[TF/TG] The Choker

Tonight had not gone as planned.

When Jake had met Sara a few hours ago he’d thought he’d struck gold. With her dark clothes, weird occult jewellery and general goth vibe he figured she’d but up for a little fun and when she wasn’t he’d at least thought she’d have some cool scene girlfriends he could hook up with. He’d gladly come with her to this house party ready to finally get some tail only to be left completely in the dust. Every girl rejecting him soundly despite his compliments and attempts to listen to their prattle.

The party was winding down now; most people had paired off and were enjoying one another’s company, at least that what’s Jake assumed considering the sounds coming from behind almost every closed door in the hall. The main living room was the only place left without a happy couple of some kind and it is where he sat alone with Sara, the other party goer left.

Sara was stretched across the couch looking pleasantly buzzed, she’d spent the night turning down various propositions while Jake had painstakingly used every trick in playbook.

“Oh, would you stop moping?” Sara complained, “So you struck out, big deal.”

“Easy for you to say.” Jake replied, crushing the beer can with his foot, “You’re a girl. All you have to do to get laid is wear a low-cut top and bat your big eyelashes. You don’t actually have to try like I do.”

Sara sat up suddenly.

“Is that really what you think?”

Oh great. Now she was going to get up on her high horse and talk about how women had it so hard.

“I’m just saying, it’s been months since I got laid and if I were a chick, it’d be so much easier. It would suck in most other ways but at least I could get laid. I don’t see why you won’t give me a shot I’m not asking you to do any freaky shit.”

*Even though you’re probably into that*, he thought, eyes roaming over the pentagrams and weird crystal jewellery.

“Why should I?” She scoffed, “You think a few clever lines is enough to impress a girl?”

“Look, I just want to get laid and at this point, I’d do anything at this point.”

Sara’s smile turned predatory.


He blinked at her. Was she about to ask him to pay her like a whore or something? Fuck, at this point he probably would, this dry spell had lasted long enough as it is.

“Would you, wear a necklace?”

…That’s it? Jake felt a confident smile form across his face.

“Sara, if you have a collar kink you should have just said.” He said, “If you want me to wear a ‘necklace’ while I fuck you, that’s alright with me.”

“Ha, sorry honey that’s not what I meant.” Sara grinned before reaching into her pocket and fishing out a small trinket. It was a black silk choker with a silver star pendant hanging from it. Considering how Sara usually dressed, he’d been expecting stranger.

“I’ve decided to help you.” Sara announced, “If you wear this, I guarantee you’ll get as more sex than you can handle. Not with me mind, but others.”

Jake snorted.

“Is this the part where you reveal you’re a real witch? That this is some magic necklace?”

“Yes, actually.”

Jake was about to spit back that he wasn’t that drunk, nor was he some sort of idiot when all of a sudden, a burst of purple light appeared in Sara’s hand and with a few mumbled words she passed it over the necklace in her lap. He just blinked, that had to be some sort of trick surely.

“You think you’ve earned some sex?” Sara smiled, “Wear it and you’ll get exactly what you deserve.”

Jake considered it. On the one hand, Sara could just be fucking with him but on the other hand if she was telling the truth…Worst case scenario Sara laughs in his face and it’s not like anybody else would be here to see it.

“Couldn’t you have made it a little less…girly?”

“Trust me,” Sara smirked, “I think this will suit you perfectly.”

Taking the choker in his hands he felt a thrum of energy pass through him, tingling up his arms and down his legs. A little voice in the back of his mind told him that perhaps this wasn’t the best idea, how well did he know Sara really? He silenced that voice, if she was telling the truth he could have a new woman warming his bed every night!

Carefully he placed the choker around his neck, fastening the clamp at the back and jumping slightly as the necklace adjusted to perfectly fit. Quickly, he opened up his phone and turned on the camera, taking in his appearance, the black choker fitted around his neck almost like a collar, with the silver star resting against his throat. He could feel the magic humming ever so slightly against his skin and he grinned, there was a bar a few blocks from here, if he started walking, he could be there in no time. The sound of Sara clearing her throat caught his attention. She was sitting on the couch still, looking expectant.

“Oh yeah, thanks for this.” He said quickly, looking around for his keys, “I’m gonna head down to the bar and-“

“I don’t think you want to do that. I doubt you’ll want to be out in public in a few moments.”

