The Wrong Door [Mf] [dubcon] [reluc] Part 2

“What’s your name sweetheart?” Another man asks. He’s sitting on one of the couches, drink in hand, staring me up and down like meat. 

“My name’s ah, Faye.” Fuck should have given a fake name. 

“Oh well Faye, that’s a very pretty name, why don’t you come over here, have a seat.”

His words have me scared out of my mind and I freeze. 

“I um, I wasn’t meant to come in this room,” I clamour. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I was just trying to charge my phone.” 

Two men are seated on couches, one is in the corner on a call whilst this is happening. The man that originally spoke to me is pouring himself a drink. He turns around now. I realise how good looking he is, tall, broad shoulders, sharp features. I’m biting my lip in anticipation of his answer. 

“Well maybe we did forget to call a girl then,” he sounds sombre. I am about to turn on my heel to leave when his eyes hold me in place. He rakes his gaze down my body, and I feel as if I am being fucked without him so much as touching a hair on my head.

I’m wearing a fitted black dress with white sneakers, and a small bag. It’s not exactly the correct attire for this place, but I was not planning on being here. I thought I looked unassuming. But these men are starring me down like they’re hungry. 

“Yeah so um, unless you have a charger I guess I’ll be leaving,” I take a few steps back.

“No no, stay,” the man who eye-fucked me approaches. 

I freeze. I was almost at the door too. I wish I was one of those people who had a proper fight or flight response, but I just freeze.

“Stay why?” I crease my eyebrows at him.

“We’ll charge your phone.” he tells me. Before I can say no I feel him slip my phone out of my hand where I was squeezing it this whole time. I watch as he pockets my phone, it disappears into his dress pants. I’m stuck here now. Really stuck. 

His hand comes under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He towers over my small frame. 

“If you entertain us, entertain me, I’ll give you your fully charged phone back and more,” as he says this it’s like something has come over me, I begin to feel excited, wet at the prospect of getting naked for these men. 


He flashes me a grin, and comes closer to my body. His hand snake’s around my small waist, gripping hard onto my ass. 

“Good,” he mumbles before slapping my ass, hard. 
