She called my bluff, and what an amazing 10 days. Part 1

I have been working with Sandy for about a year and a half.
We worked on a lot of projects together. She had the office next door to mine.
And from time to time we would have to travel together.

When we first met, she had been working at our company for a
few years. She was very established there and took me under her wing and showed
me the ropes. She was very confident. Always smiling, dressed sexy business
like. She was the woman in the office that just oozed sexy with out even

She is married to her husband Dave. I have met him a few
times. I do not know him well but from the outside he was a nice guy.

From day one Sandy and I would friend flirt. It was odd as
it just came so easy for us. The funny part is we always knew it was just
flirting and never pushed it.

Back when I first started Sandy always dressed to the 9’s.
She was not heavy with the makeup but always took pride in it. Hair always looked
soft and shiny. She always had something on that would make it easy to see her average
size “B” maybe “C” cup breast. There no hiding from time to time she would go
braless in some outfits. No lie, sometimes her nipples that could cut glass. Had
no problem showing off her cleavage. Being tall gave her legs for days. She
loved showing off her tan legs and making them so shinny soft looking with lotion.
Then there was her ass in jeans on casual Fridays. Her squats where working amazing.

One work trip we were hanging out in a bar just her and I.
We were feeling damn good as we had just closed a big deal for our company.  We had just wine and dinned the customers and
sent them home and we were now in the hotel bar having a celebration drink.  

We were both having a great time and nether one of us wanted
to call it a night but we had talked through all work stuff we have in commend
with each other But we really didn’t know each other well.

We were setting that having a drink and there was this small
group of people laughing and having a great time at this table to the right of
us. Sandy and I were giggling at them and how much fun they were having. We
were teasing saying we need to go join them.

Well, I had to use the bathroom and I went by the table and
I see what they are doing. To tell the truth I never heard or saw this before.
But they were all playing Truth or Dare on a phone app.

When I got back to the table, I pulled out my phone. I tell
her, what I saw and down loaded the app.

We started playing and again drinking and not really paying
attention to what one I down loaded. It was an adult version. We started just reading
the questions and dares. We were laughing our heads off. But not answering or
doing any of them. But as time went on, we were starting to answer the
questions. We didn’t even try the dares but we were having a blast getting to
know each other on a level her or I never thought would happen.  

We found out a lot about each other. One of the things that
she told me is she never tells her man no. She was telling me about all the fun
crazy place her and her man have done it. Some of the thing I questioned to
myself asking if she was lying or telling the truth.

She then asked me where the craziest place I had ever

I told her that I was in a bar with 2 girls I worked with
back at my old company. One thing led to the other and we were talking about
oral and when I told them how much I loved it and that I have been told I was
good at it. They laughed at me saying all guys think they are good at it.
Before I knew it, I was under the table taking care of one of the girls as the
other one watched.

Sandy was smiling and telling me how hot that sounded. She
kept coming back to me eating pussy and I told her that was my weakness. Tasting
a girl any time anywhere.

That night we called it a night but wow we knew a lot about
each other now.

As time went on, she started changing. It took me awhile to
see it. But she slowly started dressing frumpier. Sometimes had make up on some
time not. Went from 98% of the time with her hair down to a bun most of the
time.  The cleavage drifted away, she
started to wear long dresses to her feet, I can’t remember her wearing jeans to

Her and I were on different projects so were not working
together much at all. But with her office next door to mine. She always had to
walk by my door so I saw her every day.

It was a Friday and Sandy put in her 2 weeks as her and her
husband were moving. A group of us from the office got together and said we
were all taking her out for a farewell drink after work.  

Well, everyone took off and it was just Sandy and me. You
could tell she was trying to push off going home.

We had a slow in the talk and I was looking at her and
thinking what happened to the hot sexy woman she was before?

I guess she could see the look on my face and asked. What’s
the matter?  

I giggled as I was nervous to say what was on my mind.

She then asked again, is everything ok?

I broke and said, funny you ask that as I was going to ask
you the same thing.

Why would you ask that of me?

Well, I have known you for a good amount of time.

She pops in, God knows how much you know of me.

We both laugh. Right?

Ok Sandy, if this is to much tell me to kiss off. But you
have changed a lot. It is like you do not feel yourself any more. Now I’m not
saying you are not the same beautiful woman here in front of me. But when we
first met you oozed sexy. You held you head up and your breast out.

