An afternoon with Giselle (F34f20’s)

The morning after my amazing night with Gio I woke up around ten-ish, the sun shining through the double patio doors that led to a small but functional balcony, I stretched and smiled as a few choice memories flashed through my mind.

I had a quick shower and freshened up while the coffee brewed, then took a mug out on to the balcony. The sea was on the other side of the property so my view was of the mountains and above the flower garden, there can’t be many places as pleasant as here to wake to. I had some breakfast sent up as I thought about visiting the beach that Giselle had mentioned the previous evening.

I changed out of my t-shirt and shorts in to a fairly modest bikini (as modest as bikini‘s get) with a flowery pattern, a sarong, also a bit flowery, wrapped around my waist sitting just beneath my belly button, some canvas and string flip flop’s and a big, floppy straw hat to top the outfit. The owner of the B&B was kind enough to pack me a lunch so with that I set off towards the coast road.

It had taken about an hour to get there but it was well worth the walk. Only around fifty meter’s long and maybe twenty deep the white sand beach was sat under an overhang of rock but still bathed in sun light, the water crystal clear and still as a lake. From what I could see the only way down here was the way I came and if you didn’t know what to look for you would quite easily miss the little path that led here.

Giselle was right, it was gorgeous, secluded and right now, deserted.

I had been relaxing, reading my book for a couple of hours when I realised I hadn’t seen or heard another living soul since half way in to my walk. I’d eaten my lunch and was feeling quite content, so laid back into my beach towel, hat over my face for bit of sun bathing.

I’d done quite well to avoid tan lines, a bit of strategic rearangement of my tops on the public beach, a sneaky bit of topless on my balcony in the mornings, but now seemed the perfect time get it all out. So I did, top off and bottoms just untied and left loose (just incase I had to cover up a bit quick), my sarong within easy reach, although I wasn’t too worried, I’m by no means an exabitionist but I am very proud of how I look at this time in my life. And as I said, the place was absolutley deserted.

After a while I rolled on to my belly and got my book back out, I read a few chapters then rolled back again trying to keep the tan even. I was very comfortable, my body had made a nice little nest in the sand underneath my towel and I couldn’t help but be relaxed (a glass of wine would be nice).

I thought about calling Gio so reached for my bag looking for my phone which I had thrown in there this morning and hadn’t even crossed my mind since. One missed call and two messages, the first message was from my daughter, a picture of her with Pluto (I thought she might have been a bit old for all that but she seems to be having fun) so I replied with something silly like is that our new puppy, or something along them lines. The call and second message were both from Gio.

The message sent just a minuet after the missed call, it just read ‘good morning’ with a little winky face emoji. I smiled as I texted him back asking if he was busy this afternoon, he replied saying that he had to work late, stock check, but he would be free all day tomorrow. Feeling a little wounded that I wouldn’t see him tonight I was glad he still wanted to see me (I know this isn’t going anywhere, just a holiday hook up, its just been a while and its nice to be wanted), so I agree and tell him to call whenever he’s ready.

I settled back with my book again, Gio sitting comfortably in the back of my mind until the heroin starts to get a bit frisky with one of her love interests, Gio is no longer in the back, he’s up front and up. As I remembered his firm body I put the book to one side as I stroked my stomach, from my thigh to just under my breast, both sides. My whole body tingled as I skwirmed in my little nest.

One hand staying at my chest, rolling nipples between my fingers my other hand traced a delicate weaving line over my skin down past and around my belly button eventually finding my already inviting crease. My middle finger lazily slipping across the top with the smooth under side of my silver ring catching my sweet spot.

Suddenly aware that I was naked and more than a little bit pleased just out in public, I quickly sat up on to my elbows covering what I could as I scanned the beach and the path to it. Still deserted, I laid back with a nervous giggle and it didn’t take long before I was just as comfortable, both hands back where they were.

