KLIT 96.9 THE RAVE 114 Moanings of Detention Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM ANAL BONDAGE TOYS ROLE PLAYING)

“”The loud pop of Cum Gum echoes throughout the classroom startling Professor Galant. Turning slightly towards the students to attend this after school detention hall as her eyes played over the small groups. “Three girls chatting” the Professor noted. “Two guys staring into space and four talking a little loud butt none of them” the one thing that the Professor noted was one missing student. Sighing, “You know I have been at this for two long” stepping forward and glancing over her other shoulder. “Check, one female who is…” getting the creeps for she was staring right back at me.”

“Prime Time at Klit 96.9 The Rave with DJ Maeve” Nova ReBoot said in a sonic voice. “Prime Time at Klit 96.9 The Rave with DJ Maeve” Nova ReBoot repeating the statement again this time in a standard tone.

“Yea, Nova ReBoot, I do not like the way your sonic voice sounded. Now that I am done with that” the mic went dead for just a second, “You know it is a good thing that everything that I am saying is delayed approximately seven seconds cause I would have been speaking into a dead mic. Hint, hint.” Clearing my throat, “This tail is aimed towards the college crowd so ladies get ready. This is Prime Time Klit 96.9 with me, DJ Maeve and The Rave, now let’s get back to the tail of the Moanings of Detention.”

“Clearing my throat so I could have everyone’s attention. “I hope that all of you have given some thought as to the reason why you were brought here to detention.” Watching as everyone bowed their head in recognition of what and why they had to be here today. “Very good, bye bye” Professor Galant gestured to everyone except one.
“Miss Valentine could you hold for a minute” waiting till the last student crossed the threshold here by leaving my lecture hall. “Now we really need to talk…”

This was something that I didn’t feel so good about. Usually it is to “speak” or to “prattle” butt never to “talk”. Nervously I chewed my Cum Gum, the only good thing was it still held that creamy flavor even after an hour. “Yeh, what is it?” I spilled cause the feeling of being cornered did not sit well with me.”

“This is Prime Time Klit 96.9 with DJ Maeve and The Rave, now back to our spanking collection of tails.”

“Miss Valentine, Claire” taking a more relaxed pose and leaning against my desk. “How should I put this” looking over to her even though she was clearly not paying any attention to me. “I am madly in love with you. And I want your body on my desk, naked” blinking as I still stood there waiting for her response.

Standing up and marching forward. Gripping my tit in my hand. “Somehow I knew that you would cum around to my way of thinking” placing one knee on the professor’s desk. “Now let’s get nasty” balancing myself just on the edge of the desk. Thrusting my booty in the air and feeling my paneled skirt flutter against my hips. Laying my head down on that hard wooden desk, raising my hand as I called for Professor Galant’s attention. “Oh Leanna” I whispered shaking my booty, my bare naked booty!

“Miss Valentine!” I absconded, “Just where is your manners?” I pushed myself off my desk, my pussy was already wet from the lewd gestures Claire was doing under her own desk. Spreading her legs, probing, teasing that hot pussy. I even thought I saw her go one step further and penetrate her barely there butt with two fingers. Feeling flustered and embarrassed over my statement I, I had no choice.
Clearing my throat again because my spit glands were drooling for… “Oh my” my eyes fixed on that perfect booty that jutted in the air. I could feel my own cum as it leaked down my leg. “Now” saying this in a shaky voice betrayed my intent. Swallowing hard against my own growing passion for that… As I stepped one more pace forward I could see the wetness in her cunt calling for me. Calling for me so it can kiss my mouth in utter ecstasy.
“Claire” as I spoke my eyes followed my arm down to where my hand was. As I stared, watching my fingers disappear into my own pussy. “Claire” I stammered one last time! Reaching forward to touch that perfect ass that graced my desk! Something, somehow propelled me forward even more! “Claire” almost in a moan, my tongue hovering just a few centimeters away from that sweet aroma.
“Claire” upon saying this my mouth descended upon that wet slit. My own fingers tore into mine as well. Knowing where to go the instant surge drove me into a full fledged orgasm before I actually knew I was Claire’s own riding post for her own orgasm!