That lighten up the mood a little as we both laughed at

All kidding aside, I know you and it is like you are hiding

She starts to tear up and she gives into my talk and opens

She tells me, that her sex life sucks.

Dave does not have sex with you anymore?

She pauses for a minute and she goes, remember when I said I
have never said no to Dave? Well, that still holds true. He fucks me every morning
and a few more times a week when he is in the mood. But that is just what it
is. He will wake up horny, fuck me and leaves for work. Then some times when he
comes home from having a drink with his friends, he will fuck me and pass out.
I can not remember the time he made me cum and we have sex. It is always just
him fucking me, cumming and leaving or passing out.

So, I started letting myself go. I thought if I stopped
taking care of myself, he would stop just well, fucking me.

I laughed and told her you can’t stop being adorable and
beautiful that is just you. Under those frumpy clothes is still the hot body he

She turns red and smile. Thank you but you have not seen
what I look like under here. I stopped laying out so I’m white as hell, I
stopped shaving as much.

My eyebrow went up when she said that.

She turns red again and she tells me yes even there. I still
shave my legs and pits at times but not all the time. But down there it has
been 6 months.

We talked more and I tried to get her to feel better about
herself. I told her is she wants to cum again she should try on her side and
maybe he will go back to being how he was.

I asked her when that last time she started it.

She could not remember. I told her. You should go home pull
his cock out suck him hard and ride him till you both cum. I bet if he sees how
beautiful you look cumming again, he will want to try harder and he can see you
are still into him.

You are right and so we left the bar.

We do not work on Saturday much but I have a few things to
do and a big phone meeting. So, I’m in my office and I see Sandy walk by and it
shocked me as I want not expecting her.

I walk in her office, what are you here for?

You can see she looks frustrated; I have a few things I
thought I would do before I leave the company and to tell the truth. I needed
out of the house before Dave woke up and tried to fuck me before his golf game.
He has always told me he plays better is he get some before his game. I hope he
plays like shit today.

So, I take it last night didn’t go well.

She looks at me and tells me. After our talk at the bar, I
was thinking you are right. I have not been fun and sexy in a long time and
thought I would do what you said.  

I walked in and he was watching sports center and I got on
my hands and knees, unzipped his pants. Fished his soft cock out and started
sucking him. He was drunk and it was for ever to get him hard. But I did it.
Once he was hard, I slid up his lap and mounted him. I was moaning in his ear
telling him how much I love his cock and how good he makes me feel as I rode
him. I may have gotten 4 or 5 good strokes in and he cums, goes soft in me and
passes out.

I’m so sorry.

It’s ok. I’m use to it.

Well, he was drunk. Maybe he loved it but was too drunk to
let you know and help you the right way. You know guys and whisky dick.

I’m trying to put light into things for her. In hopes to make
her feel better.

I leave her office and I get on my call. It was about an
hour and my call was coming to an end. I look up and I see Dave walk by and into
Sandy’s office.

About 5 minute later I hang up and I hear Sandy’s door open
and Dave walks out tucking in his shirt.

I get up and her door was open and I walk in as she is still
setting on her desk and she drops her dress down and her panties are still
laying on the floor.  

When I walk in and we make eye contact. She is still
breathing a little heavy and red in the face. I know just what had happen. We
are not saying anything and she is still setting on the desk.

I have no idea why we are not talking but we are both just
looking at each other.

She breaks the silence; she is still in the heat of the
moment and the only thing that comes out of her mouth is.

“You said you would any time anywhere”

It was like something just clicked in me and I was on autopilot.
I sat in her chare and lifted her legs up on the desk. I put my head under the
dress and found a nice hairy pussy. I bent to take my first lick and that is
when I tasted him too. It was like she knows right then and she grabbed my head
and goes, wait Dave just……

But I wanted to help her and I said fuck it and I ran my
tongue over her pussy again and this time the tip found her clit and she moans
out and pulls me to her now.

It didn’t take long for her to cum her first time. But I
didn’t want to stop so I slid my tongue in her as deep as I could and just
tongued and licked her freshly fucked pussy. After a few I could tell she was
ready again and I moved back to her clit and I wrapped my lips around it and
started sucking on it as I flicked my tongue over it till, she came again.

I slide my head out of her dress and got back up. She smiles
at me and thanked me.

I looked at her and said “any time any place” and winked.  


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