoken to on the phone earlier.

Exhausted from copulation, Lina and Ed stared quietly and contentedly at each other. Whereas before they were strangers groping for intimate connection, now they were lovers who had performed the most sacred act. Lina’s right hand stroked Ed’s cheek softly, a sweet gesture to contrast with the furious pumping below.

Ed wished the moment would never end.

By then he should’ve learned to be careful what he wished for.

“Wh-… why isn’t it stopping?” Ed asked, staring down at his trembling hips, still flexing in tandem with the convulsions of his cock well over a minute after climax.

“Shhhhh…. shhhhhhh Ed. You have to give it to me, Ed. Give it all to me,” Lina soothed, bringing her soft lips gently to Ed’s mouth. Ed reciprocated the gesture, nibbling on his new lover’s upper lip, temporarily indifferent to the vigorous shaking spasms below

Glob after glob after glob flowed freely from Ed’s cock. Yet as Lina’s vagina remained vigorously clamped on Ed’s pulsing penis, not a single solitary drop flowed out onto his shaking hips. Lina was literally milking him dry.

Ed pulled back gently from Lina’s lips, offering her a serene smile as a strand of saliva dissolved between them. His gaze turned downward again hoping to understand his continual orgasm. His eyes caught something more alarming.

“Lina!” Ed yelled, suddenly transfixed on Lina’s belly. “What’s happening to you!?”

What had been Lina’s belly had begun to bow and curve. With each pump from Ed’s cock, the emerging lump grew ever so wider. A small shadow appeared under the burgeoning budge, expanding slowly but consistently.

Lina glanced down and smiled, totally unfazed.

“I told you. I want it all, Ed.”

Ed’s arms and legs squirmed, looking for something, anything to give him some leverage to throw her off. But it was no use. His hips were trapped under Lina’s weight, inseparably bound to the warmth of her inundated pussy.

The fleshy balloon in Lina’s stomach continued to inflate. Ed delicately poked his finger into Lina’s side. Her belly sloshed and swayed, bouncing back and forth like an overfilled waterbed.

Ed’s mind raced. He had never ejaculated so much, cum for so long. Minutes since climax and his loins continued to burn, still slinging shot after hot shot of DNA. When would this stop? How far would it go? What would Selena think if she saw how swollen her sisters belly had become?

Lina placed both her hands on the top of her blown-up belly, gently stroking it from end to end. “My gift,” she whispered, cherishing every square inch of her swollen stomach.

Ed looked on in horror as Lina repeated “my gift, my gift,”over and over again, running her hands around the circumference of the growth. Lina’s eyes locked with Ed’s and a mischievous smile came to her face. Out of the corners of her mouth, Ed could see small white drops begin to flow. Slick creamy tears poured from her eyes. Pearl globules dripped out of her nose, pooling below on the ample surface of her swollen belly.

With one final painful burst, Ed’s cock suddenly went soft. Lina slowly raised herself off of the bed, her face and stomach still coated in thick heavy cream. As she stood on her feet, the bulge from her stomach drooped down with a loud “slosh”, sagging low enough to obscure the short black hairs that adorned her vulva.

“Lina… please. We can’t tell Selena,” Ed pleaded.

“Don’t be ashamed of what we made together,” Lina said, placing both her hands under the bulge and pushing it up and out towards the bed. “After all,” she added. “This was your dream.”

“My… dream?”

“Mmmhmmm.,” Lina said, smiling. “And now that I have what I need. It’s time for you to-!”

Waking from his deep sleep. Ed let loose a loud horrified howl. The sheet on which he lay was damp with sweat. He grabbed his cellphone from the nightstand, turned on the flashlight, and looked around quickly.

He was in his own room. In his own house. In his own country.

The alarm clock read “4:37”.

Ed threw the blanket onto the floor and stuck his hand into his boxers. Snugly tucked into the left pant leg was Ed’s dry, flaccid dick.

Calm. Soft. Dry.

He thought it had all just been a terrible dream.

In nineteen years of life, Lina had never felt anything to strange yet pleasurable.

One moment she was sitting happily with her parents and older sister at one of the most famous Peking Duck restaurants in all of China. The next moment, some invisible force had worked its way under the table, under her skirt, between her legs, and into her most private place.

Lina had never had sex with a boy; she had never even kissed a boy. She had no past experience, no words to process the sudden heat, the sudden pressure, that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and inserted itself into her.

She couldn’t recognize the sensation. She only knew that she liked it.

Retreated to the fancy marble bathroom in the back of the restaurant, Lina sat quietly on the toilet, staring down intently as her vulva joined and parted on its own, as her own hips and stomach distended as if some ghostly cylinder had gone mad inside her. But there was nothing. Even when she places her hand over her opening or stuck her fingers in, she could feel nothing. The lips and the walls and the muscles were all moving on their own.

The sealed floor-to-ceiling walls of the bathroom stall gave Alina lease to gently moan. She listened to her voice bounce off the enclosed walls as the invisible force moved faster and her moans grew louder.

Lina couldn’t understand what was happening to her. Only that it felt amazing.

As the mysterious force pummeled her cervix, she wondered if this is what her friends had meant when they talked about touching themselves. Was this what masturbation felt like? Why hadn’t she discovered this sooner?

Lina’s moans turned into a labored panting that grew louder and deeper as the invisible cock accelerated its pace. Gentle moans had given way to deep pants. Realizing the increase in volume, Lina brought her right hand to her mouth, hoping to dampen her pleasured moans from carrying out of the bathroom and into the ornate dining room.

Suddenly, one final push. The invisible force penetrated deep within her, smashing itself against her cervix. Overcome with equal parts pain and pleasure, Lina released one final involuntary pleasures scream.

Lina finally regained her composure only to realize that the pulling the pushing, the pleasure, the pressure had stopped. Her vagina and vulva were still.

Lina stared down between her legs, disappointed that the sensation had inexplicably vanished as quickly as it had appeared. She pulled her underwear up past the boundary of her dress before settling them snugly against her sore and beaten hips. As Lina stepped towards the stall door, she felt a slick fluid run out between her legs. Lina knew enough about sex to know about women’s natural wetness and assumed everything would be fine as long as she walked with her legs pressed firmly together to prevent any more leaking.

Exiting the stall, Lina stared around the bathroom and, after realizing she was alone, slowly waddled over to the sink to clean her hands., wiping vigorously to wash off the germs of the bathroom and the metaphorical grime of her secret sexual experience.

Lina slowly shuffled out of the bathroom back into the dining room, making great effort to walk slowly as to not let any fluid loose or aggravate her already burning hips. Lina smiled as her family’s table came into view, a signal to her worried that everything was okay. She meticulously lowered herself back into her chair and rejoined the joyous meal.

Beneath the table and out of view, a long creamy stream oozed down her leg.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v3oe3i/mindfuck_ch_03_asian_magic_cheating_horror