Shifting with this new hotness I felt breathing down my crack. The hot musk air was tickling me in every direction butt wrong. My own voice sounded as I cried then screamed for more! “Ooo Ooh yes yesss…” That is all it took to get me so damn wet!”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Prime Time with DJ Maeve, we shall be right back after this message.

How far will you go for savings? How about one place where there is savings abound! We are talking about the Thrust Mall of savings! Throughout the Great Orgy Celebration your parking will always be free and so will the savings inside this collection of stores and shops! With anything to capture your imagination if you can’t find it then it was never made! Mmm, you looking for food perhaps then look no further we have everything from every cuisine out there! So cum on down to the shop, store, collection of… The Thrust Mall!”

We’re back, Prime Time Klit 96.9 and DJ Maeve and The Rave, now back to the tail!”

“Sliding back, my crotch trying to catch Leanna’s mouth. To caress her tongue, to entice it for more orgasms. For more… “Ooooh fuckkk” I breathed. Not only chasing her tongue butt putting my own butt on the line just to feel her tongue on it! “Ooooh yesss” not believing what I was saying. Thrusting my booty back further, teasing her tongue with my trembling butthole! “I, I Ooo Ooh.. … ….” Concentrating on not cuming my final thrust back proved me so wrong, so fast that I barely had time to moan! “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” flooded from my mouth! My head drug along that heavy wooden surface. My mind was gone and I did not care! Feeling the stab of two fingers in my slit. Busting my bubble of sanctity. My hips trembled, my chest heaved and I came like no other! “Ooooh yesss Ooh yesssssssss fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm fuckkk Mmmmmm so fucking gOood!” Going from my new huddled position, scrunched down so that all that stood was my booty to a full not so pornographic arch of my back!
Panting as I lay across her desk. Wanting to do her just the same way she just turned my world upside down with her tongue. Rolling over with my legs spread once again. Sitting up as I pulled that sweet mouth in close so I could clean it off.

“Oh you, Mmm you are so bad” moaning while Miss Valentine ran her tongue over my lips. Allowing the next path, then the next butt finally catching that wagging tongue on its fourth trip. Opening my mouth, inhaling just slightly. Pulling that tongue that only tasted like Claire into my mouth. Guiding her hand down to my waist band. Seizing her hand as we inched down to my wet muff. The anticipation was killing me. Holding my hips as stead as I could, flicking at her tongue as they spared off in Claire’s mouth. Then, right then I felt a weakness wash over my body! As my tongue faltered she took advantage and pressed her tongue into my mouth. Trying to stifle a moan. Feeling it creep out of my throat… Thrusting my hips forward as Claire’s fingertip touched my clit. Instantly reeling as my restraint fell short, as my voice shook from my lungs and loins! As I erupted into my own orgasm complete with my throaty moans and wet cunt…

Feeling more relaxed now that I have caused a professor to climax. Yes, this was new to me. The first time I had actually sexual contact with one of my professors. Yes, in my time here at this college I have had a few that I’ve gone home and masturbated so hard over that I swore I would miss the next day. Butt her, Professor Galant had started this and, and… My hips, my thighs, my stomach they jiggled as I felt her hard sexy leg rubbing against my silt! Pressing it further I could feel my lips as they split. “I.. am… Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh” pulling Leanna’s body tighter as my legs interlaced with hers!
The look on my face should have said it all. My limbs were a tangled mess with Professor Galant’s. From the moaning mess of my voice to the way she clutched my hair! “Mmm Mmmm… No don’t I’m not finished cuming yet” I protested! My wet slit felt so good that it needed more!