He opened his mouth to ask what she meant when the magical thrum at his neck seemed to pulse and a wave of dizziness took him. It only lasted a moment but even as it faded the strange sensation filling his body did not.

The tingling was spreading now from his neck down to his chest. His skin felt as though it was beginning to warp. The sensation was almost like stretching a muscle out after a good night’s sleep, a slight burn that was equal parts sore and pleasant. With shock he realised his shirt was beginning to feel tight in the front, the material seeming to stretch. Lacking any other ideas, he swiftly removed it and found a pair of breasts beginning to grow where his flat chest had once been.

“Wha-what the *fuck*!”

Before he could even come to terms with what was happening, he felt the same stretching motion lower down. His hips were widening, his arse growing round and full. With some struggle he ripped off his jeans before they could cut off his blood flow. Helplessly watching as his legs became smooth and long, his feet delicate and dainty.

The choker! That had to be doing this!

With trembling fingers, he reached up to his neck and fumbled for the clasp only to find nothing but smooth silk, the clasp had disappeared! In a panic he started to tug at the material but all that did was dig it painfully into his neck.

“It wont break.” Sara said casually, looking at her nails with a vaguely bored expression, “Once you put it on willingly it can’t come off.”

Jake ignored her, his now long fingers pulling desperately. There had to be a way to get this thing off before he changed completely! Sara watched from the couch with a satisfied smirk as his writhed, twisting this way and that trying to get the choker off before finally collapsing back onto the ground out of breath.

He could still feel his body swelling in places, his chest and arse stretching, his lips becoming fuller; his whole body seemed to tingle and what’s worse now that he was calming, he realised it didn’t feel bad. On the contrary it actually felt…nice? Still panting he turned his gaze from the ceiling to his body, he could see his breasts, still swelling as they rose and fell with his breathing. Carefully, he sat up and watched with fascination as they hung low forming teardrop shapes and jiggling with his movement. That warm tingly feeling was receding as his body settled into his new shape and his panic receded only to be replaced with horror.

With trembling fingers, he reached for his phone where he’d dropped it. Opening the camera and taking in his new face. It was him still but different. Long lashes framed his blue eyes, his lips were fuller and seemed to be in a permanent pout and his face had rounded. He looked good at the very least. That did nothing to abate his anger.

“What the hell did you do to me you witch?!”

“What’s the matter, isn’t this exactly what you wanted?”

It took all his self-control not to slap that smirk right off her face.

“I thought you’d be happy.” She pouted in mock sadness, “Afterall, now that you’re a girl, getting laid will be easy peasy.”

“I want to have sex *with* girls not be one!”

“Oops, my bad.” She didn’t even attempt to sound sorry. “Well, maybe now you’ll stop thinking of women as just piece of ass. I think you deserve a little walk in my shoes.”

Sara chuckled and then, as if on some invisible cue, one of the hallway doors opened. Jake didn’t know the guy who walked out, one of Sara’s friends perhaps. He was groggy, wearing nothing but his underwear and stumbling slightly as he made for the kitchen only to stop dead and stare.

Jake felt his cheeks redden and quickly placed an arm over his bare breasts, only just now realising he was wearing nothing but boxers. A wave of shyness he’d never felt before was washing through him, he looked down at his knees in shame.

“Oh, hey Devan.” Sara called, “This is my friend Jackie, she was just lamenting the fact that nobody wanted to hook up with her tonight.”

“Don’t see why, you’ve got it goin’ on girl.” Devan practically purred.

Fighting off the wave of nerves Jake looked up at Devan and realised for the first time how appealing men could look. Devan had broad shoulders and a handsome face, with muscled arms that said he must spend a decent amount of time at the gym. Unbidden the thought came to him, what would it feel like to be held in those strong arms? He flushed with embarrassment.

What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t find guys attractive!

Devan clearly mistook his blush for flattery as he sat down on the ground next to Jake and shuffled closer. Sara gave him a wink and left the room without a word; she couldn’t just abandon him! What the hell was he supposed to do? This guy would never believe him if he told the truth.

“I mean it, you look so good, Jackie.”

Jake opened his mouth to inform Devan that he was not, in fact, Jackie but instead he felt his mind short out as a hand was placed on the side of his breasts. It was such a simple touch, yet it made him shudder. He wanted more and he hated that he wanted more. He wasn’t supposed to like this. Devan’s hands were rough and felt so good as they passed over his breasts, taking them in each hand and gently squeezing.