Ten minuets or so passed and I was still wriggling in to my towel, in no hurry I was making it last, when I heard a familiar voice, it was Giselle cheekily asking if I was having fun, I jumped out of my skin grabbing my sarong and wrapping it around myself. As I sheepishly avoid eye contact she just smiles as she unrolls a towel next to mine she pays me a very nice body compliment and I thanked her with a smile and what felt like very warm red cheeks.

As I fumble about trying to get the girls back in to my bikini Giselle just waved a hand and told me if it made me a little more comfortable she’d take hers off. A simillar outfit to mine, she wore it better. A more riske bikini barely covering anything with her sarong tied low around her hips. She really was stunning.

She dropped her sarong and with two easy movements her bikini was untied and placed with it. Now, I’m quite fond of my jiggle, my ‘few extra pounds’ as some might call it, but Giselle didn’t move a centimeter as she stripped off, don’t get me wrong, she was full and curvy, more than a handful boobwise and a classic hourglass silouette, she was just firm and as she jogged off towards the sea effortlessly diving in when she was waist deep I understood why, yoga was good but living somewhere like this would be chicken soup for everything.

As I watched her for a while, not really swimming just splashing around in her own little world I thought to myself how I had only met this girl twice and both times I couldn’t not be jealous of her, last night as she was with Gio at the bar and now, I envy her lifestyle.

Giselle’s easy nature helped me to relax again, my sarong back to one side bikini forgotten about as she came from the surf back up the beach. As she sauntered towards me the sun was still quite high but behind her so the water still on her skin glistned and flickerd around her outline, with the scenic setting it would have made a beautiful photograph.

Now, I’m straight but no prude, I can appreciate an attractive woman when I see one, but Giselle had something more, I don’t know what, how do the French put it ‘je ne say que’. I didn’t just appreciate her attractiveness, I was a little attracted to her and I don’t mind admiting this confused me a tad.

As she dropped in to her towel rather unceramoniously with an audible sigh, I asked if that felt better, she said that it did, she loved living by the sea and tried to get in it as often as possible. Gio’s English was very good but Giselle had spent a few of her teenage years in England and so had a much better grasp of the nuance’s of the English language and an understanding of the sometimes dark and sarcastic British sense of humour.

Because of this we fell in to an easy conversation covering many subjects and it became quite clear that Giselle was very much a free spirit and very open, with everything, which in turn freed me more than a little. We chatted for an hour or so and the fact that I was on a beach, butt naked with a beautiful woman that I was strangely attracted to didn’t seem odd anymore.

Of course Gio came up eventually. Giselle had often wondered what he would be like, knowing he’s attractive and a nice guy but never pressed the idea as she quite liked him as a friend, he was good to hang out with. I had no problem telling her some of the detail’s from last night, she listened with a smile asking for a little more detail occasionaly.

We were both on our sides facing each other and although it felt a bit strange to begin with, I found myself looking her up and down, drinking in her form, as I told her about Gio kissing and carresing my stomach I imagined doing the same to her.

She rolled on to her belly and thats when I realised the little bit of movement I could see out of the corner of my eye was her hand between her legs, she smiled at me while biting her lower lip and managed tell me to carry on, again a little confused but more turned on than anything, I did, explaining his hands and tongue and what they did to me.

Her eye’s rolled back and her whole body shivered as she let out an ‘aahhhhhh ah ahhha ahhh ah ahh’ I knew that sound and I imagined I made a similar face last night.

I was achingly turned on by now but really didn’t know what to do about it.

I didn’t have time to think about it too much as Giselle looked me in the eye (she had beautiful eyes, a few shades of brown that seemed to have a walnut pattern) with a smug satisfied smile on her face, she thanked me and jumped to her feet.

As she dressed she declared that we were going back to her’s for cocktail’s. I thought that was a great idea and so dressed, packed my thing’s and we were both on our way back up the hidden little path within five minuets. I followed behind her and found myself staring at her bum on more than one occasion but shook it off as holiday fruityness.


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