Groped In My Sleep

[SN: I posted this story before on another account that is now deleted, so if you recognize this story, that’s why.]

For starters, I’m a black girl. I am 5’4, and at the time that this happened I was 21. One evening two of my friends wanted to go out and drink. For the sake of the story let’s call them Crystal and Dani. Crystal thought it would be fun to go to her older male cousin’s house. When I say older, I mean he was like 42 at the time. I really didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay in my dorm and chill. For whatever reason Crystal was really pressed about me coming. I kept refusing and she kept asking me. Eventually her and Dani left to grab some food. While they were out Crystal called me still trying to convince me to come. I kept telling her no. However, I did start to feel bad when she said that I don’t really fuck with her and Dani like that and when she insinuated that I prefer my other friends over them (as the reason for why I kept refusing to go). None of which was true. After about ten minutes of the phone conversation, I gave in. Crystal and Dani drove back up to our dorm to get me, where I met them outside. We quickly got on the road and made the hour trip to her cousin’s house.

A little after we arrived we agreed to play the drinking game, Kings. I was probably one of the only one’s, beside’s the cousin (I’ll call him, Wes) who was taking all of my shots. My friends kept trying to get out of taking their’s. When Wes noticed that I was just taking my shots straight back he acted all concerned and was like, “Hold on. Let me get you a chaser, because I don’t want you to get fucked up.” I think the juice he gave me might’ve had a little liquor in it as well, not that I could taste it, but because of how fucked up I was later that night.

By the time we finished the game it was after 11:30 p.m. I stood up from my seat at the table and immediately had to sit back down. I was too drunk to stand on my own. Everyone seemed shocked at how drunk I was, myself included. When we all got up from the table together Crystal and Wes had to hold me up to walk me to the guest bedroom (oh, did I mention that we were planning on staying the night?). When we got back to the bedroom they laid me down on the bed. I was so drunk that when I was laying down on the bed I didn’t even want to move. After a few minutes went by Crystal went to check on Dani who was in the guest bathroom hugging the toilet. Wes came back into the room to check on me. He asked me if I was okay. I mumbled the word “yes” though it was clear that I wasn’t. When Crystal came back in to check on me I asked her for a plastic bag because I was starting to feel sick. She left and quickly came back with one. When she saw the state I was about to be in, her and Wes helped me out of the bed and took me to the bathroom in his bedroom. I later found out that while I was slumped over the toilet, Wes was asking about me (and not just then, but also while we were at the dining room table. He was texting Crystal and telling her that he wanted me).

Later that night, hours after they laid me back in the bed beside Dani who was asleep (or at least trying to), I heard him in my ear calling my name. After some time, I assume, I finally replied (who knows how long it had been since he laid in between Dani and I). “Hm?” I responded. In my ear Wes asked me was I okay. “I mumbled the word, “Yes” to which he kept asking me, “Are you sure?” My response was still yes, although I clearly wasn’t. I was so drunk that the question of why he was laying next to me never even entered my mind. After a few minutes I drifted back off to sleep.

I began to wake up again when I felt his hands sliding under my shirt and over my bra. I remember questioning if his hands were really there. I didn’t respond immediately, because I think I might’ve liked him groping me and running his hands up and down my body (at the time he was the first guy to ever touch me in that way). After about a minute or so I lethargically moved his hands away, quietly telling him to stop. In my head I kept thinking how wrong it was. I drifted back off to sleep. The next time I woke up his hands had found their way into the back of my jeans. He was fondling my ass. I remember moving his hands away three times, but of course that didn’t stop him from continuing the assault on my body. I was practically listless. What could I do?

I’m not sure how much time had passed after that, but I remember the final time I woke up I felt a bit of pressure in between my legs. It took me a minute to realize that it was his finger buried deep in my pussy. He whispered in my ear, as his finger went in and out of me, “Damn. You are so wet.” I was so confused as to what was happening. He continued fingering me and asked me was I a virgin. I mumbled that I was. After that he took his finger out of my pussy and said, “You ain’t ready for all of that” implying, in my mind at least, that if I wasn’t a virgin he would have definitely pulled out his dick and raped me that night.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened to me if the assault had continued after Dani got out of the bed (as she eventually left the room to sleep in the room with Crystal). What would have happened if Crystal didn’t check on me and see him cuddling me? How far would Wes have gone even knowing that I was a virgin…

I remember about a month after that I was so confused on why my pussy got wet that night, when it was clear that my mind and body weren’t in agreement. I started to masturbate around that time to try to figure out why my body physically responded when I was not mentally on board with what happened.