“Want me to keep going?” He chuckled.



His voice was breathy, higher pitched and needy. He hated how much this was turning him on but he couldn’t deny that it was. And that he wanted Devan to keep going, keep touching him. Jake threw back his head and moaned as Devan took his nipples between his fingers and rubbed them, sending shockwaves of pleasure down his body straight to his-


He’d been so caught up with his changing chest he hadn’t considered what now lay between his legs. All of a sudden, he was hyper aware of the ache there, the steadily growing wetness that was forming and seeping into his boxers. Shame and arousal burned through him, he wanted Devan’s hands there. Jake moved his hands from where they were limp at his sides and gripped onto Devan, moving himself closer, rising his hips off the ground ever so slightly and grinding them back down.

“C-could you-?”

“Sure, babe.” He whispered, his voice was thick with arousal and as Jake’s gaze followed his hands down, he could see Devan’s boxers tenting. Jake’s mouth went dry.

I don’t want it. I don’t want it…

He tried so hard to make himself believe it but his body betrayed him as even more wetness flowed from between his legs. A desperate whine worked its way up his throat as Devan’s hands reached his hips and gently helped Jake out of his boxers, revealing a mound of wet, dark hair.

He should stop this. Tell Devan what was going on and go jump in a cold shower or something. Yeah, that’s what he’d do he’d-

The thought was cut off half formed as a finger made its way between his new folds. A loud moan burst out of him as Devan began to rub slowly. Every stroke sent a fresh spike of pleasure through his entire body and Jake found himself clutching onto the man in front of him just to stay upright.

“Fuck, you’re wet Jackie.”

Yes, yes he was. He changed his mind, he needed more of this. He could be Jackie for a while. A long while. As long as Devan wanted, so long as he didn’t stop those wonderful movements between his legs. For a few wonderful moments they stayed that way, Jake on his knees panting and then Devan’s fingers moved lower and with a jolt Jake was aware of that ache again, the empty feeling between his legs that he desperately wanted filled. As if reading his mind, Devan obliged, pushing a finger inside his walls and pumping. In and out, in and out, each stroke causing another rush of air to escape Jake’s lungs.

“More.” He begged, he needed it. He needed it so badly. He didn’t care if he was humiliating himself. He just needed more.

A second finger joined the first and Jake desperately rocked his hips in time with them, adding to the friction.

“Are you ready?”

“God, yes.”

His answer came before he could even process what was meant. He managed to stop a whine escaping as Devan’s fingers withdrew, leaving him wanting almost painfully but then he realised what was happening. Devan removed his own underwear, letting his cock spring free, rock hard and ready. Just the sight of it turned Jake on even more. The horror at what he was feeling was gone now, swallowed up by the want. Desperate, he pulled Devan toward him, taking his cock in his own delicate hands and guiding him to the entrance.

Devan was done being gentle, he pushed in hard and fast causing them both to groan. Jake had expected pain but it never came, only pleasure and a wonderful feeling of being full. Devan’s strong arms held him in place as their hips came together, again and again. Jake could feel something building inside him, it was similar to the orgasms he’d had in the past but somehow it seemed to feel better. He wanted the build to last forever but he could tell he wasn’t going to last much longer. His hips began to stutter as Devan brushed against his g spot over and over.

“I-I’m going to-to-“

“Come for me babe.” He growled, thrusting harder, “Come.”

A wordless sound came from Jake’s mouth as he came, waves of pleasure cascading over his entire body and continuing with every extra thrust of Devan inside him. It was almost too much and it just kept going until finally Devan shuddered, more wetness flooded between them and they were both still. With a groan, Devan pulled out of him and Jake felt shame slam into him. How could he have done that? And liked it? How could he already want to do it again?

Suddenly, he felt something cool against the back of his neck and his hand flew to it. The clasp on the choker had reappeared. He could take it off. He could be Jake again, not Jackie, he could-

“Do you want to come back to the spare room with me? My other girl left and well, I still have energy for round two if you do.”

Jake looked over at Devan, eyes roving the body, the already half hard cock and felt his hand fall away from the clasp.

“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v1mrkt/tftg_the_choker