Pulling her hair, breaking Claire’s precious kiss. Taking small, precise kisses down from her mouth. Grating her soaked cunt against my leg. Spanking, grabbing that butt that just needed to be penetrated.
My kissing slowed while I caressed Miss Valentine’s neck. Finding her threshold for pleasure, finding how far one can go before the pain sets in. My teeth scraped against her neck followed by a kiss. My teeth pinched the skin under them moving further down her graceful neck. My teeth seized her by the throat! I could feel the pressure that I was exerting on her neck. I could feel the moisture as it dripped down her throat. The blood as it was being pumped up, struggling through the artery as my teeth were looking to close it. I could feel her passion, her pre-moaning cries for release. Recoiling so fast that it left a void where my mouth had been! Hearing the soft cries turning into a solid moan for attention my mouth returned right back to the place that it was only a few heartbeats away.

“OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo yesss yessssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” She had, she did! Made me orgasm just over a kiss! Made me, Claire Valentine cum so fucking hard over a kiss! Is this how pets feel? Slaves?
No longer caring who knew about this new love affair. Not caring about my grades or anything else that would not have to do with Professor Leana Galant! I… And it hit me so hard… The fact that she was gone from my throat, gone from my body! Feeling the hardwood under my back I tried to lift myself up. Tried to make it butt at this moment, at this time my loins screamed out in a major O! Gripping the desk with both hands. Feeling the wood leave my butt as my hips rose, as any words I had in store for that moment tumbled to my mouth in a jumbled mess! Opening my mouth, not afraid of what was going to cum out. Gasping as hands, her hands clutched my tits! Smashing, tearing them up in a hard pinch to my nipples! That wet sound of my cunt being suckled! Of my whole world imploding due to one mouth. That tongue, the way it danced with my clit! The spinning, the pounding that was cuming through my body! I, I just wanted to cum so bad, so hard and.. and it all made sense!
Lifting and falling my hips pumped. Breathing so shallow that barely any air escaped my lungs. Yes, I am about to cum! Yes yesss I knew it! Pumping my hips higher, taking in less air, pulling against my own tits and… And… ….

Nothing? Nothing came out. No cum. No words or moaning. Just nothing!?
The feel of her tongue slipping from my clit. The way it slid down my pussy crack and, and… Then it hit me just like a slap in the face! My face was contorted as words and moans tumbled from my wet hole! As cum poured from my slit while fingers danced on my clit! Pulling my lips apart. Feeling the tremendous pressure of this orgasm to beat all other orgasms! Spreading my lips as far as I could and… “Yes Oh yes yesss yessssss! I’m squirting” even through my closed eyes I could see my cum as it cascaded on the floor! A rain that has never ever happened this way before, never ever!”

“This is Prime Time Klit 96.9 The Rave with DJ Maeve, now we shall continue with the tail.”

Panting hard at the mess I made on the floor. Feeling the hardwood under my fanny as it was wet and my cum filled pussy. My body felt squeamish. Tired and energized both at the same time. As I rose from Professor Galant desk, as my shaky legs carried me to her. I rested my head against her tit, “Thank you” I muttered.

Gripping Miss Valentine from my chest. Taking her by the jaw as my eyes narrowed. “If you want to thank me start by cleaning up your mess” my words were hard for her to understand. Butt with my firm hand rotating that pretty little head towards my soaked floor and dripping desk. “You can call this punishment for your transgressions” pulling away from Miss Valentine as I continued my work on the white marker board. Stopping only once to tell Miss Valentine, “See you tomorrow as well.”

“With an orgasm like that I would say and the day after, then the next day, so on and so forth. This is Prime Time Klit 96.9 with me, DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers with the hottest tails from around Easygate! If you have a special tail that you would like to share then please give us a call @8437283 that is The-Rave or hook-up with us online @klit969therave.cum so you can leave your story for the rest of the world to hear. Next up is Prime Time Renee with the hottest station on the East coast Klit 96.9 The Rave!”

“Welcum, wel cum then to the best station that will get you wet all the time! That is Klit 96.9 The Rave with Prime Time Renee, hey when did our DJ take on Prime Time? Maybe because there is only one Prime Time Renee!” Nova ReBoot said in a positive tone.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v0e6rj/klit_969_the_rave_114_moanings_of_detention_dream