Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 1) (MF) (Wholesome)

# Intro

Hi everyone, about a year ago I wrote the story “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”. It was fairly popular here but I was getting burnt out and decided to end it. Recently I’ve had the itch to start writing again and decided to pick the old story up. (Just a note, these parts are going to be around 1000 words, whereas the previous stories parts were around 2000. It just makes it a little easier for me to split up.)

I’ve linked all the parts of the original story below, I’ve tried to write these new parts so you don’t *need* to go back and read them, but it certainly would help. If you like the story or have any comments please comment on the posts or dm me, I’m certainly open to criticisms!


[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3]( – [Part 4]( – [Part 5]( – [Part 6]( – [Finale](


# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 1)

I pulled up to Caitlyn’s house, exactly as it happened in my dream. As I exited my truck and started walking up to the door the front porch light flicked on. A million thoughts were racing through my head, and I was having a hard time remembering reality from what happened in my dream. I forced myself to take a deep breath and get my thoughts straight, I did this by making a list in my head of what did and did not happen.

Caitlyn and I kissed, she wants a relationship with me, and she wants me to stay the night. Those are all things that really happened and that weren’t a dream.

Sadly, there were a lot more things that were a dream and didn’t actually happen. We didn’t really go on a “date” in her house, we didn’t really have a conversation about what happens to each other when we get turned on, she didn’t actually beg me to touch, proceed to make out with me, and tell me how she’d make me beg for her, I didn’t actually spank her, and lastly, she definitely didn’t whisper all the dirty things she wanted me to do to her as we fell asleep.

The dream seemed so real it was going to be difficult to not change how I acted. It was impossible to say what was going to happen tonight, after all we only kissed for the first time that day and it was probable that she didn’t want anything to happen apart from spending the night together.

Then as my mind slowed down, I had another thought, Caitlyn is a Christian. She has always told me about being religious, now I’m not sure what her thoughts are on let’s say “premarital acts”, it’s not something that came up in our friendship. All I did know was that she went to church every Sunday and wouldn’t miss it for the world.

It’s hard to explain the feeling that the thought made. Not a feeling of anger or being upset, I wanted an emotional relationship with her, not just a sexual one. I guess the feeling was one of confusion, not just because of the dream I had, but because I suddenly remembered something she had said earlier in the day, something that I’m 100% certain was real and not a dream.

“I wanted you to hold me, to kiss me, and to… to touch me. I had never kissed anyone, or done anything else with someone, but my body knew it wanted you.” Her voice rang through my head as I vividly remembered her saying it, followed closely by another sentence. “I meant I literally want to sleep with you, as sleep in the same bed, not, you know, in the other way, at least not yet.”.

Hearing those sentences again just added to the confusion but also to the excitement. It didn’t matter anymore though; I was out of time to think as I had reached the front door and was turning the handle to open it.

As soon as I walked in the door, Caitlyn threw her arms around me for a giant hug. The scent of her perfume hit me, and it drove me crazy, it was some sort of fruity thing, and it was going to get me into trouble. I wrapped my arms around her to reciprocate and slowly walked us inside the house, so we weren’t standing there hugging with the door open.

“Jeez, couldn’t even wait until I closed the door?” I teased with a small laugh.

“Nope, I’ve been waiting hours for that hug.” Caitlyn said happily.

We had moved far enough inside for her to reach behind me and swing the door shut. Once it was shut, she released me from the hug and pushed me up against the door, it made a dull thud as I hit it. Her eyes locked with mine and I heard the distinct click of a deadbolt turning as Caitlyn leaned her body into mine.

“I’ve also been waiting for hours to do this.” She barely got the sentence out before grabbing my face with her hands, pushing her lips to mine, and tried to shove her tongue into my mouth. I opened my jaw which started our sloppy make out session. Our tongues danced together as my hands found their way down to her hips, grabbing at whatever I could take hold of.

After a minute or so she started to slow down the kisses, eventually withdrawing her tongue but continuing to lay kisses on my lips and all over my face.

Eventually she stopped completely and moved her head to my shoulder, letting it rest there. Her hands also moved to my sides and hugged me as much as she could, not being able to get her arms completely around me since I was still pinned against the door. The only noise in the house was the sound of our heartbeats and our heavy breathing.

“I can’t describe to you how much I love being able to hear your heartbeat and feel it through my chest.” She said with a giggle, I could hear the enormous smile in her voice.

“I love it too, but what was all that for?” I responded.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked me in the eyes before responding. “I told you, I was waiting for hours to do that. You left me wanting so much more when you left earlier with that teasing kiss on the cheek.” She paused and gave me one more peck on the lips. “And that kiss was only the start, that’s not all I want from you tonight.”
